
Chapter 2262 Rescue 1

Chapter 2262 Rescue One
After rescuing Wan Gang, the three of them first came to a place to rest for a while, during which Wan Gang adjusted his breath for a while and finally recovered.Yi Tian was not stingy, and took out a drop of 'One Yuan True Water' and divided it into four parts.

Before in the trapped formation, I found that my resistance to the 'Red Millet' mist was much stronger than Yan Qiu's, and I thought it was because of my cultivation.However, after careful investigation, it turned out that when I collected three drops of 'One Yuan True Water', the spiritual power of the water infected myself after passing through the traces.Therefore, Yi Tian can last longer after going deep into the fog.

As for his helper, Yi Tian, ​​he will also spend a lot of money. Although a quarter of this "One Yuan True Water" is decomposed, it contains much less spiritual power, but it has an irreplaceable effect on resisting the current "confusing fog".

The next exploration may encounter similar situations, so it is very necessary for them to take the refining 'One Yuan True Water' first.

What's more, the spiritual power contained in this 'One Yuan True Water' is so great that Yan Qiu and Wan Gang have improved their cultivation base after refining.However, the spiritual power contained in this quarter drop of 'One Yuan True Water' was too large, and the two of them could not completely digest it through rough sacrifices.However, after this matter is over, it must be possible to raise the cultivation base to the peak of the middle stage of integration with a little retreat, or to be lucky enough to enter the later stage.

But right now the three of them couldn't stay longer due to time constraints, after some exchanges, Yan Qiu made an unexpected move.He directly sent out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in his hand. Speaking of which, this thing was also the root cause of luring him into the 'Eight Stone Soldiers Formation' by mistake.It's just that Yan Qiu has come to his senses after experiencing a lot of things, and he knows the truth of 'every man is innocent, but he is guilty'.

In addition, he also had lingering fears after the tree spirit doll in the sleepy formation stared at him before.Speaking of which, what people are eyeing is not his real deity, but the fairy artifact 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in his hand.

As a result, the fairy artifact that was originally wanted to be touched now looked abnormally dazzling, and Yan Qiu knew that his cultivation was not strong and he could not resist the prying eyes of the tree spirit.It would be better to just shake off the burden if he was stared at as expected, so that he would feel uneasy. At least in this way, the pressure on his back would be relieved a lot.

Yi Tian still doesn't know what Yan Qiu is thinking in his mind, handing over things is really killing two birds with one stone, lightening the burden on himself and gaining his favor.

However, I am still very interested in this 'Hundred Medicine Pestle', after all, it can make people feel emotional, and the tree spirit doll is particularly afraid of it, which in itself shows that this thing is good.

After thinking about it, I just stretched out my hand to take the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle', and then said with a faint smile on my face: "Thank you Yan Daoyou for your generosity, but I don't want to be rude, I have received such a generous gift from you, naturally I deserve it The reward is."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a defensive spiritual weapon of an ice crystal shield and handed it over. Yan Qiu glanced over and saw that the palm-sized shield was overflowing with a little 'dark spar' luster.

Judging from its appearance, this spiritual weapon is at the top of the heaven rank, and it can be used a lot under such an environment.For Yi Tian, ​​the ice crystal shield of 'dark spar' is against his own attributes, so it is not often used.What's more, I originally had a dragon tortoise armor shield suitable for it, and now there are not many people who can really threaten me with the cultivation base of this deity.

Putting away the ice crystal shield, Yan Qiu hastily bowed his hands and thanked him: "This time, I got the 'Puppet Stand-in Talisman' from Yi Daoyou earlier, and now I have this ice crystal shield defensive spiritual weapon, so it's safe to explore this time."

Yi Tian just responded with a faint smile, then turned his head to Wan Gang and said, "I don't know if you have a way to contact Shi Jinming, we'd better find him and go to the eye of the formation first."

Wan Gang said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "I sent him the Jade Talisman of Communication before, but I didn't receive any reply."

"Really, with Shi Jinming's cultivation base, as long as he doesn't meet Wu Jue or Nether Boy, he shouldn't be in danger of his life. He looks carefree, but he is also very careful after entering the fragments of the fairy world," Yi Tian sighed. .

"It should be trapped in a certain formation," Wan Gang said, "But since I can use the 'guiding bee' of fellow daoist to find the palace all the way, I think Shi Jinming can do it too."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly opened his consciousness and began to search for the location of another 'Guiding Bee', but after a while, he didn't find any trace.In this 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', although his divine sense is restricted, it can still cover a thousand miles around the land.

Immediately after that, he silently practiced the secret method, remembering that he had left a 'flying thunder mark' on Shi Jinming's body before he came in, this is the last way to search now.

With the fast formation of seals in his hands, Yi Tian noticed that the 'Flying Thunder Seal' on Shi Jinming's body was five thousand miles away from him.Although the "eight stone soldiers formation" covers an area of ​​only ten thousand miles, and there is no such a large space in the middle five palaces, Yi Tian roughly estimated in his mind that the formation here should be equipped with "shrink the ground into an inch" Pattern imprint.

It seems that the formation boundary of thousands of miles can actually expand to more than ten times the inner space under the blessing of this pattern.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed to the southwest and said, "We should be able to find Shi Jinming about five thousand miles away."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's do it quickly," Wan Gang hastily echoed.

After the three of them signaled to each other, they all got up and set up the escape technique and flew straight towards the southwest direction.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that many areas below were covered with thick red fog. Presumably these places should be areas where high-level immortal plants are planted.After flying forward for a hundred breaths, suddenly the sky not far in front of him turned crimson, and the red mist all over the sky could not be seen at a glance.

Compared with the previous 'Red Supplement' mist, it really pales in comparison. Such a big scene shows that there must be extremely important immortal spiritual plants inside.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "If I'm not wrong, there must be something shocking in the area in front of me."

"Yi Daoyou, what are you?" Yan Qiu asked hastily.

"I don't know, but one thing is for sure, Shi Jinming got into it by mistake, and his position should not be far from the formation eye in the 'Five Palaces'," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"Then how do we get in?" Wan Gang said with a condensed expression. He had suffered from the "confusing fog" and naturally he was still afraid of it.

The area covered by the dense fog in front of him was far beyond imagination, and the left and right sides couldn't see the edge at a glance.Moreover, this 'fog of confusion' seems to be more colorful than what I have seen before. One can imagine how long it will last if one enters it.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. If the three of them fly here, if they don't go in, they will not be able to find Shi Jinming, let alone search for the exact location of the formation's eye.In this way, the three of them still couldn't get out of the 'eight formations of stone soldiers'.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and the dragon tortoise armor shield.After sacrificing it, two protective barriers were built around the body.Yan Qiu and Wan Gang who were behind them looked at each other after seeing it, and they naturally saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.But after three breaths, each of them took out their defensive spirit weapons and sacrificed them to protect themselves.

Later, Yi Tian took the lead to control the Taiyuan wooden sword to shoot out several sword lights and gather them into a gust of wind to disperse the fog in front of him, and then he jumped into the "fog of confusion" in front of him.

Yan Qiu and Wan Gang followed closely behind, and the distance between the three was only about ten feet away.However, the Taiyuan wooden sword Gangfeng Yi Tian sacrificed just opened up a space with a radius of [-] feet, and the "confusing fog" in it was completely dispelled.

After continuing to fly forward for hundreds of miles, Yi Tian suddenly dropped to the flying altitude, and the two behind him followed immediately.It didn't take a moment for the three of them to come to a sea of ​​red flowers.

At this time, the "confusing fog" produced by a large amount of pollen of 'Red Millet' has been able to limit the realization to about half a mile.If there is no sense of the 'Flying Thunder Seal', I am afraid that Yi Tian will really lose his way here.

After circling at low altitude for a while, Yi Tian's eyes fell and he found that there were a large number of skeletons left below, most of which were monster skeletons. As for the humanoid ones, he searched for a long time and couldn't find any.Thinking quickly in my heart, it seems that the 'confusing fog' here is really powerful, most of these monster bones are left by the monsters that were fostered in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' back then.After the divine sense passed by, an unusually old breath could still be detected from these bones.

Not long after flying forward, Yi Tian looked happy and hurriedly stretched out his finger and said to the two through sound transmission: "I found it, it is a hundred feet away from the front."

Following the direction of his fingers, he could see a three-foot-tall stone giant sleeping soundly in the sea of ​​flowers hundreds of feet away. He looked like Shi Jinming's true self.

Yi Tian glanced at him and shook his head helplessly. It was expected that Shi Jinming was the one with the weakest spirit power among these people.Fortunately, as a monk of the Stone Clan, he has practiced the supernatural power 'Petrochemical Skin' well, and he didn't hurt himself after being entangled by a large number of thorns in the flower bush of 'Red Millet'.

It's just that after Yi Tian's divine sense swept over his face, there was a little surprise on his face. It was obvious that these thorns that entangled Shi Jinming were very deliberate.The places where the thorns are entwined are his hands, feet and the weakest parts of his neck, so it doesn't make sense to say that these thorns are not man-made.

Looking around, there seemed to be no one, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of the tree spirit doll he met before.

At this moment, Yan Qiu, who was following behind, chased after him, and hurriedly asked, "Why didn't Fellow Daoist Yi take Shi Jinming out?"

"No hurry, although Shi Jinming seems to be trapped now, but there is no danger of his life," Yi Tian said lightly.

"But it's inconvenient for us to stay here for a long time. Although you, Daoist Yi, are strong and can protect us temporarily, you have to find a way out early if you are in a dangerous situation," Yan Qiu said.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian sighed and replied, "Your Yan Daoyou's words are true, but I have some worries for no reason in my heart, and the probability of my premonition coming true is very high when my cultivation base reaches my level."

Yan Qiu heard the words, his face changed immediately, he opened his mind and searched around, but found nothing.But the more this happened, the more ugly his face became.Looking at what I said, there may be something lurking below, and I don't know the crisis.

After thinking about it, Yan Qiu turned around and started whispering with Wan Gang for a while, and after a warm exchange, they both secretly raised their guard.

After half a sound, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "So you all raid the formation for me, and everyone will talk about the evacuation after I go to fish out Shi Jinming."

After speaking, regardless of how the two of them reacted, he reached out and took out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and held it in his hand.The half-foot-sized 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' flashed with golden light after shaking it in the hand, and when it was stretched against the wind, it soared more than ten times in an instant.

After three breaths, the half-foot-sized 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' turned into a one-foot-long giant mace, and Yi Tian stretched out his hand to control the mace to fall.When he was within ten feet of Shi Jinming's body, the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" came from the surrounding flowers.Then, hundreds of thorns as thick as a thumb jumped out of it and attacked head-on.

Yi Tian twitched a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he controlled the mace and began to fight indiscriminately.I saw that the mace had already skipped over the thorns and smashed them to pieces, more than a hundred thorns were wiped out in just ten breaths.

The crisis in front of him was temporarily cleared, but Yi Tian didn't show any joy on his face, he frowned deeply and stared at the flowers and plants below for a while.Suddenly he opened his mouth and shouted: "Go up, hurry up."

As soon as the words fell, I took the lead in raising the flying altitude. Although Yan Qiu and Wan Gang behind me didn't know what happened, they were already on guard.After hearing the call, they all hurriedly followed suit.

I saw a pink wind dragon appearing in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers below, sweeping from bottom to top, and then directly swept past the position where the three of them were just now.The next moment, a figure jumped out from the sea of ​​flowers, looked at the three people above him for a long time, and then said: "It's you again, do you really want to kill them all before you give up?"

The one who spoke was the tree spirit doll that he saw in the trap before, but at this time Yi Tian clearly noticed that this doll was a little different than before.The height has grown by more than a foot. Originally, it was less than two feet and looked like a three-year-old doll, but now it has become a six-year-old child.

Fortunately, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not seem to have improved much. At this time, the red bellyband he was wearing was gone, replaced by a children's jacket made of green leaves.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for a short period of time, he has already changed. Yi Tian secretly thought with emotion that if he was restored to an adult state, his strength would be far from that.If this continues, I'm afraid things will be difficult. Fortunately, he seems to be quite afraid of the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in his hands. It seems that it is the best policy to first explore the other party's bottom before making a plan.

(End of this chapter)

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