
Chapter 2266

Chapter 2266
The four of them walked together and followed Luo Geng's induction on the sundial and finally found the location of the formation eye of the "Stone Soldiers Eight Formation". Heart fog 'shrouded.If you want to enter it, you have to stare at such a thick fog and continue to explore.

Not long after flying into the foggy area, he noticed a high-intensity gale blowing head-on.It's easy for Yi Tian to notice something wrong. The intensity of spiritual pressure fluctuations contained in this strong wind has reached the level of a late-stage monk.Needless to say, the people who shot should be Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm, and Huang Jing, the innate spirit-planting monster at the eye of the formation.

Although they were just barely showing such a level of cultivation, Yi Tian knew in his heart that if the game was played for real, both sides would have backup players.At that time, this fight will turn into a scene where monks in the Mahayana period fight.

Flying all the way with the three people behind him, he found that Wu Jue was fighting a seven-foot tall Lingxiu wearing a green Taoist robe.Seeing the arrival of the four people, the two sides naturally stopped in a hurry. Yi Tian was keenly aware that the person who confronted Wu Absolutely was of extraordinary strength, and there was still a little bit of Huang Jing in his childhood.

After some negotiations, it can be confirmed that this is Huang Jing's adult body, but Wu Jue's eloquent words and eloquence caused Huang Jing to misunderstand the four of them.Immediately, he absorbed a large amount of immortal energy and the essence of tree spirits and wood monsters, and then he appeared in the form of a mature man. When he appeared in front of everyone, he had already turned into a nine-foot-tall strong man.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body increased rapidly, breaking through the boundary of the Mahayana stage in one fell swoop, and reached the appearance of the middle stage of Mahayana.As a result, everyone present was also full of fear, and it took a little effort to get out of the battle.But Huang Jing, the tree spirit wood monster in the middle of the Mahayana period, seemed to have some prejudice against the visitors.

Yi Tian only felt that his scalp was numb, and it would be too much for him to face such a powerful person.From the corner of his eyes, he glanced into the distance and saw that Wu Jue also had a bad expression on his face. After staring at him for a while, he slowly turned his head and looked over.

The two sides met each other's eyes and could see the shock in each other's eyes, but now the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.Yi Tian sighed and said in a deep voice to the three people behind him: "Get ready to disperse, I guess Huang Jing will attack the five of us indiscriminately."

Wan Gang was startled and hurriedly replied: "Then how should we break the formation, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

"For the time being, let's go through the first wave first. Fortunately, the strong wind around his body has already blown away the 'fog of confusion' around him," Yi Tian said solemnly: "But Wu Jue and I will be He will focus on taking care of him, so you should step back and wait for an opportunity to dig out his body at the root of the tree below."

"His body should be a 10-year-old sealwort, right?" Yan Qiu said with a look of shock on his face.

"Almost, but you have to be careful, his body is not so easy to find," Yi Tian said, taking out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and handing it to Yan Qiu: "This thing should be able to restrain Huang Jing's body." The main body, but you have to be careful when you go on, the ancient wood in the eye is also a bit problematic."

Wan Gang, who was on the side, asked, "You and Wu Jue can really restrain the other party, fellow Daoist Yi, because his strength is too much higher."

"It's okay for you to be careful, and you must also be careful of Nether Boy. This person has not appeared until now, and it is always a hidden danger that has to be guarded against," Yi Tian said.

While talking, Wu Jue, who was in the distance, also started to move, and he took out a scarlet elixir and held it in his hand.With his eyes wandering, he gritted his teeth and poured it into his mouth, then swallowed it directly.After three breaths, there was an unknown wind blowing around with Wu Jue as the center, blowing out the Dao Ling pressure wind.

A roar of 'kill' came out of his mouth, and Wu Jue's eyes instantly turned red. After the blood energy in his whole body surged, his aura rose like an unstoppable momentum, and he directly raised his cultivation level by two steps, to the point where The appearance of the peak in the early days of Mahayana.

Seeing Yi Tian, ​​he still didn't understand that Wu Jue had taken some kind of high-level elixir to force out his own potential and forcibly improve his cultivation.Naturally, he also realized that the situation in front of him was not good for him, and if he had any reservations, he would definitely be left here.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to signal the three to leave first, while he stabilized his body in the air.Then he took a sharp breath and the spiritual power in the air began to circulate rapidly.Taking a light step forward in the void is like walking on the ground, and after three steps are completed, all the momentum on the person will be released, and the cultivation base will be restored to the early stage of Mahayana.At the same time, a dark golden luster faintly flashed on the skin of the whole body, but thousands of red lights emerged from behind, and a corona appeared out of thin air.

The sudden appearance of the three Mahayana monks in the air shocked the three of Wan Gang who were on the side. Speaking of which, they had never seen such a scene in their life.Although Shi Jinming and Yan Qiu had a little insight into Yi Tian's cultivation, it was the first time for them to see the real appearance of the deity.

But at this time, although there are three Mahayana monks on the scene, Ke Yitian seems to be the weakest side.However, if the factor of using secret methods or pills to forcibly improve his cultivation is excluded, Yi Tian can be regarded as the strongest person.

Wu Jue also showed fear on his face when he saw it, he knew very well in his heart that he was only temporarily relying on the power of the elixir to raise his cultivation to the next level.Immediately he shouted in a deep voice: "Boy, you are hiding so deeply, but if you try your best today and make a move, I'm afraid we will all fall here."

"That's right, but at this moment you should be more anxious than me," Yi Tian pouted and replied: "You must know that your cultivation has a time limit, if you don't make a move, you may change later. "

"Are you forcing me?" Wu Jue turned his head and said viciously, "Don't think too high of yourself, even if I'm not low, I can protect myself."

"It's a pity that your wish can't be fulfilled in this way," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You have spent so much effort just to reshape your body and become a complete and independent person, so if you don't take advantage of this opportunity to act When should we wait?"

These words touched Wu Jue's sore spot, and that was exactly the purpose of his trip.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth with a ferocious face and let out a miserable howl. After three breaths, two pairs of blood-colored wings grew out from his back.The original hands and feet also changed at this time, the nails elongated and became extremely sharp, and the two feet became like birds.

Wu Jue's mouth elongated and became like a long bird's beak. After three breaths, a black spiritual light flashed, revealing that the deity was like a bird man of the Black Feather tribe.

He yelled sharply: "You guys are so lucky to be able to see my real face, boy Yi, so let's join hands to deal with the tree spirit and wood monster below for the time being. After the matter is done, I just need to take a piece of the original wood core."

Yi Tian listened with a serious face but shook his head and said: "My original intention was to find a way out, not to hurt Huang Jing. So please forgive me, Senior Wu, for your proposal, I cannot accept it."

Hearing that Huang Jing looked at the two with an angry face, he yelled angrily, "Stop pretending, everyone who came here today has run."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands, and hundreds of branches flew out from the crown of the tree, shooting towards the air indiscriminately.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly put up the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him, only to hear the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping-pong", and those branches were completely blocked.But Yitian found that his hands were numb, and there were countless scratches on the front door of the dragon tortoise shield.

To say that I spent a lot of effort in refining this shield. In the past, I could not leave the slightest trace on it when I used it to resist attacks. But today, it seems that Huang Jing in front of me is indeed the strongest monk I have met since my debut. .

Looking from the sidelines, Wu Jue, who was in the distance, was also uncomfortable. The four black wings behind his back firmly protected himself, but there were three slender branches with thumbs stuck on the black wings.

Wu Jue's four black wings shook violently to shake off all the branches stuck on the wings, then turned around and quickly formed a seal with his hands, after which the four wings waved rapidly continuously behind him.

After three breaths, a tornado formed in front of Wu Jue, visible to the naked eye, and then Wu Jue manipulated the wind dragon to cover Huang Jing's head with one finger of both hands.

There was a sneer on Yi Tian's face, he didn't expect Wu Jue to hide it very deeply, if it wasn't for driving him to a desperate situation today, I'm afraid he would still hide it.

After thinking about it, I didn't hold back my hands and sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword, and murmured: "Change," so that the Taiyuan wooden sword disintegrated into thousands of filaments, interspersed and fell to the canopy below.

Huang Jing rolled his eyelids and let out a long breath through his nose, then stretched out his right hand to sacrifice a red aura, and then slowly tightened his five fingers to hold the aura in his palm.Countless twigs sprang out from the canopy of the surrounding trees again, forming a three-foot-long enchantment of branches around Huang Jing.

Yi Tian and Wu Jue's spells hit the branch barrier head-on and made a 'bang bang' sound.But after the spell, a three-foot-sized tree ball was revealed to defend.

Seeing this, Wu Jue was slightly taken aback, and then he repeated the old trick and sacrificed the wind dragon again.It's just that this time he manipulated to dismantle the wind dragon and turn it into several small wind blades.Then it attacked according to where Huang Jing was standing, but this time he didn't aim at Huang Jing's body, but fell towards the tree crown under his feet.

After the sound of 'click, click', the wind blade cut off many branches and directly hit the trunk of the tree.Unexpectedly, under such a shot, there was a dull moaning sound from the tree trunk.

Huang Jing, who was standing on the canopy of the tree, changed his face drastically, stared at Wu Jue, and then shot again.After opening his hands, he divided the crown of the tree under his feet into two halves, and then there were two fast-growing branches forming a thick whip of a bucket, and then swept towards the position where the two of them were standing in the air.

Wherever the tree whip passed through the void, there were distortions to varying degrees, Yi Tian saw it and hurriedly sacrificed a dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him. With a 'bang', the tree whip took Yi Tian back ten feet away before he could stabilize his figure.Looking at Wu Jue in the distance in a blink of an eye, he didn't feel well either. He was definitely not as strong as himself in round defense, so he could only rely on the advantage of escapism to dodge.

The two pairs of black wings on the back waved hurriedly, and the whole person fled in the air a few times before flying out of the attack range of the tree whip.

But Huang Jing absolutely didn't want to see such a situation happen, so he stretched out his hand and manipulated the tree whip again to split it into four.Four tree whips as thick as an adult's arm appeared in the air, followed by Wu Jue, and blocked the retreat routes in front, back, left, and right.

Huang Jing saw that Wu Jue's advantage lies in his fast speed, and the only way to deal with him is to keep reducing his maneuvering space.Compared with Yi Tian's head-on confrontation, Wu Jue's coping method seems to be to exploit his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and use his speed to move away.But at the same time, it also caused Huang Jing to take special care of him. The four tree whips on the trunk twitched rapidly, slowly compressing the space where Wu Jue could move to less than ten feet.

Whenever Wu Jue wants to break through the siege, there will always be a tree whip pointed at his true self.In this way, even if you want to stand out, you have to take a hit.And Wu Jue naturally didn't want to pay such a price that he missed several opportunities for no reason.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, saw it clearly and naturally expected the other party's thoughts.But what does Wu Jue's life and death have to do with him?On the other hand, Huang Jing below is a very troublesome problem.

At this time, he seemed to have been dazzled by anger, and no matter how he explained it, it would be useless.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's divine thoughts quickly swept across the ground below, and saw that the three of Wan Gang had landed and flew above the bushes, but the original ginseng flower shrank back to the bushes with a 'swish' sound as if it seemed to foresee some threat Went into the bush.

Seeing that Yi Tian hastily uttered mantras, golden waves of light passed over Huang Jing's body, and the other party seemed to be affected by the sound of 'Tianlei Eight Sounds', but his body trembled slightly and then returned to its original state .Huang Jing turned around and stared at Yi Tian, ​​and then shouted: "You can still perform the secret arts of the Buddhist sect. Since you are a Buddhist practitioner, you should have a compassionate heart, so why are you acting like a tiger?"

With a cold snort, Yi Tian stopped Tianlei Bayin and then replied: "As you said, I didn't kill you. And just now Wu Jue wanted to join hands with me to get your real wood core, and I didn't agree. "

"You don't want to offend both sides. It seems that you have miscalculated if you want to make a profit." Huang Jing said in a cold voice: "And you sent three accomplices to look for my real body. Don't say that there is nothing wrong with it." I've made up my mind, even if you don't have it, can you guarantee that the three of them don't have crooked ideas?"

Yi Tian was speechless, but just as Huang Jing said, even if he didn't want to poach his real body, wouldn't the three of Wan Gang have other ideas.

After three breaths of silence, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said: "Since you think this is the case, then I have no other choice, but if you can fade away in time and let us go out safely, then I can guarantee that I will not treat your deity again." Let's do it."

(End of this chapter)

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