
Chapter 2265 Dispatched

Chapter 2265 Dispatched
After rescuing Shi Jinming from the 'Misty Confusion', the four of them came to a place to rest temporarily, and Yi Tian put the quarter drop of 'One Yuan True Water' directly into his mouth.

After a while of digestion, Shi Jinming finally woke up slowly, and later, under Yi Tian's questioning, Shi Jinming told everything that happened before.Speaking of which, he is also a blessed person, who was able to save himself from danger after going through the pursuit of the two palaces.

Even after being blocked by Wu Jue in the end, he rushed to the giant 'Red Blood Scorpion' guarding the 'Li' Palace, but it didn't help him.In the end, relying on the stone clan's innate supernatural powers, he safely passed through the passage of the palace and came here.

I only heard Shi Jinming continue to say: "When I came here, I thought I was back to the place I just came in. After turning around in the woods for a few times, I lost my way."

"Didn't I give you the 'Guide Bee', why don't you take it out and try to find a way out?" Yi Tian asked.

"I used it. Unfortunately, I met a red blood frog in the woods. The 'Guiding Bee' was accidentally caught and swallowed by it." Shi Jinming couldn't help but said: "In this way I lost my guide and was looking for my way like a headless chicken again."

"Then how did you crash into the 'Misty Fog' formed by the pollen of 'Red Millet'?" Yi Tian said.

"Not long after I flew through the woods, I felt a little dizzy," Shi Jinming said with an embarrassed smile, "I realized something was wrong, but I found that my mind was getting more and more confused, and my surroundings also changed colors. I entered into a sea of ​​red flowers by accident. Then, a lot of childhood memories appeared in front of my eyes, and finally my eyelids felt very heavy and the whole person was extremely sleepy."

"It seems that you also fell into the 'fog of confusion' by mistake. Speaking of which, the power of the soul of your Stone Clan cultivator is much weaker than that of other Clans, and it is most easy to be recruited," Yi Tian explained.

"It seems to be true. When I woke up, I found that the three of you had already arrived, and the surrounding environment was not the same as before when I fell down." Shi Jinming said: "Speaking of which, the fog is really scary. How did you survive?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "Don't worry about this matter, just follow us, not to mention that I also gave you the 'One Yuan True Water', as long as it is used well, it can be used in the 'Misty Confusion'. lasted for a long time.”

Hearing this, Shi Jinming showed a rare smile on his face, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Then if we fight Wu Jue in the mist, will we have a geographical advantage?"

"It can be said that, but what I'm still worried about now, Wu Jue must have other methods in his hands, after all, he is the avatar of the true immortal in the lower realm," Yi Tian also showed a little worry on his face when he said this.

Although the three of them were insured, Wu Jue's strength should not be underestimated, so it's better to be careful.

Later, Wan Gang and Yan Qiu, who were sitting aside, also woke up from the sedation. They looked at each other and chatted privately through sound transmission.Yi Tian was silently thinking about what to do next, and he felt troubled when he thought of Huang Jing, the tree spirit and wood monster, by his side.

Obviously at that time he was still hostile to his group, so Yi Tian didn't provoke the other party at that time, if the really aggressive Huang Jing did it, it would only be cheaper for Wu Jue and You Ming Boy.

The four of them discussed the countermeasures together, and soon set off again after recovering to their peak condition.This time, he finally gathered all the combat power, and Yi Tian felt at ease, even if he met You Ming Boy and Wu Jue again, he would have the strength to fight.

Taking out the sundial in his hand, Luo Geng lightly injected spiritual power and found that the middle needle in the center of Tianchi could start to move again.What is different from before is that after this measurement, Yi Tian quickly locked the direction of the formation's eye.Thinking about the previous situation, Yi Tian knew that his sundial, Luo Geng, could be used as long as it was not near the foggy area of ​​'Red Millet'.

Then he said lightly: "Let's go, let's go to the eye of the formation, I guess we should meet them this time, don't rush to make a move then, that tree spirit tree monster has always been hostile to us, don't provoke him easily, lest you have more lives branch."

"Fellow Daoist Ke Yi, if Huang Jing insists on targeting us, what should we do? We can't just put up with being beaten," Wan Gang asked.

"Just avoid him as much as possible. He is the spiritual plant at the center of the formation, and his body is Wu Jue's primary target, so as long as we don't touch his body, we shouldn't be targeted," Yi Tian explained .

The three people behind him also nodded in agreement when they heard the words, and then the four of them flew into the sky together.Yi Tian led the way and flew straight towards the eye of the formation.

During the period, he crossed two or three areas of "confusing fog". Yi Tian was unwilling to take risks for no reason and could only try to increase the flying height or bypass the edge of the foggy area.

After several hours in the air, suddenly Yi Tian felt his heart tense for no reason, opened his mind and scanned a thousand miles below, and found that the sleeping Lingzhi seemed to be awakened.All the dryads and wood monsters in the surrounding jungle poked their heads out of the main body, and then swarmed towards the direction they were going.

The three people behind him naturally also saw such a strange situation, and only heard Yan Qiu ask: "What's going on, fellow Daoist Yi, we didn't make any moves to cross the threshold, could it be that there is something wrong with the eye of the array?"

Sighing lightly, Yi Tian said helplessly: "It seems that Wu Jue is still one step ahead, the tree spirits and wood monsters here have all received the call from the innate spirit plant at the eye of the formation, and are rushing to reinforce them at this time. "

"Yi Daoyou means that Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm, was the first to find the deity of the innate spiritual plant at the eye of the array, so it's time to do it now," Wan Gang said with a slightly changed expression.

"Almost, then Huang Jing should have met Wu Jue at this moment, and we also speeded up. Everyone put on the breath-suppressing cloak so as not to reveal their whereabouts," Yi Tian hurriedly ordered: "These tree spirits and wood monsters may have nothing to do. Attacking the invading enemy differently, as long as we don't deliberately provoke them, we should not be attacked by groups."

While speaking, he also restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the limit. It would be difficult to find his whereabouts if the three of them were not close to each other.The three people behind them also took out the breath-suppressing cloaks to wrap themselves around themselves, and then followed Yi Tian to speed up their escape and continue to fly forward.

Half a moment later, the four of them flew thousands of miles in the air and suddenly lowered their escape speed. Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in the first place, also became extremely embarrassed when his serious eyes swept across the scene in front of him.The three people behind them all had pale faces, staring at the large 'confusing fog' in front of them with unusually solemn expressions.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian had already guessed in his heart that there might be a "confusing fog" protection in the eyes, but he never thought that what he saw this time turned out to be a huge red fog area that could not be seen at a glance.

Seeing the countless tree spirits and wood monsters swarming towards the "Misty Confusion" below, we knew that the situation in the eyes of the inner formation was not optimistic.After thinking about it, Yi Tian also gritted his teeth and sent a voice transmission to the three people behind him: "Let's go in too, the speed should be fast, I guess Wu Jue will be fighting fiercely with Huang Jing."

The three of them replied one after another, and then they all put up defensive covers to protect their whole bodies, and then urged the escape technique again and flew straight towards the 'confusing fog' in front of them.

After coming into the mist, Yi Tian found that although the four of them were above the sky, the sight here was not very clear.Fortunately, the three of them have left their own marks on them, so they can indeed use the marks to guide and lock the positions of the three of them here.At this time, they were flying side by side twenty or thirty feet away behind them.

After flying for several miles, violent winds came from the air, mixed with strong spiritual pressure fluctuations.The strong wind blew on his protective cover and made a buzzing sound, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and then lowered his head and said in a deep voice with his spiritual thoughts: "It's Wu Jue's supernatural power, I have fought against him before. I am familiar with the frequency of spiritual pressure fluctuations. But this wind is mixed with another spiritual pressure fluctuation that is comparable to it, and it contains a lot of wood spiritual power."

"It should be the innate true spirit transformed from Huang Jing's body, right?" Shi Jinming replied from behind.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian categorically denied it: "It's not Huang Jing. Although I have seen him twice and had contact with the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, but this time the spiritual power mixed in the wind is more pure. To put it mildly, he is more than twice as strong as the previous Huang Jing."

Speaking of this, a thought flashed across Yi Tian's mind, and he slapped his forehead and said, "It should still be Huang Jing himself, but he has probably become an adult at this time, so there will be a situation where his spiritual power has skyrocketed. "

"Does Yi Daoyou mean that we may see Huang Jing in three different forms from larvae to childhood to adulthood," Yan Qiu said.

"That's right. Although it sounds unbelievable, there is at least a [-]% to [-]% probability of this situation," Yi Tian said solemnly: "And we must pay special attention to the adult Huang Jing. These tree spirits and wood monsters are here Playing at home has inherent favorable factors, and it may take us away."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, we know how to deal with it," Wan Gang hurriedly replied.

"Besides, we will be restricted by the environment when we act in the 'fog of confusion'. Everyone's strength can't be [-]%, this time, it's Huang Jing who took advantage of the sky," Yi Tian also looked worried. Color explained.

Immediately, the four of them accelerated their escape speed and continued to fly forward, and within a short while, they could vaguely see a scene in the distance where two magical powers, one black and one blue, emanated from the aura attacking each other.The surrounding wind was born from this, but fortunately, as the wind gradually became stronger, the surrounding 'fog of confusion' was gradually blown away.

It's just that Yi Tian found that the power of the cyan aura obviously suppressed Wu Jue's supernatural power.At this time, the divine sense was able to lock onto Wu Jue on the opposite side. At the same time, after skimming the ground, he found a seven-foot-tall adult Lingxiu standing on the top of a treetop ten feet above the ground, and his cultivation was roughly at the peak of the middle stage of fusion. look.Wearing an emerald green Taoist robe, holding a tree root scepter in his left hand, and a bewitching red flower in his right hand.

This safflower should be 'Red Millet Viola', and it looks like a king of flowers.The source of the surrounding red 'confusing mist' comes from the flower king's stamen.

The two were also the first to notice the arrival of an uninvited guest, and then hurriedly separated a hundred feet away and looked at them vigilantly.

After three breaths, Wu Jue's voice came from the air and said: "Boy Yi, you are finally here, hurry up and let's take down this innate elf together so we can go out soon."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed suddenly, knowing that Wu Jue was dragging himself into the water.Then he hurriedly withdrew and stopped to stabilize the air, then looked at him and said coldly: "Don't try to drag us all into the water, we are just trying to find a breakthrough so far."

As soon as Wu Jue said this, he was a little unexpected, and then Yi Tian turned around and said to the human below: "I didn't expect Huang Jing to look like this as an adult, it seems that you are indeed in charge of guarding In the eye of the formation, there is an innate spiritual plant."

I saw the complexion of the person below changed slightly, and after looking at the four of Yi Tian, ​​he said coldly: "Hmph, you people are all virtuous, and you just want to find a way to get out of the battle, but in the end, not all of you are there. Hit my idea. I really misjudged you, since if that's the case, you don't want to leave and you all stay as my flower fertilizer."

After speaking, Huang Jing showed a ferocious expression on his face, and then he waved the scepter in his left hand, and a spirit of heaven and earth was mobilized by him, and then he sucked it into his mouth.In an instant, countless branches protruded from the surrounding trees to protect Huang Jing's body and wrap it up.

A large amount of immortal power was transported to Huang Jing's body through these branches. At the same time, his cultivation base skyrocketed, quickly rising from the middle stage of integration to the late stage, and then broke through to the early stage of Mahayana, and finally stabilized his cultivation base. In the middle stage of Mahayana.

The sound of "click, click" came from the inside of the branches, and after three breaths, a nine-foot tall Lingxiu wearing a green Taoist robe jumped out of it.The dead wood scepter in the left hand turned into a sharp wooden sword, and the red flower on the right hand was gone and replaced by a red flower-shaped shield.The strong wind generated after the aura of the whole person burst out directly blew away the "confusing fog" within ten miles around.

After the private dead tree branches faded away, Yi Tian took a closer look after the fog cleared. The place where Huang Jing was standing before was a huge tree canopy.This tree is about 10 years old, and the trunk below is about thirty or forty feet high.The roots of the trees are full of large tracts of 'Red Millet', and there is no place where there is a green lawn with shrubs in a radius of ten feet.

Zimang flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he saw a three-foot-long fresh and tender spiritual plant in the middle of the lawn, but when he looked carefully, it was the branches and leaves of a ten-thousand-year ginseng essence.

Needless to say, it should be exactly where Huang Jing's body is.

(End of this chapter)

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