
Chapter 2255 Suppression

Chapter 2255 Suppression
Yi Tian sneaked into the underground cold pool near the center of the 'Kan' Palace, taking advantage of the excellent opportunity of the Nether boy fighting the water unicorn.After reaching the depths of the pool, it was discovered that the essence of water was condensed there, "One Yuan True Water".Moreover, the treasures there are about the size of a longan. Speaking of it, it is absolutely impossible to condense so much every hundreds of thousands of years.

So without hesitation, Yi Tian used the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' to secretly pick up two drops of income.But such actions will naturally startle the water unicorn, and before he leaves, he has already fallen from the sky into the water.

Fortunately, Yi Tian was prepared to use a 'substitute puppet charm' to successfully lure the water unicorn away.Then he jumped out from the other side of the pool and flew into the air to meet Yan Qiu.

Naturally, he couldn't hide the noise from the people above him when he made such a big noise under the water, and the Nether Boy realized the situation had changed immediately after seeing him.In desperation, he shot at Yan Qiu, but in the end he returned without success.

When the two groups of people were fighting each other, the water unicorn at the bottom of the pool jumped into the air, and then attacked both sides indiscriminately.Yi Tian had been prepared for a long time, and he was able to handle the attack of the water unicorn with ease, and resolved his attack with a single shot.

To be honest, judging from the current situation, the Nether boy is much more troublesome than the water unicorn. With him, he still has to allocate half of his divine sense to resist the water unicorn, so that he can't let go to deal with the water unicorn.

But if you think about it, the other party will also worry about this, and he can't let go of it with himself.So after taking Shui Qilin's move, he hurriedly faded away, making it clear that he didn't want to go into this muddy water again.

Although his sudden departure made Yi Tian a little unexpected, it is quite beneficial for everyone to think about the current situation.The Nether Boy was eager to get out of this quagmire, and it wouldn't do much good for him to stay.If you want to collect the 'one yuan of real water', you can wait for the water unicorn to decide the outcome with yourself before coming back.

If you still stay here at this time, it's not cheap at all.And after he pulled back and dodged back, the water unicorn didn't intend to pursue it, but turned his gaze back to the two in front of him.

Yi Tian could feel that [-]% of the water unicorn's spiritual thoughts were focused on him. Obviously, it was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he had already seen the strength of the two people in front of him.

Knowing that this matter could not be resolved, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form a lotus brand, and then a faint golden light appeared all over his body, and a red corona rose behind him, and then he displayed the Buddha's golden sun body technique.

In this environment, Lihuo Gong's skills and supernatural powers were restrained too much, but the 'Ling Yao Hua Qian Shu' could not completely restrain the opponent.So Yi Tian had no choice but to use the Buddha sect's skills to fight.

In an instant, the dharma form of heaven and earth rose from behind, and the phantom behind it slowly became solid, and after that, it appeared the appearance of the dharma body of Asura with three heads and six arms.

Yan Qiu, who was nearby, was naturally shocked by this golden Buddha's light. His kung fu attribute was originally restrained by the Buddhist kung fu, and he had to bite the bullet and forcefully maintain it at this time.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's voice came from next to his ear, saying: "Yan Daoyou, stand aside and sweep the formation for me, and wait for me to deal with this water unicorn."

Hearing these words, Yan Qiu hurriedly stepped back as if he had been amnesty. To be honest, the golden light emanating from Yi Tian's body made him feel extremely uncomfortable.It wasn't until we retreated three miles away that the oppression around us became much more relaxed. Yan Qiu came back to his senses and hurriedly transmitted a voice: "Thank you Yi Daoyou for your kindness, there is no problem here, please let me know if you want me to take action That's it."

"That's great, just wait for me to send a message," Yi Tian said without looking back and flew towards the location of the water unicorn.

In the sky above the clear water and cold pool, two auras, one gold and one blue, came up. Yi Tian himself was only one-third the height of the water unicorn, but the Dharma body behind him was upside down after being sacrificed.The Asura dharma body on the back is a full ten feet high after being sacrificed. From a distance, Yi Tian's dharma body is like a hill lying in front of the water unicorn.At the same time, the six dharma body arms slowly waved and then used a complete set of Ming Wang's hands under the joint seal. Although this kind of exercise was learned in the lower realm, it is also a unique skill passed down from generation to generation by the Asura clan.

In addition, Yi Tian, ​​who was cultivated in the Mahayana period, cast the dharma body image himself, and the natural power is extraordinary.After the three auras appeared, they absorbed all the vitality of the surrounding world and condensed them not far in front of them.

The water unicorn on the opposite side also had a dignified expression, although it was just a spirit guard trapped here, it still had vision.After realizing that the power contained in the supernatural moves in front of him has far surpassed that of the Nether Boy, the water unicorn also let out bursts of 'tweeting'.Then he raised his head and spat out a blue aura from his mouth, which instantly swelled up in front of him.

Yi Tian was surprised to find that the spell protruding from the water unicorn's mouth did contain a little bit of energy of 'One Yuan True Water'.Unexpectedly, it has refined this treasure long ago, and it is estimated that staying here is also constantly absorbing the spiritual power in the remaining 'One Yuan True Water'.

In the air, the two were separated by several miles, but there was a spell in front of them that was continuously accumulating energy.Suddenly, the blue aura in front of Shui Qilin changed again and turned into a ten-foot-sized hockey puck under the sudden freezing. After drawing an arc trajectory in the air, it rushed straight towards Yi Tian's deity on the opposite side.

There was a sound of 'coax', and the ice puck flew out and hit Yi Tian's face directly, but within the range of [-] feet, it suddenly stopped flying, as if it was forcibly caught by something.

Looking back, Yi Tianzheng's six palms controlling the Faxiang body under the seal of both hands formed a huge defensive wall from top to bottom.

After the blue ice ball hit the palm of the hand, it was immediately shattered, but the blue ice turned into a burst of cold again and froze the six big hands in front of it.

Yi Tian frowned slightly when he saw it. He didn't expect that this water unicorn was really capable, and could freeze all six arms on his body.After sacrificing the spiritual power in his hand, a golden flame flashed from his forehead and enveloped his whole body, and then flowed upstream to Faxiang.

It is the golden Buddha fire of the Buddhist sect, and this supernatural power is also produced by Yi Tian's integration of the Liyan supernatural power he cultivated into the secret surgery of the Buddhist sect.On weekdays, such golden Buddha fire is not used much, after all, it will only have miraculous effects when dealing with those demon monks.But today, since the dharma body is displayed, it is used together.

In an instant, golden Buddha flames spread all over the body of the dharma body, covering the six arms directly from the body. There was a sound of 'click, click', and the blue ice that had frozen the six arms split open under the burning of the golden Buddha fire.

Seeing the situation, the six arms of the Dharma Body shook and shook, only to hear a large number of ice cubes falling from the sky accompanied by the sound of "crash la la".At this point, Yi Tian turned his head and said: "Come and not indecent, you can also take my trick."

After speaking, he jumped and disappeared in the same place, but when the deity reappeared, he had already flown close to the water unicorn.The six big hands faced each other two by two, and respectively sacrificed three different spiritual lights, shining directly on the back of the water unicorn.

'Boom boom boom', like the daytime sky, the crackling sound of thunder on the dry land is exactly the sound of the 'King Ming Hand' hitting the body of the water unicorn.

I saw a blue figure in the air greeted three golden halos alive.But every time his figure fell three or four feet down, he didn't stabilize his figure until his whole body was suppressed three feet above the clear water cold pool.

At this time, Shui Qilin's face no longer had the slightest arrogance, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably. Although he was still wary of Yi Tian in front of him, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

And Yi Tian who was on the opposite side was also having a hard time. Although the Buddha sect technique he performed just now was powerful, it was also expensive. If this continues, he will have to try to recover his spiritual power if he performs it at most twice.After thinking about it, he took out the flat peach wine in advance, lifted the lid and poured it into his mouth.

After entering the stomach, the spirit wine was quickly refined and turned into spiritual power to replenish it in the Niwan Palace, but Yi Tian found that the peach wine he drank today seemed to restore more than [-]% less spiritual power than before.Thinking about it carefully, it should be the result of my advanced Mahayana.After thinking about it, there was a helpless wry smile on his face.He secretly said in his heart, "It seems that I have to find other means to replenish my spiritual power. I didn't expect that with the improvement of my cultivation base, the previous methods of restoring spiritual power have gradually begun to fail." '

Looking back at the water unicorn, he was also out of breath at this time, and naturally the consumption was not small.Suddenly the other party jumped up into the air and opened his mouth to spit out an ice burst, hitting Yi Tian's side.

The gusts of hurricanes aroused by these ice bursts swept through the air and blew down the private ground, blowing away the ground that was originally covered with snow.Yi Tian glanced over his eyes, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then the whole person fell straight to the ground and stabilized his body about three feet above the ground.Then he stretched out his hands and quickly formed seals to put away the golden sun body of the Buddha sect's sun crown and the dharma image of Asura.

Yan Qiu, who was in charge of sweeping the formation in the distance, could see it clearly, but there was a suspicious look on his face.But seeing that Yi Tian made another move at this time, the resultant print was exactly the 'True Firework Armor' of Lihuo Nine Transformations of Lihuo Palace.Then a fire light flashed in his hand and flew straight out, but the target of the fire light was not the opposite water unicorn, but hit somewhere on the ground.

With a 'puchi' sound, the Liyan real fire hit the golden seal rune on the ground after it hit the ground, instantly activating it.Originally, the surrounding area was covered with ice and snow, so Yi Tian didn't notice anything unusual, but after the water unicorn's hurricane power blows through, the ice and snow cover below is blown away.Naturally, Yi Tian could clearly see the pattern of patterns left on the ground.

Here is a large number of formations around the cold pool of clear water, and it looks like it should be the main formation that drives the Beishui'kan' Palace.The clear water and cold pool where this water unicorn lives should be the position of the eye of the 'kan' palace formation, as long as it is activated, the result will be self-evident.

The sound of 'Kacha Kacha Kacha' could be heard endlessly, and after all the patterns on the ground were activated, auras of aura appeared.The next moment, the formation began to rotate rapidly, and a white light rose from the clear water cold pool at the eye of the formation, and then irradiated on the body of the water unicorn, instantly locking its uniform.

When Yi Tian saw it, he jumped out of the ice blast spell circle it inspired.Without the control of the water unicorn, the blue ice blast, along with the strong wind, flitted aimlessly towards one side of the space, posing no threat to the two of them at all.

At the same time, after Yi Tian continued to activate the pattern pattern, the original sea of ​​ice and snow field around him gradually began to melt.Looking down at the rejuvenation of the earth, I am now standing above a green valley lawn.

At this time, the range detected by the divine sense has been restored to thousands of miles away, and Yi Tian can clearly detect the Nether Boy and come back, and now he is rushing here.Needless to say, he must have noticed the changes in the formation and realized that he had cracked the formation.

Looking back, Yi Tian looked at the water unicorn in front of him, and saw that it was shining with traces of aura, as if it was tightly suppressed by the big formation here.Yi Tian smiled and said: "I see that you have made great contributions to protecting the formation for thousands of years and cannot bear to harm you. As long as you can open the passage to the middle palace and let us pass, I can let you go back to freedom."

"The five middle palaces are the central core of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays' and the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Palace. Non-zongmen disciples are not allowed to enter," Shui Qilin replied without any fear.

Knowing that the other party would say such a thing, Yi Tian stretched out his left index finger and sacrificed a ray of Liyan real fire, put it in front of the water unicorn and said, "You should know something about this kind of exercise, right? "

"Liyan is real fire," Shui Qilin said in surprise, "It's just that your strength is too weak, even the strength of inner disciples can't match, so how can I trust you?" Shui Qilin confronted each other.

Knowing that it was not so easy for him, Fan Yitian was not annoyed, he just stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Dao Lingguang to illuminate the pattern pattern below and hit again.Immediately after that, an inexplicable sound appeared in the surrounding air, and the spirit pattern binding the water unicorn changed again.

After three breaths, a bewildered sound came out of the mouth of the water unicorn, and it looked at the human being in front of it with a horrified expression: "Why are you able to control this 'eight formations of stone soldiers'? A motivating formation."

"It's true, as you said, this formation can only be used by disciples of Luo Tianxian Palace's direct lineage, but now I can use it, doesn't it prove my identity," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

Shui Qilin's face froze when he heard the words, and then he stared at Yi Tian and continued to look at him.

"You are so stubborn, that green lion is much smarter than you, at least entrusted me to take care of its heirs," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand to pat the beast-controlling bag on his waist, and saw a blue light flashing A green-haired lion cub flew out of it, circling in the air before flying back into the beast sac.

(End of this chapter)

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