
Chapter 2271 Accident

Chapter 2271 Accident
After dealing with the 'Purple Bearded Dragon King Ginseng', Yi Tian found an open space at the exit of the formation and sat cross-legged to wait quietly. After about a while, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and his divine sense could probably detect it. A boundary of thousands of miles.At this time, it was discovered that Wan Gang and Yan Qiu hurried towards this side, but Shi Jinming was missing.

I secretly said in my heart, "The incident happened suddenly, and there must be a change." After thinking about it, he jumped up and took off into the air, rushing towards the location where the two were.

After a few breaths, he saw two swiftly flying auras head-on, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air and then shouted in a low voice: "Two fellow Taoists, come here."

Those two rays of light also found the right direction and flew straight towards them, and stabilized when they were three zhang away in front of them.Seeing Wan Gang and Yan Qiu with anxious faces and exhausted bodies, after meeting Wan Gang hurriedly shouted: "You Daoist Yi, something is wrong."

"If you have something to say slowly, don't worry," Yi Tian comforted, "Wu Jue, don't tell me the three of you joined forces and couldn't handle him."

Yan Qiu's expression darkened and he hurriedly replied: "Originally, Wu Jue would definitely not be able to run away under our three-on-one match, but I didn't expect that a Nether boy would come out halfway."

In his heart, Shen Yitian seemed to be able to imagine what would happen next, his complexion turned livid in an instant, and he only hated himself for not eradicating Wu Jue at the time.Now that something like this has happened, I really don't know what to do next.

I only heard Yan Qiu continue to say: "The three of us hunted Wu Jue and beat him to the point where he was powerless to fight back. At the same time, I stood down on one of his arms and took the storage ring on his finger."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and a green jade ring appeared in his palm, Yan Qiu gently pushed the green jade ring and sent it over from the air.After passing by Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he found that the imprint on the emerald ring had not been erased, indicating that the two had not opened it privately.

After reaching out to take the emerald jade ring, Yi Tian put it in his bag, and then asked: "In this case, Wu Jue must be seriously injured, right?"

Wan Gang nodded and replied: "His body was broken up by us, leaving only one head and using the secret method to escape. In order to avoid future troubles, the three of us followed closely behind, but Wu Jue only had one head left The escape speed is not slow. We chased him for more than half an hour before we surrounded him, but it was a pity that the Nether boy suddenly rushed out to join the battle circle."

The monks in the fusion stage have already practiced the spell of rebirth of severed limbs. Even if the whole body is destroyed except for the Nascent Soul, they can still restore it to the original state.Like today, Wu Jue didn't restore his deity's body immediately, most likely because he wanted to save his spiritual power in his body and wanted to get rid of the chasing soldiers for the time being.But it is a coincidence that the Nether Boy appeared during this period, and there will inevitably be new variables.

"Then Wu Jue was rescued by him?" Yi Tian asked after thinking about it.

"It's actually not the case. I didn't expect the Nether boy to take the first step. The spirit sword in his hand split Wu Jue's head and then directly took his Nascent Soul spirit body into his mouth," Yan Qiu said, with a trace of satisfaction on his face. The scene must have been horrifying, making these two brothers feel lingering fear.

Gently clapping his hands, Yi Tian said with a relaxed expression on his face: "So that's the case, so Wu Jue's doom is inevitable. After the Nether Boy took his Nascent Soul into the air, his skill must have greatly increased. ?”

"Originally, his cultivation base was at its peak in the late stage of fusion, and after swallowing Wu Jue's Nascent Soul, his cultivation base skyrocketed to the edge of the Mahayana stage. It should be a quasi-Mahayana stage monk," Wan Gang said. .

Obviously there is still a big gap between what they worry about and what they think in their hearts. What they worry about is that after killing Wu Jue, there will be karma with his deity.It would be great if the Nether boy understood it for him.

Under this misfortune, it will make the Nether Emperor savage enough to give him a headache for a while.

However, the skyrocketing cultivation base of You Ming Boy after swallowing Wu Jue's Nascent Soul is also a big trouble that cannot be ignored. Fortunately, I know their shortcomings, and this is obviously very beneficial to me.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian frowned slightly and asked, "What about Shi Jinming? Could it be that he did something wrong?"

Yan Qiu and Wan Gang looked at each other and sighed, only to hear Yan Qiu say: "After the Nether boy fought us, he captured Daoist Shi in three or two moves. Fortunately, he didn't make things difficult on purpose, just let us Two people come to pass a word."

"What does he want?" Yi Tian said with a calm expression, since the Nether boy didn't embarrass Shi Jinming, it means that he still has some scruples.That being the case, there is still room for everyone to maneuver. It seems that at least Shi Jinming is not in danger of his life.

Yan Qiu said in a deep voice: "He wants a drop of 'One Yuan True Water', and he wants us to join hands to deal with the Innate Spirit Plant True Spirit here."

"Hmph, is he going to sit on the ground and raise the price at that time?" Yi Tian said with displeasure, "I didn't expect when the Nether Boy would start to blackmail others. But don't worry, Fellow Daoist Shi won't be killed for the time being." worry."

Wan Gang said: "He told us to come to you first, and he will visit you in person later."

After hearing this, Yi Tian twitched slightly and said, "In that case, you two should follow me to the front of the formation and wait for a while."

After speaking, he turned around and flew towards the position where the eye of the formation was. Yan Qiu and Wan Gang behind him looked at each other helplessly, and then followed up with their escapism.

After the three of them returned to the canopy of the tree, they took a short rest. After waiting for a while, Yi Tian's divine sense realized that there was a wave of spiritual pressure flying towards this place thousands of miles away.

"You guys wait here for a while, and I will meet him," Yi Tian said and flew into the air.Turning around, Zimang flashed in his eyes and then looked into the distance. After three breaths, a Taoist light flew from the sky and stopped thirty feet away in front of him before stopping.

I saw You Ming boy was holding the unconscious Shi Jinming in his hand, looking sideways at himself.After the two sides confronted each other for more than ten breaths, You Ming Boy couldn't hold his breath and opened his mouth first: "I think those two people have already told you about my offer?"

"I've said it, but the asking price seems to be a bit high, right?" Yi Tian twitched slightly: "What I hate the most is being threatened."

You Ming boy looked solemn and said: "I don't often threaten others, and the people who can be threatened by me show that they have enough background, don't you think so, friend Daoist Yi?"

"Then should I feel honored?" Yi Tian said displeased: "Don't forget your current situation and identity."

"Hmph, I know my situation well," You Ming Boy said disdainfully, "As for my identity will soon change, I believe you should know this matter better than me."

"Is it so important to get rid of the shackles of madness?" Yi Tian joked.

Unexpectedly, the Nether boy said with a look of anger on his face: "What do you know, there is a spell in the kung fu practiced by the savage deity that devours others for himself to increase his cultivation, and the soul of the devoured person is killed After being imprisoned, there will be no reincarnation forever."

"Speaking of which, such exercises are harmful to nature, and sooner or later, those who practice will not end well," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

"Actually, I know exactly what Biluo Yaoji is thinking. I guess she will deliberately find you to contact you when she went to the hell world last time," Youming Boy said lightly.

I felt a little surprised in my heart, I didn't expect that You Ming Boy would guess the purpose of Biluo Yaoji and even infer that she had asked him to make a deal.

But there was a calm look on his face Yi Tian looked at the Nether boy in front of him and said: "It seems that your purpose is not much different from that of Biluo Yaoji."

"Nonsense, Luankuang originally asked me to keep an eye on Biluo Yaoji. He had already noticed that Biluo Yaoji was doing something wrong," said Nether Boy.

"But you have the same calculation in your heart, and it seems that your side is going more smoothly," Yi Tian said.

"The original cooperation with Wu Jue was also flawless, but it's a pity that you, a variable, appeared in the middle," You Ming Boy said angrily: "I didn't expect you to advance so quickly and defeat Wu Jue."

"There are too many unexpected things in the world, and I never thought that you would swallow Wu Jue's Nascent Soul." Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Originally I had a chance to kill him, but because of my heart I had doubts, so I didn't do it. I didn't expect it to fulfill you."

"Maybe this is God's will," Youming Boy laughed and said, "Although I haven't completely refined the spiritual power in Wu Jue Yuanying, as long as I can fully refine it, I can raise my cultivation to the early stage of Mahayana. Not much worse than you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head and said: "At least it's a little bit worse, you are just a clone of the madness. If you are really promoted to a Mahayana monk, I'm afraid that the madness will be restless for the first time. I think the madness will definitely be in the Is it the most worrying thing in your heart that you leave a backhand on your body?"

Speaking of this Youming boy's face inadvertently flashed a trace of haze, then turned around and said seriously: "Then how are you going to respond to my request, Shi Jinming is in my hand, as long as I exert a little force, he will die Guaranteed."

Facing the aggressiveness of You Ming Boy, Yi Tian didn't respond immediately.Instead, he swept his divine thoughts back and forth over Shi Jinming's body and found that he was just restrained, just as the Nether boy said that there was a seal on his forehead, and as long as he moved his mind, he could directly kill Shi Jinming.

But from Yi Tian's point of view, what the Nether boy did was just to increase his bargaining chip with himself, and he should have seen that he would definitely help Shi Jinming.Either with his strength, he would have already cut the NPC into pieces, or drained all of his spiritual power for his own use.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled for no reason and said: "Since you made a condition, you should also show some sincerity."

"I left a complete Shi Jinming, isn't it because I have enough sincerity, don't you want something else?" The Nether Boy still had a displeased expression on his face.

"I can also understand your thoughts, well, in order to show my sincerity, I can give you a drop of 'One Yuan True Water' first," Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade bottle, and divided the remaining two drops of One Yuan True Water into a drop. Put it into the bottle, then reached out and gently pushed the jade bottle over.

You Ming Boy naturally saw his actions in his eyes. Although his face was slightly puzzled, he saw that this drop of 'One Yuan True Water' was the real thing.

He reached out and took the jade bottle into his hand, then gently lifted the lid and swept it in with his spiritual thoughts.After three breaths, the sorrow on his forehead slowly dissipated, and after putting the lid on the storage ring, the Nether boy asked: "You have fulfilled half of the promise, but I can't exchange Shi Jinming to you, after all Next, I need you to help me deal with the innate spirit-planting monsters in the eye."

Yi Tian shook his head when he heard the words, "I won't make a move."

"Why do you want to go back on your word? Don't you care about Shi Jinming's life?" You Ming boy said with an angry face.

"Of course I hope that Shi Jinming can be rescued. After all, with him in the hell world, the three-point situation will not become more chaotic," Yi Tian said.

"Then what do you mean when you say you won't make a move?" You Ming boy asked in confusion.

"I believe you also know my background," Yi Tian said, "I can't destroy this formation just because of this. If I capture the innate spiritual plant at the eye of the formation, the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' will be gone." His suppression will definitely become chaotic."

"Then what do these things have to do with me?" You Ming Boy said indifferently.

"Since I promised to save Shi Jinming, I will never return," Yi Tian said, and took out a jade brocade box from the storage ring, took out a section of ginseng whiskers and put it into another storage bag, and then said : "The 'Purple-bearded Dragon King Ginseng' in the eyes of this array is originally a 10-year-old natural treasure. If I bring it to you, I'm afraid it will be a blessing."

"Then what do you mean?" You Ming Boy asked.

Yi Tian put away the brocade box, and then gently held the ginseng beard in front of the air, saying: "This ginseng beard was originally taken from the 'Purple-bearded Dragon King Ginseng'. I see that it is full of charm, although A section that is only three inches long is enough for your current situation."

Youming boy's face changed slightly when he saw it, his divine sense stretched out and swept the ginseng beard back and forth a few times, and then his face became extremely awkward: "How can I use only this section?"

"Don't underestimate this ginseng beard," Yi Tian replied with a smile: "I think the body of the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' is only about one foot long, and the aura contained in this ginseng beard is enough It allows you to instantly restore to your peak state, plus its natural characteristics can be refined into a new body as long as it is operated properly."

"That's still not enough for me, what's the use of a mere three inches?" said You Ming Boy.

"Refining the body doesn't necessarily require the whole innate spiritual plant," Yi Tian said with a big laugh, "Just use this section of ginseng as a spiritual guide and combine it with other materials."

After hearing this, You Ming Boy's face sank slightly, his face was full of tangled expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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