
Chapter 2263 Rescue 2

Chapter 2263 Rescue II

After a period of rest, the three of them went back on the road. This time, Yi Tian did not go directly to find the location of the formation eye, but searched for Shi Jinming's whereabouts first.

When I brought him into the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', it was necessary to take him out.

After sensing the position of the 'Flying Thunder Seal', Yi Tian was finally able to determine the location of Shi Jinming.After flying thousands of miles away in this direction, I found that there was an endless sea of ​​flowers of 'Red Suspensia' in front of me.Flying into such a sea of ​​flowers has to face the "Misty Confusion" directly. In desperation, the three of them can only go forward together, and protect the whole body after sacrificing the spiritual weapon, so that they can fly across the "Misty Confusion" .

It didn't take long after flying over to find the location where Shi Jinming fell. Fortunately, after the divine sense passed by, he was found to be safe for the time being, even though his mind was fascinated, his life was safe at last.But at this time, Yi Tian had some strange thoughts in his heart for no reason. As a Mahayana monk, he felt that the world was also extremely sensitive to the crisis he was about to face.

Immediately, he sacrificed the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and lowered it to remove the thorns wrapped around Shi Jinming's body one by one.Unexpectedly, there was another crisis under the sea of ​​flowers. There were more than a hundred thorns that suddenly protruded to block the mace, but Yi Tian controlled and smashed them all.

Unexpectedly, another figure flew out from under the flowers, and manipulated the 'Misty Confusion' to appear in front of the three of them.Yi Tian didn't dare to confront him in the mist, temporarily avoiding his edge and led the two behind him to raise the flying height to above a hundred feet before stabilizing his figure.When I looked back, I saw that the person who came was really the tree spirit doll I met in the trap before, but the difference was that this tree spirit doll had grown up a lot.What I saw earlier was a cute two-year-old boy wearing a bellyband, but now a six or seven-year-old boy is standing in front of me. The clothes on his body have also changed. The red bellyband is gone and replaced with a green leaf woven It looks like a short jacket.

Yi Tian saw clearly and found that the other party's eyes swept back and forth over the three of them, but finally landed on the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' in his hand.Needless to say, he was still a little bit afraid of this spiritual weapon, so he didn't attack immediately, but stood on the 'Red Suspensia' bushes and confronted each other.

After looking at it for a while, he only heard him shout: "Are you following me all the way because you want to harm me?"

Yi Tian looked at it but shook his head and said: "I didn't intend to offend you, and this meeting is only because we were looking for a companion to meet by chance."

"You look like the boss of this group, but you don't want to deceive me just because of your strength," the tree spirit and wood monster boy shouted loudly.

"I don't know your name, but Xia Yitian is the descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace."

"I can sense the 'Tiangang True Fire' aura on you without your introduction," the child said disdainfully, "My name is 'Huang Jing' and I am the guard of this Lingzhi Garden."

"So your name is 'Huang Jing'," Yi Tian muttered in his mouth, but he was happy in his mind. He didn't expect him to reveal the face of his Lingzhi deity.Aren't Huang Jing and Huang Jing the same as Huang Jing, but because they are tree spirits and wood monsters that have become spirits, they have been given a decent name.

From what he said, we can know that the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' is almost the location of the Lingzhi Garden in Luo Tianxian Palace, as I expected.In order to keep these spiritual plants in captivity, the real immortals in the sect set up formations here, and also planted a ten thousand-year-old Polygonatum at the eye of the formation as the spiritual plant of the formation.

It's just that I didn't expect that after the collapse of the fairyland fragments, this place has not been taken care of for tens of thousands of years, so it will be reduced to a paradise for these spirit plant spirits.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also has confidence in his heart. As a disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, he is naturally the master of these tree spirits and wood monsters, and there is no reason to be countered by them.After thinking about it, his face sank and he said: "In this way, you should also recognize my identity, so why don't you quickly get out of the way and let me rescue him."

Huang Jing's complexion changed a few times when he heard the words, and then his eyes fell to the two people beside him, and after a while he sized up and said, "Although you are a member of the fairy sect, why did you lead outsiders into this 'Baoguo Forest Garden'? Do you want to collude with foreign thieves? Stealing sect property?"

These words made Yi Tiantian laugh, but he didn't expect that Huang Jing, who didn't seem very good, had a skill in framing him.In a few words, he casually put a big hat on himself, and if he can't deal with it well, it's hard to be kind.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, the three people I brought came to chase two thieves who broke into this place. If you know the news about those two, why don't you report them to me quickly. "

"Is that so, so you were sent by the sect to chase after the murderer?" Huang Jing calmed down a little and then replied, "The two of them are about to break through the Beishui'kan' Palace and go to the center." Baiguo Linyuan' is here. Another one is already at the entrance and seems to be flying towards the exit."

"Exit, you mean the position of the formation eye here," Yi Tian was startled when he heard this.What Huang Jing said was naturally very detailed. The Nether boy was on his way to break into the Fifth Palace, and Wu Jue had already arrived here at this time, but the location he entered contradicted his own, so he didn't meet him for the time being.

According to what Huang Jing said, if Wu Jue was flying towards the eye of the exit formation, then he would have a higher chance of finding the Xiantian Lingzhi first, which is Huang Jing's body.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help becoming anxious, and then hurriedly said: "The person from the south should be Wu Jue, and the purpose of his trip is your body. If you don't go there now, I'm afraid you will suffer a loss if things change. Don't blame me."

"Hmph, you don't lie to me with sweet words, who knows how credible your words are, if you want to deceive me, the real purpose of leaving here is to go to the bottom of the flower bushes to get treasure , "Huang Jing replied with disbelief on his face.

In fact, early in the morning, Yi Tian had doubts in his heart. There must be high-level spiritual plants planting such a large number of plantings of 'Red Millet'.What Huang Jing said now really verified his guess.But he mistakenly thought that he was here for Qibao. This misunderstanding was serious. Maybe everyone would fight if they disagreed.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian pointed to Shi Jinming in the flowers below and said, "Well, as long as you can hand over this person, I can promise to take him and leave."

"Then what if you go back on your word?" Huang Jing asked persistently.

"Speaking of which, we don't have any grievances that cannot be solved, not to mention that as a disciple of the sect, I will naturally speak my mind." Yi Tian replied with an unhappy face: "What's more, if I really want to play tricks, I will Talking so much nonsense with you again, just do it directly."

"Don't be complacent, even in a three-on-one match, I might not lose much to you," Huang Jing raised his brows slightly and refused to give way.

Hearing this, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "We don't have any deep hatred, so there is no need to fight like this, not to mention that we have no interest in your body at all, all we want is to be able to leave this battle as soon as possible."

"What you said is sanctimonious, but who knows what's in your heart," Huang Jing said disdainfully with a small mouth.

"You can think what you want, but I must save people, but I won't make things difficult for you," Yi Tian waved his hands helplessly and said: "You can rest assured that we will leave here as soon as possible after saving people. After all, the "confusing mist" produced by the pollen of the "Red Millet" still has a lot of influence on us. If it weren't for the "One Yuan True Water" from Shui Qilin to protect me, I wouldn't easily come to this muddy water .”

Speaking of this, Yi Tian's eyes flicked to look at the other party carefully, anyway, he had made it clear that if Huang Jing still wanted to investigate all the way to the end, he had no other choice.I have thought of the worst plan in my mind, the worst is to fight here directly, besides, Yi Tian has never been afraid of anything in the first place.

After hearing that, Huang Jing's face was also slightly moved. After staring at the three people in front of him for a while, he slowly asked, "Can you really guarantee that you will leave quickly after saving people?"

Yi Tian laughed and said: "Although it's just my one-sided words, you can monitor and check from a distance. If we do something that endangers your interests, you can directly point it out, and you can take the lead. In this way It's fair to everyone."

"I hope you keep your word, but I won't believe your words easily. I won't feel at ease until I send you all out of Lingzhi Garden," Huang Jing shouted sharply, waving his small fists.

"Do as you like, as long as you don't bother me to save people," Yi Tian also looked helpless, then turned around and chatted with Yan Qiu and Wan Gang privately about the countermeasures.

Shaoqing saw Yan Qiu and Wan Gang falling down slowly together, and they stabilized their figure only when they reached twenty feet above Shi Jinming's body.Then the two sacrificed the spiritual weapons in their hands respectively, and after flying in the air, they landed gently to remove the thorns and vines wrapped around Shi Jinming's body one by one.Then Wan Gang raised two beams of spiritual light and probed down, wrapping around Shi Jinming's waist and slowly pulling him up.

During the whole process, Yi Tian just confronted Huang Jing, with no expression on his face and no intention of making a move.But wherever he looked, he found that Huang Jing seemed to be secretly looking at himself.Speaking of which, among these people, only myself is the nominal direct descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace, but compared with the true immortals in the fairy world, his cultivation level is quite far behind.

It's no wonder that Huang Jing has an unpredictable view of himself, but from this it seems that his vigilance is not as strong as before.This is a good thing for me, after all, I have already understood Wu Jue's goal, the enemy's enemy may not be a friend, but at some point a temporary alliance can be reached.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian twitched his lips slightly and said, "There are two other people who entered the formation this time, and they are not on the same road as us. Among them is a self-yu named Wu Jue." The avatar of Tianzhenxian is aimed at the innate spiritual plant in the eye of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'. We guessed wrongly that your main body will be his primary target."

"Hmph, you guys are all greedy people. If you want to collect the edict that Lingzhi has no sect in this Lingzhi garden, it will definitely not go your way," Huang Jing waved his small fists and replied viciously.

"Since you have said that you must obey the sect's edict, why don't you come with me," Yi Tian said with a relaxed expression.Hearing Huang Jing's remarks obviously still have a very clear idea of ​​​​the sect's logo, Yi Tianbian thought to lean over here to see if he could get some practical benefits for himself.

Unexpectedly, Huang Jing turned around and stared at him for a while before disdainfully said: "Look at the 'Tiangang True Fire' on your body, which has been practiced a bit, but why is your cultivation level so low?"

It is the first time Yi Tian has heard of the 'Tiangang True Fire', and he has never seen the corresponding description in the Zongmen classics before.So he was stunned and hurriedly asked: "What I practice is the Lihuo Nine Transformations passed down from the sect, why did it become 'Tiangang True Fire' when it came to your mouth?"

"So that's how it is. The method you cultivate is indeed the method passed down from the sect, but it seems that you haven't cultivated it well yet." Huang Jing opened his eyes and examined it carefully before waving his hand and said, "You just changed the 'Lihuo Nine Changes' Refining the ninth floor is nothing more than a little bit of 'Tiangang True Fire', no wonder I would admit it wrong. If you can refine the exercises to the Dzogchen realm, you will naturally become a pure 'Tiangang True Fire', but This is not enough to look at, you have to wait for you to practice the sect's unique skill 'Doushi Jinyan' before you can be regarded as a real first-class master."

"It turned out to be 'Doushi Jinyan'," Yi Tian muttered a few words, but the shock in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time, it seemed that he took the matter of cultivating immortals too simply.Originally thought that he could surpass his master Wuye by cultivating 'Lihuo Nine Changes' to the ninth floor, but in Huang Jing's eyes, it was barely enough.

As for the supernatural power of the 'Doushi Jinyan', but I don't know how powerful it is, I think it must be stronger than the 'Tiangang True Fire' derived from the 'Lihuo Nine Changes' practice to the extreme.It's just that this part of the exercises can't be found now, at least they should be the inheritance of the exercises of the sect in the fairy world.I am just barely getting started, thinking of this can't help but sink my heart.

Then he asked again: "Do you know what kind of cultivation the pure 'Tiangang True Fire' monks cultivated in the sect usually have?"

"It's almost at the level of a golden fairy." Huang Jing replied without thinking, "But your cultivation base and strength seem to be stronger than most disciples of the sect. At least for an immortal like you Almost no one in the realm can cultivate a trace of 'Tiangang True Fire'."

"Almost none means there are still people," Yi Tian asked lightly, "Have you ever seen anyone who can compare to me?"

"I heard that Young Sovereign Xia Feng's situation is similar to yours now," Huang Jing blurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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