
Chapter 2251 Seduction

Chapter 2251 Seduction
After a while of doing business with Yan Qiu, the two finally put aside their prejudices and temporarily formed an alliance.From his mouth, it turns out that You Ming Boy and Wu Jue have been connected together for a long time.

Their thoughts surprised Yi Tian deeply, after being affected by the Zhenling Orb, their minds and souls had different ideas.This time they wanted to find the innate spiritual plant at the eye of the eight formations of stone soldiers in the fragments of the fairy world, and then rebuild their bodies.In this way, the connection between his divine soul and the main soul is directly cut off.In this way, they can get rid of the constraints of the main soul and become a new individual.

Especially Wu Jue, once he succeeds as a true immortal in the lower realm, he will definitely be able to continue to cultivate to the level of Dacheng.At that time, there will be another storm in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

From Yan Qiu's mouth, I learned that it was the Nether boy who asked him to follow Wu Jue to the eye of the formation to find Xiantian Lingzhi.And his deity is really going to search for "One Yuan True Water" in Beishui'kan' palace.Yi Tian had never seen this precious material before, and he could only find its source from the sect's classics, but after savoring it carefully, he could be sure of the intentions of You Ming Boy and Wu Jue.

"One Yuan True Water" is extremely precious, and it is a rare water source in the fairy world that can wash and transform the spirit of the fairy.Needless to say, the Nether boy definitely wanted to use the characteristics of this treasure to completely wash away the remaining aura of the original madness on his body.In this way, when performing the 'Secret Art of Severing Soul', it is possible to completely cut off the connection with the mad soul.

At this point, Yi Tian knew that there was not much time left for him. If the Nether boy succeeded, he would join Wu Jue. At that time, he would face the two of them at the same time, and he was not fully sure that he could take them down at the same time.

After thinking about it, Shi Jinming and Wan Gang should be summoned first. Although they don't know where they are at this time, they must be trapped in the 'Eight Stone Soldiers Formation'.

Only after reuniting with them can the four-on-two team be sure to keep the Nether Boy and Wu Jue at the same time.

In order to enter the formation area where the Beishui'kan' Palace is located, Yi Tian and the two must want to find the true spirit of the formation here.Calculate the strength of the blue lion that I saw before must be so strong.

The three of them teamed up before to try to overwhelm it, but now that Wu Jue, the main combat force, was missing, Yi Tian thought about relying on the strength of the formation to trap the green lion.After searching for the whereabouts of the green lion, Yi Tian didn't do it directly, but found a suitable place to set up his formation and settled down first.Then he let Yan Qiu control the array, and went to lure the green lion into the urn by himself.

Flying in the air, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the extreme, and only slowly lowered his escapism outside the lion's nest cave in the valley hundreds of miles away, and sneaked into it quietly.

There is a soaring demon energy spreading in the valley here, its intensity surpasses all the monster clans that I can see in the demon world, even Meng Xin from the Huofeng clan is far behind.

Thinking in his heart that he did not find the wrong place, Yi Tian touched the cliff and fell not far from the entrance of the lion's nest cave, but saw two young green lions of about eighth level playing there.As for the adult green lion who had fought before, there was no sign of it.

Yi Tian didn't dare to release his spiritual thoughts for fear of scaring the snake, but locked the positions of the two green lions with his eyes.Then quietly reached out and took out the animal skin collar.This thing is exactly the 'Beast Controlling Collar' that was unearthed from the secret storehouse of the Nether Emperor in the Huangquan Clan's resident in the Hell Realm.

Although this thing was only used to enslave the hell three-headed dog clan, after a detailed analysis, Yi Tian re-engraved a similar spirit treasure.

The spirit weapon pattern engraved on this 'beast control collar' seems to be specially designed to deal with those beasts, although Yi Tian has not tried it, but now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, so it can only be used temporarily to try it out first.If it works, that's the best, if it doesn't work, I have my own backup.

After thinking about it, gently inject spiritual power into the 'Beast Control Collar', and the spirit pattern pattern on it is slowly activated, and the original half-foot-sized collar slowly shrinks to a golden halo the size of a fist.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pushed it, and said in his mouth: "Go." The golden light group flew out in response to the sound, circled around the valley, and then passed behind the two lion cubs.

It may be that the beast's instinct to predict the crisis reminded the two lion cubs that they were already on alert before the 'beast control collar' flew over.Immediately separated, they evacuated to the left and right, and made a detour towards the gate of the Lion's Nest Cave.

Sure enough, even though these lion cubs are still underage, they are still eighth-level monsters, and their mental maturity is about the same as that of normal adults.After anticipating the coming of the crisis, they didn't mess up their positions, but retreated separately so that they wouldn't be caught by others.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly in the distance, and he never expected that the two cubs would react so quickly.However, their cultivation base is the biggest shortcoming, and it is almost impossible for the eighth-level monsters to calmly leave in front of them.

Then the hand seal changed again, controlling the golden halo to sweep towards the back of the lion cub on the left.He has already made a rough evaluation of the strength of the two cubs before, so Yi Tian naturally knows how to be picky.The 'Beast Taming Collar' changed direction and flew towards the lion cub's head immediately after being controlled.After less than three breaths, he had already caught up from behind, Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and at the same time, he didn't stop pressing it lightly, and saw the golden light falling forward, just right on the neck of the fleeing lion cub superior.

After a successful blow, Yi Tian's whole body showed great inspiration, and with a 'swish' sound, the whole body left an afterimage on the spot.When the figure reappeared, it was already standing behind the lion cub.He stretched out his hand and lightly grabbed the 'beast control collar' and hugged the lion cub into his arms.

Then he turned around and walked away without looking back. At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body unreservedly opened and returned to the intensity of the peak in the later stage of fusion, sacrificed the light and flew straight towards the direction when he came.

In the air, he just flew tens of miles away, only to hear a loud noise from the Lion's Nest Valley behind him, and then a monster aura shot straight into the sky from behind.Yi Tian ran forward without looking back, and looked down at the lion cub he was holding around his waist, only to see a 'Beast Control Collar' around its neck.Under the suppression of this spirit weapon, the lion cub seemed to be full of fear of himself, and did not dare to make any resistance movements.

No wonder the patriarch of the hell three-headed dog tribe, Poyu, was so nervous about this thing. Emotions are the nemesis of those beasts.Moreover, it can also suppress its soul, and it will also create an infinite sense of dependence while growing a sense of awe towards the master.

In this way, Yi Tian walked all the way to the position where the formation was set up, flew into it and stood still at the eye of the formation, and then hurriedly stretched out his hand and raised his hand to send out a spiritual light to notify Yan Qiu who was lurking in the sky.

After three breaths, there was suddenly an unknown wind blowing all around, and then several gusts of wind blew all around the ground, covering an area with a radius of ten miles, hiding Yi Tian's figure in it.

But in less than ten breaths, Yi Tian heard a few low-pitched roars from the air, and then a cyan halo fell from the sky and directly broke into the wind gust.

Within a range of tens of miles, Yi Tian could sense a lot of evil spirit mixed in the gust of wind around him, but even so, the opponent was blocked by the formation and couldn't find the location of his true self for a while.

After thinking about it, he moved his figure and flashed several times in succession, gradually opening the distance between himself and the opponent.Although he couldn't use his divine sense to detect it, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the green lion didn't seem to be thrown away by him.On the contrary, his movements were not slow at all, and the more and more evil spirit mixed in the gust of wind proved that the opponent was constantly approaching him.

Thinking about myself, there should be no mark of being chased by the other party, only the lion cub in my arms.After thinking about it in his heart, he immediately realized that the other party must be looking for the child's breath to lock his range.After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled slightly, and lightly threw the lion cub in his hand to the ground.

But he dodged a hundred feet away, offering the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand, and waited quietly.

After three breaths, a black shadow of Dao Zhang Xu Gao suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and then he saw a green-haired lion in the black camp breaking through the wind gust and running straight towards the position of the lion cub.

Yi Tian could see clearly that the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand was sacrificed, and it shone fiercely against the black shadow.A large number of Liyan real fire sacrifices flashed across the void and greeted the green lion.At the same time, the green lion was the first to realize that it was being attacked by someone, and turned around, opened its mouth and spit out a blue light ball to meet its Liyan real fire.

Yi Tian saw it clearly and frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that what the green-haired lion spit out was the pure 'Nanming Lihuo'.This kind of real flame is considered to be the purest flame in Luo Tianxian Palace, after the two real flames intersect, they make a 'ZiZi' sound.

Suddenly, two green flames appeared in the middle of the closed formation and attacked together, instantly blowing away the surrounding wind gusts.It's just that the two green flames are glued together and appear to be on par. After a few breaths, the two magic powers are exhausted before giving up.

A little later, the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' held in Yi Tian's right hand waved again, but his left hand was alone on the fingertips of the index finger, sacrificed a ray of purple flames of thunder flames, and then quietly concealed it into the void.

The blue lion on the opposite side didn't gain the upper hand in one move, but it stopped paying attention to Yi Tian, ​​turned its head and rushed towards the position of the young lion.Right before it was about to join the lion cub, a thick wind wall suddenly rose in front of him, separating it and the cub directly.

It was Yan Qiu, who was hiding in the sky, who made the move. He played with the array for a long time, so naturally he had some experience in how to control it.Seeing that Yi Tian and Qingshi were evenly divided with one move, they secretly helped each other.

After the wind wall blew past, the green lion could not easily move forward half a step. The howling gust instantly separated the space below into two spaces of different sizes.

A deep cry roared out of Qingshi's mouth again, only to hear him growl: "You earth immortals from the lower world dare to hit me on the head, you really don't know what to do. Let you see the immortals The wrath of the spirit body."

After speaking, the green lion moved all over, and after a large amount of fairy power gathered around the whole body, it undoubtedly showed the initial stage of Mahayana cultivation.Then it opened its mouth and protruded from the center of the group'Nanming Lihuo' to gather into a blue flame and then attached to the body around.

After three breaths, the blue lion turned into a flaming lion, stretched out its two front paws, and slapped fiercely at the wind wall in front of it. There was a sound of "hua la hua la", and the originally thick wind wall was forcibly broken by two cyan lion claws.It's just that when the green lion looked at the scene in front of him again, he found that the cub that was lying on the ground was nowhere to be seen.

Looking back at Yi Tian at this time, he was still standing there, as if he had no intention of making a move.The green lion opened its mouth and roared again: "Where did you send my child, don't send it back quickly, otherwise I will let you know what will happen to me if you mess with me."

The voice was mixed with the coercion of the lion's roar, shaking Yan Qiu's ears so high above the sky that his ears were numb, he felt dizzy as if he had been slammed by someone, and he almost couldn't hold the array in his hand.

The spiritual power in the body quickly circulated to get rid of the timidity in his heart before he stabilized his position.He also listened to the real thing above the sky, but he couldn't directly intervene in what happened below. He could only use the array disk to control the cub to the side according to Yi Tian's voice transmission. .

Then I heard Yi Tian's sound transmission voice saying: "Yan Daoyou, please maintain the formation, and wait for me to deal with this green lion."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, please act quickly, I'm afraid I won't last long," Yan Qiu hurriedly replied.

As soon as Yan Qiu finished speaking, he noticed that there had been a change in the formation, and an incomparably torrential spiritual pressure fluctuation rose leisurely, and its intensity was no less than that emanating from the green lion.

So far, Yan Qiu's eyes showed a look of shock that he had never seen before, and he found that this wave of spiritual pressure was emanating from Yi Tian.Different from when Wu Jue raised his cultivation level to the early stage of Mahayana before, the cultivation level displayed by Yi Tian at this time is not at all as if he had forcibly raised it by using secret magic powers.The spiritual pressure fluctuations in the whole body are strong and very natural, stable and solid.The astonishment in Yan Qiu's eyes flashed away, and then he glanced at Yi Tian's deity with envious eyes, showing a little awe at the same time.

At this time, he didn't know that Yi Tian in front of him was already a genuine early Mahayana monk.Although I don't know why Yi Tian deliberately concealed it, Yan Qiu couldn't feel the slightest disobedience in his heart at this time.

The sound of 'bang bang bang' pulled Yan Qiu's thoughts back to reality, and the battle below had already begun.

The green lion stepped back and gathered momentum, and then suddenly pounced on Yi Tian's true self, and cut Yi Tian's body apart with its claws.But at the next moment, Yi Tian's deity appeared not far behind it, looking at him with a playful face.

Yi Tian said with a smile: "I thought there was something special about your fairy pet, but in the end it's nothing more than mediocre."

"Nonsense, even if your strength reaches the peak of the Earth Immortal, you may not be able to deal with me," Qingshi roared.

"Believe it or not, I can directly subdue you without entanglement with you," Yi Tian said without reason.

The green lion was stunned, and sneered again and again: "Could it be that you earth immortals can only brag, if I am serious, you can't even touch the body of the deity, and you dare to say subdue me without shame."

(End of this chapter)

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