
Chapter 2254 Fishing for profit

Chapter 2254 Fishing for profit
After finally coming to Beishui'kan' palace, I didn't expect that it was a world of ice and snow.In this endless world of ice and snow, Yi Tian and Yan Qiu couldn't tell the direction, and without a tracking target, the two lost their way for a while.

But fortunately, Yan Qiu still has the communication talisman given by the Nether Boy, using this communication talisman, he can easily find the direction of the Nether Boy.

In this formation, the divine sense cannot extend to a radius of five hundred miles, and Yi Tian found that his divine sense could barely reach such a range.But Yan Qiu behind him is not the case, he is only half of himself at most.It is expected that the Nether boy is not much stronger than Yan Qiu.

Not long after flying over, Yi Tian discovered that there were violent spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the edge of the spiritual exploration.Spiritual Mind searched quickly and found that it seemed that Nether Boy was attacking something.Later, when his divine sense swept over his opponent again, he realized that it was a water unicorn.

I didn't expect that the array spirit guarding the 'Kan' Palace turned out to be such a fairy beast.Speaking of which, the strength of this water unicorn is not strong, and it is almost between the late stage of fusion and the early stage of Mahayana.It's just that in this environment, geographical factors have increased the power of his exercises by more than [-]%.

Yi Tian is also very clear in his heart that his natal skills are restricted everywhere in this icy and snowy environment, and it seems that he can't use [-]% of his magical powers.If you really want to make a move, I'm afraid it will be hard to please that water unicorn.

In this way, Yi Tian had an idea in his mind. Wherever the divine mind went, he found that there was a blue deep pool under the place where the Nether boy and the water unicorn fought.And there seemed to be some good treasures left at the bottom of the deep pool, and it didn't take much to think that it should be the 'One Yuan True Water'.

Although Yi Tian has never seen such a treasure, the description found from the Zongmen Secret Code is very consistent.The 'One Yuan True Water' is the essence of the water, and it contains a lot of fairy power, which can cleanse the soul and remove all the original traces.It is usually used by high-level monks to erase the original true spirit and soul when refining the avatar.

But now these avatars are also used to erase the imprint left by the main body. It is ironic to say that such a treasure is used to remove the imprint of the soul in the end. Both the deity and the avatar are vying to try it.

Yi Tian knew it in his heart, and then he informed Yan Qiu who was behind him and said his thoughts, but Yan Qiu had reservations about it and thought for a while before replying: "Friend Daoist Yi, it's not that I don't want to go down, it's just that I don't want to go down in that water." In front of Qilin and Nether Boy, I have to think carefully if I want to protect myself. Besides, I am not good at fighting in water, why don't I think of other ways?"

"So, I won't make it difficult for you, how about this, you go to help the Nether boy and try to delay me for a while," Yi Tian thought for a while and continued: "As long as you can delay them for a while, I can take them Go to the 'One Yuan True Water' under the deep pool."

"That's okay, but Daoist Yi has to hurry up. I can only last a quarter of an hour at most, otherwise I will change if I am too late, and maybe I will show my feet," Yan Qiu hurriedly replied.

"A quarter of an hour is almost enough," Yi Tian thought for a while before saying, "But you have to beware of Nether Boy at all times. Since this guy has a different intention, he will definitely attack by any means. If you see that the situation is not good, you should get out of the battle circle and hide aside as soon as possible." .”

After finishing speaking, he took out a magic talisman and handed it over the air: "This is the 'Dragon Turtle Defense Talisman' I refined. You can hold it and sacrifice it in front of you if you encounter any crisis. This kind of magic talisman is the same as yours. The skill attribute will not cause any conflict, once activated, you can sacrifice the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of you to defend, and it is more than enough to resist the full blow of the Nether boy."

Yan Qiu was overjoyed when he heard the words, although he had a lot of defensive skills and spiritual treasures, but there were not many that could do what he described.In this way, it is equivalent to giving him a life-saving talisman, at least he can continue to deal with the Nether boy and the water unicorn for a while.

The two separated quietly after some calculations in the air. Yi Tian restrained his breath and fell vertically to a distance of five feet above the ground before stabilizing his figure.Then, under the environment of the ice sea and snow field, it quietly dived towards the distant area where the Nether boy and the water unicorn fought.

After reaching a hundred feet, he could only hear the continuous sounds in the air coming out again, and then a black ray of light flew from the high altitude behind him.Suddenly the voices in the air stopped, needless to say, it was Yan Qiu who arrived in time for 'reinforcement' and made You Ming Boy feel relieved.

Then I heard two violent spiritual pressure fluctuations at the same time above the sky. It should be that Yan Qiu and You Ming Boy shot at the water unicorn at the same time after they got on the line.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Yi Tian smiled slightly, but his figure rushed towards the deep pool above the ground without hesitation.After three breaths, he flew to a height of two feet above the water surface, but after that, he felt a bone-chilling chill rising from the pool below.

After the spiritual power in his body was circulating rapidly, Yi Tian fell headlong into the water silently.

After entering the deep pool, Yi Tian only felt that the surrounding temperature dropped below freezing point in an instant, and a bone-piercing chill came from all around, making him shiver involuntarily.The spiritual power in the body circulated rapidly, forming a blue protective shield on the surface of the body.After a while, Yi Tian felt the chill on his body slowly fade away.

Then Yi Tian jumped to the bottom of the deep pool and swam quickly, saying that he didn't have much time left, God knows how much time Yan Qiu can delay for himself.

It's just that the temperature around him drops faster as he goes downstream, which forces Yi Tian to increase his output of spiritual power in order to maintain the protective shield on his body.

After about a hundred breaths, Yi Tian felt that the soles of his feet had finally touched the bottom of the deep pool, and after swimming forward for a while, he came to the area where the foreign object was located.It's just that the strength of the water flow around here is obviously different from other places. Yi Tian looked carefully and found that the water flow here seems to be constantly rotating clockwise around the blue water mass in the middle.

In the core of the water mass was a blue liquid the size of a longan. After looking at it, Yi Tian had already decided in his heart that it was 'One Yuan True Water'.Unexpectedly, the "one yuan real water" stored here has been condensed into a three-inch longan-sized sample, which can only be gathered after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation.

Speaking of which, if he rashly took all of them away, I'm afraid the water unicorn would die with him forever.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face was full of helplessness, he reached out and took out the Jingling bottle, and gently sacrificed it in his hand.Then manipulated to place it on the top of the 'one-element real water', and at the same time, under the fast seal of both hands, raised a spiritual light to split the water flow around the 'one-element real water', and then passed two blue water balls. Second-rate.

"噗嗤噗嗤" sounded twice, and as the aura passed over the "One Yuan True Water", three drops of real water were hung on the water balls, and then they were sent into the mouth of the Jingling bottle above.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly drew back the spirit purification bottle. At the same time, he only heard the neighing sound of the water unicorn above his head, and then a roar came from above: "You guys! These people dare to touch the treasures of this seat rashly, you must know that this is not something that you earth immortals can want to use, so give it back to me."

After the sound came, I saw a flash of light falling from the air above the water surface and then swimming towards his position.

Under the water, Yi Tian knew that his magical powers could not exert its due power, so facing the water unicorn's pursuit, he didn't show any panic at all.Gently took out the Dao Spirit Talisman in his hand, raised it lightly, and after a while, Dao's figure appeared and swam towards the distance rapidly.

At the same time, he withdrew his breath and flew in the opposite direction. After three breaths, he found that the water unicorn really changed direction and rushed straight to the position where his 'puppet stand-in' was.

Seeing that the water unicorn's attention was drawn away so smoothly, Yi Tianna would still miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. One jumped up and speeded up the escape speed, slowly released the aura on his body, and then jumped up to use the escape technique to rise vertically from under the water surface. In an instant, it broke through the water and flew into the air.

After coming to the top of the pool, the cold feeling around him gradually faded away, Yi Tian only felt his whole body warmed up, and then put away the defensive cover.

In the air not far away, there was a surprised cry, which came from the mouth of the Nether boy.It's just that his face at this time is extremely ugly, staring at Yi Tian who escaped from the pool below, and after looking at Yi Tian, ​​a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and then he roared: "Okay, I didn't expect that this move you played really It’s so powerful that it fooled me around.”

While speaking, his hands were not idle, he manipulated the white tiger blade in his hand and turned it into a white light and flew obliquely. His target was the deity Yan Qiu who was not far away in the air.At this moment, how could he not know that this time, the two of them joined forces to make a move. He thought that Yan Qiu was here to help, but he didn't expect that it was to attract his attention.

"Oops!" After Yan Qiu screamed, the aura transformed by the white tiger blade immediately penetrated Yan Qiu's chest and split his upper body.I saw that the aura on Yan Qiu's body immediately faded away and then disappeared as an afterimage of Dao. At the same time, Yan Qiu's true deity suddenly appeared out of thin air in the void hundreds of meters away.At this moment, he was panting heavily, but his face looked good, but he was holding a broken talisman in his hand.

Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were somewhat disordered, he was still fine. At this time, Yan Qiu stared at You Ming Boy and looked at him with extreme disgust in his eyes, and said in his mouth: "I didn't expect you to let go of the pain so soon. You killed the donkey, Daoyou Yi said it was true, and you will be betrayed by you one day if you get along with someone like you."

"Hmph, you Huangquan clan was originally a slave attached to me. I should die whenever I want you. I didn't expect that you, a dog, would join forces with outsiders to attack your master," You Ming boy said with a look of disdain. : "If I had known today, I should have enslaved your family forever."

Hearing this, Yan Qiu also had a terrified expression, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he teleported to Yi Tian's side and said, "Friend Yi Daoist, you are right, today I can see the Nether boy and the savage man clearly. "

"Okay, fellow Daoist Yan, we don't need to talk to him anymore," Yi Tianbian said and stepped back, Yan Qiu hurriedly followed after seeing it.

"You two, don't just leave like this, leave the 'One Yuan Zhenshui' behind," You Ming boy was already furious at this time, urging his identity to jump forward and chase them in the direction where the two retreated.

Suddenly, a blue water column popped out from the depths of the pool below and directly stopped in front of You Ming Boy, and the figure of the water unicorn loomed in the water column.He raised his head and hissed and said, "None of you can leave."

After finishing speaking, the unicorn hoofs all around stomped vigorously and gathered the water aura around them. For a while, with the water unicorn as the center, a strong wind belt formed around thousands of miles around, directly cutting off the retreat of the three of them.

Seeing this, Yan Qiu tightened his expression and said, "Friend Yi Daoist, what should we do if the way back is cut off?"

"What else can I do?" Yi Tianyi shrugged helplessly and said, "The only way to break through the passage is to enter the formation center of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' by suppressing it. And he is still the guarding spirit here. I’m afraid we’ll never get out of this level.”

Hearing this, Yan Qiu also showed a little helplessness on his face, fortunately he knew the strength and character of the person in front of him.Speaking of cooperating with Yi Tian, ​​it is much safer and more reliable than working with Nether Boy, at least Yi Tian will also protect him from being used as cannon fodder.

After thinking about it, Yan Qiu hurriedly took out the spiritual weapon sacrifice in front of him as a defense.

When Yi Tian saw it, he raised the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand and intertwined it into a black silk sword net in front of him.Before the water unicorn pounced on him, he took the lead in the attack, stretched out his hand lightly, and then controlled the sword net to cover the opponent's door.

Immediately afterwards, the old trick was repeated, and between the left fingers, a ray of real fire from the flame was thrown out to mix with the blue sword thread. After the sacrifice, it was mixed with the sword net and flew towards the water unicorn.

'Huh la la' an ice waterfall suddenly spat out from the mouth of the water unicorn, and then it greeted Yi Tian and You Ming boy in two directions, left and right.It seems that it is also the one who mistook Yi Tian for the Nether Boys, and it would not treat a certain party badly under the natural attack.

Seeing that the cyan sword silk and the blue ice waterfall were in a stalemate after the attack, Yi Tian hurriedly changed the printing method again in his hands after seeing it, and muttered: "Combined."

In an instant, thousands of filaments quickly gathered together and turned back into a blue lightsaber that directly split the ice waterfall in front.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yi Tian saw that the Nether boy seemed to have moved, and saw that the white tiger blade in his hand turned into a solid white light blade and slashed several times from top to bottom. After the sound of 'bang bang bang', the white light blade directly stopped the opponent's ice waterfall's attack momentum.

But at the next moment, Youming Boy's eyes flashed brightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Play by yourself, I won't accompany you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked straight back without turning his head back.

(End of this chapter)

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