
Chapter 2286 After the War

Chapter 2286 After the War
After fighting with the Emperor Youming, Yi Tian overwhelmed the opponent and finally destroyed the violent body.Unexpectedly, after escaping from his soul, he found the Nether Fairy and wanted to collect her body for recasting.

Biluo Yaoji is also extremely decisive, at least he has realized this situation very early, so he has made complete preparations.I saw Biluo Yaoji directly escaped from her soul under the control of her body, and then used a secret technique to cut off the part of her soul that was stored by the ferocious soul.

Speaking of which, Biluo Yaoji broke her arm to survive, if she was really absorbed and devoured by the madness, her soul would be assimilated, and there would be no such person as Biluo Yaoji in this world.

Biluo Yaoji's soul escaped and directly entered her pre-prepared body, but if she reappeared in front of everyone, Biluo Yaoji's cultivation base had fallen to the stage of distraction, but it was better than being absorbed by the madness. Well devoured.

On the other hand, after taking away the body of Biluo Yaoji, Luan Kuang's cultivation base also dropped by two levels and became a mid-stage monk.But in his situation, it is not difficult to make up for his cultivation base.

The Nether Boy and the others present were naturally shocked by it, at least if Luan Kuang was allowed to leave smoothly, it would be an absolute confidant.

At this time, they found that Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, had no intention of pursuing after the investigation with his spiritual sense, and he was doing his best to deal with the out-of-control 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments'.

However, Yi Tian pulled out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan sword thread when he was free, and the cyan lightsaber thread in his hand fell instantly and hit the ferocious body.This time, Yi Tian didn't hold back the sword thread and directly penetrated the furious left chest and cut off the entire arm.Moreover, the power of the pure lotus remaining in Taiyuan's sword silk left a thin layer of halo on the wound surface of the furious body.

In this way, Luan Kuang can no longer use the severed limb regeneration technique to restore his body to a normal state.Moreover, his cultivation base once again dropped from the mid-integration stage to the early stage, and finally managed to maintain the cultivation base of the integration stage.By now, his strength is far inferior to that of Nether Boy and the others, at least on the surface.

Then Luan Kuang turned around and tried to escape from the battlefield without hesitating to use his secret magic powers. Yi Tian who was in the air had to deal with the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Orbs' in front of him, so he couldn't spare his hands to deal with Lun Kuang.Later, he could only entrust this matter to Youming boy, and at the same time, he also handed over the jade slips left by Yan Wenjing to Yan Qiu. Through the mysterious magic power of the Huangquan tribe, he could sense the exact location of the madness, which was also left by Yan Wenjing. one of his followers.

However, before this pursuit, Yi Tian still stopped Shi Jinming to stay, and only let Yan Qiu and Wan Gang cooperate with Nether Boy to take action.After all, if two monks in the middle stage of fusion and a Nether boy in the late stage of fusion, if the three of them can't deal with the madness, it can only mean that their lives should not be lost.

After staying in the air for half a moment, Yi Tian asked Wan Zhongliu to quickly send people out of the imperial city below, and he wanted to gather up the 'Wanzhu of Resentment' and place it in the imperial city for siege.Speaking of it, Yi Tian is also in a dilemma at this time, if he can only control this 'Wan Yuanzhu' with his own cultivation, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.And it's not something I want to see myself being held here for a long time.

Leaving Shi Jinming behind and sending him to the gate of the hell realm to transfer him to pick up the Buddhist sect was originally something that Yi Tian had considered in his mind.Given that Yan Qiu and Wan Gang were too restrained by the monks of the Buddhist sect in terms of their skills, it would be difficult for them to come out.

But if you want Buddhist monks to cross the hell realm and come to the imperial city of Naihe County in the Netherworld, you must be accompanied by high-level monks.It seemed that Shi Jinming was an extremely suitable candidate.At least if he leads ordinary Buddhist monks to fly at high altitude in hell and netherworld, it will not attract the peeping and criticism of those low-level monks.

Moreover, he himself didn't have much attribute conflict with the Buddha sect's skills. After handing over a 'Tianlei Octave' talisman as a token, Shi Jinming hurriedly set off for the hell world.

At the same time, Yi Tianteng took out a cross-boundary talisman, wrote the details on it, activated it and sent it out.After the magic talisman circled in the air for a few times, a hole the size of a foot suddenly opened in the void in front of it.The golden talisman disappeared without a trace as soon as it entered it.

After doing this, Yi Tian took out a palm-sized array disk, and activated it after injecting spiritual power into his hand.With a slight "swish" sound, the disk flew out to a position hundreds of feet above the imperial city.After a while, a golden aura protruded from the surroundings of the array, covering a radius of [-] miles around the imperial city below.

In this way, no matter how many resentful souls there are in the Ten Thousand Resentment Beads, they will not be able to break through the barrier of this golden formation light film.It's just that Yi Tian knows that this is just a stopgap measure, the banning formation is powerful and cannot cure the root cause, and to completely purify the thousands of souls in the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Beads', the only way to get rid of them is by the supreme magical power of the Buddha Sect. Transcendence is like reincarnation.

After doing this, Yi Tian slowly rested his lower body on a mountain top ten miles away from the imperial city.The previous series of battles plus the fact that such a powerful formation has consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Looking for an open space on the top of the mountain, Yi Tian slowly sat down cross-legged, took out several jugs of 'Peach Wine', and poured it vigorously before he felt his spiritual power recover.

Now that my cultivation base has been raised to such a level, even the idle spirit treasure medicinal materials can no longer meet my requirements.But talking is better than nothing, and a little bit more is beneficial.

After knocking down a few elixirs, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and placed a restrictive barrier around his body ten miles away, then sat cross-legged with his eyes closed to rest his mind, adjust his breath, and recover his luck.

To be honest, with the strength that I have shown in the great battle now, those monks in the netherworld naturally keep a respectful distance.Not to mention the monks of the distraction stage, even the monks of the integration stage like Wan Zhongliu dare not offend easily.Seeing Yi Tian sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain to rest, he hurriedly ordered the Huangquan guards under him to retreat to a hundred miles away from the restrictive barrier so as not to disturb the meditation of the mighty monk.

There are still many surviving monks in the nether world who watched from afar and left on their own. For them, Yi Tian is already standing in an unattainable position at this time, and they can take a look at Mahayana from a distance. The face of the early monk is already very lucky.

Only a red aura flew out of it and swept back to a position about ten feet away from the edge of the forbidden barrier, and directly found an open space to sit cross-legged and correct it.Naturally, the divine thoughts of doing this to Yi Tian quickly passed by, and after three breaths, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and stopped talking.

The person who came was Biluo Yaoji, and she didn't leave directly at this time, but seemed to want to be under the protection of her power.

But thinking about it, Biluo Yaoji is also the spokesperson of the Nether Emperor in the Nether Realm, and she is also one of the leaders in this battle.But what I didn't expect was that Biluo Yaoji ended up in the end of a dead rabbit.If she hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid there would be no such person as Biluo Yaoji now.

But at this time, Bi Luo Yaoji's spiritual pressure fluctuated sharply, and she was in an unstable state, and this time she was manipulating the "Ten Thousand Resentment Pearl" to collect living souls, and she was no different from the monks in the nether world. s attack.Although these surviving monks from the nether world dare not speak out against the madness, they also dare not have any thoughts of making mistakes against the Biluo Yaoji who is in the fusion stage.But the Biluo Yaoji in front of her will be stared at by those who are interested and become a thorn in the flesh after the catastrophe.

At this time, Biluo Yaoji didn't run away directly, but hid outside Yi Tian's enchantment restriction, and her intention was very obvious.At this moment, she was most worried about being liquidated by people, not only the monks in the Netherworld, but also those who were guarded by Huangquan.

Even if Wan Zhongliu couldn't make a move, his apprentices and grandchildren were all suffocating.If Biluo Yaoji leaves directly, I am afraid that she will face endless pursuit in the future. It is better to stay here for the time being, at least because of her own power, even Dewan Zhongliu dare not make a move easily, let alone those who are distracted. What about monks?

After seeing through the tricks of Biluo Yaoji, Yi Tian's expression changed slightly, and he closed his eyes again after a while and stopped talking about these mundane things.The "Huo Chi Banner" in the hand was slowly sacrificed, and then wrapped in the real fire of life, it was directly put into the Niwan Palace for future use.

Calm was restored on the battlefield again, and many monks from the nether world left one after another. They also understood what happened today, and they are lucky to be able to save their lives. Naturally, they will not have any other influence on the forces of Naraku Imperial Capital. I thought too much about it.

Half a day later, Youdao Dunguang flew up from the temporary shaft guarded by Huangquan, and slowly stabilized his figure before the forbidden barrier.The light faded to reveal the true face is the current backbone of the Huangquan guard, Wan Zhongliu, a monk in the fusion stage.He bowed his hands and bowed to the inside of the restraint with a solemn expression, saying: "Wan Zhongliu, the guard of Huangquan, begs to see Senior Yi."

"Friend Wan Dao is my old acquaintance, there is no need to be so polite between you and me, please come in and talk about it in detail," after the words fell, a three-foot-sized hole was cracked in the halo of the forbidden enchantment, and Wan Zhongliu Hastily flew forward to drill into the forbidden barrier from it.

Shaoqing saw him slowly flying to the top of the mountain, and after falling from the clouds, he walked up quickly and bowed to Yi Tian who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, saying: "This time, thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help so that I can relieve my inferno." The guard is in danger, on behalf of the Huangquan guard, I thank you for this kindness."

It's just that Wan Zhongliu's body was in a half-squatting state and he couldn't continue to worship, and Yi Tian's voice came from beside his ear: "You don't need to be so special, please come forward and have a chat."

After hearing this, Wan Zhongliu stood up again, Jishou passed, then walked to the lower head in front of Yi Tian and sat on the ground on the right side.

Before he could open his mouth, Wan Zhongliu said: "Thanks to Yi Daoyou's righteous action this time, it will be a matter of time before he is defeated by Yan Qiu Wangang and the three of them with his strength greatly reduced."

"It's about the same. The furious cultivation base fell to the early stage of fusion and was injured by my secret magic power. There is no possibility of escape under the joint pursuit of three monks in the fusion stage," Yi Tian replied with a faint smile. .

However, when he heard Wan Zhongliu's words, he was very clear in his heart, and most likely he would come to test his tone today.After all, the strength of the savage series was beaten to the point where the Biluo Yaoji and Youming boy all rebelled in sequence. I'm afraid that the strength that can remain in the 'Naluo Imperial Capital' is no longer the opponent of the current Huangquan guards.

For the current Huangquan guards, returning to the old capital and relocating in the "Naluo Imperial Capital" is tantamount to re-swearing sovereignty with the entire Netherworld.But thinking about Wan Zhongliu, he still has scruples about You Ming boy, he is still not as good as he is in terms of cultivation base, so I want to ask Yi Tian what he means.It would be great if he got his approval, even if he didn't get an affirmative reply, as long as he got his own talisman, he could suppress the Nether boy again.

Yi Tian can also guess a little bit about the thoughts in Wanzhongliu's mind, but he doesn't want to get too involved in the division of forces in the Netherworld.After thinking about it, he changed the subject and asked: "I don't know what the losses in the Huangquan guards will be after this battle. Will the overall strength be damaged?"

Speaking of this, Wan Zhongliu's complexion darkened, and he said with a helpless wry smile: "This time, my Huangquan guards can only be regarded as a tragic victory. I killed a thousand enemies and injured myself eight hundred. Even the next heir to the royal family, Yan Wenjing died in the midst of the war."

Yi Tian raised his brows slightly, but he didn't show any surprise on his face as if he had expected this a long time ago. He remembered that when he was in the demon world, he had already implemented the strategy of "rare goods can be lived in" in order to prevent such things from appearing one day situation.

Then he sighed and comforted him: "You don't need to worry about the continuation of the royal family, Daoist Wan. One of the two princes is currently meditating in the Nine Immortals Mountain in the Demon Realm. You can go to the Demon Realm in person to take the prince back to inherit the great treasure. "

Wan Zhongliu expressed his gratitude again and said, "It was thanks to the clever scheme of fellow Daoist Yi that we were able to preserve the lineage of the Nether royal family. Today, fellow daoist reminded me that I will leave for the demon world later Wenchang will take it back."

"That's great," Yi Tian nodded in agreement.

"I just don't know if the members of the royal family can find another place to resettle after Wenwenchang returns to the Netherworld," Wan Zhongliu said bravely, "Now the dynasty below has been polluted by the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments'. Cleaned up, but this imperial city is not very suitable for the new emperor to succeed to the throne."

Wan Zhongliu breathed a sigh of relief after he said all these words, he had already expressed his meaning very clearly anyway.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian glanced over Wan Zhongliu, only to see the look of expectation on the other party's face, but he didn't dare to go beyond it.Then he replied with a faint smile on his face: "The imperial city of the Nether Dynasty was originally in the 'Naluo Imperial Capital', but it was built into his blood pool by the Ferocious Camp deep in the ground below the imperial capital. If Fellow Daoist Wan wants to welcome the new emperor back to the old capital It’s still up to me to do one thing.”

After hearing this, Wan Zhongliu replied with excitement all over his body, "It doesn't matter if it's one thing or ten things." After all, Boy Youming didn't dare to break his promise, so the guard of Huangquan welcomed the new emperor back to the capital. It's a sure thing.

(End of this chapter)

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