
Chapter 2252 Uniform

Chapter 2252 Uniform
In the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', Yi Tian set up the formation and asked Yan Qiu to preside over the formation, while he quietly sneaked into the Lion's Nest Valley and took away the cubs directly, using this as bait to lure the young lions into the bait.

Later, as soon as Yi Tian entered the formation with his front foot and set it up again, the green lion followed up with his back foot.After fighting with him in the formation, Yi Tian discovered that the opponent could actually cast the supernatural spells in Luo Tianxian Palace.And it doesn't seem to be weak, the Liyan supernatural power cast by the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan held in his hand is actually as powerful as the Liyan spit out of its mouth.

Later, the green lion also took out supernatural powers, and the 'Nanming Lihuo' spit out from its mouth attached to its body and wrapped itself up.Yi Tian was stunned when he saw it so clearly, he didn't expect that what the green lion cast was very similar to the 'True Firework Armor' in Luo Tianxian Palace.

To put it bluntly, this is exactly the same as the "True Firework Armor" that I actually fought.However, the power of the 'Nanming Lihuo' that the other party said was not as strong as the Liyan supernatural power cultivated by himself, so after seeing it, Yi Tian felt hesitant.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body quietly spread out. At this time, Yi Tian found that it was difficult to suppress the opponent with his peak cultivation in the later stage of integration.For now, the only way to suppress the opponent is to use the same strength to shoot.

When the real cultivation base appeared on his body, he shocked Yan Qiu who was manipulating the array above the sky. At this time, after scanning down with his divine sense, he found that Yi Tian's cultivation base was a real Mahayana stage. Monk no doubt.

In this way, while Yan Qiu was feeling emotional, he also showed various strange gazes in his eyes, which contained endless envy, jealousy and admiration.

Yi Tian naturally wouldn't notice the change in Yan Qiu's complexion in the formation, but at this moment, his hands were quickly forming seals and muttering words.

Facing the green lion, he said without any fear: "As long as you quickly surrender to me, I can let you go, otherwise don't blame me for subduing you."

"Boy, just use what you have." Qingshi replied coldly: "An immortal like you is worthy of my submission. It's wishful thinking."

Seeing him being so arrogant, Yi Tian shook his head, curled his mouth and said, "Then I won't be impolite, you just accept the move." After finishing the last seal in his hands, he pointed at the green lion. He swallowed and shouted: "The red lotus is on fire, and Luo Tian returns to his throne."

After saying that, I saw a red flame igniting from the green lion's body, which immediately burned it and screamed.It turned out that the red flame was stirred up from the bell on the blue lion's neck.The inscription imprint on the bell showed a faint purple appearance, but its color was very similar to the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' that was sacrificed in Yi Tian's hand before.

Only the green lion howled: "It turns out that you are a member of the immortal sect, no wonder you can control this 'pocket fire bell'."

"Hmph, I gave you a chance earlier in the morning," Yi Tian said lightly, "Your 'Nanming Lihuo' practiced well, but it's a pity that the fire is not ready. I will hide a trace of true flames in your Nanming Lihuo , directly attached to the 'Fire Bell' while you are recuperating, this Immortal Palace treasure can only be opened by disciples of the direct lineage, even if my cultivation base is only in the early stage of Mahayana, it is enough to use this treasure."

After hearing the words, Qingshi's face was ashamed, and after taking back the 'Li Yan Zhen Huo' on his body, he hurriedly bowed his head and said: "Please let me go, this 'Pocket Fire Bell' is extremely powerful and restrains me too much. If things go on like this, my cultivation will definitely be left behind."

Hearing this, Yitian stretched out his hand and pointed at the 'Pocket Fire Bell' lightly: "Because you have guarded the formation here for the sect for tens of thousands of years, you have worked hard without merit, now I will let you go .It’s just that I need to enter the boundary of the Beishui’kan’ palace at this time, and if I want to escape from the area of ​​the ‘Stone Soldiers Eight Formation’, I have to find the guard of the formation spirit and let it open the passage.”

In an instant, all the red lotus flames surrounding the green lion were taken back into the 'Fire Bell', leaving only a scorched smell in the air, which should be left over from the red lotus fire that ignited the green lion. down the smell.

Seeing that the besieged red lotus karmic fire was all put away, the blue lion looked relaxed, and then wrote Lingxiu stretched out his two front paws and folded his hands together and arched: "Thank you for your kindness, forgive me for the crime of disrespect, Xiao Ke knows what His Majesty said just now, so I will open the passage and let you pass."

After speaking, the green lion stood up, stretched out its front paws and gently touched the 'fire bell' on its neck, and activated it after spitting out a green flame from its mouth.

A cyan aura shot out from the 'Fire Bell', and immediately opened a three-foot gap in the void ten feet away in front of him.There is a lot of power of immortality pouring out of it, and Yi Tian carefully discerned with his divine sense that it really contains a lot of water spirit power.

When he was about to enter, he suddenly heard the green lion say: "I wonder if your lord can treat my son well?"

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and then he thought that he had also taken hostages, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.Speaking of hijacking the lion cub this time, it was a last resort, so he reached out and made a move, and a light flashed through the air and flew in front of him to ask about it. When the golden light faded, a green lion cub appeared.

"In this way, I will let the son go, and you can take him away," Yi Tian stretched out his hand to seal the seal and cast a spell to remove the 'Beast Control Collar' around the lion cub's neck.

Unexpectedly, the green lion hastily stopped and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to do this, what I mean is to let my son follow you."

"Why is this?" Yi Tian asked with a look of surprise on his face.

"Since your lord has practiced the secret art of the fairy palace, you must be a direct disciple of the sect, and I see that your luck will be long and you will be able to ascend to the fairyland in the future, and even bring this piece of fairyland back to the Luotian fairyland," Qingshi said. Said.

"Oh, why are you so sure that I can do this?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

The green lion didn't reply directly, but just set his eyes on the young lion in front of him, his eyes were full of kindness.Shaoqing sighed and said: "Actually, I was troubled by this 'eight stone formations' and couldn't escape, but I hope my descendants will no longer be bound by this. What's more, although the situation in this world is different from that in the fairy world, The difference is almost the same, but it is still just a fragment of the fairy world and will never come out."

Seeing the flickering eyes of the green lion, Yi Tian was also a little stunned. This sounded reasonable, but the green lion in front of him still seemed a little insincere.From his words, it can be known that the fragment of the fairy palace here is just a part of Luo Tian's fairy world.And in the future, if you are lucky enough to fly to the fairy world and become the Great Luo Jinxian, you can use your supreme magic power to retrieve all these fairy world fragments left in the spirit world one by one.

In this way, Yi Tian couldn't help but have a secret question in his heart, why can Qingshi come to this conclusion?After thinking about it, he smiled lightly and said: "I don't know if I will be the same person as Xia Fengxia, the head seat of the 'Qi Society' of Naluotian Immortal Palace."

Originally, these words were intended to deceive the green lion, so as to see what valuable information it would reveal.Unexpectedly, when he mentioned the name of 'Xia Feng', Qingshi's face showed panic, and after looking at himself, he said submissively: "I shouldn't reveal these things, you should find the answer yourself .Besides, 'Xia Shouzuo' is amazing. If I say something that should not be said, I will definitely get backlash."

"Okay, I understand your answer," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I won't embarrass you anymore, just take your child with you. It just so happens that I have a spiritual pet by my side, so I can still have vacancies."

After all, after performing the 'Master-Servant Contract' with the seal of both hands, a purple light spot flew out from the forehead and circled in the air before landing on the face of the green lion cub. After three breaths, it sank directly Its forehead is in the middle.This purple light source contains a ray of essence of Yi Tian's real fire "Thunder Flame Purple Flame". In this way, the "Master-Servant Contract" written by the real flame of this life can not only be powerful, but also indirectly transform one's personality It subtly affects the spiritual pet.Over time, the relationship between oneself and the spiritual pet can become intimate.

The green lion cub had been controlled by the 'Beast Control Collar' before, and at this moment he had no intention of resisting Yi Tian at all.Just accepting the 'master-servant contract' dully, Shao Qing showed a sign of 'red lotus karma' on the cub's forehead, but its color was dark purple.It is the color of Yi Tian's natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan'.

At the same time, Yi Tian suddenly received a lot of information in his mind, which was the feedback from the young lion pet.It took ten breaths of time for Yi Tian to digest all the news, and it turned out that this lion cub was born in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'.Speaking of which, it all happened after the fragments of Luo Tian's Immortal Realm collapsed.

Because of this, the information it can feed back does not have much effect on itself.

Then Yi Tian lowered his head to look at the blue lion in front of him, and saw a faint purple in the original blue fur on its body after a flash of spiritual light flashed all over its body.Scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that it was the wisp of purple "thunder flame and purple flame" after signing the "master-servant contract" with himself that gradually affected the young lion himself.

The 'Beast Control Collar' originally worn by the lion cub turned into a golden light and flew back to Yi Tian's hand.He stretched out his hand and retrieved the 'Beast Control Collar' and put it in the storage ring. Yi Tian never thought of using this spirit treasure on his spirit pet.

Although this 'Beast Control Collar' has an absolute suppression effect on beast spirit pets, this kind of suppression will only make the soul pets have inexplicable fear and absolute obedience.

This is not the result I want. Speaking of which, I really have a completely different personality from the former Emperor Youming, so the way I deal with these matters is also completely different.

What Yi Tian wants is that these spiritual pets can be sincerely convinced, and they can be used by him even if they leave his side in the future, so that they won't have tens of thousands of years of resentment towards the former Nether Emperor like the hell three-headed dog clan.

After doing this, I saw the lion cub walking towards him with a figure of eight stride, shaking his head.After reaching the heel, it slowly stuck up, as if it was a constant show of favor.Yi Tian smiled and nodded, "So I'll give you a title."

"That's really grateful, my lord," the green lion in front of him hastily echoed, "I thought I was a spiritual pet in the fairy world of Luotian Xiangong and never had the chance to be named, but now my son has won this honor. No less than me."

"Most of the lion tribes in the demon world use the word 'Roar' as their surname, but I have had a bad relationship with the lion tribe before, so I don't take these words anymore." They are all from the Qingshi family, so let Qing be their surname, and it can be called 'Qingling'."

The green-haired lion shook his head and said: "This name sounds too delicate, and it is far from my son's personality."

Seeing this, Yi Tian casually said: "If that's the case, how about calling it 'Qin Lin'? The two are homophonic to show that we don't forget the origin."

Without waiting for the green lion to reply, the young lion under its feet nodded and replied in a childlike voice: "Okay, thank you for the name, master. From now on, I will be called 'Qin Lin'."

Now that the parties involved are all involved, as his father, Qing Shi naturally has no objections anymore.Yi Tian took out a beast sac and put it in his waist, and then turned to Qin Lin and said, "Although you are my spiritual pet, you still need to abide by my rules. You can practice in the beast sac on weekdays. If there is a chance, I will let you out to let the wind go."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to Qin Lin at his feet, turning it into a bluish-purple aura, and then flew directly into the beast-controlling sac.Shen Sense reached out and carefully probed. At this time, Qin Lin was sleeping soundly in the beast-controlling bag.For these monsters, sleeping is actually a part of cultivation. Some of them can improve their strength by one level when they are asleep. This is also the characteristic of their racial talent.

At this time, a figure descended from the sky and it was Yan Qiu who was controlling the formation disk, and with a slight push in his hand, the formation disk was sent over.His eyes glanced at the green lion and its cubs in front of him, and then the look of naked envy and jealousy flashed across his eyes.He is also a sensible person who knows that this opportunity does not belong to him, so he can only feast his eyes on it.

Then Yan Qiu hurriedly said: "Friend Daoist Yi, we are short on time. Since the channel of the formation is opened, let's go there quickly, and there will be changes if it is too late."

"Yan Daoyou's words are very true," Yi Tian recalled that there was a hint of worry on the face of You Ming Boy.But it's useless to be anxious, everything has to go to Beishui'kan' Palace, it depends on the situation.

But Yi Tian also noticed that Yan Qiu's attitude towards him had changed at this time. Needless to say, he was able to do this because he witnessed himself showing his cultivation in the Mahayana stage from a high altitude.Even if I restrain my cultivation base again now, it will not help, after all, what is different from Wu Jue is that I have a real cultivation base.No matter how dumb Yan Qiu is, he will not be so stupid as to be so ignorant.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Let's go." After speaking, he flew directly into the formation channel, and Yan Qiu hurriedly followed after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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