
Chapter 2281

Chapter 2281
As soon as he returned to the nether world, Yi Tian found something was wrong, and with his keen sense of the aura of heaven and earth, he pointed the finger at the vicinity of the base camp of the Huangquan guards, 'Naihe County'.

After driving the assault boat all the way towards the direction of 'Naihe County', I really discovered the problem here.As we continued to go deeper, we came to the vicinity of the Nether Imperial City, and indeed, we saw the Nether Emperor Rage leading a group of subordinates directly intruding here.

Faced with the assault boat that suddenly entered the battle circle, the Nether Emperor's side was also quite surprised.It is impossible to find anyone who can do this in the Netherworld.Moreover, only people of the same level dared to directly challenge the monks of the Mahayana period.

After all the four integrated stage monks appeared in the assault boat, the atmosphere on the scene changed subtly.Originally, there was only Biluo Yaoji, a monk at the fusion stage, on the rampant side of the Emperor Youming. If it weren't for the cultivator of the rampant Mahayana stage who personally came forward to sit in charge of the scene, it would be difficult to show a one-sided trend.

But now four high-ranking monks suddenly appeared, and it seemed that their strength was higher than that of Bi Luo Yao Ji.As a result, under the change of the situation map, Emperor Youming had to appear in person to preside over the overall situation.

But when Yi Tian slowly flew out of the assault boat, the whole situation changed drastically again.Speaking of it, the Great Emperor Youming was only able to suppress everyone present by relying on his Mahayana stage cultivation, but now that the top-level combat power is equal, the combined stage monks have an overwhelming advantage.

What's more, there is Wan Zhongliu in the Huangquan guard who is in charge of the overall situation in the imperial city below. At this time, the defensive light film above the imperial city flashed a few times quickly and then retracted directly.Then there was a Taoist light flying straight out of the palace to the high sky and came not far from Yi Tian before he stabilized his figure.

After the light faded, it was the elder Wan Zhongliu, the No. [-] guard of Huang Quan, who revealed his true face.At this time, his face showed an excited look, and he was about to pay his respects when he saw Yi Tianhou, but he noticed something was wrong under the slight movement of his divine sense.

After three breaths, Wan Zhongliu's face turned serious, and he said before the audience with the courtesy of a senior: "I have seen Senior Yi, this time I can have your help and I, the guard of Huangquan, will be able to sleep peacefully."

"Fellow Daoist Wan, you're being polite. I'm not used to being called that. It's better to call him a fellow Daoist," Yi Tian replied with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You Daoist Yi, you're being polite," Wan Zhongliu said, looking at the furious Emperor Youming in the distance, then he was stunned, and sighed before saying, "Grand Elder Yan Wenjing has passed away at this time."

"I don't know what happened to Yan Daoyou in the end?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"You must know the relationship between Master and Luan Kuang." Wan Zhongliu sighed and said, "It is precisely because of such constraints that the situation has been maintained for nearly the twilight years. It is a pity that Master's longevity has always been It was still exhausted, and at the last moment, the madness suddenly appeared and absorbed it back."

Hearing this, Yi Tian gained a new understanding of the Nether Emperor Lunkuang in front of him. After absorbing the power of Yan Wenjing's spirit and soul, Yi Tian can at least recover [-]% of his previous life's skill. This is not good news for himself .

However, Yi Tian did find some strange feelings after his divine sense passed over the opponent's body. How to put it, he felt that the savage soul of the Nether Emperor seemed to have become unstable, and he seemed a little bit insane.Although this situation was forcibly suppressed by him, once his suppressing power weakened, it would definitely backfire on his true self.

The reason for this situation is naturally the rejection caused by Emperor Youming crazily absorbing Yan Wenjing's soul, but Yi Tian knew that Yan Wenjing should have known his fate long ago.He had already vaguely revealed his plan in the jade slip that he had passed on to himself before.

After turning around and looking at the madness in front of him, Yi Tian glanced over and found many clues.Shaoqing sighed and said: "I know the painstaking efforts of the Great Elder, this time I will naturally live up to Yan Daoyou's entrustment."

The Emperor Youming in the distance was furious, but his face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "I have taken back the soul of the dead ghost Yan Wenjing, so don't have any more misleading thoughts."

"Fellow Daoist Nin's words are wrong. I'm just lamenting the entrustment of Fellow Daoist Yan back then." Yi Tian rolled his eyes and said, "Besides, if others don't know about your situation, I don't know, but don't worry about me. I won't kill you completely, after all, there is still the relationship between the Demon Saint and Baotan, so I will have some concerns anyway."

"Boy, you are so arrogant. Didn't your confidence start to swell after you advanced to the Mahayana stage?" Ferociously said disdainfully.

"It's not inflation, but self-confidence," Yi Tian said with a slight smile on his face, "Compared to a person like you who has been standing still for nearly ten thousand years, how could you ever think that someone in the younger generation would be able to challenge your authority."

"Hmph, that's just your one-sided opinion." Luan Kuang shook his head and said, "You are just a newly promoted Mahayana monk, and you have to weigh how many catties you have in your hand."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he bowed his head and passed the sound transmission to comfort Wan Zhongliu in front of him, and then briefly talked about his previous experience with Wan Gang, Yan Qiu and others, as well as the cooperation with You Ming Boy.After hearing this, Wan Zhongliu naturally showed surprise on his face, turned his head and looked at the four people in the distance, and his eyes also flashed.

Shaoqing Yitian flew up quickly under the flash of light all over his body, before leaving, he did not forget to say: "Let's practice alone at the top, so as not to affect the people below."

"Hmph, let me see what makes you, a Mahayana cultivator less than 4000 years old, so superior to others," the Emperor Youming said furiously, and he jumped into the evasion technique and chased after him, leaving only one group behind. The monks in the Netherworld surrounded themselves in a group to defend themselves.

At this time, these Netherworld monks had long lost their previous aura. Facing the presence of five integrated monks, even with Biluo Yaoji beside them, they did not dare to make any mistakes.After all, the number of high-ranking monks is too large now, and anyone in front of them is comparable to Biluo Yaoji.

And it seems that Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming have already surrounded the crowd, and it seems that they are not going to let anyone go.Based on their strength alone, it is absolutely impossible for these low-level monks to muddle through.

Flying high into the sky, Yi Tian stabilized his figure, then took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, and confronted the Nether Emperor in the distance furiously.At this time, there is no need for the two of them to chatter for a few breaths, only to see that Luan Kuang made the first move, and also took out a black spirit sword in his hand to sacrifice, and then it turned into a black halo in front of him. Filled the whole sky.

Yi Tian saw the real expression showing a trace of surprise, the other party performed the unique skill of "Lingyaohua Qianshu", which turned out to be the unique skill of the Feiyu Sword Sect of the three sects in the spiritual world. 'It took a little effort to think about it like this.

Surprised in his heart, the supernatural power in his hand was not slow at all, and after offering the Taiyuan wooden sword, it turned into a ball of light in front of him to protect himself.The cyan ball of light turned into a three-inch thick defensive circle around Yi Tian's body.

Seeing that, Luan Kuang made a gesture of falling, and saw the blue-threaded light balls falling down one after another around the black lines in front of him. The sound of 'ping ping pong pong' was endless, and the black silk all over the sky seemed to slant down like a waterfall and hit the blue silk light ball directly.But these black threads were all blocked outside without exception. Occasionally, a few black threads broke through the outer layer of the blue silk light ball and wanted to invade the inside, but were blocked by the rest of the blue sword threads and forced to out.

The supernatural power lasted for twenty breaths, and there was no intention of ending it. He looked furiously at the black silk in front of him, the color behind it changed slightly, and the hand seal changed, and the aura reappeared, and then he pointed to the black sword silk in the distance.In an instant, all the scattered black threads were retracted and condensed into a black lightsaber, aiming at Yi Tian's face and attacking again.

"Lingyao Huaqianshu's 'condensing solidity and transforming void', I didn't expect you to be able to practice this technique to such a level," Yi Tian sighed, and at the same time stretched out his hand to form a seal, and the aura in his hand suddenly turned emerald green.

After three breaths, there was suddenly more spiritual light on the cyan light ball around him, and a faint cyan flash appeared on the defensive net, which was the true color of Li Yan's real fire.

With the sound of 'creak creak', the black lightsaber fell and was firmly held back by the sword wire defense net of the real fire from the flames, without scoring an inch.

In the air, two spells, one black and one green, slammed together and emitted a dazzling light. Even in daylight, one can see such a magical attack from thousands of miles away.And the wind formed by the spiritual pressure fluctuations produced by the two magic spells was blown indiscriminately towards the surroundings.

The group of people below naturally experienced the power of such a strong wind most directly. The monks below the distraction stage had to hold together and open the protective cover in order to maintain their figure and not be attacked by the strong wind.Even the monks in the fit period have to open the protective cover to resist for a while.

After a little while, when the wind dissipated, the figures of the two appeared again high above the sky.At this time, Yi Tian took back the 'Lingyao Huaqian' surrounding him and turned it into a solid lightsaber.Then he swung it lightly, and the lightsaber split through the void and then fell straight towards the furious face of the Nether Emperor in front of him.

Wherever Jian Guang went, he was also blocked by the black sword thread, but what surprised Luankuang was that the black sword thread in his hand seemed to be defeated after less than three breaths of resistance.

Seeing the attack of the hot trick, the madman didn't care about so many hands intertwined and sealed, and then sacrificed a gray ghostly magic light, and erected a thick light film protection in front of him.

After Yi Tian's sword move broke through the black thread, it accurately hit the defense of the Nether Demon Light, and when it penetrated less than three inches, it couldn't penetrate any more.

At the same time, a gray real fire suddenly lit up, surrounded by ghostly magic light, and rolled around the lightsaber. "This is Nether Real Fire," Yi Tian said with a slightly stunned expression, and hurriedly manipulated the Taiyuan wooden sword back.

But those 'Ghost Real Fire' passed the Taiyuan Wooden Sword and forced the Liyan True Fire on it to shrink down.It's just that these 'Nether Real Fires' seem to be very corrosive. Yi Tian found that the 'Li Yan True Fire' on the Taiyuan wooden sword seemed to be directly suppressed after being corroded.It wasn't until he took back the spirit weapon that he cut off the opponent's magical erosion.

The first time the two of them used their supernatural powers against each other, it was evenly divided. Yi Tian was surprised by the ferocious Nether Real Fire.I have seen Nether Boy perform similar supernatural powers before, but the power is very different.Looking at the other party with such a dignified expression, he secretly thought about which countermeasure to choose.

As for the furious expression of the Nether Emperor on the opposite side, the shock in his eyes was beyond words.He casted two supernatural spells one after another, both of which are his special skills, and he also considered Yi Tian's background before, so he made a very targeted shot.But after the two moves, not only did he not gain the upper hand, but also did not allow Yi Tianshi to use the final magical power in Luo Tianxian Palace, which naturally made Luan Kuang feel a little bit worried.

After a silent meeting, Yi Tian was the first to speak: "The exercises you practice seem to be similar to the orthodox ones of the sect, but there is still a big gap between them and the orthodox ones."

"Hmph, you noticed," Luankuang snorted coldly, "It's actually caused by the spiritual power attribute of the interface I'm in, but you have to endure the inconvenience of entering the Netherworld to fight against me today. factors, so even if I am an outer sect in this environment, I may not be much worse than you, an inner sect direct descendant."

"You said how much worse it is, which means that you have already decided in your heart that you are not as good as me," Yi Tian said with a sneer: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, since that's the case, I will let you take a look at your reasoning." The proud location is of no use to me."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian quickly formed seals with his hands on his chest, and instantly his whole skin glowed with golden light.A round of red sun rising behind resorted to the 'corona golden body'.

"This is the Buddhist practice. I didn't expect you to be able to learn other sect's unique skills as well," screamed wildly.

While chanting words in his mouth, golden waves of light fell and then fell on the furious head, which was the secret technique of 'Tianlei Eight Sounds'.After those golden light waves fell, they passed over Luan Kuang's body, instantly blowing a layer of ghostly air.The ferocious arrogance was suppressed under the continuous erosion of those golden light waves.

Under the attack of the 'Tianlei Octave', the ghost energy on Luan Kuang's body seemed to be a little weak after being attacked layer by layer.

"Boy, it seems that you are also using the restraint effect of the skill attribute, but don't be too complacent," said Luan Kuang, and after clasping his palms together, the spiritual power in his body surged, and the Nether Qi within a thousand miles around crazily moved towards him coming everywhere.

After absorbing a large amount of Nether Qi, his ferocious aura became stronger again, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were more than three points stronger than before.

When Yi Tian saw it, he didn't take it seriously at all, and the secret method of "Tianlei Eight Sounds" he was chanting didn't mean to stop at all.After the streaks of golden light dispersed, the ghostly atmosphere around Luan Kuang was slowly purified away as if peeling off cocoons.

(End of this chapter)

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