
Chapter 2285 Fight 5

Chapter 2285 Fight Five

The battle over the imperial city of the Nether Empire in 'Naihe County' has continued to this day and it can be regarded as a winner. Yi Tian relied on the newly obtained sect secret treasure 'Huochi Banner' to overcome the reincarnated body of the Nether Emperor.

After the two fought against each other, the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' that was sacrificed in the 'Huo Chi Banner' in Yi Tian's hand was really powerful.Under the confrontation of 'Wan Yuanzhu', he stabilized his position and finally cooperated with the Buddha's 'Jing Shi Hua Lian' technique to use the advantage of attribute restraint to defeat the opponent's attack in one fell swoop.

Then Yi Tian didn't hold back and directly controlled the 'Eight-clawed Fire Chichi' to attack the savage deity of the Nether Emperor and completely broke its defense.

But what I didn't expect was that the ferocious strength was also impressive, no matter what, they were all Mahayana monks, and they would always have one or two tricks to save their lives.His body was destroyed from the head down, leaving only a burned head that was beyond recognition.

When Yi Tian saw it, he naturally knew the truth of "cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates", so he sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand and chopped it straight at his face.The cyan Taiyuan sword thread skipped over and split his head open.

It's just that the frenzied Nascent Soul escaped from the body a step earlier, barely avoiding Yi Tian's fatal blow.The Nascent Soul spirit body without a body is naturally like a toothless tiger whose strength has been greatly weakened.However, he was the only Mahayana cultivator in the Netherworld before, and his emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. Speaking of which, few people would dare to face his Nascent Soul.

But even though few people dared to provoke him, it didn't mean they didn't dare to challenge him.At this time, the Nether Boy was naturally the first to rush out. For him, the relationship with Luan Kuang was naturally incompatible, and only one person could leave alive in this battle.The Nether boy has been dormant for so long and finally waited for such an opportunity, how could he just give up.

The gray Nether Real Fire all over his body appeared, and he jumped to catch up with the frenzied Nascent Soul. 'Huhu' the wind skipped over the Nether Real Fire in his hand and flew out, and then swept over the ferocious Nascent Soul's spirit body, intending to destroy him on the spot.

It is obvious that Luankuang has no body at this time. The only way to solve the crisis is to find clothes and a body to replace it temporarily.At this time, Biluo Yaoji became his main target, and the latter obviously realized something.A red light flew out in a hurry, it was Biluo Yaoji who was trying her best to avoid the chasing of the frenzied Nascent Soul.

But the ferocious Nascent Soul behind him showed a ferocious expression and shouted: "Biluo Yaoji, give up your mind, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape my pursuit. This body of yours is mine. Refined avatar, obediently wait to be fused by me, I can save you from the endless pain of soul-eating." After speaking, Nascent Soul stretched out his small hand and chanted a spell in his mouth, then turned to the Biluo Yao who was running away in the distance Ji nodded.

I saw that Biluo Yaoji immediately slowed down to a sudden speed, and her spiritual power couldn't move freely.At the same time, Biluo Yaoji's body began to move slowly towards the direction where the mad Nascent Soul was.

"You tampered with this avatar," Biluo Yaoji exclaimed with a pale expression on her face.

"You said it's my avatar, don't you know that I will impose restrictions on the avatar," Luankuang said with a sneer, "Compared to you, Youming boy is much smarter than you, I would rather bear the spirit The pain of severing also needs to reshape the body, it seems that your previous superiority and inferiority have been divided long ago."

Hearing these words, the face of You Ming Boy who was chasing after him was ashen, but his face was solemn at this moment, and he was not distracted by the ferocious words at all.It's just that his speed was still slow by three points, and he could only watch Luankuang take the first step to seize the body of Biluo Yaoji.

You Ming Boy had a suspicious look on his face, logically speaking, as long as Yi Tian made a move, he would be able to capture Luankuang in one fell swoop, but his expression changed drastically after his divine sense swept over him.

At this time, above the sky, Yi Tian was not idle, waving the 'Huo Chi Banner' in his hands, and the manipulator 'Eight-clawed Fire Chi' was besieging the unjust soul skeleton.

Yi Tian's voice came from next to his ear, saying: "This 'Pearl of Resentment' is out of control, and there are thousands of unjust souls struggling to break out of the spirit weapon inside. This thing is too dangerous, if these unjust souls are really If you get out of trouble, the Netherworld will not be peaceful for ten thousand years."

Hearing the resignation on the Youming boy's face, it was obvious that Yi Tian's words were here. At this time, he was already powerless to deal with the frenzied Nascent Soul.

Seeing that the ferocious Nascent Soul was about to fly into the body of Biluo Yaoji, all the monks at the fusion stage showed anxiety, and everyone rushed up and chased from all directions to attack the madness together.

Suddenly a red light flew out from Biluo Yaoji's forehead, and in the red light was Biluo Yaoji's Nascent Soul, holding a storage ring in his hand.I saw that she also decided to activate the secret method and stretched out her hand to swipe lightly on her Nascent Soul spirit body.Immediately, a part of the gray spirit baby broke away from the body, and then Biluo Yaoji summoned a mahogany coffin that was eight feet long, three feet wide, and three feet high from her storage ring.The Nascent Soul held back the pain and flew towards the coffin with a 'swish' sound, and the coffin board moved slightly with a 'kakaka', just in time for the Nascent Soul of Biluo Yaoji to fly in.

After a wave of spiritual pressure came out from the coffin, the surrounding space was slightly startled for no reason.After three breaths, there was a 'coax' sound as the mahogany coffin shattered, and a red halo appeared in front of everyone again.In the red aura is a delicate and weak woman, her face is similar to that of Biluo Yaoji, more like a young girl.

It seems that this body was prepared by Biluo Yaoji for herself in case of emergency.It's just that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body at this time have fallen to the appearance of the late clone, which is far from the previous cultivation level in the middle stage of fusion.

Needless to say, although Biluo Yaoji had already planned it before, it was probably because her cultivation had dropped too much after she seized the house, so she dragged it on again and again.It's just that this time it's extremely urgent. If you don't act again, you may never have a chance.

When Luan Kuang saw this situation, he naturally became furious and shouted: "So you have planned to do this a long time ago. I really raised a group of white sheep and wolves. In the end, they all have ulterior motives."

"Why have you ever treated us as human beings?" Biluo Yaoji replied pantingly: "In your eyes, only your real deity is the most important, and you can give up everything for the deity. Our avatars say It looks like nothing more than chess pieces in your hands, and they are all the kind of discarded pieces that can be discarded anytime and anywhere."

Nascent Soul who was talking furiously flew into the original body of Biluo Yaoji.A gray aura suddenly flashed, forming a protective light film around his body.

In the next moment, five spells hit the furious protective shield one after the other without any difference. The sound of 'Boom' can be heard incessantly because the supernatural spells jointly shot by You Ming Boy and other five integrated stage monks hit the madness.

After the crackling sound came from the air, the gray protective cover couldn't withstand such a violent impact and was beaten to pieces in less than ten breaths.

But inside the protective cover, there was a sharp wave of spiritual pressure, and after the gray spiritual light flashed, the flesh body formed a seal with both hands to forcibly cast a defensive spell and formed five attacks at the same time.

When the aura faded, a brand new savage appeared in front of everyone.It's just that his cultivation base has fallen to the middle stage of fusion, his whole face has become extremely pale, and there are faint bloodshots from the corners of his mouth.

The ferocious body staggered in the air, shaking a few times before barely maintaining its shape. "Wow" came out of his mouth, and a mouthful of donated blood was sprayed three feet away.

Although Luan Kuang's strength is not weak, the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Spirit Body has also reached the Mahayana stage.However, after fighting with Yi Tian, ​​he was destroyed by Lectra, and after he was seized, he was attacked by five monks in the fusion stage, which naturally added to the injury.

At this time, the madness could no longer be tolerated, and the physical body that had just been taken away was severely injured so that a large amount of spiritual power contained in the original Nascent Soul was once again consumed.After a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth, the whole person's aura collapsed.

It's just that everyone's spells only shocked the furious body and caused further damage.

Luan Kuang raised his head and laughed loudly: "Okay, I have been taught today, and I will settle accounts with you guys after I recover my real strength."

Suddenly, his furious face froze, and his figure quickly moved back through the gap in the gap in the void and jumped out three miles away.A bluish-white ray of light fell from the sky and hit his original position, but it flew directly into the gap in the void.

After three breaths, Luan Kuang opened his mouth and screamed: "Yi Tian, ​​you actually attacked behind your back."

"Hmph, you are too proud of yourself. If it wasn't for your 'Wan Yuanzhu', I'm afraid I would have killed you on the spot," Yi Tian's words came from the sky. soundtrack.

The monks in the fusion period who were present were distracted and stretched out their minds to scan, but they were frantic and embarrassed when they found out that the left hand was completely cut off from the shoulder to the bottom of the new body.And above his wound, there was still a faint white halo shining.

Logically speaking, it is not a problem for a monk in the body-fit stage to be reborn with a broken limb, but at this time, a large amount of spiritual power in Luan Kuang's body is released from the wound, and the blood donation is also non-stop, and there is no way to stop the wound.Luan Kuang, however, endured the pain and ran away under the flash of spiritual light all over his body, and the You Ming boy behind him hurriedly chased after seeing him.This time, no matter how far he chased him to the ends of the earth, he must make a stop.

The rest of the people were also ready to attack, only to hear Yi Tian's words coming from the air: "The madness was injured by my 'Jing Shi Hua Lian', and the body cannot remove the power of purification from the wound. As in the initial stage of the fusion, the rest of the matter is up to you to solve by yourself. Shi Jinming stays, and I have something to ask, and the rest of the people can go after them."

After finishing speaking, a flash of spiritual light fell and flew in front of Yan Qiu, who took a closer look and saw that it was the Fenyu Slips.With a look of disapproval on his face, he hurriedly asked, "I don't know what you mean by Daoyou Yi?"

"This is the Jade Slip that Yan Wenjing gave me back then. In it, he also clearly wrote about how to restrain the madness." Yi Tian explained: "After you comprehend this Jade Slip, you will be able to pass the The mysterious magic powers of the Huangquan clan tracked down the clues left by Yan Wenjing, and at the same time, they were able to lock on the location of Luan Kuang."

Yan Qiu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly reached out to take the jade slip in his hand, then pasted it on his forehead and quickly read it through with his spiritual thoughts.After three breaths, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes and said: "So that's it, thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi. Fellow Daoist Wan, we will catch up right away. This time, we must eradicate the madness."

After saying that, the two flashes of light flashed dazzlingly in the air, and they rushed towards the direction where they fled furiously just now.

With Rage's current strength, it's only a matter of time before three monks in the fusion stage join hands to track down and die.So far, Yi Tian no longer needs to worry about madness.But the trouble in front of him was extremely tricky. Gray resentful souls kept flying out of the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Orb' that was not controlled by the owner.

Yi Tian manipulated the 'Huochi Banner' in his hand and formed a three-cubic circle around it to form a forbidden enchantment to block these gray resentful souls inside.

It's just that the consumption of one's own mana is also huge, and it may be really difficult to maintain it for a long time.

There are still Wan Zhongliu and Shi Jinming remaining among the monks in the fusion period below.Yi Tian thought about it and hurriedly said: "Friend Wan Dao quickly evacuated the people inside the Imperial City of Naihe County."

"I don't know how you will deal with it?" Wan Zhongliu asked hastily.

"There are too many vengeful spirits collected in the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Orbs'. If we let them go, I'm afraid that the entire Netherworld will not be what it used to be. At the same time, it will cause the power of vengeful spirits to become too strong and cause other disasters." Yi Tian said: "I will try to put the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Beads' in the imperial city, and rely on the emperor's spirit of the Nether Dynasty and the formation to maintain them all here."

Hearing that Wan Zhongliu didn't know Yi Tian's plan, he hurriedly replied: "Friend Yi Daoist, don't worry, give me half a moment to evacuate all the people in the imperial city below."

After saying that, Wan Zhongliu hurriedly lowered his head to the imperial city below and began to give orders.After ten breaths, a large number of low-ranking monks were seen pouring out from the various exits of the imperial city, running towards the various evacuation points in an orderly manner.

Yi Tian glanced away, and then moved his mind again to send a sound transmission to Shi Jinming: "Fellow Daoist Shi, please go to the gate of the hell world, and there will be a special trip to pick up reinforcements from the Buddha and spirit world."

"Yi Daoyou, do you want to find monks from the Buddha and Spiritual Realm to deal with the 'Ten Thousand Resentments Pearl' here?" Shi Jinming asked in surprise.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian replied: "That's true. If I stand by and watch, it will be fine at this time, but the Netherworld will become unsettled for thousands of years, and at the same time, the stability of the hell world will be affected."

After Yi Tian told the truth, Shi Jinming's face became extremely solemn, and he asked after thinking for a while, "How can I make money with people in the Buddhist and spiritual world?"

After a golden light fell, it flew to Shi Jinming. When the halo faded, it revealed a golden Buddhist talisman inside, which was the imprint of Yi Tian's unique secret technique 'Tianlei Eight Sounds'.

(End of this chapter)

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