
Chapter 2272

Chapter 2272
After dealing with the matter of Xiantian Lingzhi 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' at the eye of the formation, Yi Tian rested for a while and waited.Unexpectedly, Yan Qiu and the three of them dispatched to deal with Wu Juehou, who was seriously injured, would be an extra problem.

After Wan just returned, he brought back the news that Wu Jue's Nascent Soul was devoured by the Nether Boy.Fortunately, the three of them beat Wu Jue to pieces, and they took the storage ring from their hands first.

However, due to the sudden attack by You Ming Boy, the three of them could not do their best in the end. Although they divided up the Lingbao items on Wu Jue, they did not kill his Nascent Soul.Moreover, after absorbing Wu Jue's Nascent Soul, the Nether Boy's cultivation had skyrocketed to the level of a quasi-Mahayana monk, but a face-to-face meeting captured Shi Jinming.

Unexpectedly, You Ming Boy was very far-sighted and put Wan Gang and Yan Qiu back to report the news, but his deity came slowly from behind.

After learning the cause and effect of this matter, Yi Tian fell into deep thought, until he discovered in his divine thoughts that the Nether boy had arrived with Shi Jinming, and then he had a final plan in his mind.

After the two confronted each other in the air, Nether Boy finally stated the terms of exchange he wanted, and the question was almost as he had expected in his heart. The problem was nothing more than how to get rid of the madness of the main body, and then reborn as an independent main body.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he also gave a corresponding reply, "One Yuan Zhenshui" can be used as one of the bargaining chips in exchange, but as for the innate spiritual plant "Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng" at the eye of the formation, it cannot be accepted.The reason is also very simple, after Yi Tian explained the reason, Nether Boy was naturally unwilling.

But after seeing that short section of 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' ginseng beard, he also showed a hesitant look on his face.After all, there is some truth in what he said, what the Nether Boy wants is a complete body that can store the power of his Nascent Soul and Soul.

Speaking of this original body, he is determined not to use it any longer. Who knows if Luan Kuang kept a secret hand when refining this body, once he finds that the Nether boy is rebellious, he can directly subdue him.

After thinking about it for a long time, the hesitation on the face of You Ming Boy didn't mean to slow down at all. Instead, he stared at himself for a long time before asking: "In this case, the bargaining chip you gave can be regarded as agreeing to my request. How about it?" Do you want to exchange now?" Said with his left hand, Shi Jinming's body was raised, ready to exchange.

But Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, it won't be too late to exchange after you get out of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', I'm still worried that you will continue to make some noise here, and it won't be that the formation collapses by then What a good thing."

"Okay, I will do as you said. After going out of the battle, I will hand over the people with one hand and hand over the other," the Youming boy replied.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was also relieved, and then lowered his head to transmit the sound to the bottom.Later, I saw Yan Qiu and Wan Gang hurriedly flying to his side and standing still.Yi Tian explained in detail what he had just negotiated with Nether Boy, and the two of them also showed a sigh of relief after hearing this.After all, being able to rescue Shi Jinming without bloodshed is considered the best strategy.They also have no ability to challenge the current Nether Boy.

After a while, Yi Tian led the team, followed by Yan Qiu and Wan Gang, set up the escape light and flew towards the eye of the formation, and the Youming boy was at the end.At this time, he was not afraid at all, and with Shi Jinming in his hand, he escaped at a fast speed, and followed after ten breaths.

After returning to the bush, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and aimed at the torso of the ancient tree with three auras, and the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" came from the inside of the ancient tree, and appeared in his trunk after three breaths A ten feet high and three feet wide pit appeared, and after a white light flashed inside, the Daoguang Gate appeared.

Yi Tian said: "Wan Gang, Yan Qiu, the two of you go ahead, and leave on your own after you get outside. I will take care of the finishing work, and I will come back to meet you after I rescue Shi Jinming."

"After the execution of the 'Stone Bing Eight Formation' this time, I feel that I can't explore anymore," Yan Qiu said with a sigh, "I think Fellow Daoist Wan should have the same idea as me."

Wan Gang nodded and replied: "That's true, why don't we accept it as soon as we see it, and find the way back after we go out."

"What you two said is true," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face, "You guys go first."

Later, the two of them jumped into the light gate one by one, and disappeared after three breaths.After the two left, Yi Tian turned around and said to You Ming Boy, "Okay, it's us now, you just go outside and wait for me, I'll be there later."

"Remember what you said, if you do something wrong behind me, Shi Jinming's life will be lost," You Ming Boy said, turning around, holding Shi Jinming in his left hand, and leaping into the passage light door for life.

After all the people were gone, Yi Tian turned around and said to the bush: "Huang Jing, I will leave for the time being, maybe one day I will ascend to the immortal world and cultivate the supreme supernatural powers. Fragments of the fairy world that have been left everywhere are making a rounds again."

"I hope what you said will come true," said the voice from the bushes, and there was no more news.

Yi Tian twitched his lips and smiled lightly, and then he used the escapism technique and flew towards the light gate with a flash of inspiration all over his body.

After walking into the light gate, I found that it looked like a long and narrow passage, and I saw the exit after flying through it for a few breaths.After flying out from the exit, the divine sense opened up and found that he was now in a dilapidated ruin.Wherever the divine sense went, he scanned the surrounding situation preliminarily.

Yan Qiu and Wan Gang had already left at this time, leaving only You Ming Boy standing in an open space outside the ruins holding Shi Jinming's body.

Yi Tian hurriedly flew forward and stopped ten feet away in front of him, then gently raised the storage bag containing the 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' and sent it over.Seeing that, the Nether boy first stretched out his hand to make a seal to erase the mark on Shi Jinming's forehead in his hand, and then gently pushed it with his right hand across the air.

After three breaths, the two sides completed the exchange, and Yi Tian searched Shi Jinming.After confirming that there was no imprint left by the Nether boy, he was relieved.Then, he lightly patted Shi Jinming's shoulder with his left hand and input a stream of spiritual power into his body. After waiting for ten breaths, Shi Jinming heard a deep moan from Shi Jinming's mouth. He opened his eyes and looked at himself. He said, "Where am I, what happened?"

Yi Tian made a long story short and explained what happened before and Shi Jinming briefly, only to see that Shi Jinming showed a look of shame, sat up cross-legged and began to search his own situation with his inner vision.

What puzzled Yi Tian was that the Nether boy in front of him didn't leave directly, and he seemed to have something to say when he glanced over.Yi Tian understood immediately, stretched out his hand and pointed towards Shi Jinming's body, a white light fell and enveloped his figure.Then he turned around and Yi Tian asked, "I don't know if you have anything else to explain, but you seem to have something on your mind, right?"

The Nether boy glanced at Shi Jinming's meaning, and it couldn't be more obvious.Seeing this, Yi Tian understood and turned around and said: "Friend Daoist Shi, you leave first, Wan Gang and the others should be nearby at this time, you go and meet them first, I will be there later."

Shi Jinming is also a shrewd person. After hearing this, he glanced at the Youming boy in the distance for a while, then turned around, bowed his hands and said, "Your Daoist Yi will naturally obey all orders. Old Shi, I will leave for now. I will leave later." I will wait for you together with Wan Gang and the others."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jinming cast a yellow light all over his body, and he rose up from the ground and flew towards the net value in the distance.Before leaving, he still didn't forget to hit You Ming Boy again, this time he suffered a big loss, but it is impossible for his strength to regain the stage.After the previous fight in the 'Stone Bing Eight Formation', Shi Jinming also had an estimate in his heart, and now he and the Nether Boy's strength have opened a long distance.If there is no mistake, the gap between the two will widen in the future, and revenge is impossible, but he can only provoke at most with Yi Tian's presence.

After his escaping light completely disappeared from his vision, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the Nether boy in front of him, only to see that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body at this time had reached the peak of the fusion period. At that time, he was just forcibly suppressing the surge of spiritual power in his body.Thinking about the energy contained in the Nascent Soul in Wujue's body, the real immortal from the lower realm, it is definitely not to be underestimated. If it is absorbed by him, his cultivation base can at least skyrocket to the peak state of the early Mahayana.But it's not a good thing to absorb other people's spiritual power to forcibly improve one's own cultivation base.

Excessive growth of cultivation base will naturally cause a lot of sequelae. Afterwards, it is necessary to retreat for more than a hundred years to completely refine these cultivation bases.As for the Nether boy in front of him, he probably doesn't have that much time. Compared to him, he knows very well that it is not an option to just stay in this fragment of the fairy world.In the end, it is still necessary to find a proper way to dispose of the dark hand left on him by the Nether Emperor.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt relieved, guessing that this time the Nether boy came to him to chat alone, he must be asking for something.

After the two sides were silent for a while, it was You Ming Boy who was the first to hold his breath and said: "You are very powerful. What surprised me is that you can advance to the Mahayana stage in the fragments of the fairy world."

"Did this disrupt your deployment, or did it cause some helpless compromise in your plan?" Yi Tian laughed.

"Originally, my original intention was to find Wu Jue or Changsun Ting to cooperate among the fragments of the fairy world. After all, both of them are true immortals from the lower realm. The single round method is much stronger than yours," You Ming boy replied.

"So I haven't caught your eye before?" Yi Tian pouted.

"You are only the third candidate," You Ming Boy said, "But I never thought that with your strength, you could have the last laugh, and you have dealt with Wu Jue and Changsun Ting calmly since the advanced Mahayana stage. reason to refuse to work with someone like you."

"I refuse to cooperate," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "According to your belief, I don't think we have any basis for cooperation."

You Ming Boy really laughed and said: "Don't be so hasty to reject my invitation, it's not too late for you to make a decision after listening to my words."

Seeing that he seemed to have something to say, Yi Tian was also overjoyed. He didn't expect that he would trick him into revealing his hole cards by tricking him, but if he wanted to cooperate, he had to see whether the conditions he gave were enough.After thinking about it, he said without changing his face: "Okay, let me listen to you first, if the words are not speculative, then I will not accompany you."

Seeing that You Ming Boy didn't seem to take his words to heart at all, he said with a relaxed expression: "I heard that Daoist Yi was born in the spirit world and is the master of Lihuo Palace, one of the three sects. "

"I wish you didn't care about it," Yi Tian said unremittingly.

The Nether Boy didn't care at all, just heard him go on to say: "I also heard about the Great War of Demon Disasters in the Spirit Realm, and it was a major event that shocked the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. , apart from the hell world, Wan Gang and Yan Qiu have been to the demon world and may have crossed paths with you."

"Is your news very well-informed?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "It is true that Wan Gang and Yan Qiu used to have an old relationship with me in the demon world, and this time they invited me to come out of the mountain to intervene in the affairs of the nether world." '

Unexpectedly, the Nether boy had an undisguised sneer on his face and said: "Yi Daoyou's words are insincere, as far as I know, you have already killed the first clone in the demon world. Besides, How can the abilities of Yan Qiu and Wan Gang be able to invite you, a great Buddha, but there is only one second elder, He Ruiling, who is guarded by Huang Quan."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's expression did not change, but he couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that You Ming boy was really powerful, and he could guess to such a degree based on clues.

But his expression didn't change at all, Yi Tian asked lightly: "Tell me your opinion."

"Actually, my main duty in the Nether Realm is to monitor the guards of Huangquan," the Nether boy said with a smile, "If there is any change in them, I will give timely feedback."

"It seems that you have placed a lot of eyes among the guards of Huangquan these years, and you can actually see the movements of high-level monks. It seems that your people should have been lurking to the middle and high levels," Yi Tian sighed.

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. Didn't the Huangquan guards send a large number of people to lurk in the capital of Naraku?" The Youming boy sneered, "It's a pity that they have spent thousands of years and haven't found the exact location where the mad Emperor Youming is hiding. Location."

When it came to the topic, Yi Tian couldn't help but raise his brows, Biluo Yaoji had mentioned these things before.But even she couldn't know the whereabouts of the deity, so the only way to deal with this matter is to find the Nether boy in front of him.Thinking about it, this is also the reason why the Nether boy came to negotiate with him today.

Looking up and smiling, Yi Tian nodded and said, "It seems that you do have the capital to cooperate with me."

(End of this chapter)

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