
Chapter 2260 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 2260 Breaking the Formation
Yi Tian and Yan Qiu had a way to move forward in the fifth palace, but they didn't expect to be trapped.Fortunately, Yi Tian was naturally involved in such a dilemma, and quickly found an opportunity to solve it.But after the two fell down, they followed Yan Qiu's induction all the way to find Fan Hou and finally met a pink and tender tree spirit doll.

Speaking of which, this tree spirit doll is also quite powerful, and at a glance, he can tell that the Lingbao in Yan Qiu's hand is the "Hundred Medicine Pestle" in Luo Tianxian Palace. 'And this doll seems to be quite afraid of this spiritual weapon, and ran away as soon as it met.

When Yi Tian came back to his senses and wanted to catch up, he was surrounded again by a large number of branches that suddenly appeared all around.It's just that this time Yi Tian didn't hesitate to sacrifice the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, and then shot straight away, and burned all the trapped branches around him under the burning of Li Yan's supernatural power.Yan Qiu on the other side was not left behind either, he had the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in his hand, which was the nemesis of the tree spirits and wood monsters here.After the sacrifice, it turned into a mace to break through the siege and beat the surroundings into a mess.

It wasn't until the two of them stopped later that they realized that the red mist around them had dissipated. Needless to say, this matter had an inevitable connection with the tree spirit doll.It's just that Yi Tian was curious, and he had heard a little about the use of 'Red Millet', but it was obvious that this doll was of a higher level.After several thoughts flashed in his mind, Yi Tian connected it with the Xiantian Lingzhi in the eyes here, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

After finally seeing the tree spirit wood monster, he let him run away, so if he wanted to catch him again, he didn't know if he would have a chance.

After standing still, Yan Qiu expressed his doubts in his heart. Obviously, he also followed his train of thought and associated the doll's origin with the Xiantian Lingzhi at the center of the formation.However, he thinks that this doll might be the dryad derived from the 'Red Millet'.

After hearing his statement, Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, but there is a great possibility that it is related to the mist of 'Red Millet'. As far as I know, 'Red Millet' in the fairy world is generally It is said that it is used to build fences, but the real purpose is to keep other spiritual plants in captivity."

"What other fairy world spiritual plant could that be?" Yan Qiu asked in a deep voice.

"Generally, there are several kinds of natural and earthly treasures in captivity like 'Red Millet and Violet', but there are only three kinds that can become refined." Yi Tian said with a smile: "If I guess it's right, this doll has not been formed for thousands of years. The 'polygonum multiflorum' is 'Jiuqu Huangjing', or it is 'dazzling ginseng', other than that, there are almost other types of fairy plants that I have never seen before."

Hearing this, Yan Qiu looked overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "Since that's the case, if I can refine this thing into a pill and take it down, I'm afraid I can advance to the next level."

"Theoretically, that's the case," Yi Tian replied lightly, knowing what he was thinking, but he was skeptical about it in his heart.After all, it is not so easy to catch such a Wannian Lingzhi who has derived a spiritual body and transformed into a human body.What's more, there is another Wu Jue watching, his goal is very clear.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Let's forget about the tree spirit doll, is there any feeling in you at this time, Fellow Daoist Yan?"

"It seems that after the doll disappeared, the response in my mind suddenly became weaker, but I can still faintly feel that it is coming from this direction," Yan Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed to the side: "Friend Yi Dao, look at our Are you going to catch up?"

"It's useless to catch up now," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "No matter how we walk in the trapped formation, we will return to the original position. Only by breaking the trapped formation can we find an opportunity to escape."

"Why was that tree spirit doll able to escape directly?" Yan Qiu asked puzzled.

"That's because this place was originally the Lingzhi Garden surrounded by the formation barrier. Those tree spirits and wood monsters can come and go freely under the protection of the formation. As for us, we have to be restricted by the formation here. But fellow Daoist Yan doesn’t need to worry too much, I already have a plan in mind and I will soon find the formation node and get out,” Yi Tian said.

Now that he said so, Yan Qiu didn't want to talk any more, he put away the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and stood aside to wait for the formation to break.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also put away the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' and the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, and then reached out and took out the sundial, Luo Geng, and began to measure the boundary below.Needless to say, the couch where the Treant doll sleeps is most likely the node of the sleepy formation.But Yi Tian didn't dare to take it lightly, after all, most of these formation node positions would still have some forbidden guards.I don't want to easily touch the prohibition mechanism so as not to make fun of myself.

Holding up the sundial Luo Geng in his palm, he muttered words in his mouth. After injecting spiritual power into his hand, he introduced a ray of immortal spiritual power into Luo Geng's plate.In this way, after inhaling the power of the fairy into the Tianchi in the middle of Luo Geng's pan, the middle needle began to slowly rotate.

Following Luo Gengpan's guidance, Yi Tian glanced over and found that he was pointing at an ancient tree tens of feet away from the bed.Flying forward, Yi Tian held up an aura in his hands and lightly struck the ancient tree. After three breaths, he felt a slight vibration from the surrounding ground, and then dozens of trunks grew rapidly under the sleeping couch in the middle. He got up, and formed a huge goalpost about ten feet in size in the air.

"This is the passage exit of the trapped formation, and I can go out after I activate it," Yi Tian said happily.

"Then where do you go back after going out?" Yan Qiu leaned over and asked hastily.

"It's still in the fifth palace, but it's out of the range of the trapped formation, and we shouldn't encounter troubles like the trapped formation when we look for the eyes of the formation," Yi Tian explained: "But after going out, it is very possible I will meet Wu Jue and others again, and Daoyou Yan hopes that you can help me then."

"That's natural. After this expedition, I admire Yi Daoyou's character very much." Yan Qiu hurriedly replied: "Besides, it is reasonable to deal with Wu Jue. If he succeeds I'm afraid none of us will end well."

"Yan Daoyou is so enlightened, I am very pleased, please wait a moment for me to activate the exit here," Yi Tian stretched out his hands and took out two formation breaking awls.After activation, the sacrifice was kept in the air for later use, and then the index finger of the right hand lightly tapped the sacrifice to illuminate the ancient tree in front of him.I saw a transparent pattern node appearing out of thin air on the tree trunk, and after the spiritual light was injected, the pattern pattern on it began to slowly rotate.

The spiritual light that flashed from the nodes of the formation patterns instantly activated the formation patterns around it, and finally even activated the formation patterns on the arch formed by the branch in the middle.

With a sound of '嗖', a white light door appeared in the ten-foot-sized branch arch, but the halo inside was erratic.

Yi Tian looked overjoyed when he saw it, and after putting away the sundial Luo Geng in his hand, he gently pierced two formation-breaking awls into the formation nodes in front of him.

The halo in the arch of the branches in the middle also became thicker and thicker.Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Let's go, I don't think this channel will last long."

Yan Qiu nodded when he heard the words: "Let's go, get out of here quickly, I don't want to stay any longer." After speaking, he used the escape technique to set up the escape light and rushed into the light gate in the center.

Yi Tian didn't delay and followed closely behind, and after flying through the passage for a few breaths later, he found the exit and plunged out.

After coming to the outside world, Yi Tian looked around for the next four weeks and found that this place was similar to the inside of the trapped formation, but when he took a closer look, there were obvious differences.I am proficient in formation inscriptions, so I can immediately detect the situation around here.

Looking down, there are no spiritual plants similar to 'Red Millet', and there is no charming red mist around.

Yan Qiu stabilized his figure in the air, turned around slightly and then suddenly said: "I stretched out that sense again, and it's much stronger than in the previous trap."

"Can Fellow Daoist Yan sense the right direction?" Yi Tian asked.

I saw Yan Qiu stretching out his hand and pointing to the left direction: "Go here, I can clearly feel the induction through the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle'. It seems that the voice is asking me for help."

"Help?" Yi Tian frowned slightly and said, "It seems that the tree spirit doll from before is not the same, so is the feeling you have now different from the previous one?"

"It seems that there is some difference," Yan Qiu replied affirmatively: "It is slightly different from the previous feeling, this time I found that the other party's exchange seems to be very anxious, as if they have encountered some serious trouble."

"Let's go and have a look, I think there should be some discoveries there," Yi Tian said and gestured, and then the two of them sacrificed their escape skills and flew in the air, Yan Qiu led the way, and Yi Tian followed closely behind with.

After flying for a few miles, Yi Tian found something strange in his spiritual sense a few miles ahead, and immediately scanned it carefully after gathering his divine sense.After taking three breaths, his expression changed slightly: "How could this happen?"

Yan Qiu, who was flying in front, hurriedly asked after hearing the words: "Did fellow Daoist Yi find anything unusual?"

Yi Tian said solemnly: "When I entered the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' before, I gave Shi Jinming and Wan Gang a kind of spirit insect called 'Guiding Bee'. This insect is only for people to find a way out. Ten miles ahead, I actually noticed traces of this insect."

Yan Qiu was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "This means that the two of them should not be far from us."

"Not necessarily," Yi Tian replied with a solemn expression: "I have explained to the two of you before that if you are trapped in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' and cannot find a way out, you can use the characteristics of this bug to find your way out. But now I only find traces of the 'Guiding Bee' in my divine sense, but not the two of them."

After hearing this, Yan Qiu's face slowly dropped, and then he revealed a little melancholy and said, "I don't know if something will happen to the two of them, and anything can happen in this dangerous environment."

"We don't need to speculate anymore, we will know when we fly over and have a look," Yi Tian reassured, "I have left a unique mark on each 'guiding bee', let's see who it is on first." Let’s talk about that.”

After saying that, Yi Tian took the lead in locking the position of the 'guiding bee' and then flew straight away.After ten breaths, Yi Tian flew to him and stopped suddenly in the air. Then he looked down and found a 'guiding bee' buzzing around the stamen of a two-foot-sized strange red flower among the flowers below. .

Suddenly, a dark green sap shot out from the red stamen across the air and almost hit the 'Guiding Bee', and then the petals quickly closed around, as if trying to capture the 'Guiding Bee' alive.

A 'swoosh' flashed across, and countless cyan sword wires smashed the petals of the red flower into a sieve in an instant.Yi Tian jumped down and took out a glass bottle from the storage ring, and then stretched out his hand to put the 'guiding bee' into the glass bottle.

After doing these Yitian divine thoughts, he glanced again and found that the guide bee should have followed Wan Gang.It's just that Wan Gang was nowhere to be found at this time, and after thinking about it, Yi Tian communicated with the 'Guiding Bee' with the power of his soul.

After a full ten breaths, Yi Tian came back to his senses, and Yan Qiu, who was at the side, hurried forward and asked, "How is it, has Fellow Daoist Yi found their whereabouts?"

Reaching out his hand, Yi Tian pointed to the right side and said, "It's about a hundred miles ahead, but Wan Gang should be trapped there at this time, but he doesn't know how to live or die. Let's go and see how he is doing."

After saying that, he flew towards that direction, holding the glass bottle in his hand, and the 'guiding bee' inside was constantly guiding the way under his own driving.

After flying half a quarter later, a thick layer of red fog appeared in front of the two of them again. Yi Tian hurriedly raised the flying altitude above the dense fog, but he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.This place is obviously another dense fog area formed by a layer of 'red millet viola'. It seems that Wan Gang probably fell into it after straying into it.

Yan Qiu, who was following behind, also changed his face slightly. He had suffered a lot from it before, so he naturally knew the severity of the fog.

After flying three miles above the fog layer, the 'Guiding Bee' in the glazed bottle began to buzz and circle. Yi Tian knew that it should be very close to the place where Wan Gang's accident happened.Then he said in a deep voice: "Friend Daoist Yan, let's use the old trick again to blow away the thick fog. You sacrifice the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and go down together to search for the whereabouts of Fellow Daoist Xia Wan."

"No problem," Yan Qiu replied, and after finishing speaking, he took out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle', sacrificed it and turned it into a mace to block in front of him.

Yi Tian also unambiguously urged the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand to disintegrate into thousands of filaments and formed a three-foot-sized circle in the air.Stretching out and pressing, the blue sword circle slowly fell and then expanded rapidly. In just ten breaths at a speed that the two of them could see with their naked eyes, a blue wind had already formed, covering the three miles below.

With the continuous blowing of the strong wind, the red fog around slowly dissipated, and after Yi Tian's divine sense passed by, he noticed that there was a person falling upside down in the bushes below, and it was undoubtedly Wan Gang.

"Friend Daoist Yan, can you please take action to bring friend Daoist Wan up," Yi Tian said lightly.

The latter nodded slightly, then raised the mace in his hand and slowly lowered it to ten feet above Wan Gang.Manipulating the spirit weapon to strip off the vine branches wrapped around Wan Gang's body one by one, he reached out and picked it up from below.

(End of this chapter)

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