
Chapter 2284 Fight 4

Chapter 2284 Fight Four

The fierce battle with the Nether Emperor has reached a stalemate, and he never expected that the opponent would sacrifice such a heaven-defying spiritual weapon as the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Orbs'.To be honest, this thing mainly has enough living souls to support its power, so it can be upgraded without limit.However, the 'Wan Yuanzhu' is too domineering in its sacrificial practice, and it hurts the heaven and harmony, so it is regarded as a taboo by the Qi Society of Luotian Immortal Palace.

Yi Tian had been lucky enough to explore the relics of Qishe in the fragments of the fairy world, and naturally found this thing to refine the manuscript.I just took a quick look at such a refining map before. After all, it is too unimaginable to refine the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Pearl' into a 'full soul' state.

In the fairy world, it is necessary to collect the souls of thousands of real immortals, but this is not considered as the main soul of an immortal weapon, at least the living soul of a Taiyi Jinxian is required.If he can kill Da Luo Tianxian and collect his soul, the power will naturally skyrocket.

Originally, Yi Tian just sneered after seeing this text description. After all, to be able to collect thousands of real immortal souls, at least two or three layers of heaven would have to be destroyed.Just ask who can have such strength, or if a large number of true immortals are massacred, it will definitely alarm the sages on the 33rd layer of outer heavens to descend to question them.

But today's situation is different. It seems that Emperor Youming has refined a simplified version of the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments'.The quality has dropped from fairy weapon to spiritual weapon category, but even so Yi Tian feels that it is difficult to deal with.After all, there was a situation that was known before, and the power of the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Orbs' must have skyrocketed to more than several times the original after seeing the unjust soul skeleton below slaughtering the monks of the nether world in such a way.

The divine mind skipped over and found that the huge ghost skeleton had swallowed a large number of monks in the netherworld and quickly absorbed the spiritual power from them, and all the flesh and blood were melted into ghost energy and replenished into the skeleton.

What's more, it can be seen that the original "Ghost Skeleton" was formed by the condensation of a large number of living souls of monks.A large number of scattered faces of living souls emerged from his body, and these faces became abnormally distorted, as if they had endured great pain and could not come out.

As described in the "Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments" refinement map, the living souls that have been swallowed by this bead will be enslaved by the holder of the "Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments" forever unless they completely break the spirit weapon.

After the huge Wrathful Soul Skeleton devoured a large number of monks from the Netherworld, a red ray of light came out of it against the current and forcibly broke the entanglement of a large number of Wronged Souls before flying out from the mouth of the Wronged Soul Skeleton.

After careful scrutiny, everyone found that it was Biluo Yaoji herself. Speaking of which, among the monks who were devoured, she was the only one who had the strongest strength and reached the cultivation base of the middle stage of fusion.

It's just that after devouring a large number of living souls, the strength of the Unjust Soul Skeleton has also been greatly improved. Naturally, it will not miss such a good target.I saw the huge gray ghost skeleton exhaling fiercely, and hundreds of living souls gushed out of it and rolled towards Biluo Yaoji.

Those living souls were invisible and invisible, and even after being hit by the spirit sword in the hands of Biluo Yaoji, they were only slightly disintegrated, and they could be reunited afterward with a little power of wronged souls.

The gushing souls split into left and right directions and attacked towards the position of Biluo Yaoji.The single-round escape speed is not weaker than that of the middle-stage monks, and still faintly has the upper hand in speed.

Biluo Yaoji's shoulders suddenly paled, and her own methods had no effect on her.If it goes on like this, it will inevitably be swallowed by the unjust soul skeleton and become one of the living souls.

When the red escape light flashed again, Biluo Yaoji set up her escape technique and was about to flee. For the sake of surprise, the two unjust souls, one on the left and the other on the right, led her back, while the original ghost of the unjust soul skeleton attacked directly from the front.

Seeing that the siege was about to be closed, Bi Luo Yaoji's face revealed a look of bitterness and angrily shouted: "I have lived and died for you for so many years, and you have treated me like this. If I knew it earlier, I would have turned against you."

But there was a ferocious sneer in the air and said: "Don't tell me you didn't have two minds, I don't think so. I have noticed everything you do, if you don't stay in Naluo Imperial Capital I will get rid of you early in the morning, for a double-minded clone like you, it should be used as a life sacrifice spirit weapon."

"You're cutting your own way. All of you, the mad deities are filthy bodies that gather a large number of monks' flesh and blood. Only such filthy spiritual power can be nourished in the Netherworld," Biluo Yaoji didn't care about it now. Immediately shook out the frenzied old bottom of Emperor Youming and said: "His body and spirit cannot be fully matched, so his strength is unstable. His Mahayana cultivation base can only last for half a day, and he will hide back in the capital of Naraku afterwards. Sleeping underground for a hundred years can raise your cultivation level up again."

"Hahaha," a ferocious laugh came from the air and said, "Biluo Yaoji, it seems that you have done your due diligence on me, but it's a pity that after absorbing the power of Yan Wenjing's soul, I can fully I can control my physical strength. And I would like to thank Yan Wenjing if he hadn't been cultivating the power of the soul to fight against me for ten thousand years, I would not have known that he had refined the soul to such a state."

"Mr. Yan is sacrificing his life for righteousness, so don't be too happy. The so-called good will help you if you don't. Today you committed such a taboo and you have already cut off your own way. I don't think all the monks present will sit around and wait for death. , everyone let go of your prejudices, can't everyone's strength be able to deal with you?" Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air far away, said with a solemn expression.

The voice of the speech was not loud, but it seemed to be the voice of all the monks who were present today when they performed the mysterious magic power.

Before the unjust soul skeleton could catch up with Biluo Yaoji, a gray ghost fire fell and directly defeated a living soul on the right.Needless to say, everyone knows who did it, and the only one with such strength on the scene is the Nether Boy.

Biluo Yaoji's shoulders were slightly stunned, and when she realized it, she hurriedly cast a grateful look.Shaoqing cast out another magical spell obliquely to gather and disperse the living souls on the left side, and the person who shot it turned out to be Wan Zhongliu.

At this time, he looked tired, but his eyes were like fire, he looked at Bi Luo Yaoji, and then he shouted: "Today, everyone will take advantage of the situation and take action together to restrain Luankuang, and let Yi Daoyou take action to kill her. No Apart from this catastrophe, there will never be a peaceful day in the Netherworld.”

As soon as this remark came out, Wan Gang, who was in the distance, took the lead in responding, and under the flash of inspiration in his hand, he directly hit the ghost skeleton deity.After Wan Zhongliu moved his mouth a few times, he seemed to have a private chat with someone in the voice transmission, and later Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming also came to help.

As for the Nether Boy himself, he was already ready to attack, and he was naturally unwilling to lag behind when four monks in the fusion period joined forces to attack.He took out a gray steel shuttle from his hands, raised two ghost fires and attached them to it.Then he stretched out his hand and said in his mouth, "Go."

The steel shuttle circled in the air around the side of the Wrathful Soul Skull and pierced it fiercely.

Somewhat different from what was expected, the Nether Boy's steel shuttle hit the body of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton and went straight out from one side.It's just that the ghost fire attached to it after it came out was much weaker, but this time it also wiped out hundreds of living souls.Immediately, the aura of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton was a little weaker, but it still swallowed too many living souls before.

However, after the continuous attacks of You Ming Boy and others, the aura of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton continued to be reduced.Luan Kuang, who was watching the battle in the air, was screaming with anger at this time, but he couldn't help it. After all, the 'Huo Chi Banner' raised in the hands of Yi Tian in the distance was definitely not a decoration.

As long as he shows a slight flaw, he will attract a fatal blow, and he knows it well, but he has nothing to do with the scene below.Obviously, under the leadership of You Ming Boy, everyone took action one after another, and they were able to hold back the movement of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton.

Seeing such madness, he hurriedly cast a spell to summon the skeletons of the unjust souls and put them back in the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Beads'.The next moment, the ghostly energy in his hand surged and poured it into the orb.With a strange smile on his face, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Boy, let's try the taste of bone erosion by thousands of souls." Immediately, the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Beads' were activated to transform into a torrent of resentful souls and rushed towards Yi Tian's face.

"After waiting for so long, I'm tired of putting on airs," Yi Tian said with a sneer, and kept offering the natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' to the 'Huo Chi Banner' in his hands.

The 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' suddenly jumped out of the flag after being blessed by the orthodox Luotian Xiangong exercises.After opening his mouth and speaking in the middle of his mouth, he gave birth to the sound of dragon chant all day long, and then rushed towards the torrent of wronged souls coming towards him.

"Booming" the two supernatural powers in the sky attacking each other is no less than a thunderbolt on dry land, two dazzling rays of light, one gray and one purple, rapidly attack together in the air, and the wind generated by the spiritual pressure fluctuations blows this place thousands of miles into the air The clouds inside were blown away.

But where the two spells are deadlocked, there are two distinct worlds, one cold and one hot, one yin and one yang, two completely different attributes of the scene appear in the sky.

The state of stalemate lasted less than a hundred breaths, and then there was a change. I saw white and two-color light flashing on the body of its own 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi', and the phantom shadows of white Jingshi Hualian emerged.After those bowl-sized Jingshi Hualian flew into the body of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton, they shone with a little white light, directly melting the wronged soul inside.

After three breaths, a large number of living souls continued to overflow from the Unjust Soul Skeleton, and then fell into the air, wrapped in the Jingshi Hualian, and directly escaped into the reincarnation.

"The madness is about to be defeated," came the sentence from someone below, and everyone glanced over and found that it was the words that came from the mouth of Biluo Yaoji.I just heard her continue to say: "The power of the ghost skeletons is constantly weakening as those ghosts are being saved."

Indeed, at this time, in the eyes of everyone, the power of the gray ghost skeleton seems to be far less powerful than before, and its momentum is continuously weakening as Jingshi Hualian continues to invade.

The power of the "Eight-clawed Fire Chichi" is reflected under the ebb and flow of 'Hoo Hoo'.Originally, he was an immortal weapon in the fairy world, but his power was greatly reduced because he was nourished by spiritual power with contradictory attributes.Now, with the nourishment of the sect's orthodox exercises and repaired the damaged loopholes on the flag, it naturally restored [-]% of its former power.

Although it hasn't been warmed for a long time, it is more than enough to deal with the madness in front of him.

The state of stalemate has been broken, and it is like a flood that cannot be controlled. At this time, an unimaginable anger appeared on the furious face, and he shouted incoherently: "How is it possible, how is it possible? ’ It’s not that low that you just practiced the ‘Huo Chi Banner’ for less than a moment, ‘Who the hell are you?”

With a sound of 'Boom', the purple torrent transformed by the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' directly broke through the attack of the Wrathful Soul Skeleton and burned up the Wrathful Soul coefficient inside it.It's not just that the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' rushed to the location where the savage deity was, and swallowed his whole body.

There was a crisp sound of 'cracking' in the air, and after a burst of explosion, the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' flew back to the 'Huo Chi Banner' after circling a few times.Yi Tian turned his head to take a closer look and saw that there was not a single part of Luan Kuang's body intact at this time, his skin was covered with bloodstains, and a large number of blood donations overflowed so desperately that his whole body was stained with blood.

'Crack, click' Shaoqing's hands and feet fell from his body in response, and his body was completely shattered like coke.Only the head above the neck was left intact.Yi Tian looked at it and said: "It seems that your head still retains the original body, but unfortunately you can't be reborn again."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and raised the cyan halo mountain in his hand, after which a cyan light thread flew out and split his head straight.

With a sound of '嗖', there was a gray aura before the Taiyuan sword thread fell, and it escaped directly, which was the ferocious Nascent Soul spirit body.At this time, Yi Tian found that there was a head on his Nascent Soul's neck.The comatose head was exactly what Yan Wenjing looked like.

It seems that Yan Wenjing was not completely absorbed by Yan Wenjing in the end. Maybe this is the final backhand that Yan Wenjing mentioned in the transmission of the jade slips.

Seeing the frantic Nascent Soul fleeing downwards, Yi Tian couldn't catch up.Wherever the divine sense went, he found that Luankuang was flying towards the location of Biluo Yaoji. Needless to say, he was looking for a clone as a temporary place to live.

But before flying to the front of Biluo Yaoji, a gray ghost fire stopped him.The one who made the shot was the Nether Boy, and speaking of which, he had put up 12 points of energy, and he had a thorough understanding of the mind of this deity.

Only to hear the ferocious and angry clamor: "It's you who came to spoil my good deed again."

"Resign yourself to your fate, now we are two different individuals," the Nether Boy curled his lips and said, "There is no room for you and me in the huge Netherworld, and I can only survive today, otherwise I will be alone in the future." It’s hard to sleep and eat, and it’s uncomfortable to live.”

"Just because you still want my life?" Luan Kuang still said arrogantly: "Do you really think that Yi Tian will let you go afterward?"

"After getting along with him for this period of time, I believe in his character," Youming Boy said calmly, "He is not from the Netherworld, and sooner or later he will leave, and the situation that your family is the only one in the Netherworld should be over. , everyone divides and conquers is the most stable.”

(End of this chapter)

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