
Chapter 2258 Get Rid of

Chapter 2258 Get Rid of
After entering the Fifth Palace, Yi Tian and Yan Qiu went together to explore the depths of the woods. On the way, the feeling that had arisen in Yan Qiu's mind reappeared on the way.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard the words, the two couldn't tell the direction in the woods, even Luo Geng couldn't use the sundial.

When he was at his wit's end, he discovered that the feeling in Yan Qiu's mind was getting stronger and stronger.The two ran wildly along the direction they sensed, but they were attacked by inexplicable 'Red Millet' pollen during the flight.Fortunately, Yi Tian's cultivation was advanced and he immediately closed his six senses to shield the pollen mist, and then rescued Yan Qiu and flew to a high place in the woods to rest temporarily.

After rescuing Yan Qiu from waking up, the two carefully judged the surrounding environment, and the final conclusion they came to was also extremely shocking.Among them, the innate spirit plant at the eye of the formation in the five palaces must have become a monster, and Yan Qiu should have something that the other party valued, so he did everything possible to lure him into the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'.

Out of curiosity, Yi Tian asked Yan Qiu to take out the objects he got after coming to the fragments of the fairy world.Then I saw Yan Qiu took out three items, namely a pestle for pounding medicine, a locust tree root and half of a spear tip.Speaking of which, these three things seem to be treasures left over from the fairy world, but after hundreds of thousands of years of baptism, there is very little power of immortality left on them.

According to Yi Tian's thinking, among these three things, the one that is most likely to be seen by the innate spirits in the eyes is the half of the locust tree root.But this thing did not cause any disturbance at all, but when Yan Qiu picked up the pestle, it caused strange things around him.

Countless branches suddenly appeared on the originally thick trunk and surrounded Yi Tian and Yan Qiu.Facing the sudden change, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand and swiped out the Taiyuan wooden sword.

Gently manipulating it in his hand, he was ready to go, and Yan Qiu in front of him also had a tense expression. At this time, he didn't know that it was the half-foot-sized medicine pestle that had a problem that put the two of them in such a predicament.

Taking out the War Blade Sacrifice in front of his hand, he hurriedly asked, "Yi Daoyou, what do we do in this situation?"

Seeing that there are more and more tree branches surrounding them, at the same time they blocked the escape route of the two of them.Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Go up first, it depends on the situation." After saying that, he rushed up first under the flash of light all over his body.

Yan Qiu behind him did not hesitate to follow closely at a distance of three feet away, and the two hurriedly raised their figures along the thick trunk.But the dead branches below seemed to be Zhang Le's eyes, following the direction in which the two faded away.

At the same time, Yi Tian also noticed the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" coming from the space above. After the purple light flashed in his eyes, he looked up and was surprised to find that the top of his head was about a hundred feet away and almost reached the crown of the tree.At this time, many forked branches from the crowns of these trees were growing crazily, covering the rising position of the two of them.

It was obvious that these were all controlled by people who wanted to trap the two of them alive here. Yi Tianjian shook the Taiyuan wooden sword lightly in his hand, and instantly the three-foot green edge turned into countless sword threads and swept upwards.After hearing the sound of 'ping ping pong pong', the falling branches were stopped, but Yi Tian found that his Taiyuan sword silk had only left tiny traces on these branches, and the roots could not move It cuts off.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think in my heart, "Sure enough, it is the spirit plant of the fairy world. After absorbing a large amount of immortal energy, how dare it dare to be able to sacrifice the sword thread sacrificed by Lingyaohua Qianshu without fear? You must know that it is placed in the spirit world. The general supernatural power has always been invincible, and few people can retreat completely under the attack of Lingyao Jiansi. '

Seeing this, Yan Qiu, who was behind him, hurriedly sacrificed the war blade in his hand, and then waved and shot out three black sword lights. What is surprising is that after these sword lights hit the branches, Weiwei stopped them for three breaths and collapsed immediately. and go.

Unexpectedly, there was such a huge difference in strength. Yan Qiu's face immediately lost its brilliance. When he saw this, he naturally couldn't hold back his face, and hurriedly shouted: "Friend Daoist Yi, what should we do next?"

At this moment, a dead branch as thick as a thumb stretched out from one side of the thick tree trunk to roll towards the medicine pestle.Yan Qiu was shocked when he saw this. After injecting spiritual power into the pestle in his hand, the pestle that was originally five feet in size changed into a mace in size five feet with a 'bang'.

Facing the sudden change, Yi Tianna still doesn't know how to make good use of it. After passing by his divine sense, he hurriedly shouted: "Why don't you use the pounding pestle in your hand to deal with these tree spirits and wood monsters? In my opinion, this thing should be just right. Their nemesis is."

Hearing this, Yan Qiu calmed down a little, then put away the war blade, made seals with both hands, raised the medicine pestle, and hammered wildly at the dead branches of the tree trunks extending around.

Sure enough, wherever the mace went, it slammed into the tree trunk, and there was a crisp sound of metal impact. With the sound of 'creaking', I saw the mace repelling them one after another, and many branches were still on the spot. Many broken branches fell from it.

Yi Tian scanned with his mind and found that the fractures of these branches are no different from normal severed fingers, except that they contain a little bit of colorful aura.Seeing this, he made up his mind and took out the ghost-faced flower seeds and sacrificed them in his hands. After injecting spiritual power, he shot out these ghost-faced flower seeds one after another with ten fingers.

After the 'whoosh whoosh' sound, all the ghost face flower seeds were used up, and most of them were directly buried in the broken branches after the lasing.Some are directly embedded in the thick bark surface behind them, but these ghost-faced flower seeds took root under Yi Tian's control.Many of those that got into the broken branches disappeared without a trace, and those embedded in the bark of the trees all burrowed into the soil like earthworms and disappeared after three breaths.

Seeing such a situation, Yan Qiu hastily called out: "Yi Daoyou, I don't know if your method will work or not?"

After showing a faint smile on his face, Yi Tian replied with a normal expression: "It doesn't matter whether it works or not, let's try it." After finishing speaking, he quickly formed a seal with his hands on his chest, and then lightly sprinkled thousands of words The green awns swept over the branches not far away.

After ten breaths, the tree branches that had swarmed up seemed to have undergone some changes, but they slowly restrained themselves as they could see them, and finally stopped moving.

The sound of 'clicking' sounded from the inside of these branches, followed by another 'crackling' sound like roasted beans, and suddenly many emerald green branches grew out of the surrounding branches and the surface of the thick trunk behind them.The tops of these branches are pink ghost face flower buds.

Seeing such a happy face, Yi Tian hurriedly muttered something in his mouth again: "Long."

Immediately, the surface of the originally tall and straight trunk suddenly bulged with big bumps, and countless emerald green vines spread and grew from it, quickly entangled the whole tree.This is not only the traces of ghost-faced flower vines appearing on the consecutive trees within a mile around.Yi Tian also didn't expect that the wood and rattan technique he displayed would spread so fast.

After careful observation, Yi Tianmian was terrified that the ghost-faced flower vine was as thick as a bucket, and it entangled the entire tree about three feet thick from top to bottom.

After about twenty breaths, the branches that surrounded the two of them were either entangled tightly by the ghost-faced flower vines or retreated by themselves.Seeing this, Yan Qiu manipulated the mace in his hand to perform sacrifices, and then beat the dead branches and dead wood for a while, smashing them all to pieces before giving up.

Afterwards, he hurried forward and put away the mace in his hand before asking: "You Daoist Yi, you see, this thing is the nemesis of these tree spirits and wood monsters. Can we use this to deal with the innate spiritual plants in the eyes?" What about ghosts?"

After glancing at the pestle for pounding medicine, Yi Tian found that there were a lot of patterns faintly on it, which coincided with the inscriptions of "auspiciousness".After thinking about it in my heart, I said: "Friend Yan Dao, please put this thing away, I think this treasure should be the nemesis of the innate spirit plant spirit monster, but you also have to work hard to avoid being plotted by the other party."

Hearing this, Yan Qiu's face tightened, he lowered his head and thought for a while before he gritted his teeth and said: "I am willing to give this thing to Fellow Daoist Yi."

"Yan Daoyou is too polite, this is your opportunity and I don't want to take it lightly," Yi Tian waved his hand to veto: "Although you have this treasure body protection, although you will be targeted, as long as you deal with it properly, the tree spirit tree No one can do anything to get you."

"It's just that in this way I will become his primary target, so I feel that I may not be able to handle it," Yan Qiu said with a distressed expression.

Hearing this, Yi Tian naturally knew the doubts in Yan Qiu's heart, and he wanted to shirk responsibility.Since the tree-spirit wood monster's goal is this pestle, the person who holds it will naturally be taken care of.

With Yan Qiu's strength, he is one of the weakest people in the fragments of the fairy world, so he naturally wants to be able to get rid of the responsibility as much as possible.

And now Yi Tian also realizes that he can't let himself carry everything alone. Now that the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark, it is still necessary to let the people around him play the best role.As for what Yan Qiu was thinking about, he knew it well in his heart. Speaking of sending out the pestle, he didn't mean it sincerely, it was a forced and helpless strategy in this environment.

After thinking about it, I reached out and took out the talisman pen and talisman paper, quickly wrote down the Taoist talisman, then handed it over and said: "You should know the power of this talisman after being used by Yan Daoyou, so I will give you another one to use." Keep you safe."

Yan Qiu was overjoyed when he saw it, and stretched out his hand to take the 'Puppet Substitute Talisman' and put it in the storage ring.He had used it once in the formation before, and he had naturally witnessed the effect.

Yi Tian turned around and stared at the branches below which were entangled with ghost-faced flower vines and carefully observed them. There were many juices shining with colorful streamers slowly dripping from the fractures of those branches.And the ghost face flower seeds are able to grow crazily because of the large amount of this kind of spiritual pressure absorbed.Speaking of it, Yi Tian never expected that the vines of the ghost face flower could grow as thick as a bucket

But after thinking about it carefully, it should be the result of absorbing the sap in the trunk that contains the colorful aura.In the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays', the sap containing colorful auras is really good. The original characteristic of the ghost face flower is that it absorbs other spiritual plants or the spiritual power of monks to grow after parasitic.If its spiritual power is stronger, it will naturally become stronger after absorption, and Yi Tian also found that the methods that were invincible before have gradually failed at this point.

In this way, it is necessary to consider other methods to deal with the predicament in front of you.After thinking about it, he hurriedly flew forward to the towering tree in front of him, took out the Taiyuan wooden sword, sacrificed it, and then slashed fiercely at the middle of the tree trunk.There was only a burst of lightning and flint, the bark was as hard as a rock, but under the forcible intervention of the Taiyuan wooden sword, it was still broken open.

He reached out and took out a Haina bottle to put away all the drops of colorful sap flowing from the tree trunk. As the spiritual power on the tree continued to scatter, Yi Tian found that the previously hard bark of the tree trunk became brittle.The Taiyuan wooden sword quickly opened a big hole in the tree core.

Yi Tian hurriedly manipulated the Taiyuan wooden sword to dig out the middle of the tree trunk, and after a short while the Taiyuan wooden sword flew out and retrieved a palm-sized crystal crystal block along with it.

After sweeping the tree crystal block sacrifice in Yi Tian's mind, he found that the power of immortality contained in it was extremely pure, stronger than any top-grade spirit stone he had ever seen.

This tree crystal block can be used as a quick replenishment of spiritual power, and then Yi Tian saw that it was stored in the storage ring, and then controlled the Taiyuan wooden sword to fly into the depths of the tree core again to dig out a few more pieces .But half a moment later, his face showed disappointment. Through the storage of spiritual thoughts on the Taiyuan wooden sword, it was found that there was only a slap-sized piece left in the body of such a tall ancient tree in front of him.

Speaking of which, there are not many tree crystal blocks that can be raised in the middle of these ancient trees, but it is enough for Yi Tian.After notifying Xia Yanqiu, the two directly operated on these ancient trees in front of them, trying to take out the tree crystals inside one after another.But Yi Tian later found out that his side was in full swing, while Yan Qiu's side seemed to be in a lot of trouble.

He only heard him shouting: "Friend Daoist Yi, the torsos of these ancient trees are too hard to break through effectively, so we can only let it go."

After hearing the opening of Yi Tian's divine sense, he checked it carefully, and after three breaths, his face also showed a helpless look.Kailai Yan Qiu's strength is still a bit inferior, so that he can't easily break through the main body of the tree trunk.In this case, I can only deal with it myself, and Yi Tian's speed in his hand also slowly increased by three points.After spending half an hour, a total of more than ten whole tree crystals, large and small, were dug out.

Most of the luck was kept for his own use, and Yi Tian didn't hesitate to take out a half-foot-sized high-quality tree crystal and hand it to Yan Qiu.For him, this tree crystal is enough for him to absorb the spiritual power in his body and restore it to the full state.The latter naturally came and did not refuse, and after putting it away, he complimented him again and again.

After Shaoqing finished, the two of them left this area and started on the road again.

(End of this chapter)

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