
Chapter 2270 Frustration 2

Chapter 2270

With the help of the Beast Lord and Daoist, Yi Tian finally overwhelmed Wu Jue and shot him down directly from the air. After using the Buddhist Sect's "Coronal Golden Sun Movement Technique", both defense and attack power doubled and skyrocketed.It should be said that Yi Tian has used this kind of physical skills and supernatural powers many times, but this is the first time he has used it after entering the Mahayana period.

Besides, Yi Tian noticed early in the morning that although Wu Jue is not weak, he focuses on magic attacks, and the 'Golden Hammer' and 'Electric Drill' in his hands are both great fairy weapons.But after all, he is a fallen true fairy avatar, suppressed by the power of the interface, and his cultivation is restricted.

After receiving a row of punches from himself, Wu Jue finally couldn't hold back and finally fell from the air weakly.After rolling a few times on the ground, Wu Jue managed to support his body, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were actively disordered.Standing up, Wu Jue looked up at Yi Tian and suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly: "I thought you were a daring person, but I didn't expect you to hesitate at the last moment."

As soon as this remark came out in the air, the three of Wan Gang were stunned, and turned their eyes to Yi Tian.Although they didn't know why Wu Jue said this, but if what Wu Jue said was true, there must be some unexplainable reason why Yi Tian stopped at the last moment.

Yi Tian sighed softly, but shook his head and said: "You are right, if I kill you directly, it will definitely cause incomprehensible grievances on your body, and it will have great disadvantages to Feisheng Xianjieze in the future Influence. But don't be too complacent, in your current state, it is extremely difficult to leave this fragment of the fairy world safely."

Hearing this, the three people who were rushing to the side finally understood.Their cultivation has not yet reached the Mahayana stage, and naturally they will not have such a plan.As for what Yi Tian said is also true, if he has a grudge against the deity who is from Yu Tianzhen and Immortal Wu Jue, I am afraid that he will have scruples after his ascension in the future.

But if Yi Tian didn't make a move, it didn't mean that the three of them wouldn't be moved by it. Wan Gang, Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming looked at each other and saw what they were thinking.

Then Shi Jinming said: "You don't need to worry too much, fellow Daoist Yi, I am willing to do all kinds of difficult things for you."

Yan Qiu beside him also turned around and said to Jishou: "Please Daoist Yi take a rest here, and wait for me to take care of Wu Jue."

Wan Gang hastily echoed: "You Daoist Yi must have spent a lot of energy in the battle just now, you can rest here for a while, let me come when I go."

Speaking of it, this is also a huge opportunity in front of the three of them, since Yi Tian is not willing to make a move, the three of them will not be humble enough to back down.What's more, it is natural for the three of them to join forces to beat the dog in the water.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, and after looking at the three of them, he immediately figured it out.I still have a long way to go on the road, but the three of them have been monks in the integration period for thousands or even nearly ten thousand years.If there is no special opportunity, I am afraid that this life will stop here.

Facing the true immortals of the lower realm today, they naturally had an idea in their hearts. If Wu Jue was in his peak state, none of the three would dare to provoke him.But the current situation is different. The spiritual pressure fluctuations on Wu Jue's body have stabilized, but his cultivation level has dropped from the early stage of Mahayana to the early stage of fusion.

It is enough for such three mid-stage monks to join forces to deal with a down-and-out true immortal from the lower realm.Having tasted all three people's words in his heart, Pin Yitian said lightly: "This is where the eye of the array is. I'll sit cross-legged here and rest for a while. The three of you will fight quickly. And the one in his hand Just bring the storage ring to me intact."

Speaking of which, the three of Yan Qiu still don't know what Yi Tian means. It seems a bit too generous for the three of them to share the huge fat sheep in front of them.If Yi Tian didn't mention the request, the three of them really don't know how to deal with it, but since they said that they only need the storage ring in Wu Jue's hand, it's easy to talk.

After thinking about it, the three of them replied in unison: "Friend Yi Daoist, please don't worry, I will understand in my heart."

After speaking, the three of them exchanged winks, and then split into three groups and rushed towards Wu Jue who was on the ground. The spirit weapon in his hand was sacrificed and fell straight on Wu Jue's head.

The latter showed a miserable sneer on his face and said: "Even if I am down and out, I can't tolerate the three of you bullying me. This old man is full of treasures, so come and take them if you have the ability."

After all, he used the 'Golden Hammer' and 'Electric Drill' in his hands to give a fierce blow, but after casting the spell this time, Wu Jue couldn't help but spit out a sword of blood from his mouth, then forcibly increased the spiritual power in his body, and barely used it. 'Soul Eater Thunder'.This time the martial arts and supernatural powers he displayed seemed dazzling, but their power was far from before.

After the 'Soul Devouring Thunder' was sacrificed, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang's supernatural powers were resisted respectively. At this time, a figure suddenly flashed behind him, and the tall back was about one foot long. On Wu Jue's head.

With a scream of 'Ah', Wu Jue's body was blasted ten feet away like a kite with a broken string. He managed to open his eyes in the air and indeed saw a huge fist growing bigger and bigger in his pupils. , and finally attacked him head-on.

Shi Jinming didn't show any mercy even after he succeeded in two consecutive blows, and used body skills and body skills like Yi Tian to fight with Wu Jue.After Yi Tian's revelation before, Shi Jinming suddenly realized that the best way to deal with Wu Jue is to fight him with physical and magical powers. Besides, the monks of the Stone Clan are good at this kind of attack, so the three of them also had to fight against Wu Jue before doing it. It is the countermeasures that ventilation was good in an appropriate amount secretly.

With a sound of 'whoosh', Wu Jue's body shot out like a cannonball, and then hit an old tree before he stopped silently.But at this time, he still had the strength to climb out of the sunken tree hole, and then used the escape technique to escape into the distance.He took out a lot of pills in his hand and stuffed them into his mouth indiscriminately.

When Yi Tian saw them, he stopped talking to them, and the three followed them up again.No matter how strong Wu Jue was, he was stronger than the Beast Monarch and Daoist, and after being severely injured in front of him, he could no longer fight against the three mid-stage monks with his special skills.Defeat is a matter of time, so Yi Tian didn't need to worry about it any more. The corner of his mouth opened slightly and he asked, "How much did you swallow Wu Jue's luck just now?"

"About [-]% to [-]%," the great immortal squatting on his right shoulder hurriedly replied: "Speaking of which, the luck of this true immortal from the lower realm is strong enough, and even if I devour it without restraint, I can't extract all his luck." .”

"Okay, you've gotten cheap and acted like a good boy. The luck swallowed by Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm, is enough for you to raise your cultivation to the peak of level nine," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"It's thanks to the master that you helped me succeed by doing three flips and four times," the Great Immortal Guagua hurriedly replied modestly.

"Masters rely on apprentices to lead the door to practice," Yi Tian said indifferently: "Besides, [-]% of the luck you devoured will be fed back to me. But when it comes to this, I have always had an idea in my heart to tell you. "

After hearing this, the Great Immortal Guagua hurriedly replied with a serious face, "I wonder if Master has anything to tell me?"

Sighing, Yi Tian spoke slowly: "Speaking of which, you have already become my spiritual pet since you were in the lower realm, and now your cultivation level has reached level nine. I am thinking about rescinding the master-servant contract and letting you go to the demon world freely." Life."

Unexpectedly, the Great Immortal Guagua shook his head again and again and said: "Master, don't say that, I am willing to be by your side. Besides, with your current strength, it is not impossible to ascend to the fairy world. I would like to be able to do it again." Master, you are going to the fairy world with a ride. With my strength, even if I advanced to the realm of the tenth-level demon saint, I still can't withstand the five-colored thunder that ascends to the fairy world."

Hearing this, Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but bowed his head and thought for a while before saying: "Well, if that's the case, you can stay with me again, but there will be many things that require you to contribute together in the future."

"As long as the master doesn't dislike Guagua, I'd like to serve you well," the Great Immortal Guagua hastily said.

Speaking of which, he has been taking care of the Great Immortal Quack all these years, which is why he has such strength.After thinking about it, Yi Tian gave a helpless wry smile, then stretched out his hand and sent the Great Immortal Guagua back to the beast sack on his waist.

Looking back, Yi Tian slowly descended to the bush at the root of the ancient tree, and his face showed a little admiration after his eyes passed.Unexpectedly, the 'eight formations of stone soldiers' here turned out to be the eyes of the general formation facing the trunk of the old tree in this bush.

Scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there were several sections of inscription formations imprinted near the tree trunk.The most obvious thing is that the flame graphic in the middle is the logo of Luotian Immortal Palace.As the direct descendant of the sect, he naturally knew what this meant. He went forward and lightly sacrificed the real fire of Dao Liyan, and then gathered into the same pattern of the sect's logo.

With a slight push, the Lihuo imprint in his hand was directly attached to the tree trunk. After three breaths, he heard a buzzing sound coming from under the ground, and after shaking for a while, a stone door rose from the bushes.

Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly said "there is a door", and went forward to look at it for a while, but his face drooped for no reason.Obviously this is the only way out of the formation, and to open the way out of the formation, you must activate this formation rune stone gate.

And to activate this stone gate, at least one must have the strength and cultivation of a golden immortal.This is really worrying for Yi Tian, ​​the combined strength of himself and the Beast Lord and Daoist may not be as good as the true immortals of the fairy world, so he doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a flash of clarity flashed in his mind, and he stretched out his hand to take out the jade box that contained Huang Jing before.After opening the lid, a tangy fragrance spread in the air, and after reaching out to take the 'Purple Bearded Dragon King Ginseng', Yi Tian looked sullen and said, "How long are you going to pretend to be asleep, do you want to wait for me to slice you into pieces?" Will there be a reaction after cooking?"

Huang Jing's face suddenly appeared on the body of the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' in the box, and he replied in a miserable voice: "Please let me live for the sake of being in the same sect."

Yi Tian was slightly taken aback when he heard the plea of ​​the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Shenwang' with such a miserable voice, and then sighed: "Speaking of which, I didn't intend to deal with you, after all, you were originally planted here As the innate spiritual plant of the eye of the formation. And I see that your body has absorbed a large amount of sun and moon essence, and it is very likely that after going through the thunder disaster again, you can be reborn and transformed into a human body."

"Then what will you do with me?" Huang Jing asked.

His eyes fell to the bushes below, Yi Tian scanned back and forth a few times before saying: "In this case, I'd better plant you back to the distance, and besides, I will reset a concealment formation near your body, as long as you don't If you can show up, no one will be able to find your trace."

After hearing this, Huang Jing looked overjoyed and said, "Thank you very much."

After hearing this, Yi Tian slowly descended to the top of the bush, took out the 'Hundred Medicine Pestle', raised it gently, and manipulated the soil below to straighten it again.After that, he took out the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' from the jade box and placed it in its original position, and then refilled it with the nearby soil later.

After the whole 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' was replanted, only the emerald green main stem as thick as a thumb and the bright red ginseng flower on its head were exposed.It's just that the red ginseng flower seemed a little decadent at this time, drooping down.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian didn't stop directly. After thinking about it secretly, he took out a bottle of 'Peach Wine' from the storage ring, lifted the lid and poured the wine into the bottle near 'Purple-bearded Dragon King Ginseng'. in the dirt.

Wait until the 'Peach Wine' goes deep into the soil and is absorbed by the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng', a wave of spiritual power rises from the bottom up, making the decadent ginseng flower raise its head again.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was relieved. Although he directly shoveled Huang Jing's body out this time, he took remedial measures afterwards.He stretched out his hand and took out the array plate the size of a palm, and slowly activated it with the injection of spiritual power in his palm.After ten breaths, Yi Tian gently flipped down the array and covered the bushes here.

There was a slight shaking sound from the ground, and the area covered by the formation disk suddenly exploded and expanded more than three times in an instant.In Yi Tian's hands, he quickly formed seals and then entered several spells on the battle board.When these auras of spiritual light were injected into the array, the area where the bushes located below slowly extended outwards, and at the same time, many similar ginseng flowers suddenly appeared around the main stem of the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng'.

After doing this, Yi Tian said: "I have set up a phantom barrier around you. If you encounter danger, your body can hide in the barrier for a while."

Hearing this yellow aura flashing from under the soil, it circled in the air and landed in front of Yi Tian.After the aura faded, Huang Jing's doll-like figure appeared, but this time, a dark purple face appeared on his originally white face.

He came up to Jishou and said, "Thank you, you are a good man," and stretched out his little hand, and a ray of spiritual light flew out and landed in front of Yi Tian.

A little stunned on his face, Yi Tian's eyes flicked and he found that this aura was actually wrapped with three ginseng whiskers as thick as little fingers.It seems that Huang Jing is not a fool who knows how to vote for Li Baoxiao. This time he let him go and rearranged the array as a cover for him. Naturally, he also knows how to repay him.

(End of this chapter)

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