
Chapter 2267 Flanking 2

Chapter 2267 Flank II

Yi Tian finally found Wu Jue at the center of the Fifth Palace, and at the same time found that he was confronting Huang Jing.At this time, Huang Jing had already revealed the appearance of an adult, after absorbing the spiritual energy and essence in the big tree under his feet, he raised his cultivation base to that of the middle stage of Mahayana in one fell swoop.Faced with such Yi Tian, ​​he didn't dare to be careless and hastily restored his self-cultivation.

And Wu Jue in the distance is also in the state of exercising secret magic powers to forcibly raise his cultivation base to the peak of the early stage of Mahayana. In this way, there is a three-party situation. On the surface, Yi Tian's strength is the weakest, but the other two are both Forcibly improving one's cultivation base through secret techniques and supernatural powers, if a protracted battle is fought, it will naturally be far inferior to Yi Tian.

It was precisely after seeing this clearly that Yi Tian made targeted moves, trying not to anger Huang Jing and not hurt him.In case there is no room for maneuver in negotiations later.

After hearing what he said, Huang Jing's face was also slightly moved. Speaking of these people who came in, he only had a slight liking for Yi Tian. After all, he was still a disciple of Luo Tianxian Palace, but he didn't have any thoughts about other people. are intruding outsiders.

But before Yi Tian finished speaking, Wu Jue, who was in the distance, interjected angrily: "Don't try to confuse people, boy, this 10-year-level Huang Jing ginseng is also a first-class treasure in the fairy world. If you can take it Talking less can also improve your cultivation to the peak of the late Mahayana, don't say that you won't be moved."

Hearing this, Huang Jing's face naturally sank again. After all, any so-called covenant is nonsense in the face of great interests.Then he said disdainfully: "He's right, you're a slick-tongued kid, and you're full of bad things in your head."

"It seems that you have to go all the way to the dark." Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said, "If that's the case, don't blame me for disregarding the righteousness of the same family."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian took out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and sacrificed it in his hand, and saw that the half-foot-long 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' turned into a three-foot-long mace in the wind.Yi Tian manipulated it in front of him and tried it a few times before turning to point at Huang Jing. With a 'whoosh' sound, the mace flew out in an arc and smashed at Huang Jing's face.

'Kakaka' Instantly stretched out hundreds of twigs from the crown of the tree, intertwined in front of him to form a tree wall for defense.After the mace flew by, but seeing sawdust splash, the tree wall responded with a three-foot hole in the middle.

Seeing that the defense was ineffective, Huang Jing's eyelids trembled slightly, and then he drew back the tree whip in the air and quickly surrounded him. After three breaths, a tree cocoon appeared on the tree crown, leaving only Huang Jing's eyes. A suitable size hole.

This time Yi Tian did not hesitate to control the mace to attack head-on, but after hitting the tree cocoon, only sawdust splashed out, and the whole tree cocoon shook violently under the violent hammering, but even In this way, Huang Jing's defense could not be broken.

Wu Jue, who was in the distance, saw that the tree whips around him were withdrawn, and then he freed up his hands again and raised two black whirlwind blades to hit Huang Jing's side.

There were two 'booms', and a large amount of sawdust exploded from the canopy. When the smoke cleared, you could see that the tree cocoon where Huang Jing was staying seemed to be crumbling, but the defense hadn't been breached.

A roar came from the tree cocoon, it was Huang Jing's call, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: "You two, don't deceive people too much, today I will show you what it means to be invincible!" Strength."

After saying that, the tree cocoons around him burst open, and a person in gray tree armor flew out of it.At this moment, only Huang Jing's head was exposed, and his whole body looked like a strong man in his early [-]s, as if he had aged a teenager all of a sudden.

Yi Tian also looked dignifiedly, looked at it carefully, and sighed for a while: "Sure enough, the spiritual plants in the fairy world are extraordinary. With the gradual changes in your body shape and appearance, your cultivation base has also improved. Although you are still in the middle of Mahayana. The degree of condensing the true essence is far higher than before."

Wu Jue, who was in the air, also saw the way, and then shouted in a deep voice: "What a magical power of the forbidden technique of 'time makes people grow old', I didn't expect to be able to see such a long-lost technique in the fairy world again. It really is worth it On this trip, if Boy Yi doesn’t cooperate with me now, I’m afraid he will be left here forever.”

"I don't need you to tell me what to do," Yi Tian replied with curled lips, "I just don't know how powerful this metal supernatural power of 'time makes people grow old' can be exerted."

"Hmph, I know that you are an immortal with little knowledge." Wu Jue would not let go of any chance to belittle Yi Tian, ​​and explained directly: "I have heard of such supernatural powers when I was in the fairy world, but Ordinary people would not use it, after all, who would think that their lifespan is too long and let it pass away at an accelerated rate. Only monsters with a lifespan of more than 10 years or spirit-planting monsters will use it."

"What effect will it have after casting it?" Yi Tian asked.

"Usually, after casting the mystical supernatural powers, the caster can lose the corresponding cultivation strength in a short period of time," Wu Jue said: "But basically this is a short-term improvement, and afterward, it is necessary to retreat and practice to consolidate these cultivation bases. , after all, relying on mystical supernatural powers to forcibly improve my cultivation base is unstable."

"But obviously Huang Jing's strength has not improved much," Yi Tian joked.

"In my opinion, he has condensed at least ten thousand years of age," Wu Jue said not so optimistically: "In my opinion, his strength has increased by at least [-]%. It seems that our troubles are coming."

Just as the two were talking, they saw Huang Jing wave the red flower in his hand a few times, and a red smoke wafted from it, covering the surrounding area for ten miles in an instant.

"It's the 'confusing fog'," Yi Tian said without stopping, and hurriedly set up his escape speed and flew high into the sky.But I didn't expect that there was a red streak directly covering the top of the head at some point.

After three breaths, the 'confusing fog' here enveloped everyone, Wu Jue looked shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Let's work together to disperse this fog, otherwise everyone will be in danger .”

"Okay," Yi Tian replied without hesitation, then reached out and took out the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan', injected spiritual power into his hand and raised it up in the air.He said in his mouth: "Change," the original one-foot-sized 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' opened against the wind and turned into a one-foot-sized shape.

Yi Tian stretched out his hands to catch the fan, and then the spiritual power urged him down to fan the surroundings directly.After a flash, Dao Gangfeng appeared out of thin air in front of him, and the oncoming "confusing fog" was separated from the opening.

Wu Jue didn't give up when he saw it. The two pairs of black wings on his back also trembled rapidly, and countless small wind blades burst out in front of him to blow away the "confusing fog" around him.In an instant, wherever the wind blade went, the mist was blown away.

Seeing that the "fog of confusion" was broken by the two of them, Huang Jing's face was not moved at all, and he waved the scepter in his right hand.After the spiritual light flashed on the scepter, a large number of leaves flew out from the canopy, turning into a green wind dragon in front of it, split into two strands, and hit Yi Tian and Wu Jue respectively.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that this move was powerful, but he saw the flying leaves roaring across the air and then attacking towards his face.Putting up a dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him, Yi Tian's body surface glowed with a faint golden light, and he used Jin Yang's body skills to the limit.

The sound of "zizz" came from the dragon tortoise shield, and Yi Tian only felt that the shield vibrated slightly after being passed by countless leaves in a short period of time.Suddenly, a green light pierced through the defensive barrier of the dragon tortoise shield and flew towards him.After tilting his body slightly, Yi Tian dodged calmly, but he felt a numbness on his right arm for no reason.He lowered his head to see that the green leaf had left untraceable scratches on the surface of his Jin Yang body.

There was a tingling sensation from the wound, it should be that the flying leaf contained a lot of toxins.Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly used his kung fu to force out all the toxins that had invaded his arm.Immediately, he took out a pill with his left hand, crushed it and rubbed it into the wound.

After one breath, the numbness on the right arm disappeared, and at the same time, Yi Tian felt a cool and comfortable feeling instead.This Huang Jing is also quite powerful. I don't think there are many people who can hurt his own deity these years, not even Wu Jue and Changsun Ting, the real immortals of the lower realm.Looking up at Wu Jue in the distance, he didn't seem to be much better than himself, so he used the black wings to defend against the old trick.

Those green leaves left untraceable marks after passing through the wings.But Wu Jue seemed to be fine, looked down at the green marks left on the black wings, but his face became extremely ugly.

Yi Tian knew that these green scars contained a lot of venom, but it seemed that Wu Jue was not affected.After pausing slightly in the air, he took out a pitch-black drill bit and a half-foot-sized hammer in his hand.

After a while, he flew forward to sacrifice the magic weapon in his hand, and then stretched out his hammer to slam the black drill bit. In an instant, a red flash of evil lightning rose from the drill bit and fell on Huang Jing's body. The sound of 'Boom, Boom, Boom' was like thunder on dry land. Seeing that the red lightning bolts were about to fall on Huang Jing's body, suddenly hundreds of branches intertwined in front of Huang Jing from the depths of the canopy. A thick wooden wall.

The red devilish electricity broke through the first line of defense in an instant after it hit the current one, but then more and more branches behind it connected several protective walls in front of Huang Jing.

After Wu Jue's Mosha Lightning broke through the second defense, it disappeared completely. It seemed that this supernatural power was powerless to continue.

On the contrary, Huang Jing's complexion changed slightly, he looked at him and said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect you to practice the technique of 'Blood Fiend Thunder'. Although you can restrain me and other tree spirit monsters, your strength is too weak to exert its due power. gone."

Hearing this, Wu Jue's complexion darkened. It seems that Huang Jing is right. He is now forced to upgrade to the peak of the early stage of Mahayana, but he can't bring out the 'Blood Fiend Thunder' to its due strength. .Moreover, Wu Jue's complexion also became a little flushed after the attack, obviously because the activation of such a supernatural power consumes so much real energy that he couldn't even use it a second time for a while.

After Yi Tian saw the seal in his hand, he retrieved the sacrificed Taiyuan wooden sword, and then manipulated thousands of sword threads to fall on Huang Jing's head below.But these cyan sword threads pushed away Huang Jing's defense, and the coefficients all fell within a radius of ten feet around him.Through the canopy falls directly on top of the trunk below.

At this time, Huang Jing's face changed slightly and he shouted anxiously: "You dare to hurt the tree old man's body, then don't blame me for being rude." After saying that, Huang Jing waved his hands, and the tree wall in front of him immediately disintegrated Then, it split into two bucket-thick branches and shot towards the air.

With a sound of 'Puff Chi', I saw that the sharp 'spear' transformed by the branch pierced through Yi Tian's real body in an instant, and then the figure of the real body disappeared after an afterimage appeared.Thirty feet away from the afterimage, a crack appeared out of thin air, and Yi Tian got out of it looking unharmed.

On the other hand, Wu Jue, who was on the other side, became extremely solemn after facing the wooden thorn cast by Huang Jing.The two pairs of black wings on the back flapped rapidly, and the speed of the whole person suddenly increased by more than [-]%. With a sound of 'whoosh', his figure went straight up, and in an instant, he rose to a height of five or six hundred feet before slowing down slightly.

Looking back at the 'spears' transformed from those branches, they didn't intend to stop at all, so Wu Jue, with a shocked expression on his face, urged the evasion technique again to fly over a thousand feet before he escaped the attack.

Seeing this, Huang Jing also withdrew his magical powers, then turned around and looked at Yi Tian who was next to him.

"I didn't expect you to have the space supernatural power of 'You are so close to the end of the world'," Huang Jing, who is also a knowledgeable person, immediately told the origin of this trick.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, stared at the other party, and said: "Since you can tell the origin of my exercises, you should know my details. In this case, you might as well step back quickly and let me go out quickly." .”

"Hmph, with your cultivation level at most being an outer disciple, even though you have acquired a lot of inner sect supernatural powers and secret techniques, you have no right to give orders to me," Huang Jing said angrily, "What's more, these There are so many monks of other races among the people, to be honest, why would they lure wolves into the house if they are really sect disciples?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was at a loss for words, and then smiled helplessly on his face and said: "This place has collapsed from the fairy world, and after reaching the spiritual world, it is connected to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. I am the The people of the Nine Realms of the Spirit have obtained the Taoist true inheritance of the Luotian Immortal Palace, and they will surely ascend to the Immortal Realm in the future. The aliens you saw today are all people who entered the fragments of the Immortal Realm from the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit to explore, so you can see that there are different alien races monk".

After hearing this, Huang Jing's expression turned serious, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he said after a while, "Is that four-winged bird man also a person from your spirit world? All the exercises he performed came from Yu Tian. And his purpose is to come and go to my deity, since you are with him, why don't you make me feel wary."

(End of this chapter)

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