
Chapter 2269 Frustration

Chapter 2269 Frustration
Yi Tian and others broke into the battle between Wu Jue, the Immortal of the Lower Realm, and Huang Jing, the spirit of the formation, at the center of the "Stone Soldiers Eight Formation".After some fighting, Huang Jing's body finally came out, which turned out to be a 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng'.

As a result, Huang Jing had no choice but to return to its body. Originally, he was just the elf of this 10-year-old Ginseng King.Although he doesn't look weak, his body is his deadliest weakness.Yi Tian offered sacrifices to the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle' and stewed its real body in a spoon, and then temporarily put Huang Jing's real body in the jade box he had prepared in advance.

After all, facing Tiancaidibao like this, Yi Tian and others will be moved even if they are true immortals in the fairy world, but Yi Tian knows that he can't do anything to him. After all, this 'Purple Bearded Dragon King Ginseng' was planted here It is used as an eye guard.If you take it out of the formation rashly, it may not have a direct impact on the space of this formation.

After dealing with Huang Jing's matter, Yi Tian had to face Wu Jue again.If I directly interfered and ruined his good deed, I'm afraid I have to come and make a break this time.

After putting away the jade box containing the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng', Yi Tian turned around and directly activated the 'Corona Golden Sun Body Technique' on his body.The figure flashed past and flew not far in front of Wu Jue, and then quickly swung his fists out, the fists the size of sandbags mixed with streaks of golden light bloomed instantly in the air.

Although Wu Jue had anticipated this, he never thought that Yi Tian would make such a direct move.The two pairs of black wings on the back fluttered rapidly, and quickly sacrificed the 'Golden Hammer' and 'Electric Drill' in their hands to meet Yi Tian's punching wind.

It's just that under such a fierce attack, Wu Jue naturally missed frequently, and the four wings on his body and back were hit one after another.The body trembled a few times in the air before being able to maintain stability.

Taking advantage of the gap between Yi Tian's punching style, Wu Jue did not show any weakness and directly controlled the 'Golden Hammer' and 'Electric Drill' at close range, and a very dazzling red and black light burst out suddenly with the area where the two fought as the center point.It is Wu Jue's special skill 'Magic Lightning', but the detonation at such a close distance will have a direct impact on the two parties present. It is blunt to say that Wu Jue is preparing to trade injuries for injuries this time. Come to withstand the attack of this punching wind.

At the same time, the wave of 'Magic Lightning' spread to the three people below. Yan Qiu and others took out defensive spiritual weapons and offered sacrifices in front of them to block the aftermath of 'Magic Lightning'.

After the aftermath cleared up, Yi Tian and Wu Jue were seen facing each other in the air, but there was no part of Wu Jue's body that was intact.The two pairs of black wings on the back also showed fist marks, and the black feathers on the surface of the most severely injured place had all fallen off, exposing the bright red tender flesh inside.

And Yi Tian didn't look very good at this time, the green shirt and Taoist robe he was wearing were broken in many places, big and small.But there is a golden light flashing inside, which is the light shown by the golden sun body technique of cultivation.

Both hands trembled slightly, and many red and black arcs shone.To be honest, my sudden attack just now really caught Wu Jue by surprise.But I didn't expect that the opponent would use the method of exchanging injuries for injuries to directly detonate the 'Magic Lightning' at such a close range.

Although he has practiced the Buddhist sect's "sun crown golden sun body technique", he still cannot completely resist the opponent's supernatural powers.Judging from the remaining electric energy on his hands, the 'Magic Flash Lightning' has not been completely resisted, at least one tenth of it is constantly eroding his hands.After thinking about it, Yi Tian's complexion froze and the hand seal changed again, a purple true flame appeared in the palm of his right hand after a flash, it was his natal true fire 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.

Then, with both hands together, the wisp of 'Thunder Flame and Purple Flame' was directly sacrificed and covered the whole body.Immediately, there was a 'ZZZ' sound on both hands, forcing out the remaining 'Mo Sha Rapid Lightning' electric energy.

Then Yi Tian turned around and looked at the opposite Wu Jue, and saw that he also took this opportunity to make some adjustments.Under the circulation of the spiritual power in the body, all the parts that were injured by him were repaired, but at this time, Wu Jue showed a look of anger on his face, and shouted: "I have never been injured by anyone since I became a golden fairy. My deity, you are the first one, and then you are ready to accept my stormy anger."

After all, two streaks of black and red spiritual power gathered on his hands, and his own aura suddenly soared.

Yi Tian saw it clearly, but he didn't care about it on his face, and even showed a little disdain in his eyes.Although what Wu Jue said may be true, it is only his true self.

And the one standing in front of him is just a clone of Wu Jue, the Golden Immortal from Yu Tian. Thinking of this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Senior Wu's real strength is extraordinary, but I really admire him, but you are just one of them. It’s just a clone, and you dare to be so arrogant. What’s more, the self-awareness derived from your clone already wants to get rid of the shackles of the deity, and I don’t know how the deity Wu Jue in the fairy world will react if he understands this.”

"It seems that you know all about my plan," Wu Jue said coldly after hearing this.

"Ever since you cooperated with Nether Boy, I can vaguely guess the basis of your cooperation," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Both avatars will naturally have self-awareness, so we will definitely try our best To get rid of the shackles of the deity, I believe that the Nether boy and your predecessor have the same standpoint."

"Good boy, you really have some clues, but you must have thought of it through what the Youming boy's follower said," Wu Jue said as he swept his eyes slightly and finally landed on Yan Qiu below.

The latter was trembling and his complexion turned extremely pale in an instant. Fortunately, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming who were beside him stepped forward together to form a tripod of three, which made Yan Qiu's complexion look a little better.

Then Wu Jue withdrew his gaze and stared at Yi Tian in front of him for a few breaths, then waved his hands and knocked the 'Golden Hammer' hard on the 'Electric Drill'.In an instant, only the sound of 'crash' was heard, and a fist-sized black thunder ball appeared in front of Wu Jue.As the thunderball kept spinning, it seemed to draw all the spiritual energy around. In the air, the thunderball became bigger and bigger until it became five feet in diameter.

After Yi Tian saw it, his face showed an incomparably dignified look, the power of Wu Jue's moves this time was several times stronger than before.It is blunt to say that the strength of such supernatural powers has reached the level of monks in the middle of Mahayana.

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian also trembled in panic, not fully sure to take this move.

Suddenly a voice came from the mind, it was the Taoist Beast Monarch who was staying in the beast control bag on his waist and said: "It seems that you are in big trouble, do you need me to help?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face relaxed and he hurriedly replied: "It would be great if you can come forward to help the Beast Lord." After finishing speaking, he saw a white light flying out of his waist and falling beside him, showing the Beast Lord Taoist appearance.

The Taoist Beast Lord squinted his eyes at Wu Jue before saying: "Sure enough, this is the unique skill of the Wu family from 'Yu Tian', 'Soul Devouring Thunder', but with this level of cultivation, it can only be used. I'm afraid it can only display less than [-]% of its power."

Hearing Beast Monarch Taoist's explanation, Yi Tian didn't have any joy on his face, the corner of his mouth moved and said: "Don't say it's less than [-]% of the power, I'm not sure that I can get away with the other party's actions now."

"As a direct disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, you are afraid of this, it seems that you can't practice well," the Taoist Beast Lord said with eloquence.

Such words naturally did not shy away from anyone present, and it was the first time for the three of Wan Gang below to hear that someone could scold Yitian face to face.But even when he shifted his gaze to the beast king and Taoist, he couldn't see his true cultivation.

However, he is not a fool if he can cultivate to such a level. Since Yi Tian has such a master guarding him, he dare not make mistakes, and then he sacrificed spiritual weapons to defend himself.The current battle has long been beyond their imagination, and the only way to save their lives is not to sit on the sidelines and wait for the follow-up.

Wu Jue, who was in front of him, also heard the words of the Taoist Beast Lord. He turned his eyes and scanned him several times, but he didn't find anything unusual, let alone see the true appearance of the Taoist Beast Lord.But at this moment, the helpers that Yi Tian can find are definitely not mediocre, Wu Jue also felt a little scalp tingling after secretly thinking about it.

But now that the supernatural powers and spells have been fully charged, this arrow has to be fired on the string.Thinking of this, Wu Jue's complexion changed slightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After three breaths, he was the first to move, waving his hands to sacrifice the 'Soul Devourer Thunder' in front of him.After crossing the arc, the black and red thunder ball in the air flew towards the position of the three of Wan Gang below.

And the speed was far beyond imagination, which surprised the three of Wan Gang.Such supernatural powers have already exceeded the limit of their defense.Wu Jue also saw Yi Tian's weakness, so he must attack it and save it.

At this point, Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically, he lowered his head and said a few words to the Beast Lord Taoist, then reached out and patted his back lightly.In an instant, the figures of the two disappeared from the sky, and the next moment, Shi Jinming's figure appeared at the position where the two were originally standing.

The defense of the three people at the bottom suddenly lost a corner, so naturally they couldn't continue. Yan Qiu and Wan Gang's expressions changed suddenly. Just as they were about to get anxious, they saw Yi Tian and Beast Monarch Taoist suddenly appear in front of Shi Jinming who should have been standing. position.

Then Yi Tian's voice transmission came from the ears of the two of them: "You two stand back for now." These words sounded like the sound of the sounds of nature, Wan Gang and Yan Qiu would hesitate any longer, and they rushed forward immediately. Quickly pushed away.

I saw that Yi Tian quickly opened a three-foot-sized gap in front of him under the quick seal of his hands.The Beast Monarch Taoist also immediately stretched out his hand to sacrifice Dao Lingguang to Yi Tian's spell, expanding the gap to the void again to about ten feet.

The gusts of wind blowing out from the inside directly pulled the incoming 'soul-eating thunder' into the gap in the void. Under the lightning of 'Zizzi', the 'Soul Eater Thunder' was swallowed directly into the Xumi space opened by Yi Tian.

After all the thunderballs were loaded, Yi Tian then closed the gap again, so that Wu Jue's killing blow was resolved without bloodshed.

Wu Jue, who was standing in the air at this time, also changed his face in shock and shouted in horror: "This is the supreme supernatural power of Luotian Immortal Palace 'Space Retracing', I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply."

"Senior Wu has won the award, but this time I was lucky enough to accept it thanks to the help of the Beast Lord and Daoist," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face, "but now senior also has to try Then we will counterattack."

After saying that, Yi Tian was about to make a move, but saw the corner of the mouth of the Beast Monarch and Taoist next to him move a few times, and then he stretched out his hand and swiped towards Wu Jue who was in the air.Immediately, a three-foot-sized white sharp claw appeared above Wu Jue's head, gliding over his real body from top to bottom.

After a gust of wind blew, I saw that Wu Jue was slapped head-on by this sharp claw for more than ten feet before he could stabilize his figure. At this time, his face was shocked, and the spiritual power on his body was also in a state of extreme confusion, as if just now. Awakened from the berserk and unable to extricate himself.

Speaking of which, Taoist Beast Monarch seldom made a move since he followed him, but if he didn't make a move, he would beat Wu Jue to the point where he had no strength to fight back.After this move, the Taoist Beast Lord glanced at Wu Jue above him out of the corner of his eye and said, "Okay, it seems that I don't need to do anything about the next thing."

Yi Tian hastily replied: "That's all thanks to fellow Daoist Beast Monarch for your help."

"Your cultivation is improving faster than I imagined, and it seems that returning to the fairyland is just around the corner," the Beast Monarch Taoist said with a slow tone: "Well, I won't get involved anymore, you can deal with the aftermath yourself."

After speaking, the figure of the Beast Monarch Taoist flashed and turned into a white light and flew back to the beast-controlling bag on Yi Tian's waist again.In the air, the faces of Wan Gang and the three of them changed slightly when they saw it. Speaking of which, they have seen what true strength is today.Beast Monarch Taoist's action really shocked the three of them, and now they have a deeper understanding of Yi Tian, ​​and they will naturally put themselves in the right position in the future.

Looking up at Wu Jue, a strange smile appeared on Yi Tian's face.He reached out and patted the beast-controlling pouch on his waist again, and a cyan light flew out of the beast-controlling pouch and landed on his right shoulder, which was exactly the appearance of the croaking immortal himself, a lucky toad.

Wu Jue, who was staring at him with his eyes popping out, sized him up a few times, and then said in an astonishing sound transmission: "Why did you meet a ruthless character? But I think that person's weak luck seems to be the result of the wind. It looked like a dying candle was about to be blown out."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face relaxed and he hurriedly replied via voice transmission: "Why can you see the remaining lifespan of a person now?"

"I can't tell how much longevity is, but the strength of a person's luck can still be seen with the help of innate magical powers," the immortal Guagua replied: "The luck of the person above is passing very quickly, and it is very fast. Evidently he must be dying soon."

Nodded, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and once again sacrificed the corona golden yang body technique, and then flew to Wu Jue's face with a sudden leap, with two fists swung out again, the powerful physical advantage was instantly manifested come out.After Wu Jue suffered a violent blow from the Beast Monarch Taoist, before he had time to recover, he had to take Yi Tian's punching forcefully.

After several stunned sounds, a figure was shot from the air and landed on the ground, and it stopped the momentum after bouncing back and forth several times.

(End of this chapter)

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