
Chapter 2264 Rescue 3

Chapter 2264 Rescue Three

In the mist of 'red millet and violet', Yi Tian and the others picked up Shi Jinming from the thorn bushes, and then hurriedly faded from the air.After all, staying in this 'fog of confusion' for a long time is not an option. All three of them need to use a lot of mana to maintain their protective shields so as not to be eroded by the 'fog of confusion'.

What's more, Shi Jinming's current condition seems to be in good health, and it is not known whether his spirit has been eroded, so even if he is rescued, it will take some effort to restore his previous combat strength.

As for the tree spirit and wood monster Huang Jing, he just watched the four of them leave calmly and didn't make any other movements. It's just that Yi Tian found that he had stayed on his spiritual mind for a long time as if he had something to say. But in the end, there was no way to talk about it.

But thinking about it, among the six people who came in, I was the only one who could barely be regarded as the direct line disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, but unfortunately the difference in cultivation base was too great.So much so that Huang Jing didn't even look down on the innate spiritual plant monsters planted in the "Baiguo Forest Garden" of the sect's spiritual planting garden.

The three of them, accompanied by the sleepy Shi Jinming, did not return the same way but continued to fly forward.After flying thousands of miles away, he finally left this huge "fog of confusion" area.Then I found an open space below and slowly fell down to start repairing.

After falling to the ground, Wan Gang gently put Shi Jinming's body down, and Yi Tian stepped forward to check his condition.At this time, Shi Jinming seemed to be falling into a deep sleep, and there was still some yellowish liquid lying on the corner of his mouth from time to time, which should be his saliva.

Unexpectedly, the Stone Clan monk would be in such an unbearable state when sleeping, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and then his divine sense passed over his body again, and found that Shi Jinming seemed to have instinctively used the supernatural power of 'petrified skin' to the extreme.Even in a deep sleep, it can be unintentionally displayed, and the traces of those thorny vines surrounding the body are nothing more than leaving green stripes on the 'petrified skin' without hurting his interior at all.

Speaking of which Shi Jinming's skin was not even pierced, Yi Tian frowned slightly and immediately admired Shi Jinming's physical skills.To say that with such supernatural powers, even if he used the Jin Yang movement technique, he might not be able to fall into the 'red millet and violet' flowers like him without getting hurt.

In addition, I had intentionally evaluated the strength of the thorns and vines before, without the special restraint of the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle', it would be really difficult to fish Shi Jinming out of the flowers.

Seeing Shi Jinming's appearance like this, Yi Tian reached out and took out a small jade bottle, lifted the lid and gently turned it upside down.A quarter drop of azure 'One Yuan True Water' flowed out from it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Dao Spiritual Light to wrap it, and then manipulated it into Shi Jinming's mouth.

The quarter drop of 'One Yuan True Water' entered Shi Jinming's mouth and quickly entered his stomach, and then he saw a large amount of water spirit energy gathered around him to moisten his body from the inside out.Shi Jinming's petrified skin supernatural powers on the surface of his body also seemed to have sensed something and slowly shrank, so that his originally three-foot-high body began to shrink slowly until he returned to his normal state.

At the same time, Shi Jinming's face was also slightly rosy, it should be that his whole body finally relaxed after absorbing a lot of spiritual energy.

So Yi Tian turned around and said to the two behind him: "Let's rest for a while, and wait for Fellow Daoist Shi to wake up and recover before leaving."

Yan Qiu and Wan Gang naturally nodded in agreement, and then the three of them sat down beside Shi Jinming in a cross-leg shape, each took out the pill and took it, and began to practice silently to recover the consumed spiritual power.

After waiting for about half a moment, I heard a groan from Shi Jinming's mouth. He opened his eyes, rubbed them, turned around and got up.Seeing the three people sitting cross-legged beside him, he blurted out and asked, "Why are you all here?"

"Fellow Daoist Shi has finally come to his senses," Wan Gang said first, "You should check yourself for any abnormalities first?"

Hearing the words, Shi Jinming hurriedly looked inside his divine sense, but after ten breaths, a strange look appeared on his face and said: "It's strange, why there is an extra power of water source on me for no reason, and this power is very If you can refine it well, you can almost raise your cultivation level by one level."

"That's the 'One Yuan True Water' that fellow Yi Daoist gave you. We each have a share." Yan Qiu explained lightly: "But don't be happy, there is no time to let it go now." You have concentrated on your cultivation, sit down quickly and recover your spiritual power, we will be dispatched soon."

Shi Jinming curled his lips and turned around to look at Yan Qiu who was sitting cross-legged behind and Wan Gang who was sitting on the side, and after taking three breaths, he said: "I didn't expect that your cultivation base has been greatly improved, it seems that you have achieved it." This is the benefit of 'One Yuan True Water'."

I saw that Wan Gang and Yan Qiu opened their eyes and looked at each other with faint smiles on their faces.The two stopped talking and just sat cross-legged on their own to recover.

On the other hand, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the other side, opened his eyes and glanced at Shi Jinming, and was surprised to find the changes in him.Unexpectedly, this 'One Yuan True Water' really has the effect of cleansing the power of the soul, and there is a lot of power of immortality contained in it. Shi Jinming's current appearance only needs to give him three to five days to sit cross-legged to refine these spirits. The power will be able to directly enter the late stage of fusion.

It's a pity that what the four of them lack the most is time. Yi Tian sighed helplessly and said, "Fellow Daoist Shi, please sit down and practice your breathing for a while, and I will explain everything to you."

Shi Jinming was agitated, he also knew the real situation of Yi Tian, ​​so naturally he didn't dare to be presumptuous here.After sitting down slowly, Shi Jinming hurriedly started to digest the spiritual power accumulated in his body, and at the same time, he moved his mouth slightly and asked through sound transmission: "Friend Daoist Yi is taking care of you again this time."

"Fellow Daoist Shi, you are being polite, but your innate supernatural power 'Petrochemical Skin' is quite interesting, its hardness is indeed second to none, no wonder it can protect you from being harmed in a tight siege," Yi Tian joked.

Speaking of this, Shi Jinming also had a rather smug expression on his face, and then replied: "This is the innate supernatural power of the stone clan. I can overpower the Nether Boy only with the strength of his physical body."

After all, Yi Tian sneered at this, Shi Jinming just felt good about himself, and he would not be led into a ditch by him.Although physical skills and body skills are strong, he needs to cooperate with other spells and supernatural powers to show his power. Shi Jinming's attempt to compare himself with You Ming Boy is nothing but nonsense.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time, then he changed the subject and asked, "How did you get caught in that 'fog of confusion'?"

Speaking of this, Shi Jinming said with shame on his face: "We entered the battle together before, but I lost it not long after entering."

Knowing that what he was referring to was being trapped by the fog after entering the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', Yi Tian seemed to comfort him: "The fog at the entrance separates our spiritual sense, so naturally we can't detect each other's whereabouts. I almost lost my mind too, but then I came to a forest, is it the same for you?"

Nodding his head, Shi Jinming replied: "I went straight in the previous direction, and after leaving the foggy area, I came to a forest lake. Next, I want to look back and see that I can't find the way back. We can continue to explore.”

"And then, did you meet any living creatures there?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Yes, I took a rest by the lake and looked for my way around. When I returned to the woods again, I found that I was being watched in the dark." Shi Jinming sighed, "When I found out the problem, I ran away. A five-foot-long giant python followed, if I didn't walk fast, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of that place."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also recalled the feeling he had when he walked through a large forest before, and at that time he also sacrificed the escape technique and rushed forward.It was only then that he realized that the creature that was following had disappeared without a sound. It turned out that he had found the unlucky Shi Jinming.

There was a smile in his heart but he didn't dare to show half of it on his face, and then he just calmed down and said: "Then how did you get here after asking the giant python to track you down?"

"I went forward and ran all the way until I came to a scorching hot place full of blazing fire and scorching sun. In front of me was an endless red fire field. When I looked back again, I found that the giant python behind me had disappeared at some point." Shi Jinming sighed.

"It seems that your luck is good. The giant python is the place where cold-blooded creatures are most afraid of the scorching heat. You have gone to the 'Li' Nine Palaces in the south," Yi Tian explained after listening.

"I met a lot of 'red blood scorpions' in that red fire area. If I hadn't run fast, I might have been left there," said Shi Jinming with a frightened look on his face. His expression was more penetrating than when he met the giant python in the previous description.

"Looking at your appearance, is the 'Red Blood Scorpion' you met very powerful?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's almost at the eighth level," Shi Jinming shook his head and said, "The victory is that there are too many, there are over a million of them, and wherever they go, they will directly destroy all living things on the ground."

"Then how did you escape?" Yi Tian asked curiously, since the number of 'Red Blood Scorpions' is so amazing, I don't know what magic method Shi Jinming has to avoid the opponent's siege.

"Friend Daoist Yi, do you know that my Stone Clan monks also have a supernatural power called 'Truth Ability'?" Shi Jinming said proudly.

"I don't know if this 'truth supernatural power' has any magical effect?" Yi Tian also asked with interest.

"My Stone Clan monks are alien races produced by the spirits of heaven and earth, and the truth is naturally related to stones," Shi Jinming said with a smile on his face: "Concentrate the six senses and only release the power of mind and soul, and then gather the body together If it is in a ball, it is no different from ordinary rocks, and if you have no life on your body, you can pretend to be an ordinary rock in the barren hills."

It turns out that after listening to this, Yi Tian didn't have any idea about the "truth supernatural power" of the stone clan. How could this be considered a supernatural power?But it's not easy to lose face in front of Shi Jinming, so Yi Tian had to hold back his temper and listen to him continue.

"The group of 'Red Blood Scorpions' stayed around for more than half an hour and finally disappeared without a trace. Then I resumed my original appearance and continued to explore in another direction. Next, I found a magma pool there. By the way, I took a bath there," Shi Jinming said with a rather smug expression on his face.

"I guess you should have gained a lot of benefits in that magma pool," Yi Tian joked.

"That's right, the lava pool here is more than twice as strong as the lava pool in my Shizu resident, if I have enough time, I really want to sleep there," Shi Jinming said with a smile: "But my good luck That's all for now, when I was soaking in the hot spring, I suddenly noticed someone visiting, and I later confirmed that the identity of the other party was Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm."

"Is it him, I didn't expect your luck to be really bad," Yi Tian said with a wry smile: "Then how do you deal with it next?"

"How else can I deal with it, let's run away," Shi Jinming said with a curl of his lips, "I am far behind him in terms of strength, and even more incomparable in terms of supernatural power. I, Old Shi, know this well. So you can't hit an egg head-on with a rock, I ran all the way, but I didn't expect that the other party also locked my whereabouts and chased me in an orderly manner."

"Since this is the case, you will never be able to escape from Wu Jue's pursuit in terms of escaping speed alone, but how did you escape?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Speaking of this, Shi Jinming said helplessly with a drooping face: "Yi Daoyou, you are right. At first I just ran away desperately in the escape light, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't catch up directly, but blocked all directions. Stop, and drive me in one direction."

"Needless to say, she is driving you to help him explore the road. In the end, you should be driven to the eye of the 'Li' palace formation, and take the lead in fighting the creature guarding the palace, and Wu Jue followed Hurry up to take advantage of the situation and sneak over?" Yi Tian said with a sympathetic expression on his face.He thought it wouldn't be good if he was used by others like this, but he wondered how Shi Jinming survived this test.

However, Shi Jinming replied calmly: "Speaking of which, my old Shi is not bad luck. Even if he was in a desperate situation, he didn't flinch in the slightest. The guardian creature is a tenth-level giant red blood scorpion, and there are a large group of them behind him." The son is here. But who told me that the talent of the Stone Clan's "true supernatural power" can just perfectly disguise myself. Originally, Wu Jue wanted to deceive me, but I never thought that he was stealing chickens and letting me get away with it. Sliding over from that palace passage. As for Wu Jue, he could only stare angrily behind."

It turned out to be like this, and this can also explain why Wu Jue entered the fifth middle palace one step later.But Wu Jue is not a good person, he just needs to work hard to break through into the fifth palace.

(End of this chapter)

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