
Chapter 2274 Coordination

Chapter 2274 Coordination
In Yan Qiu, a certain open space among the fragments of the fairy world, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming gathered together to take a rest.Entering the 'Stone Bing Eight Formation' this time is also full of thrills, first Yan Qiu asked for help, and then Wan Gang and Shi Jinming separated from Yi Tian during the rescue.Afterwards, Yan Qiu was the first to be found, but Shi Jinming and Wan Gang met Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm, and they were naturally invincible in a fight.

Fortunately, Yi Tian and Yan Qiu arrived in time to rescue Shi Jinming, but they made a mistake when dealing with Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm.His spirit escaped but was just captured by the Nether Boy, so the three of them still had lingering fears under such an unexpected turn of events.

I am happy that I can finally get out of the formation of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', but at the same time I am secretly worried. After all, the soaring strength of the Nether Boy has broken the original balance. If this continues, the three of them will be afraid. The days ahead will not be easy either.

At that moment, Yi Tian shook hands with You Ming Boy and did not directly attack him, which also cast a layer of haze on the hearts of the three of them.For them, Yi Tian is always a foreign monk who will leave anytime and anywhere, and after his cultivation base has been promoted to the Mahayana stage, there is no need to be afraid of the Nether boy and his deity, the Nether Emperor.

But the three of them are different, they are all living in hell with their families.Once there is a sudden change in the Netherworld, it will directly affect them in the end.

Although the three of them didn't say anything on the surface, they hoped that Yi Tian could directly take action to get rid of the Nether boy on the spot, and that would be the end of it all.

But after waiting for a few hours, in his divine sense, he found that there was no intense spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from the protruding eye of the 'eight formations of stone soldiers' in the distance.Instead, two streaks of spiritual light were flying towards the position of the three of them.

Shao Qing waited for the light to fly close to ten feet in front of him before stopping his figure, and when the light faded away, he revealed the appearances of Yi Tian and You Ming Boy.The three of Wan Gang have all lived for thousands of years. Naturally, at this time, they realized that the two of them must have reached some kind of agreement directly, so this scene happened.

Then he hurriedly got up and walked forward, and after bowing to Yi Tianji, Wan Gang tried to ask, "I don't know if you have reached an agreement with fellow Taoist Youming Boy at this time?"

Counting it, he was the last one to know the situation of Yi Tian's deity. At this time, he naturally didn't dare to show any overstep, and he was completely humble like a senior in front of him.

Yi Tian knew it in his heart, but said lightly on his face: "It's almost the same, and this matter is also closely related to you, so I want to come here to ask what you mean first."

As soon as this remark was made, the three of them naturally exchanged glances, and quickly discussed privately to be decided, and then Wan Gang asked on behalf of the two: "We don't have any big objections, I think Fellow Daoist Yi is also thinking about it. We will cooperate with Nether Boy only after we have been transparent, so we can trust you, so we can just ask for instructions on this matter."

Listening to what they said about Yi Tian, ​​they didn't take it seriously, and then the corners of their mouths moved slightly, and at the same time, they explained to the three people in front of them via voice transmission.After all, if the sudden cooperation is not sincere, it may not last long.Moreover, the person to be dealt with this time is Emperor Youming, so if his group has doubts in their hearts, they may not be able to do their best.

Coupled with the fact that they suddenly had to cooperate with the Nether Boy who was a frenzied avatar, the three of them naturally felt puzzled.So far, Yi Tian can only explain the original ins and outs of the matter to the three of them.It also emphatically mentioned the method of how to restrain the Nether boy, and with Yi Tian's role as Bao Wangang, the tense mood of the three of them was slowly at ease.

Shaoqing and the three of them expressed their views in unison: "This time we will naturally cooperate sincerely, and we must completely eradicate the hidden danger of Emperor Youming's madness."

"There are three patriarchs working together, so why not worry about major events," Yi Tian replied with a faint smile.Then he turned around and said to Nether Boy: "Okay, the next step is to help you deal with how to cut off the connection with the mad man. Do you have any specific methods?"

The Nether boy took a step forward, and said to the four people in front of him: "I learned from Wu Jue that you can use the congenital spiritual plant as a sacrifice to refine a new body, and then perform the secret technique 'rebirth from the soul' to generalize the body." The power of the soul that was originally removed from the body can be extracted and injected into the new body. In this way, the connection with the original deity can be completely severed and become a new individual."

"It's that simple?" Yan Qiu asked without thinking.Speaking of it, what You Ming Boy said seemed a little too light, so light that even everyone present felt a little inconceivable.

Yi Tian shook his head with a dignified expression: "I think there should be a lot of trouble when performing the secret art of 'Rebirth from the Soul', at least your cultivation can't be completely transferred to the new one. inside the body."

"You Daoist Yi really has a lot of knowledge, and you can see what's wrong at a glance," You Ming boy replied helplessly: "Speaking of it, it is not free to use such a secret technique, my cultivation has at least dropped a level, If the new body has a high degree of compatibility with the soul, I can keep more."

"Then there must still be a lot of things left in your original body, and those are all parts of the soul that are closely related to the original body." Wan Gang thought for a while and asked, "How should we deal with this part? ?”

"Of course it's better not to kill him directly," said the Nether boy with a look of resentment on his face: "The rest is the backhand and soul-dividing power hidden by Emperor Youming's rage on me. Now I have completely suppressed this part of the power of the soul and let them fall into an endless sleep."

It seems that You Ming Boy must have planned for a long time for today's event, so he came here at his fingertips, but the loss of cultivation base he said is also expected.For Yi Tian, ​​such a result is also something he would like to see. If the Nether Boy's cultivation base is too strong, although it is a good help, it will pose a substantial threat to the hell world after solving the madness.

But if the Nether boy's cultivation has dropped so much that he can't help him, that's not what he wants to see.As long as his cultivation can be maintained in the middle stage of the fusion, that would be the best result.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian tried to ask: "If you remove the remaining savage souls in your original body, the deity will definitely be backlashed."

"That's natural," You Ming Boy nodded and replied, "At the same time, he will also notice that I have fallen into the fragments of the fairy world."

"Even so, it's a good choice for us," Shi Jinming said: "While weakening the opponent, it can also strengthen our strength, but how can we re-sacrifice a new body for the Nether boy?" ?”

When the point came to light, the three people present all glanced at You Ming Boy and finally fell on Yi Tian. After all, although You Ming Boy took the lead this time, it was Yi Tian who made the final decision.The three of them naturally follow Yi Tian's lead, and they still want to see Yi Tian's meaning for this unavoidable problem.

The Nether Boy was the first to speak: "I have negotiated with Daoyou Yi in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' before, and mentioned this matter. And you Daoyou Yi also gave me two generous gifts to reshape my physical body. "After that, he stretched out his hand and took out 'One Yuan Zhenshui' and a thumb-thick 'Purple Beard Dragon King Ginseng' ginseng.

These two things are essential for refining a new body, and the 'One Element True Water' can cleanse the soul and thoroughly wash away the imprint left by the deity.As for the ginseng beard of 'Purple Bearded Dragon King Ginseng', it is an incredible treasure, which can be used as a guide for cultivating a new body.It's just that the amount of ginseng seems to be a little less by visual inspection, and I don't know if it is enough to refine a complete body.

Reminiscent of the three people turning their gazes over again, Yi Tian also knew what they were thinking and then smiled: "You don't need to worry, I know there are at least four or five ways to refine the body, and now there are high-level treasures Naturally, the material is within reach.”

But You Ming Boy frowned slightly and said: "You know my current situation, Daoist Yi. It will take some time to integrate the soul into the new body. If you want to maintain a very high combat power, the degree of compatibility between the soul and the body You must reach a certain level. I don’t know if you have any plans under the tight schedule?"

Speaking of Yi Tian, ​​he has to pay attention to it. Nether Boy said it well. If he uses the secret technique of "Rebirth from Soul", the most important thing is to make his soul and new body perfectly merged together.Only by doing this can he retain his strength to the maximum extent so as not to drop too much.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, he lowered his head and thought for a while before saying: "Youming Boy said it is true. Although I have Lingyin and 'One Yuan Zhenshui' at hand, I still lack a complete physical body as a foundation."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian glanced over the four people in front of him, and saw that they also showed hesitation on their faces. Speaking of which, the complete physical body is not so easy to find.But this is not the case among the fragments of the fairy world. Yi Tian immediately remembered the carp dragon he had seen in Mingze Lake before, and he had a plan in his mind.

Then he stretched out his hand to take out Wu Jue's storage ring, raised his divine sense to erase the mark on it, and then actively invaded it.After ten breaths, the Divine Sense searched through all the things stored in the storage ring, and did not find any clues about the carp dragon.

After slowly withdrawing his divine thoughts, Yi Tiancai turned and said, "Before, Wu Jue, Changsun Ting, and I had tried thousands of times to find the carp dragon in Mingze Lake. Afterwards, I waited for the opportunity to get away, but I didn't expect that neither of them would." Subdue that carp dragon."

Speaking of this, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, but among the four people present, except the Nether Boy, the other three were all terrified.What a joke, the carp dragon that even the two true immortals from the lower realm couldn't even deal with it together, but the three of them didn't know how to deal with it.Speaking of which, that carp dragon is almost at the tenth level of cultivation, and if they match up, at most they can only run away.

However, due to Yi Tian's power, the three of Yan Qiu did not dare to object in person, and immediately cast suspicious eyes to see what they would do next.As for the Nether boy, he was pushed against the bar. This matter is related to his fate and future. Of course, it is not a problem. Even if he is asked to face Wu Jue or Changsun Ting at this time, he will not frown. .

Yi Tian had already expected this in his heart, but he smiled slightly: "I have made an idea in my heart for a long time, and I think Wu Jue and Changsun Ting couldn't deal with it because it happened suddenly, and I didn't make enough preparations. "

"So fellow Daoist Yi has a good plan in hand, why don't you come up with it with us, so that I can feel at ease," Wan Gang asked hastily.

Speaking of this, Yi Tian told in detail how he entered the Huanshi Water Pavilion from the bottom of Mingze Lake, and then told the truth about the carp dragon.As a result, the four of them all had thoughtful expressions on their faces after hearing this.

Then Yi Tian slowly revealed his plan, since he discovered that the carp dragon in the "Huan Shi Water Pavilion" is the carp in the pond, and there are still fish food and bait items left there, he can use it This fuss was designed to lure the carp dragon into the urn.

Then the five of them joined forces to trap him alive in the formation.After listening to their plan, Wan Gang and the three were obviously relieved.In such a plan, the three of them only need to maintain the formation barrier, so it doesn't matter.

As for how to capture the carp dragon, it all fell on Yi Tian and You Ming Boy.

Then I saw Yi Tian turned to Nether Boy and said: "The three of them only need to maintain the formation barrier, but fellow Taoists need to personally pay for the carp dragon, and then leave a trace of your pure spirit imprint on it. Among his dragon souls, only in this way can he achieve the greatest degree of fit after re-sacrificing his body."

Youming boy's complexion also changed slightly when he heard the words, he also wanted to do this, but it didn't seem to be that simple from Yi Tian's words.Then he asked suspiciously: "Not only how should I make a move, but also that carp dragon is definitely not weak. Even if it is drawn into the trapped formation, I may not be sure to subdue it."

"I've thought about this too, so I'll add a lot of 'demon bewitching grass' to his bait and fish food. This kind of precious material is very effective for high-level demon cultivators, but it can also maintain a stick of water. It's time for the incense, so you should have enough time to act, Nether Boy," Yi Tian said, reaching out and taking out a jade brocade box, and after gently opening it, he saw a few emerald-green stalks of three inches in length placed on the in.

"The faint fragrance from these pole grasses does not have much effect on human or alien cultivators. But it can really confuse the power of the demon cultivator," Yi Tian explained.

"In this way, even if it's not [-]% sure, it should be [-]% sure," You Ming boy said with a smile on his face.Then he turned around and looked at the three people in front of him, and said: "No matter what happened before, we are all sitting in the same boat now, so I ask the three of you to help me get things done. The common enemy has to be faced together, and the three of them must be able to distinguish which is more important."

These words were tantamount to beating Wan Gang and the three of them. You Ming Boy also made it very clear that everyone was going to be on the same boat and they had to work together.

Wan Gang, Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming looked at each other and agreed without changing expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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