
Chapter 2280

Chapter 2280
Right after returning to the Netherworld, Yi Tian noticed something was wrong. Since his cultivation base was promoted to the early stage of Mahayana, Yi Tian's keen sense of the spiritual power of heaven and earth has increased several times, which is far from what it was in the fusion period.

At the 'Luofengpo', through the method of sensing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, I noticed that there was a large amount of chaotic spiritual power in the land hundreds of thousands of miles away from me.And that position is exactly where the Huangquan guard base camp 'Naihe County' imperial city is located.

Yi Tian realized something was wrong at the first moment, and then hurriedly made a sacrifice to the assault boat and rushed away with Youming Boy, Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming.

After flying to the boundary guarded by Huangquan, it was obvious that there had been traces of a war, and the place below the boundary above where the divine sense went was a mess.There are still many remaining monks from the Netherworld who are encircling and suppressing the remnants of the Huangquan guards.

When the assault boat flew to the Nether Dynasty in 'Naihe County', it was discovered that the defense barrier of the imperial city below had been opened.And suffered the joint attack of thousands of monks from the nether world, most of these people who shot were only at the stage of transformation or distraction.The leader is Biluo Yaoji in the middle stage of fusion. At this moment, she is on the side of the chaotic spiritual power and directs her subordinates to repeatedly attack the city defense barrier below.

After Yi Tian's assault boat broke into the battle circle for no reason, the situation on the whole scene froze instantly.Those monks from the nether world hurriedly retreated and gathered nearby in groups of three or four to watch the development of the situation.

As for the Biluo Yaoji who is in charge of this battle, her complexion has changed slightly at this time. Her cultivation base is far superior to that of everyone present, so she will have a deeper understanding of the person in front of her.After a hint of inadvertent joy appeared in his eyes, he hurriedly ordered the monks around him to set up several layers of defense in front of the chaotic mass of spiritual power.

There were even groups of short-eyed monks who tried to provoke them.After all, the forbidden barrier outside this assault boat shields all spiritual thoughts, and they don't know who will exist inside.But today, Emperor Naraku came out in full force to eradicate the power of the Huangquan guards, and the strength of those who dared to make trouble should not be underestimated.

Suddenly, a black magic light shot out from the assault boat, passing the provocative people in front of it, and then there was a 'boom boom boom' sound.Wherever the black magic light went, the monks from the nether world exploded from the inside, and even the spirit bodies of the Nascent Soul exploded and died before they could escape.

The rest of the monks on the scene had never seen such a situation before, and their expressions changed slightly, and they all pushed aside.Speaking of which, the exercises they saw today are far beyond their vision.

Only Biluo Yaoji, who is the controller of the battle, has seen this supernatural power.She looked suspiciously at the assault boat for a long time before uttering a few words: "You Nether boy, but why can't I sense your existence?"

With a "click", the hatch of the assault boat was opened, and three figures escaped from it in an instant and scattered in the air.These Netherworld monks present naturally recognized the identities of these three people, and then their expressions became extremely ugly.When it comes to the three fusion monks in the hell world, they are also famous. In the nether world, they are the most powerful besides the nether boy and the blue demon girl.

Now look at the spiritual pressure fluctuations on them, although they are all condensed and silent, none of them are worse than Biluo Yaoji. If these three people do it alone, the Biluo Yaoji in front of them may not be able to follow.

After the three of them dispersed slowly, another spiritual light flew out of the cabin.The dark color of this spiritual light is in line with the supernatural power attribute of the previous attack, needless to say, it was him who made the attack just now.

I saw that ray of light flying out and staying in place for a while, the black ray of light on his body slowly faded away, revealing the appearance of a man with a stature of seven feet.He looks a lot like Nether Boy, and there are many people present whispering as if they were investigating this person's background.What's more, they mentioned in a low voice whether it was a relative of the Nether boy who made the move.

On the other hand, Biluo Yaoji flew up to look at it and then asked in a deep voice: "Is that you, Nether Boy? Why did you become like this? Why couldn't I sense your existence before?"

"Biluo Yaoji, you ask too many questions, but today I will answer them one by one when I get angry," Youming Boy replied with a slight smile on his lips.

As soon as this remark came out, the monks present showed incredulous expressions, and at the same time, they glanced over with surprised eyes to see what happened.Moreover, Biluo Yaoji didn't have a way to talk to Nether boy through sound transmission, so she naturally had an idea in her heart.

I just heard the Nether boy talking eloquently: "Now I have absorbed the imprint of the soul, cut off the connection with the main body and become a new individual. Why are you envious of Biluo Yaoji?"

Biluo Yaoji felt embarrassed when she heard this. After all, Nether Boy had already guessed a lot in her mind, but she didn't give any face when she said it so clearly.

"How did you do it?" Biluo Yaoji exclaimed, "Could it be a fragment of the fairy world?"

"Hmph, what happened in the Fragment of Immortal Realm is really unimaginable, but fortunately, I was able to get such a harvest this time," Youming Boy said, turning his head to look at the chaotic cloud of spiritual power in the distance in front of him.

After taking three breaths, he sighed and said, "That guy who was mad finally swallowed Yan Wenjing. I didn't expect that the tens of thousands of years of confrontation would finally come to an end."

A fierce laughter came from the mass of spiritual energy, and everyone present felt horrified when they heard it.It was a little later that the chaotic spiritual power slowly converged, and the solid spiritual light gathered into a group and turned into a human shape.

After ten breaths, the halo faded, revealing a nine-foot-tall figure. His head was strong, his face was like a crown jade, he wore a three-pronged purple gold crown on his head, and he was wearing an armor with a handle more than ten feet in his hand. Long spear, wearing two-step cloud shoes under the feet.Standing majestically in the air, there is a third eye on his forehead between the two eyebrows.

"That's Yan Wenjing's 'Shattering Dharma Eye'. I didn't expect that Luan Kuang could swallow it and retain his strongest skill," said You Ming boy with a slightly surprised face after seeing it.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you really have a good eye, and you can detect the difference in me so quickly," said with a ferocious smile, "But I really think you have never seen Yan Wenjing before, how can you insist that this is' What about destroying the Dharma?"

Speaking furiously, he stretched out his finger to point at the one-eyed eye between the eyebrows, and after looking at it, he continued without waiting for the Nether Boy to reply: "It seems that you also have many adventures in the fragments of the fairy world, and you can actually use the characteristics of 'One Element True Water' Cleanse the power of the soul that I left on you, and re-smelt the body of an alien beast in the fairy world, coupled with the innate spiritual plant as a guide, no wonder you can be reborn."

"It's all thanks to you," You Ming Boy said disdainfully, "If you didn't give me a chance, I'm afraid it would be really hard for me to accomplish anything."

"The other fellow Taoist, come out. Although we have never met, you killed two of my clones and abducted my strongest clone. Are you still planning to be a coward now?" Said furiously With an angry look on his face, he pointed the spear in his hand, and a black and red electric light flashed wherever he went, directly hitting the assault boat.

'Zi la', an electric light flashed in the air and directly divided the void into left and right halves, but as soon as the electric light touched the three-foot range near the assault boat, it was blocked by the sudden golden Buddha's light and could not make any further progress.

The cabin door opened again, and a green light flashed out from it, and landed in front of the assault boat. When the green light faded, Yi Tian's true face was revealed.With a wave of his hand, the assault boat on his back was shrunk down to a one-foot-sized model. After Yi Tian put the vehicle into the storage ring, he slowly turned his head and looked at the Nether Emperor in front of him.

After three breaths, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he extended his hand and said, "I've met fellow Taoist savage, today we have officially met."

There is also endless free and easy meaning between the words.But when these words were heard in the ears of the surrounding monks, it was another scene.

The strength of the Emperor Youming in front of him has reached the level of the Mahayana stage, and although the people who came out of the assault boat can't tell the depth of their strength, they can be compared with the same generation as the madman, which is enough to see that their cultivation is extraordinary, at least at a certain level characters.

Among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, there are very few Mahayana stage monks, as long as those who have reached this level of cultivation are all powerful.Usually these characters live in seclusion, but the pictures and pictures they left in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit have already been widely circulated.But the person in front of him was not anyone he knew well, which made all the monks in the nether world feel a little bit scared and didn't know how to deal with it.

Even Biluo Yaoji's eyes fell on Yi Tian's body, she was surprised, she just felt that she couldn't see the true cultivation of the person in front of her.It looks like an ordinary mortal, but which mortal can ride the clouds and directly break into such a battle formation.

As for the monks around Yi Tian who swept their spiritual sense over Yi Tian several times, they only found that they seemed to see through Yi Tian instantly, but they seemed to be vague and unable to see the whole picture clearly.

Emperor Youming's pupils froze for a while, and after a large amount of time, he sighed and said: "You are really amazing, I didn't expect that after the first meeting, you would be able to become a member of my Tao in just a thousand years. It's really unexpected. ah."

"Should I be honored or rejoiced by the compliment from Fellow Daoist Daoist?" Yi Tian joked.

"Don't be too crazy, Master Mo Sheng Bao Tan is right, it seems that you are indeed the one who should be robbed in this catastrophe," Luan Kuang said out of his mouth for no reason.

Yi Tian was also startled when he suddenly heard the name of the other party and the Demon Saint.Unexpectedly, Bao Tan would mention himself in front of Emperor Youming.But how did the so-called person who should be robbed give an answer? A glimmer of gloom flashed in his heart, it seems that the Demon Saint Bao Tan must have known a lot of things beyond his comprehension.In any case, he can be regarded as the ancestor of the Zongmen's Wuxiang Master. It is natural that he will have a deeper understanding of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit and the Luotian Immortal Palace.

Slowly suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Yi Tian straightened his face and said, "You should have heard a little about the true identity of Demon Saint Bao Tan."

"That's right, I understand what you mean," Luan Kuang said with a smirk on his face, "If you really count according to seniority, Mo Sheng Bao Tan should be a senior brother. As for your master and the other two Mahayana sects in the spirit world The junior monks are all his juniors. As for you, you can only be regarded as a junior."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was shocked for no reason. He didn't expect that Emperor Youming would know this well.But it was another scene when he said it from his mouth, at least Yi Tian felt that he only said half of it.

Then I heard Luankuang say: "In terms of seniority alone, my previous body, the Great Emperor Youming, and the Miao Emperor's son of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world can be regarded as brothers in the same sect, but the sect that I did not enter in the previous one is regarded as a registered disciple. "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of many monks present changed greatly, even the Nether boy and others who were standing beside him were also shocked.It is really unbelievable what Luan Kuang said today, he did not expect that his previous life was also related to Luo Tianxian Palace.

On the other hand, Yi Tian's expression remained unchanged and he said: "Before, I noticed a trace of sect's cultivation technique from your descendants of the Nether Dynasty. I thought it was derived from the sect's inheritance you found from the fragments of the fairy world, but Your explanation today is not beyond my expectations."

Luankuang showed disdain and said: "In terms of seniority, I can also be regarded as a disciple of the outer sect of the Immortal Palace, two generations higher than you."

Yi Tian smiled and waved his hands when he heard the words: "Fellow Daoist savage, what you said is wrong, Shanlun, you are just the reincarnation of the former Emperor Youming, so you are a generation shorter, plus there are differences between the inner and outer sects. , Even if you are the reincarnated body of an outer disciple, seeing me as an inner disciple can only be regarded as a peer."

"Hmph, what a sharp-tongued and sharp-mouthed style, I never thought that Wuye's disciples would look like this," Luan Kuang laughed out of anger.

"Friend Daoist Xuan, you called the Demon Saint Bao Tan a senior before, so naturally you belong to the same level as me," Yi Tian said without changing his face: "What's more, the Demon Saint Bao Tan has already If you can guess my identity, then naturally I have known you a lot, presumably if it is really you and me, your chances of winning will not be more than five or five."

"Hmph, if you give three points of color, you'll be brazen." Luankuang said angrily, "I'm just trying to save face for the devil, but today you came to the Netherworld to challenge my authority, so you won't tolerate me." No more shots. I have the advantage of the location, even if I don't become a complete body, I still have a [-]% chance of winning against you, kid, don't overestimate yourself."

"It seems that there is still a fight between you and me before we can give up," Yi Tian sighed: "It's better to block the left and right first, let's go to the top and fight."

(End of this chapter)

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