
Chapter 234

Chapter 234
In the middle of the night, Yi Tian, ​​Huo Chilian and the visitor confronted each other, and a few flashes of light flew towards the place where the two were located half a quarter of an hour ago.When he could see clearly who was coming, Yi Tiancai recognized that the weapon refiner Xiang Feiying was at the head, and there were two people behind him whom he didn't know.

On the other hand, Huo Chilian, who was at the side, had a stern look on his face. Most of all, he didn't know what the visitor intended, but it was obvious that he had been marked by someone, so he was precisely located.And in Heavenly Sword City, it's okay to say that anything can happen in the wilderness now.

The three people on the opposite side came galloping, and Xiang Feiying, who took the lead, was obviously taken aback when he saw that Yi Tian was also there.Then he slowly approached with two helpers, and the five people divided into three groups and confronted each other in the air.

Xiang Feiying lost to Huo Chilian at home this time, so naturally her face was dishonored.Furthermore, the puppets made by the craftsmen of the Zheng family are definitely not weaker than their own.This time I came here after Huo Chilian, but I didn't expect to meet Yi Tian here again, so the words I originally thought were useless.

After sweeping his eyes over the two, Xiang Feiying was sure that the two in front of him were definitely not together, and then he thought of it with a smile at the corner of his mouth.After three breaths, I heard him speak first: "Fellow Daoist Huo left in such a hurry, my little brother almost didn't have time to see you off."

Huo Chilian also replied indifferently: "I still have some private matters to attend to, so I haven't had time to say goodbye to Fellow Daoist Xiang. When we meet again next time, we must discuss the skill of refining weapons."

Xiang Feiying nodded with a smile, then turned to Yi Tian and said, "I don't know that Fellow Daoist Yi and Fellow Daoist Huo are familiar with each other, and talking about it in this barren mountain and wild place is so elegant that it doesn't lose its flavor."

"I just happened to pass by here. I have something to talk about, so I don't want to bother you, so I'm leaving." With the idea that one more thing is worse than one thing less, Yi Tian turned around and wanted to leave.

I also inquired about Xiang Feiying's details before. His family has three Golden Core monks, and to be honest, I don't want to provoke such a second-generation ancestor.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Feiying didn't speak, the entourage he brought spoke first: "You and Huo Chilian are together, you must be accomplices, don't leave, stay and speak clearly slowly."

The people here are all from Xiang Feiying's group. Usually, there is a family power in Tianjian City, and the others also avoid three points, so the young master brought out his temper after getting used to it.

"Xiang Yang, don't be rude. Fellow Daoist Yi is an enshrined member of the Zheng family, and he can be regarded as a member of the Excalibur sect," although Xiang Feiying interrupted, but his tone was flat and he didn't take the Zheng family seriously.

Seeing that there is no explanation for today's matter, Huo Chilian was about to turn around and leave, but unexpectedly, another follower behind Xiang Feiying jumped up and blocked the retreat.

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, what are you trying to do?"

Xiang Feiying smiled and said: "Senior Brother Wei is the leader of the seven absolute swords in the foundation building of the Divine Sword Sect. It is wishful thinking for the foundation building monks to escape from him."

Hearing these words, Yi Tiancai realized that Xing Yuan had mentioned before that there was a junior brother named Wei Xuanbai among the monks of the same generation, whose strength was close to him, and he could be regarded as the number two figure in the 'Seven Absolute Swords'.Turning around to look at the strength of this person's spiritual pressure breath, it is a little weaker than Xing Yuan, and should be on par with Dugu Ao, it seems that they are all guys who feel good about themselves, and they even borrowed Xing Yuan's name.

Just as Yi Tian was thinking, the side had already started to move.Huo Chilian used one against two against Wei Xuanbai and Xiang Yang, while Xiang Feiying locked his breath on himself.

Wei Xuanbai's kung fu in his hands is also amazing, his shot is like a mother-in-law sword, the big one mainly attacks the small one's main defense.And Xiang Yang was covering from the sidelines, holding a gong in his left hand, and beating a hammer in his right hand. The sound of the gong driven by aura surged the aura in his body, and it was slow to cast spells. Slowly became uncomfortable.

Huo Chilian was in a hurry right now, the two people in front of him were attacking and defending, cooperating with each other, and there was a helper standing on the side.And Yi Tian's current attitude is ambiguous, maybe he will explain it here.Huo Chilian took out the small five-element sword array, injected it with spiritual energy and quickly activated it. The five flying swords formed a sword net and stopped Wei Xuanbai's attacks.

Unexpectedly, the three of Xiang Feiying showed greedy expressions on their faces, especially Wei Xuanbai shouted after seeing the flying sword: "I will order this fifth-level spiritual weapon, and none of you will snatch it from me." Although the other two had expressions of unwillingness on their faces, they could only nod their heads in agreement.Next, the spells in everyone's hands were cast without reservation.

Seeing that Huo Chilian was beaten by two people, but he didn't show defeat, Yi Tian secretly admired him, this person definitely has a trump card.

Half a quarter later, guard Xuan Bai directly manipulated the mother-child sword to return to its position, then held the sword in his right hand, bit his fingertips and smeared a mouthful of blood on it.With a cry of "Wan Jian returns to the sect", he saw the flying sword spread out like a fan, and densely packed blades appeared in the middle.

Hundreds of illusory sword qis attacked Huo Chilian one after another, and Xiang Yang, who was standing by the side, also suddenly accelerated the frequency of beating the gong, with a look of pride on his face, and he kept shouting: "Let's Look how powerful the Excalibur sect is."

Seeing this, Huo Chilian retracted the spirit sword, then stretched out his hands and spit out two sparks from his mouth, instantly setting his hands on fire.Then he drew alternately with his hands in front of him, using a fire shield.

After three breaths, the invisible sword energy flew towards him, and Huo Chilian raised his shield in front of him, facing the sword energy without flinching.The two Xiang family brothers on the side also showed complacency, looked at Huo Chilian as if they were looking at a fool, and shouted: "The mantis's arms are beyond its control."

On the contrary, the expression on Yi Tian's face tightened for no reason, and he saw hundreds of white sword qi directly attacking the flame shield, and then they were all crushed by the rapidly rotating spiral.The spell used by Huo Chilian turned out to be Li Huo Zong's Spiral Fire Shield, no wonder he dared to make such a big deal.

Seeing the three members of the Excalibur sect present here, they were also very surprised, especially Wei Xuan, who showed embarrassment on his white face. Although he had only practiced the "Wan Jian Gui Zong" move to the level of Xiaocheng, he knew how powerful it was.Blocked by Huo Chilian's defensive spell, Wei Xuanbai's face was naturally dull, and then he looked at the other party with an even more unkind expression. After three breaths, he turned to Xiang Feiying and said, "I want all the spells on this person." gone."

"Whatever, but give us a copy."

At this time, Huo Chilian was also dripping with sweat on his forehead, the two people in front of him were not easy to deal with, not to mention there was another one who was eyeing him, the only hope was Yi Tian who was on the sidelines with an ambiguous attitude.

After looking at the situation in front of him, Huo Chilian hurriedly said: "Yi Daoyou, do you think they will let you go today, just waiting to be punished, the next one will be you, why don't you and I rush out together, and what else is there?" A ray of life."

Now that Xiang Feiying and the others heard the words, they also locked their spiritual consciousness on the two of them at the same time, for fear that the other party would be caught off guard by a sudden violent attack.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian just smiled and said to Xiang Feiying: "Will fellow Daoist Xiang disregard the wishes of his fellow disciples?"

"Of course not, Fellow Daoist Yi," before Xiang Feiying could finish speaking, she saw four wooden thorns flying straight towards her.Yi Tian's sneak attack was too sudden, and Xiang Feiying didn't have time to reply, so he opened the protective cover to the maximum and used his feet to dodge the attack.

The three wooden thorns almost flew over the protective cover, shaking the whole person a few times, and before Xiang Feiying came back to her senses, she saw the fourth wooden thorn directly piercing through the defense for the first time The ground pierced into his shoulder, and Xiang Feiying, who was bleeding suddenly, uttered a pig-killing cry.

The accident came too suddenly, and the other two didn't react, so they were attacked by Yi Tian.Then Huo Chilian once again sacrificed the Five Elements Sword Formation and surrounded Wei Xuanbai.

Now that he made the move, Yi Tian didn't intend to keep his life alive, so he quickly sacrificed a ghost face flower seed and a few nanmu seeds with his hands, and then harassed Xiang Feiying with fireball symbols one after another.

The situation turned into a three-on-two situation. Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, Xiang Feiying hurriedly yelled at Xiang Yang: "Come back and help me." He took out a white hood to cover his whole body and defended himself.

Seeing that he succeeded in one blow, Yi Tian naturally didn't want to wait any longer, with a series of seals on his hands, a few vines sprang out with a 'swish' and entwined towards Xiang Yang.

Abandoning the bronze gong in his hand, Xiang Yang also took out a flying sword. Seeing the few vines, he just sneered, and cast a magic formula, pointed at the flying sword, and immediately faced the flying vines strip.

Under the clash of the two, the flying sword did not cut off the cane, but was entangled all of a sudden.Before Xiang Yang could turn around, Yi Tian flew up, and a vine vein as thick as an arm appeared in his hand to entangle Xiang Yang.Although there was resistance from the protective cover, the rattan wrapped around it became tighter and tighter, and within ten breaths the protective cover was shredded, and Xiang Yang's body was twisted and exploded.

Xiang Feiying, who was on the side, was in a hurry when he saw this, and hurriedly took out the iron-cutting sword, pouring spiritual energy into his hand, and slashed at the surrounding vines.Unexpectedly, a bucket of ghost-faced flower buds rose from behind him and covered his head.

After the ghost face flower swallowed Xiang Feiying, Yi Tian hurriedly pinched the magic formula to close the net.

Suddenly the sound of 'Zi Zi' came from the bud, and then several golden lights shone, tearing the whole ghost face flower into several petals.Xiang Feiying fled out of it panting, holding a spiritual weapon equipped with a sword talisman in her hand, but her expression was sluggish, as if her spiritual power had been overdrawn.After getting out of trouble, Xiang Feiying fled towards Tianjian City in a hurry, and shouted: "Boy, I, the Xiang family, will never end with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yi Tian's whole body flashing with blue and red aura, and he jumped up suddenly, his speed was more than twice as fast as Xiang Feiying's, and he blocked the opponent's retreat in three breaths.

Then, both hands threw out wooden spikes again and again. Seeing that the speed was not dominant, Xiang Feiying had no choice but to bite the bullet and hold on, opening the defensive spiritual weapon to the maximum to protect it in front of her body.

I saw Yi Tian pointing his finger, and the wooden thorn ignited a little bit of fire, and the wooden thorn that was originally resisted by the hood now pierced Xiang Feiying directly like cutting tofu.

A flash of 'bang' flashed, and the sword energy condensed by a sword talisman struck towards Yi Tian. Accompanied by the sound of howling wind, the mighty power left a three-foot-deep sword mark on the entire Luomapo.It's a pity that Xiang Feiying lost his aim due to serious injuries. It seemed to be comparable to a full-strength blow from a monk in the middle stage of Jindan, but he missed it alive.

After jumping up to collect the storage bracelets of the two, Yi Tian separated his fingers a little, and the two fireballs destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces.

(End of this chapter)

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