
Chapter 2256 Inquiry

Chapter 2256 Inquiry
After Yi Tian and Shui Qilin fought against each other in the Kan Palace, Yi Tian used the Buddha Sect's corona golden sun body technique and the supernatural powers performed by Asura's body to completely suppress it.

Later, Yi Tian directly revealed his identity, but unfortunately in the eyes of Shui Qilin, his cultivation was too low and far below the level of the inner disciples of Luo Tianxian Palace.Yi Tian also can't deny this, after all, his cultivation base is not one or two points worse than those real immortals.But he also has his own uniqueness. For the formation in front of him, Yi Tian saw it in his eyes, calculated it carefully, and then started to activate and control it.

As expected, there was originally a large-scale formation barrier below, but under the cover of the sea of ​​ice and snow, all the formation lines on the ground were covered.Yi Tian found the key to victory only after the strong wind aroused by the water unicorn's technique blew away the ice and snow below.

After activating the formation enchantment, the water unicorn in front of him is not enough to prove, but Yi Tian doesn't want to do too much, after all, it is the guardian spirit at the eye of the formation in the Beishui'kan' palace. To go to the location of the formation eye in the 'Stone Bing Eight Formation', the water unicorn must be used.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian began to seduce him step by step and showed off the green lion cubs he had tamed before.When Shui Qilin saw the green lion cub flying out of the beast sac at his waist, his whole face became extremely exciting.Needless to say, it must have recognized the origin of the green lion cub, and the guardian spirits in the sub-houses of the same "Stone Soldiers Eight Formation" should recognize each other.

As for this green lion cub also has the breath of a green lion, I don't need to lie.

After seeing the green lion cub, Shui Qilin's expression also changed several times.Finally staring at Yi Tian in front of him, he looked at him for a long time before he sighed and asked via voice transmission: "Who are you, and why did Qingshi entrust his heir to you?"

"I am the descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace, there is no doubt about it," Yi Tian replied lightly, and at the same time, his eyes flicked back and forth on Shui Qilin.Obviously it still has some doubts about its own identity.After thinking about it, he stretched out his left hand and raised a wisp of Li Yan flame on the tip of his index finger again.

After gesturing, Yi Tiancai said via voice transmission: "As the guardian of the formation spirit of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', you should have something to do with the exercises passed down from the Immortal Palace, so take a good look and verify the authenticity."

Shui Qilin turned his gaze to Yi Tian's left index finger on the flaming flame, stared at it for three breaths before his face relaxed.Then he sighed and said: "Based on your previous methods and the current Li Yan Zhenhuo, I can confirm that your identity is undoubtedly a disciple of the Immortal Palace, although with your cultivation base, you can practice the skills of the Immortal Palace to the highest level." It's not easy to get to such a level, but it's still far from those true direct disciples."

"Oh, that's normal. I'm a member of the spirit world, and I've reached the pinnacle of my cultivation so far. If I want to upgrade to the realm of a fairy, I have to ascend to the fairy world," Yi Tian explained.

"It's so difficult to ascend to the fairy world, but even after ascension to the fairy world, if you don't do anything for a while, you may be demoted back to the spirit world again," Shui Qilin sighed.

Hearing this, a lot of thoughts came to Yi Tian's mind, and after thinking for a while, he tried to ask: "There is always something unclear in my heart, I don't know why this world collapsed from the fairy world to the spiritual world, so the whole Luo Isn’t the world of celestial beings all gone?”

Shui Qilin's face darkened when he heard the words, then he shook his head and said, "You are thinking too simply. The collapsed Luotian Immortal Palace was just a part of the Luotian Immortal Realm. As for the real plane of the entire Luotian Immortal Realm? How much is definitely beyond your imagination."

"This is just a certain place in Luo Tian's fairy world," Yi Tian's eyes froze after hearing this, but he had never heard such an argument before.It's just unimaginable to find fragments of the fairy world of Luo Tianxian Palace in the classics left over from the sect.But if according to Shui Qilin's mouth, the three fragments of the fallen Luotian Immortal Palace are just a corner of the entire Luotian Immortal Realm, how big will the original complete plane be.

Furthermore, I learned from the news I got that the orthodoxy of my sect was inherited from the direct lineage of Luo Tianxian Palace.But if only one corner of the Luotian Immortal Realm collapsed, there must be other branches of the sect remaining in the Luotian Immortal Realm.But after tens of thousands of years, why did no real immortals from the sect descend to the realm to find the fragments of the immortal world.However, there was once the incident of Taoist Youxuan descending to the lower realm, but that was already 10 years ago.

Speaking of the fact that there are still too many secrets in the sect that have not been solved, Yi Tian also feels at a loss about this.At first, it seemed that I had a lot of clues, but after today's understanding, I felt that it was complicated and confusing, and it seemed that things had become more chaotic.

At least there must be a reason for the collapse of the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Realm. Thinking of this, Yi Tian came back to his senses and asked, "I don't know if you know what happened back then that caused the fragments of the Immortal Realm to collapse?"

Shui Qilin thought for a while before saying: "I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but I just know that there has been a big change in the sect. This place originally belonged to the territory of the young suzerain in the sect, but one day the young suzerain suddenly took orders and then left The boundary here was directly shattered with great supernatural powers and then stripped from the original plane."

"To separate a space from the original plane, what level of cultivation must be achieved to do this?" Yi Tian sighed in shock after hearing this.

"Young Sect Master has already reached the realm of Da Luo Tianxian, and the cultivation bases of the other young Sect Masters in Luo Tianxian Palace are almost like this," Shui Qilin explained.

"Wait, you just said that there are several other young suzerains in Luo Tianxian Palace, how many people are there?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"That's natural, because Luo Tianxian's world is vast and boundless, every young suzerain will choose a place as his Xingyuan residence," Shui Qilin said: "Speaking of it, they all have the strength of Da Luo Tianxian, but the relationship between them is also different. They are all in a state of competition, especially among the disciples under the sect."

No wonder this is the case, Yi Tian bowed his head and pondered. According to what Shui Qilin said, it seems that the Taoism of Luotian Immortal Palace in Luotian Immortal Realm is still divided into several families, and his own sect just inherited one of them.In this way, although Taoist Youxuan from the lower realm was from the Luotian Immortal Palace, he may not be from his own lineage. This also explains why Master Miaodizi fought with Taoist Youxuan back then.He must have done in-depth research on the sect sects of Luo Tianxian Palace, so he acted decisively in order to protect his own sect.

After thinking about it, Genius sighed and said, "In this way, I have a better understanding of the affairs of the fairy world, but then please open the passage to the Fifth Palace so that we can go there directly."

"There were three of you when you came, is it appropriate for the two of you to leave and keep that one?" Shui Qilin asked.

"That person has nothing to do with me, and speaking of which, he's just my enemy," Yi Tian pouted.

"In that case, let him go," Shui Qilin said, "But even if he doesn't go here, he can find other ways to get to the fifth palace."

"Why is there more than one path in the 'Stone Bing Eight Formation'?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"Every formation will leave a glimmer of life for people. The guardians of the formation spirits who have no place in the palace naturally have the key to open the passage, but there are also corresponding teleportation nodes in the depths of the palace for use," Shui Qilin said.

"So that's the case," Yi Tian nodded and said, "It must be that the people who set up the formation originally wanted to leave a way for the disciples."

"That's true. The strength levels of the disciples in the sect are not uniform. Those with higher cultivation bases can naturally take those more convenient passages, while those who are dull can only retreat and seek other ways to break the formation. After all, the formation here The law was originally not for trapping people, but for the disciples of the sect to practice," Shui Qilin explained.

"Well, as you said, you should be able to find out the location of the person who left?" Yi Tian asked.

The water unicorn thought about it for a while, then turned its head to look northwest, and said, "It has already flown thousands of miles away, so it probably will go through the channel of the node teleportation array."

"I have doubts about one thing, so please explain it to me." Yi Tian frowned slightly and said, "I'm in charge of this. The eight formations of Stone Soldiers originally only covered an area less than ten thousand miles away. Why did you say to leave?" Will your Nether boy fly thousands of miles away?"

Shui Qilin smiled and said: "The 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' here is originally a formation with Xumi space, but what the outside world sees as a radius of ten thousand miles has actually become a boundary space of tens of thousands of miles inside."

It turns out that this is the principle of intercommunication with the Xumi Space Spirit Artifact he refined.Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little sympathetic to Nether boy, and he was afraid that it would take some time for him to catch up with him.

However, Yi Tian also thought of the 'One Yuan True Water' under the cold pool of clear water. He took two drops of this thing forcibly, and wondered if the water unicorn in front of him would mind.After thinking about it, he said sideways: "The purpose of the Nether Boy is to take the 'One Yuan True Water' from your lair, but after seeing your true strength, I don't need to worry about it."

"Didn't you also take two drops?" Shui Qilin said straight to the point.

Seeing that there was no trace of guilt on Yi Tian's face, instead he said solemnly: "It is also very useful for me to come here to fetch 'One Yuan True Water', please don't take offense."

"That's not true. Originally, the heaven, material and earth treasures in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' were rewards for the disciples of the sect after their trials." Shui Qilin said disapprovingly, "Since you have shown your identity, it's okay Yes, I hope you can make good use of the precious materials from these rewards to improve your cultivation."

Hearing this, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he was afraid that Shui Qilin would never forget it, and everyone would still argue about this issue in the end.But now, fortunately, I don't need to work hard for this, leaving a lot of time to explain.

Reminiscent of the characteristics of the 'One Yuan True Water', Yi Tian felt uncomfortable, rather than looking for the Zongmen classics to check it himself, it is better to directly ask the other party for the quickest point.After thinking about it, he asked bluntly: "I heard that this 'One Yuan True Water' can be used to cleanse the soul, and it is an indispensable treasure when refining avatars, so can those avatars be used in reverse when they want to escape the control of the deity?"

Shui Qilin nodded and said: "That's true. The basic use of 'One Yuan True Water' is to wash any precious material to increase its level. It can also be used to wash the body and soul of the real immortal. You can use the remaining The breath and imprint are removed together."

"So that's what I expected," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

"However, this 'One Yuan True Water' is more useful than that," Shui Qilin said: "Originally, this place was used by the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace as a place to practice exercises, and disciples of the sect can usually practice exercises at the bottom of the pool After sitting cross-legged, use the surrounding clear water and cold pool and the uniqueness of 'one-element true water' to stimulate yourself, and increase the power of the true flame again."

"Could it be that the Lihuo Nine Changes Kungfu is forcibly sacrificed at the bottom of this clear water and cold pool?" Yi Tian said with a shocked face: "Cultivating in an environment with the attribute of phase restraint should be able to stimulate people's potential and raise the kung fu to an appalling level border."

"At least only the inner disciples of the Golden Immortals or those with amazing materials of the Celestial Immortals can enter here, but I think your skills can be regarded as the best among the Earth Immortals," Shui Qilin said : "Actually, the strength of Liyan that you display is not much different from that of the young suzerain at the same level of cultivation, it seems to be slightly stronger."

Yi Tian never wanted to compare with those real immortals in the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Upper Immortal Realm, but the credibility of these words coming from Shui Qilin's mouth is still very high.

Later, the water unicorn was seen raising its head and spitting out a column of water from its mouth, which gathered to a height of ten feet above the clear water cold pool.At the same time, the dazzling light shining on his body is the luster of those inscription marks.The formation inscriptions on the edges of the clear water and cold pools around the ground gradually glowed and activated as if they had been induced.Soon, all the patterns within a radius of one mile around the clear water and cold pool were activated.

After the sound of "哗啦啦", those water flows formed a circle in the air, but a gap in the void opened inside.Shui Qilin said: "From here, you can go straight to the position of the Fifth Palace, where the eye of the 'Eight Stone Formation' is located. If you want to get out of this formation, you must go through the eye of the formation, otherwise there will be no There is no way to get out of the formation controlled by a monk at the level of a celestial being."

Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly sent a message to Yan Qiu, who was not far away: "Let's go first, let You Ming boy find the way slowly."

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Yi's action, I was able to get out of trouble so safely and without danger," Yan Qiu hurriedly replied: "Next, Fellow Daoist Lao will lead me out."

After speaking, Yan Qiu flew into the gap in the passage first, and Yi Tian followed closely behind with his escape technique.

(End of this chapter)

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