
Chapter 2279 Out of bounds

Chapter 2279 Out of bounds
The depths of the nether world are near the 'Luofengpo'. Originally, this area was rarely visited by people, and generally no one would come here. The spiritual power near 'Luofengpo' is thin, but there will be a moment when the spiritual power will skyrocket every thousands of years.

To put it bluntly, it is a phenomenon caused by a large amount of immortal energy overflowing from the passage leading to the fragments of the fairy world after it was opened for no reason.

However, the strong spiritual power that appeared near the 'Luofengpo' this time did not dissipate for a long time, until the second space crack appeared and the spiritual power became more intense.During this period, five auras burst out from the crack in the void, and they were the Yi Tian five people who burst out from the fragments of the fairy world.

This time, the five people among the fragments of the fairy world can be regarded as returning home with a full load. Not only did they resolve the crisis of the real immortals in the lower realm, but they also reached an alliance.

Among the five people who came out, Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming have not changed much, they are still the same, at most, the spiritual power in their whole body is a little more solid than before.It seems that their cultivation has also been promoted to the peak of the middle stage of integration, as long as the opportunity comes, they can enter the next level.

As for the Nether boy next to them, he appeared in the form of a young monk at this time, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him were extremely solid, and his cultivation base was almost at the peak state in the late stage of fusion.

Compared with when he entered, there is nothing else except that his body shape has changed a lot.It's just that the Wan Gang and the three around him always showed some complicated gazes, accompanied by some envious expressions, whenever their gazes passed over Youming Boy.

As for Yi Tian, ​​who was next to the four of them, he looked like he didn't want to get in. There was almost no spiritual pressure fluctuations around him, and he looked like an ordinary mortal.Speaking of which, this is also the first time Yi Tian has returned to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit after practicing to the Mahayana stage.After this improvement in cultivation level, Yi Tian has a new experience and understanding of the cultivation path, so he has been walking with the other four people in a state of returning to basics.

It's just that when the eyes of the three of Wan Gang passed over him, it was obvious that the eyes of the three of them were full of respect at this time.Naturally, this is what it should look like for monks in the Mahayana period. As for the Nether boy, he also looks a little jealous every time he glances over.He had far more opportunities to get in touch with Mahayana cultivators than the other three, so he naturally knew how terrifying such a cultivator was.

Although he has never seen Yi Tian take action in person, he can infer from the situation of the two before and after that that Yi Tian's real strength is far beyond his imagination.

After the five people stood still in the air a little later, Yi Tian took the lead and said, "Since we are back, we still have to make all the preparations we need to do. Why don't we go to the guard station of Huangquan for the time being and find the Great Elder Yan Wenjing?" Discuss countermeasures again."

Naturally, the other four people would not disobey Yi Tian's intentions, and the Nether boy suddenly asked: "We return to the Nether Realm again. I wonder if the madness will be the first to understand the intention. With his strength, it should be easy Sensing what's happening in this world."

"Don't worry, Nether boy," Yi Tian waved his hand, then took out four magic talismans and handed them to the other four people in the air: "Put this magic talisman on your body, unless you mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth and take action directly, you usually use escapism Under any circumstances, it can block out the frenzied induction."

Wan Gang and the three looked overjoyed and hurriedly reached out to take it, held it in their hands and sacrificed the magic talisman, and after activation, they directly pasted it on their arms.A faint white light emerged from the talisman and covered the figures of the three of them, and he immediately felt that there seemed to be a thin barrier between himself and the Netherworld, blocking his whereabouts.

Seeing that, the Nether boy also reached out to take the talisman, held it up and put it on his shoulder lightly.Then he asked: "With your strength, Daoist Yi, I can't sense your existence even if I'm close at hand. Is it possible that you are as mad as Emperor Youming?"

Yi Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "There should be a very big difference. The attributes of the exercises I practice contradict it. And what I practice is the 'Day of Heaven', and what he upholds is 'Hegemony', which is essentially They are diametrically opposed and cannot be compared."

"Then I don't know which one is better?" You Ming Boy asked curiously.

Knowing that there was something in his words, Yi Tian restrained the smile on his face and said: "Actually, no matter which path you take, it is feasible, and it is very difficult to really forcefully distinguish between the high and the low among these 'paths'. "

"I would also like to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to enlighten me. After all, we don't have much confidence in our hearts when we face the madness this time, so it will be of great benefit to understand how monks in the Mahayana period will deal with it to the greatest extent," said Youming Boy seriously. road.

Yi Tiancai lowered his head and pondered for a while and said slowly: "To be honest, the difference between the 'Tao' depends on where it is used. The 'Tao of Heaven' that I practice is naturally the strongest when I am weak. But the crazy ones 'Overbearing' can indeed evolve into 'The Way of Devouring'. His body is like a bottomless black hole, constantly absorbing the spiritual power and flesh of others and turning it into his own use. But 'Overbearing' should also be viewed according to his own situation. He The constant reorganization of the deity's body speaks for itself."

"Could it be that his 'overbearing' has extremely strict requirements on the deity's body?" Nether Boy asked.

"It should be, and I expect that if he didn't spend some effort in his soul, his power of soul would burst because he couldn't maintain it after swallowing it so recklessly," Yi Tian said with a smile alone: "Actually, Luankuang chose the right direction, but his heart is too dark and he eats too much and cannot digest it, which will naturally cause backlash in his body."

After hearing this explanation, the faces of the Youming Boy and the others eased a lot. Now that they have a certain understanding of the Mahayana monks, they will be able to know the enemy well in the future.

Suddenly Yi Tian frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed to a direction and said: "It seems that in the distance in this direction, I can feel the roar of countless souls, it should be a big change."

Yan Qiu glanced over and hurriedly echoed: "It's bad, there is Huang Quan guarding the position of 'Naihe County', could something be wrong. And I guess that even if the family ancestor Yan Wenjing didn't stay there, once the 'Naihe County' came out He will definitely do it himself."

Yi Tian's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, he closed his eyes and used his divine sense to sense the spiritual power in the world, opened them suddenly after three breaths, and said with a long breath: "Something happened, there are a lot of chaotic spirits about [-] miles away. Pressure fluctuations appeared. And one of them seems to have a spiritual power that is not weaker than mine, if I guessed correctly, it should be the furious deity. "

"What," the other four said in unison with shocked faces.

"No mistake, it seems that a fierce confrontation just broke out somewhere, let's rush over to take a look without delay," Yi Tian said, hurriedly took out a half-foot-sized assault boat, injected spiritual power, and gently lifted it into the air .

Under the flash of inspiration, the half-foot-sized assault boat turned into a thirty-foot-long appearance in an instant when it was stretched against the wind.After a group of five people quickly flew into the main cabin, Yi Tian ordered the Nether boy to take the lead and fly straight towards the direction of 'Naihe County'.

Speaking of which, if the five of them used the evasion technique at the same time, then the three of Wan Gang would probably be left far behind.Yi Tian knew that everyone needed to cooperate sincerely at this time, so he asked You Ming Boy to drive the assault boat.Although this speed is not as fast as his flying at full speed, it is far from his own, but it is more than [-]% faster than Yan Qiu Wangang and others.

As the assault boat flew rapidly in the air, Yi Tian was able to perceive the situation below with his divine sense from a long distance after getting closer to the boundary guarded by Huang Quan.It was very different from what was expected. The closer to the territory guarded by Huang Quan, the more messy it would be to find everywhere.It seems that this time the Emperor Youming is so furious that he is determined to forcibly start a war with the Huangquan guards.

This kind of situation made Yi Tian suspicious. After learning about the summoning jade slip issued by Yan Wenjing, the great elder of the guardian of Huangquan, he learned that Luankuang was worried that he could not fully absorb Yan Wenjing's soul, so he was delayed until now.But for some unknown reason, the madness suddenly exploded this time, regardless of Yan Wenjing's threats, and directly attacked the territory guarded by Huang Quan.

The assault boat crossed a blue arc of light in the sky and flew thousands of miles away in an instant, and soon entered the territory guarded by Huang Quan.At this time, Yan Qiu Wangang and the others could clearly detect the situation underground with their spiritual thoughts, but Yi Tian had already seen it all.I saw that the place where the flying boat went was hot scorched earth, and there were a large number of monks from the underworld advancing forward layer by layer in the form of a group army.

Wherever he went, he hardly encountered any decent resistance, and the monks gathered in the nether world were at best only in the stage of transformation.But the resistance forces of the Huangquan guards were one level lower than theirs.

Soon, in Yi Tian's mind, he locked the location of the source of the chaos of spiritual power in the distance, where there was a group of extremely chaotic spiritual power from heaven and earth.But under this spiritual power is the imperial city of 'Naihe County' guarded by Huangquan. At this time, the imperial city seems to have opened the defensive barrier and is struggling to resist the attacks from all around.

Surrounding the chaotic group of heaven and earth spiritual power, there are still a large number of distracted monks and people who are besieging the enchantment of the imperial city of 'Naihe County' below.

Among these monks in the distraction stage, there is a spiritual pressure fluctuation in the middle stage of integration, needless to say, it is the deity of Biluo Yaoji.Then this time, it can be said that the Nether Emperor raged out and directly attacked the lair guarded by Huang Quan.

Shaoqing's opponent seemed to be aware of the situation on his side, and the attacking queues slowly shrank, and they were all lined up hundreds of miles away from the chaotic world of spiritual energy.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Yi Tian turned around and said to a few people: "It seems that our luck is not very good. After a fragment of the fairy world, we encountered a violent attack on the headquarters of Huangquan guards. I don't know how many people But if you are prepared, this matchup may directly enter the decisive battle."

Hearing this, Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming all showed surprise on their faces.As I said, all of this happened too suddenly. After the fragments of the fairy world they had planned to produce, they contacted the forces of the hell world and besieged the imperial capital of Naraku.But what I didn't expect was that the development of the matter was far beyond imagination, and it directly entered a white-hot situation without any buffer time.

But the matter has come to this point, and the arrow has to be launched. If the Huangquan guards really collapsed, without such a pivotal force in the Netherworld as an internal response, I am afraid that it would be useless for them to send troops from the hell realm.

Then Yan Qiu's complexion changed slightly and he hurriedly replied: "Of course, we will follow the lead of fellow Daoist Yi. I also ask fellow daoist to show us how to deal with it."

Wan Gang and Shi Jinming also clasped their hands together and replied: "Please follow the instructions from Fellow Daoist Yi, we are naturally looking forward to it."

"Okay, after entering the battle circle, the three of you first go to solve the siege of Huangquan guarding the capital of 'Naihe County', remember not to kill Biluo Yaoji, just stop her," Yi Tian took out the jade talisman He Yujian quickly wrote some words on it and handed it over to Yu Wangang, saying: "Give this letter and jade talisman to Biluo Yaoji, I think she will make a choice after reading it."

Wan Gang was overjoyed, and after taking the foresight and the jade talisman, he replied: "Friend Yi Daoist, please rest assured, Wan will definitely complete the task as soon as possible."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian turned around and said to the Nether boy in the driver's seat, "Fellow Daoist, follow me to see the madness, you can wait for the opportunity to make a move. I think if you don't clean up the madness If you go there, you will have no place to stand."

The Nether Boy looked straight and said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, I'm already in the same boat as the violent force today, and there is absolutely no third possibility for him or me to die today."

Hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "You don't need to worry about it, Nether Boy, let me try out the strength of Lu Kuang first. You must know him better than me, so you can find out his weakness by tapping around. , I don't believe that those who act as 'dominant' with ferocity will be invulnerable."

"What does Fellow Daoist Yi mean?" You Ming boy asked in confusion.

"Even if he absorbs Yan Wenjing's soul, it will take a while to assimilate, and even if he assimilates Yan Wenjing's mind and wisdom, he will have a lot of rejection against the mad body. It will definitely not be like a complete There are people like that," Yi Tian said.

"Let's wait until we face each other directly," You Ming Boy said with an unprecedented seriousness on his face.For him, this battle can only be won but not defeated, and it is also a battle that determines fate.

The assault boat turned into a green glow in the air, cut across the sky, and soon rushed into the battle circle.Those monks in the nether world who were near the chaotic spiritual power were naturally taken aback when they saw it.Among them, those insightful ones knew that the strength of the newcomers was extraordinary just by estimating the speed of the flying boat.

But there are still some guys who don't have eyes and want to claim credit in front of the master, so they rush forward.Forty or fifty cultivators from the Netherworld appeared in the air in vain and formed a barrier in front of the random cloud of spiritual power, as if they were trying to stop the galloping flying boat.

(End of this chapter)

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