
Chapter 2282 Fight 2

Chapter 2282

Yi Tian and Luan Kuang met in the sky above the Nether Dynasty Imperial City in 'Nahe County', and the strong wind generated by the two fighting in the sky had a great impact on the monks around.

What surprised Yi Tian was that all the supernatural powers and secret arts performed by Luankuang before were all originated from Luotian Immortal Palace.But these two moves are similar in appearance but not in spirit. They look the same as Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Lingyaohua Qianshu, but the exercises they activate all use the spirit power of the Nether Qi.In front of his orthodox martial arts, the two supernatural powers fought against each other, and the winner was determined.

However, the 'Nether True Fire' that Emperor Youming used the advantage of the location is also very powerful, able to suppress his Liyan supernatural power.Afterwards, Yi Tian changed his skills again and performed the Buddhist sect's secret techniques 'corona golden sun body' and 'heavenly thunder octave'.However, Emperor Youming, relying on his own geographical advantage, unscrupulously gathered the Nether Qi around him here.

After absorbing a large amount of Nether Qi, the ferocious strength suddenly increased to the peak of the early stage of Mahayana, but under the influence of Yi Tian's Tianlei Eight Sounds, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure only jumped to that level and then returned after less than three breaths. Slowly fell down.

After seeing it, Luan Kuang naturally realized the problem. Today, Tianlei Bayin was really powerful and seemed to be an understatement. He swept across his body and swept away half of the ghostly aura on his body.But it would be very impressive if this situation continued. Under the continuous sweep of the golden light waves, his spiritual power was constantly weakened like a deflated ball.

Seeing such a ferocious complexion, a stern look flashed across his eyes.Shaoqing saw that he took out a tattered one-foot pennant and held it in his hand. The pennant was black and red in color. The base material of the pennant was black woven fabric, and the red part was some blood stains left on it.

Yi Tian didn't know why Luan Kuang didn't remove the red bloodstains, but it was obvious that this thing should be an ancient treasure.From the aura emanating from above, one can clearly feel that the power of this pennant is definitely not weak.

Shao Qing furiously opened his mouth and spat out the real blood, which gathered into fist-sized blood beads in the air, and then absorbed the surrounding ghost energy.For a moment, the spiritual pressure in the air fluctuated violently, and it spun rapidly around the mouthful of true blood.At the same time, the surrounding ghostly air frantically surged towards this place, and after a while, a spiral wind formed in the air out of thin air.

Seeing such a ferocious face with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and stretched out the pennant against the wind. After the sound of "clap la la", he saw that the originally one-foot-sized pennant turned into more than nine feet long.The flagpole was about ten feet long, and Xiao was so tall that he had to hold the flag with both hands to wave it.

Yi Tian couldn't see the regiment in the middle of the flag just now because the pennant was closed, but now he saw a dragon-like pattern appearing in the middle of the flag.Taking a closer look at Yi Tian, ​​his complexion changed slightly. This dragon has two wings on its back, and its body is grayish red.On the right side of the flag, there are three fist-like holes, large and small.

Needless to say, it should be the traces of damage on the previous flag, and there are several traces of blood on the pattern of the pennant.After Luan Kuang injected the spiritual power in his hands, the eyes of the two-winged flood dragon on the painted surface suddenly lit up, as if it had been activated.Then I saw that its body trembled slightly and came back to life.

The two-winged flood dragon swam back and forth on the flag surface, turned its head after ten breaths, and stared directly at the direction of the blood bead in the distance.The next moment, the double-winged flood dragon opened its mouth and sucked in a sudden inhalation, mixing the true blood from the heart that was sacrificed by the rage before, mixed with a large amount of ghost energy, and directly introduced it into its mouth.

After swallowing it in one gulp, the expression of the two-winged flood dragon suddenly became extremely powerful, as if it was about to rush out anytime and anywhere to be addicted to people.

At this time, the furious man turned his head with a smile on his face and said: "You can also be regarded as the direct disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, but now facing the secret treasure of the Immortal Palace 'Huochi Banner', do you know if you can resist it? "

"What turned out to be the sect's secret treasure 'Huochi Banner', but shouldn't it be an [-]-clawed Huochi flag? How could it be so weak?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.

"It seems that you also have some knowledge, no wonder you can become the master of a sect," sneered furiously, "This is a treasure I took out from the fragments of the fairy world, but it is a pity that it was damaged when I found it. The true soul of the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' has not been nourished by spiritual power for a long time, otherwise I still need to use the method of blood sacrifice to activate it."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "You are really ashamed to be a disciple of the outer sect of the Immortal Palace. You have such a treasure in your hand but you can't make good use of it. This eight-clawed fire chinchilla is a famous fairy beast in the fairy world. It's a pity Being infused with your Nether Real Fire and contradicting your own attributes, no matter how much spiritual power you inject, you will not be able to exert [-]% of your true strength."

"Is it true that a Mahayana cultivator is worthy of the true power of the 'Huochi Banner'?" He Kuang said disdainfully, "Today I want you to perish under this sect's supreme treasure."

After speaking, Luankuang waved the 'Huochi Flag' with both hands and pointed at Yi Tian's position, and immediately a lot of bloody smell radiated from the flag.The red blood energy flooded the sky and covered the sky with a layer of blood-red mist.

Yi Tian found that the 'Tianlei Eight Sounds' he had cast spread disorderly in this blood energy, but he couldn't completely purify it.Wherever the golden light went, the blood energy was blown away, but within three breaths, more blood energy replenished.Today's Tianlei Eight Sounds can only spread to a three-cubic radius around him at most, and this range is still shrinking.

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian snorted coldly, and quickly recited the mantra in his mouth.Four arms stretched out under the double ribs, and two heads popped out from the back of the head and neck.After the appearance of Asura Dharma Body, Yi Tian's spiritual pressure fluctuated greatly, instantly blowing away the red blood mist within three miles around him.

A string of Buddhist beads and the 'Taiyuan Wooden Sword' were taken out and sacrificed on the two hands on both sides. At the same time, the two main hands on the front combined to form the seal of Jingshi Hualian.A white aura appeared behind the corona, and then became brighter and brighter until the white phantom enveloped itself.Yi Tian's six eyes opened and locked onto the furious man in front of him, and his three mouths opened at the same time: "You are also one of the many people who can force me to show my real body. I think it's been a long time since I took such a serious shot."

"I didn't expect you to hide the supernatural powers of the Asura clan so deeply," Luan Kuang, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, naturally realized the horror of Yi Tian's skills in front of him.But what he didn't expect was that Yi Tian could perfectly integrate the Buddhist practice and the Asura Dharma Body together.

That's not to mention, Yi Tian has only revealed the swordsmanship supernatural power of Luotian Immortal Palace from beginning to end, as for Lihuo Palace's "Lihuo Nine Changes" and Taiqing Pavilion's "Spatial Retrospect" have not yet been displayed.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian still has his hole cards yet to play, even though Luankuang himself still has his hole cards to use, it will cost a lot of money, so he is quite afraid of this.

On the other hand, Yi Tian was not at all chaotic, and the spiritual weapon in his hand was sacrificed and ready to go.But a pair of wise eyes stared at the Nether Emperor in front of him, looking at something furiously from time to time.In fact, this shot is also a manifestation of his true strength after entering the Mahayana period.In the previous battle with Wu Jue, he did not show the image of Ashura.

In addition, the situation of shooting in the fragments of the fairy world is naturally very different from that in the nether world.Previously, in the fragments of the fairy world, there were immortal spirits everywhere, which could be mobilized unscrupulously, but in the nether world, it was full of ghost spirit.This kind of spiritual power attribute is already contradicted by his own practice, just like Luan Kuang said that the fact that he has a good location is extremely unfavorable to him.

Fortunately, Yan Wenjing received a lot of information from Yan Wenjing's Jade Slip, most of which were about how to deal with madness.Moreover, Yan Wenjing knew that time was running out, he must have known that at the last moment, he would not be able to escape the mad claws, and the probability of his soul being swallowed back was as high as [-]%.

But even so, he still insisted on guarding the base camp in Huangquan without hesitation, and Yi Tian also smelled something strange from the jade slip document.Yan Wenjing will definitely not sit still, he has countermeasures in the Soul Restriction.This kind of countermeasure must be swallowed alive even if Luan Kuang knows it, otherwise he will not be able to take back the soul, but it seems that there is still a lack of guiding factors in the scene so that it cannot be effective.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, and after restraining his mind in his mind, he sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword again in the air and disintegrated it into sword threads.The cyan sword silk set up a protective net around his body.The Buddhist bead in one hand was lightly held up, and then controlled with one hand to grow bigger and bigger in the air, forming a second defensive net around the blue sword wire net around itself.

Seeing the madness in the distance, he naturally saw the way above. This kind of defense seems to have borrowed the power of the Buddha's light from the Buddha Sect, which is his nemesis in the Netherworld.But Luankuang is also a master who does not admit defeat. Although the attribute of spiritual power is restrained, how can he give up so easily given the convenient location.

After waving the 'Huo Chi Flag' in his hand, he waved it a few times in the air, and after injecting a large amount of spiritual power, he saw the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' on the flag suddenly moved.Then the whole body was cruising back and forth on the 'Huo Chi Banner', as if it was going to rush out to kill people anytime and anywhere.

But Yi Tian in the distance looked at the movement on the 'Huo Chi Banner', but couldn't help being stunned. Although the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' showed a fierce look with its teeth and claws open, its two parts were slightly distorted. It seems that he is unwilling to be manipulated by others.

Don't think too much about yourself, just listen to Luan Kuang's mouth saying: "Go," the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' on the flag flew out in response, then circled in the air and turned into a [-]-foot-long Huo Chi real body and leaned back A mournful hoarse cry began to come out of his mouth.

Then after circling high above the sky, he spread out his eight sharp claws and rushed down towards Yi Tian's position.

It was obviously covered with gray Nether Real Fire, which twisted and burned the surrounding void, and its body circled and fell, turning the area within a hundred meters into the domain space of Nether Real Fire.

Yi Tian only felt an inexplicable sense of impetuousness rising around him, and then a large number of gray ghost fires came from all directions, enclosing himself in the middle and unable to escape.

With a thought, the six arms formed seals in two pairs at the same time, and the three mouths recited the mantra in unison.The Buddhist beads surrounding him spun rapidly and turned into a golden light, covering a radius of ten feet around him.

"噗嗤噗嗤," with a loud noise, the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' came down with the real fire from the nether world, and surrounded by eight sharp claws, it greeted the golden light defense fiercely.

'Bang, bang, bang' When the eight fire claws came into contact, they did not break through the defense as easily as imagined. On the contrary, the dragon claws slapped up and were directly bounced away by the high-speed rotating golden light. Finally, they were able to break through the defense. The bottom was quickly purified by the golden Buddha light above.

After a dragon chant sounded again, the figure of the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' grew to more than double its original size, and the eight dragon claws waved vigorously to directly hold the golden light ball in the middle, while the ghostly real fire around it It was Yi Tian's defense that was completely submerged in the gray sea of ​​flames by rushing forward.

"I didn't expect you to be nothing more than that," the man holding the 'Huo Chi Banner' in the distance said furiously and disdainfully.But when he finished speaking, he saw that the space that was originally surrounded by the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' suddenly exploded from it.

After three breaths, several white halos directly pierced through the gray Nether Real Fire and came out from it.Not only that, where the white light went, it purified all the Nether True Fire.Although the halo is not much, after a few breaths, the encircling circle of the Nether Real Fire has been smashed to pieces.

With the sound of 'huhu', a white figure protruded from the encirclement of the Nether Real Fire and flew out of the attack circle of the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi'.The white aura turned into the appearance of a Jingshi Hualian, and after the lotus petals fell slowly, Yi Tian's real body appeared.

He turned his head and looked at the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' in the middle. At this time, his whole body was eroded by the ghost fire, but he himself was controlled by the 'Huo Chi Banner' and could not resist the will of the man who controlled him. .

Seeing this, Yi Tian's six arms and hands were branded with lotus flowers, and the corona on his back soared and emitted a dazzling red light.This sudden red light shone in the high sky of the nether world, illuminating the gray nether air all around and making a 'sizzling' sound.

The monks in the nether world below have naturally received a lot of influence. The red sunlight mixed with the light of the white Jingshi Hualian swept over them and directly purified all the nether air.

Even Yan Qiu Wangang and the others who had attained the body-fitting stage seemed to retreat one after another. Although it was the first time for them to see such a kung fu, they still had fresh memories of the Nether Real Fire used by the savage.

Since this Jingshihualian sunlight is the nemesis of Nether Real Fire, it must have an impact on everyone.

Several bowl-sized white Jingshi Hualians flashed in the air and greeted the ferocious body of Emperor Youming directly.Seeing such frenzy, he hurriedly sacrificed the Nether Real Fire around him and wanted to take this move, but once those Nether Real Fire touched Jingshihualian, they could only hold back the opponent's offensive and then quickly retreated.

When Luan Kuang turned around and looked at Yi Tian's position, he suddenly found that the figure had disappeared without a trace. At the same time, there was a strong wind blowing in the air on one side, and a golden fist pointed at the pupil. Infinitely magnified and hit the front door.

(End of this chapter)

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