
Chapter 2259

Chapter 2259

After experiencing the red mist area in the 'Red Millet' area, Yi Tian was very excited about the environment in the Five Palaces.The strength of these dryads is also obvious to all. Speaking of which, if they are not also proficient in wood rattan, they have ghost-faced flower seeds in their hands that can parasitize these drydants and devour their essence. It would be really difficult to deal with.

But what surprised Yi Tian slightly was that Yan Qiu didn't know what happened to him, and the small medicine pestle in his hand turned out to be the nemesis of these tree spirits and wood monsters.The Taiyuan wooden sword I sacrificed was very clear in my heart about the power of the Lingyaohua Qianshu, but what I didn't expect was that it couldn't achieve the effect of cutting melons and vegetables against these tree spirits and wood monsters.The supernatural power that was always invincible before was deflated here, which also gave Yi Tian a different understanding of the spiritual plant in this formation.

As for the mace transformed from the small medicine pestle in Yan Qiu's hand, it seems that it is a sharp weapon to restrain these spiritual plants, and it only needs a little driving to break the bark of those tree spirits and wood monsters.

Speaking of which, there is a little bit of colorful immortal energy under these tree barks, and it is probably because of this that these spiritual plants have become so powerful.

After clearing up their mood, the two of them went on the road again. This time, the two of them did not dare to fall to the height of flying escape. After all, there is still a lot of mist of 'Red Millet' below. If they accidentally fall, they may inhale a large amount of mist again. lead to loss of nature.

After flying hundreds of miles, Yi Tian suddenly stopped in the air, and then his eyes swept around, but his face showed a solemn expression.Seeing Yan Qiu following behind him like this, he naturally stopped tactfully, and then hurriedly flew over and asked, "Friend Daoist Yi, do you see something wrong?"

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "We should have entered the labyrinth. Fellow Daoist Yan, don't you think that we are flying in circles in this space?"

"Could it be that we are trapped in it and can't find a way out?" Yan Qiu asked with a slightly stunned expression.

"That's not true, but this trap is more troublesome than I imagined," Yi Tian shook his head.

"How can you see it?" Yan Qiu said.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and glanced around. Yi Tian said helplessly: "Friend Yan Dao, please look, there are trees everywhere here, and you can't see the edge at a glance. The top is covered by tree crowns, and the knots of sleepy lines will not be arranged. over there."

Speaking of this, Yan Qiu's complexion changed slightly, and he also realized the meaning of these words. If the formation node is not on the top, it must be on the ground below.But if he wanted to break through the formation, he had to fall into the mist again. Speaking of which, he was almost stunned just now, so naturally he still had lingering fears about it and his face became extremely unnatural.

Yi Tian was naturally able to guess what he was thinking, but he said with a faint smile on his face: "Speaking of which, Daoist Yan is thanks to having you here this time. I guess the key to breaking the formation is still on you."

After hearing this, Yan Qiu's face became extremely embarrassed, and then he hurriedly replied: "You Daoist Yi praised me too much. Like just now, I entered the foggy area and followed the Tao, so what should I do?"

"You don't have to panic, fellow Daoist Yan. Since the medicine pestle in your hand can restrain the dryads here, it can also be lower than the mist emitted by the 'Red Millet' below," Yi Tian explained.

As soon as Yan Qiu said this, his complexion looked slightly better. He took out the medicine pestle, held it in his hand, looked it over carefully, and then said: "To be honest, I also got this medicine pestle by accident. Thinking that it can actually restrain the dryads here."

"You don't have to worry, Fellow Daoist Yan." Yi Tian said with an old god presence, "You can sacrifice this treasure to protect yourself and go down with me."

Hearing that the two were going to Yan Qiu together, the tense look on Yan Qiu's face was completely relaxed, and then hurriedly asked: "Then how are you going to get it, fellow Daoist Yi?"

"It's up to Yan Daoyou to help me investigate first." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Look at the 'Red Millet' below, the fog is thick and we can't find the exact pattern node for a while. s position."

"Then how should I help?" Yan Qiu asked.

"Didn't you have an induction before?" Yi Tian asked for no reason: "The induction may have been directly transmitted to your mind through this medicine pestle. You might as well take this opportunity to act."

Speaking of this, Yan Qiu naturally understood what Yi Tian meant, and then sacrificed the medicine pestle in his hand.With a flick of his hand, the small medicine pestle turned into a mace again and was held in Yan Qiu's hand.After three breaths, he lowered his head in deep thought and felt for a while, then stretched out his hand and said: "Go towards that place, the power of induction seems to come from there."

"Oh, please lead the way, Fellow Daoist Yan, I'll just follow behind you," Yi Tian said with a raised brow.

"But I can only be sure about the approximate scope, and I will continue to investigate," Yan Qiu said with a jealous look on his face.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yan, you will be safe with that spirit treasure," Yi Tian reassured.

"What about you, Fellow Daoist Yi?" Yan Qiu asked suspiciously, "I'm afraid no matter how high your cultivation base is, you won't be able to enter the foggy area below for a long time, right?"

"I know this matter in my heart. I roughly calculated the time I can support a stick of incense. If it is just to find the pattern nodes, it should be more than enough," Yi Tian explained.

In this case, Yan Qiu couldn't get over it, so he could only turn around and continue to lead the way ahead.After flying for a little while, the two landed on a thick treetop and stabilized their bodies.Yan Qiu pointed at the area in front of him and gestured: "The strongest sensing point I can find should be below, what should fellow Daoist Yi do next?"

"Naturally, we should go down and investigate," Yi Tian replied categorically, fearing that he would back off again, and then he raised the Taiyuan wooden sword to control it, reciprocating in the air, transforming into blue filaments, and turning the surrounding area into a cyan filament. for getting up.

A nameless wind blew up in the air, and a gust of wind blew in the area surrounded by Dao Dao Jian Si, quickly blowing away most of the pink mist below.Looking down, there are some thorny bushes below. It may not be easy to find the pattern in it.

On the other hand, Yan Qiu who was at the side suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "You Daoist Yi, it seems that the strongest induction came from the undergrowth of that bush, maybe there is something there."

Following the direction of his finger, Yi Tian glanced over and found that in the bushes below, there is a field that grows more lushly than other places.Usually only places with strong spiritual power will have such a situation, and Yi Tian found that there seems to be a faint red light shining from the ground of this lush green bush.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there must be something strange underneath.Thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian was not slow in his hands, and after offering a Lingyaohua Qianjian thread, he rolled towards it.After three breaths, only the sound of 'Kacha Kacha' could be heard incessantly, and the bush was torn open by Taiyuan's sword thread little by little like a cocoon being peeled off.

Yi Tian hastily withdrew his hand until the red light came out from inside, and after sweeping his divine sense, he found that it turned out to be a three-year-old baby sleeping in the bushes, less than two feet in length.The child's body was shining with a red aura, and his skin was so white that it seemed to be easily broken by blows. Apart from a red apron, he didn't have any other clothes on his body.With two braids tied on his head, he slept on his side among the bushes.

It seemed that it was awakened by its own supernatural powers, and with a soft moan, the doll got up, rubbed its eyes, and then stared at the two people in the air.Yi Tian found that his gaze flicked over him and stayed there for a while, but there was a deep fear in his eyes.

Then he turned his gaze to Yan Qiu and lingered on him for a long time, and finally his gaze rested on the mace in Yan Qiu's hand.Immediately, his complexion changed slightly and he shouted anxiously: "What are you doing, are you here to take my life?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yan Qiu was slightly stunned, and then stared at the baby in front of him in surprise for a while before replying: "Who are you, kid, and why are you sleeping soundly here? And why did you summon me here? "

I only heard the child reply in a childish tone: "I have never called you, but you are holding the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in your hand. Did you come here to catch me?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Yan Qiu to be able to find the fairy treasure by chance.This small medicine pestle was originally called 'Hundred Medicine Pestle'. It seems that it is the spirit treasure of the alchemy club in Luo Tianxian Palace.

The child in front of him looks like Wan Nian Ling Zhi in refined form, no wonder he is so afraid of the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle'.Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Yan Qiu and said: "Yan Daoyou seems to be very afraid of the other party and what you have in your hands, so that's fine. You just hold on to him and wait for me to search this place first before I talk about it."

After all, they ignored the two people's spiritual thoughts and quickly stretched out to sweep the ground below, searching for the formation barriers that might appear on the ground one by one.

Shaoqing couldn't help shaking his face when his divine thoughts passed over the sleeping couch under the baby, and then blurted out: "So you are the node here."

Yan Qiu who was on the side looked overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "Did fellow Daoist Yi find out?"

Pointing at the doll, Yi Tian nodded and said, "I didn't expect there to be a formation in the fifth palace here, and the node of this formation is just under the doll's couch, if I guessed correctly His body should be a high-level spiritual plant over ten thousand years old."

"Is that very sweet?" Yan Qiu asked for no reason.

Knowing that his mind was moved, the red-clothed doll in front of him looked slightly angry, clenched his two small fists tightly and opened his mouth and shouted in a childish voice: "I knew that you two are not good people, I want to catch you." None came to my door."

After speaking, his figure flashed into a red aura and rushed directly into the nearby bushes.

Yi Tian was shocked when he saw this, but he couldn't find the red-clothed doll when his divine sense passed by again.Then his eyes swept back and forth near his sleeping couch below, but he said: "Yan Daoyou, don't use your brain easily, these tree spirits and wood monsters are all ten thousand years old. Naturally, they can react to us. Noticed it right away."

But before Yan Qiu could reply, he heard him yell urgently: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please help me quickly."

Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and saw that countless branches popped up from the tree behind Yan Qiu and rolled towards him.After seeing it, his heart sank, these branches were obviously heading towards the mace in his hand.It seemed that they wanted to take it down at the first time, and more and more dead branches were gathered around them, and within a short time, the two of them were surrounded by a space within a radius of [-] feet.

"Do it," Yi Tian didn't say much, stretched out his hand and took out the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand, and slammed his backhand fiercely towards the branches that rolled towards him. After the wind and thunder fan appeared, it became bigger and bigger when it was visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a three-foot-sized fireball that directly ignited the branches in front of it.

After a successful blow, Yi Tian hurriedly formed a seal with one hand and nodded at the Li Yan flames, muttering: "Explosion."

After the sound of "bang bang bang", I saw that Liyan flames ignited a large number of branches and quickly burned them down.This is not to mention that the Liyan flames went upstream and continued to eat away at these branches, and finally ignited them directly on the surrounding trees.

At the same time, there were inexplicable screams in the air, and the source of these voices could not be traced, only heard coming from the depths of the bushes.And it wasn't the cry of a single person, Yi Tian listened carefully, it seemed to be the screams of dozens of dryads and wood monsters after being burned by his Liyan real fire.

But it's no wonder that to be able to deal with a monk of the Mahayana period and a monk of the integration period, the other party needs at least a group of talents.However, Yi Tian didn't find the voice of the dryad doll that he had just seen in such voices.Thinking about it, his status is not low because he can sleep soundly here, and among so many tree spirits and wood monsters, he is the only one who has transformed, so his body must be a very precious high-level fairy world spirit plant.

In addition, he was able to call out the name of the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in Yan Qiu's hand, it seems that he is very familiar with this spiritual weapon.Thinking of this, several thoughts flashed in Yi Tian's mind, and then his face became cloudy and cloudy.

The primary purpose of entering the Fifth Palace is to find the Xiantian Lingzhi in the eye. Needless to say, this doll must have a close relationship with that Xiantian Lingzhi.Maybe it's just the main body. Thinking of this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took Li Yan's real fire back with a move.

At this moment, Yan Qiu who was by his side raised the 'hundred medicine pestle' in his hand and turned it into a five-foot-long mace, hitting the surrounding branches with a burst of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping'.

Soon those branches that were too late to take back were shredded by him. After the scene became calm again, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the red mist that was originally wrapped around had slowly dissipated at this time.With a plan in mind, he flew forward and said, "Yan Daoyou can stop now, the doll is gone, so we can take this opportunity to find a way out of the predicament."

"Could it be that the doll is closely related to the mist of the 'Red Millet'? Maybe he is really a tree monster transformed by the 'Red Millet'," Yan Qiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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