
Chapter 2275 Dragon Hunting

Chapter 2275 Dragon Hunting
The five escaping lights flying from the sky three hundred miles away near Mingze Lake are Yi Tian and his party.After all the people made up their minds before, they came up with a plan. This time, they made a special trip to find materials for recasting the body of the Nether boy. Although the three of Wan Gang still had lingering fears in their hearts, they pretended to be next to their own face. Harmony.

This time, the five of them went to the location of the 'Qishe' first, and stayed outside the 'Huanshi Shuishi' for a while.In addition to getting the fish food, they also blocked the exit of the channel under the lake of the "Huan Shi Shui Pavilion".

Yi Tian knew that this channel was connected to the shore of Mingze Lake. If he didn't deal with it first, he might lose his success in catching the carp dragon by then.

After diving to the bottom of the water at "Huan Shi Shui Xie", Yi Tian sacrificed the formation flag and sealed the exit there with formation magic.

Afterwards, the five of them directly set up the Dunguang and flew towards Mingze Lake.After arriving about three hundred miles away, the five people stopped temporarily on a mountain top after falling from the clouds.

Later, Yi Tian took out a set of formation disks and three formation flags and handed them to Wan Gang and the three respectively, and then said: "I will not go down to the three-star formation later, although this formation is not famous for killing formations, but its siege The effect is no less than that of the Four Suns Trapped Formation."

"Why didn't fellow Daoist Yi set up the 'Siyang Trapped Formation'?" Yan Qiu asked in puzzlement, "As far as I know, the 'Siyang Trapped Formation' is the most effective siege formation among all formations. Formation."

Yi Tian smiled and said nothing, but You Ming Boy shook his head and said: "Because of the formation's attributes, if we use the 'Four Suns Trapped Formation', it will be too suppressed for monks like us, and it will be difficult to use more than [-]% of our strength. I expect Yi Fellow Daoists should have taken this into consideration before revolting and changing formations."

There was a glint of approval in his eyes, he didn't expect that You Ming Boy's knowledge is really not shallow, and he can think of the trick so quickly.Indeed, the four of them were all from the Lower Three Realms, and the exercises they practiced were all yin and cold.

Therefore, if you forcibly use the 'Four Sun Sealing Formation' with the extreme yang attribute, not to mention facing the enemy in the formation, they will all be affected by the formation and their supernatural powers will be less than [-]% of their cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that Yi Tian chose the 'Three Stars' Formation', which has relatively neutral attributes. The effect alone is not as good as the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', but it is a good thing for a few of them to be able to use all their skills to their full potential. It's all over.

After hearing Boy Youming's explanation, the doubts on the faces of Wan Gang and the three of them slowly disappeared, and then Shi Jinming asked: "Then do we just need to maintain the formation barrier outside?"

"That's right," Yi Tian said with a smile: "At that time, the three of you will track the array flag to the south, northeast and northwest of Mingze Lake, and just station at the place where the array flag lands. Next, I will work with you The Nether boy went into battle together to deal with the carp dragon."

After finishing speaking, he lightly raised the three formation flags in his hand, and then murmured: "Go." Hearing only three 'swish swish', the formation flag turned into a blue aura and moved towards the three places direction to fly.Wan Gang and the three of them exchanged winks when they saw it, then turned and cupped their hands and said, "I'll go to protect the formation flag while I'm waiting. Fellow Daoist Yi and Fellow Daoist Nether will take care of you."

After saying that, with the flash of light around him, he chased after the flag flying in the direction.But after the three of them left, the light disappeared into the sky. Genius Yi took out the array disk in his hand and slowly flew up into the sky, then injected spiritual power into the array disk to activate it.

Then gently pushed the formation disk towards Mingze Lake in the distance, and saw that the palm-sized formation disk swept over Mingze Lake and directly connected to the positions of the three formation flags.The golden light emitted by the three array flags respectively reached the array plate and turned into a beam of light the thickness of a bucket.Then the rays of light reappeared, and the three beams of light spun rapidly, covering the whole world in a halo.

Roughly speaking, this 'three-star trap formation' can also cover a land boundary of a thousand miles, and only about [-] miles of water on the shore of Mingze Lake are completely isolated from the outside world after being covered by the formation.

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Yi Tiancai turned his head and said, "Why do you go down by yourself, Boy Youming, or do you want me to go down with you?"

"Naturally, we should invite Daoist Yi to join us." You Ming Boy replied without thinking, "I think the two lower realm true immortal avatars can't do anything to get that carp dragon, let alone me."

"But you have fish food in hand, you just need to let the carp eat it," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Besides, we only need to pay him and not take his life."

"Since taking his body is no different from taking his life," You Ming Boy said disdainfully, "but his soul must be extremely strong. I'm not sure I can swallow his soul."

"Don't worry about that, I will cast a spell to draw out its soul, and then sacrifice it directly to make a spare body," Yi Tian said.

Youming Boy nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, then flew forward and flew straight towards the location of the lake, but said in his mouth: "That matter should not be delayed, friend Daoist, let's leave quickly. .”

Two flashes of light, one blue and one black, flew back and forth towards the top of Mingze Lake, and stabilized their figure only after reaching a height of a thousand feet above the center of the lake.Then Yi Tian took out a palm-sized Haina bag from the storage bag, stretched out his hand and turned it upside down, and then saw a large amount of fish food mixed with the processed 'Demon Bewitching Grass' falling down one after another .

After falling for more than half a moment, Yi Tiancai had poured out all the fish food in the Haina bag, and then the two restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies, disappeared in the air, and waited quietly.

Sure enough, after twenty breaths, some ripples appeared on the surface of the lake below, and then there were bubbles rising from the bottom of the lake.Suddenly, a deep dragon chant came from the bottom of the lake below, and a golden carp dragon slowly emerged from the water.He opened his big mouth and happily devoured the fish food scattered on the lake.

After he ate almost all the fish food scattered on the lake, he saw a turbid halo in the carp dragon's eyes. It is expected that the 'demon bewitching grass' mixed in the fish food should have played a role.I didn't expect that such fairy world spirit species could not resist the erosion of the 'demon bewitching grass'.

When the carp dragon below was about to fall asleep, suddenly there were two spiritual lights from the sky above, shining directly on his forehead.

The two supernatural powers split the void, and wherever they went, there was a burst of space distortion. With a 'coax' sound, the black spiritual light hit the carp dragon's face straight down.It's just that before hitting the head, the carp dragon turned around and moved away, and the black light landed directly on the back of his neck after being staggered.

With a loud bang, the surrounding spray was forced ten feet away, and a huge puddle appeared at the same time.The carp dragon's true self immediately writhed to release the strength, and then raised his head as if to check the situation in the sky.

Little did they know that the cyan aura shrunk into an imperceptible filament, and while the carp dragon was writhing all over, it quietly landed on his tail. With a crisp sound of 'Zi La', the faint cyan light thread penetrated instantly.After a scream came from the carp dragon's mouth, dozens of blue filaments appeared on its tail, and the entire tail was pierced by the blue filaments.

I saw an invisible force in the void pulling these black threads to calmly lift the carp dragon's tail, and instantly forcibly dragged him out of the water of Mingze Lake.

"You monks are really stubborn, and you still use such indecent methods to take my life," the carp dragon raised its head high and shouted towards the sky.

Then the tail flicked forcefully under the pain to force out the black hairs that had invaded the body. Dozens of thin wounds suddenly appeared on the tail of the 'thumping thumping' carp dragon, and a large amount of dragon blood overflowed from it, dyeing an originally golden dragon's tail red.

A flash of spiritual light showed that the carp dragon tossed a few times in the air and then shone with dazzling light, then slowly shrunk down and turned into a human form.After the light faded, a dragon-headed figure in armor appeared, but his feet and knees were all dyed red.

Yi Tian and You Ming Boy, who were hiding in the air, no longer hid and showed up directly. The two of them formed angles one after the other and pinched the carp dragon in the middle.

Shaoqing Yitian looked at the other party and said lightly: "You carp really has benefited from the sect, but it's a pity that it's hard to advance to the tenth level after being trapped in the fragments of the fairy world."

"The two of you are much weaker than the previous two. They couldn't do anything to win me, let alone you," Lilong said tirelessly.

"That depends on who made the move." Yi Tian shook his head and said: "You have been here for a long time but you can't break through the entrance and go further. I think today is your doom."

The Youming boy on the side stared at the carp dragon for a while and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, let's make a quick move, so as not to change over time."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about anything, and put gray chains on his hands.Yi Tian's sharp eyes recognized that this thing was the 'demon-binding rope' that everyone feared in the demon world, but its appearance was slightly different.It is estimated that this thing is also the private possession of the Nether Boy, and generally it will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the 'demon-binding rope' and then it fell on the top of the carp dragon's head.But a golden light rose from the carp dragon's body and forcibly pulled out the 'demon binding rope', eager not to let it fall.However, the carp dragon said angrily: "You are still too young to use the spirit weapon of the spirit world against me."

Under the swaying body shape, the whole body flew up and hit the Nether Boy's face. His two hands penetrated into the cloud and when they stretched out again, they turned into two sharp dragon claws.

With a 'creak' sound, his two dragon claws slammed into a red dragon tortoise shield in an instant. 'Huhu' the sound of the wind sounded, the dragon claws slammed into the dragon tortoise armor shield, and the bursts of wind were blown rapidly, and the violent wind blew the Nether boy so painfully.

It was Yi Tian who blocked the carp dragon's attack. Although the dragon tortoise armor shield blocked the dragon's claw attack, the aftermath of the storm was also extremely powerful.

Fortunately, You Ming Boy hurriedly pulled away and pushed away after realizing the danger, and after three breaths, his figure appeared a hundred feet away.With his hands constantly forming seals, he manipulated the 'demon-binding rope' in his hand to forcibly fall down.Although the spiritual light on the carp dragon's body held back the spirit weapon, but under the control of the Nether boy, the 'demon-binding rope' was still sinking a little bit.

Seeing this, the carp dragon's complexion changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to spit out a water arrow from it. The water arrow condensed into several ice spears in the wind, and then slammed on the 'Demon Binding Cable'.All of a sudden golden light was emitted, accompanied by the crisp sound of 'jingling'.

On the other hand, You Ming Boy's complexion changed drastically at this time, blood was rolling all over his face, he resisted the bloody smell in his throat, gritted his teeth, and continued to control the spiritual weapon without giving up a step.

Obviously, after the carp dragon attacked the 'Yao Binding Cable', it had already eaten back on the Nether boy, and he was also unable to get off at this time.If you withdraw at this point, I'm afraid it will fall short.But if you persist, it will become a stalemate. The current plan is to compare the background of the two.

On the other hand, Yi Tian looked around and saw a look of pleading for help in the eyes of the Nether boy.Knowing in his heart, he hurriedly took out the formation disk and activated the formation disk after playing two spells in his hand.In an instant, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged towards this place frantically.Under the control of the formation disk, all these auras were sent to the Nether Boy, and it was seen that he had enough spiritual power to replenish his body, and the spiritual power in his body turned and suppressed the aura of the carp dragon.

So far, the 'Demon Binding Cable' that was falling slowly has also accelerated by three points at this time. This time, the carp dragon below suddenly changed his expression and shouted angrily: "What kind of heroes are you? Make a plot against me."

Unexpectedly, the Youming boy said disdainfully: "I'm afraid you've found the wrong partner. How can we as cultivators fight against the heavens for our lives?" Whatever method you use."

What You Ming Boy said made the carp dragon speechless. After a while, a layer of dazzling golden light appeared on the carp dragon, and shiny dragon scales appeared on the skin.After opening the dragon's mouth and spitting out the true blood, he forcibly increased his spiritual power by one level, and instantly a terrifying and violent spiritual pressure fluctuation rose from the bottom.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that this carp dragon was ready to fight for his life. If his spiritual power was overdrawn after subduing him, the Nether boy might not be able to restore his cultivation to its peak state if he took his body. Naturally, this is definitely not what he wanted result.After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the Dao Spirit Talisman and held it in his palm. After Dao Dao's golden Buddha light flashed, the Spirit Talisman turned into a string of golden characters and rolled towards the carp dragon.

Those golden characters circled the carp dragon and submerged into his spiritual storm for an instant. After three breaths, the originally violent breath slowly subsided and became less powerful than before.

The carp dragon shouted in surprise: "What did you do to me? Why didn't my spiritual power increase as expected."

But Yi Tian's laughter came from the air and said: "I just stabilized the restless mood in your heart by using the Buddhist secret technique, and at the same time, the power of the bloodthirsty skyrocketing technique you used will also be reduced. Thirty percent."

(End of this chapter)

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