
Chapter 2287 Come to the aid

Chapter 2287 Come to the aid
Yi Tian and Wan Zhongliu chatted for a while in the restriction, and later saw a ray of light flying out and then hurriedly flying towards the temporary residence guarded by Huang Quan.It was Wan Zhongliu who got a satisfactory reply after talking with Yi Tian, ​​so he didn't stay any longer, and left in a hurry after respectfully thanking him.

After returning to the garrison of the Huangquan guards, the whole garrison was boiling again in less than half a moment, although the previous battles had repeatedly beaten the Huangquan guards, only to parry but not to fight back.But Feng Shui took turns, and now under the leadership of Yu Wanzhongliu, the whole situation showed a prosperous scene again.

The Nether prince, Yan Wenjing, was devoured by the skeletons of unjust souls that fell during this battle. At that time, the entire guard of Huangquan was naturally ashamed.But when Wan Zhongliu mentioned that there was still a prince staying in the demon world, he would go to welcome the new emperor back to the throne. After that, the entire Huangquan guards and the Nether royal family saw hope again.

What's more, the most exciting thing is that Wanzhong won Yi Tian's talisman and could move the Nether Dynasty back to the old capital.The "Naluo Imperial City" was originally occupied by the Nether Emperor for thousands of years. In the hearts of the guards of Huangquan, "Nailuo Imperial City" is the ultimate affiliation, and the feelings for the old capital are deeply engraved in the hearts of the Nether Royal Family.

They had no choice in the past, but now they can return to the 'Emperor Capital of Naraku' in a grandiose manner.

After being assigned by Wanzhongliu, the guards of Huangquan went to the 'Naluo Imperial Capital' in three ways, but Yi Tian didn't respond at all to this.Although I agreed to let him move back to the old capital, the specific implementation still depends on Wan Zhongliu himself.However, with his own talisman in his hand, he will not be afraid even if he faces the Nether Boy in the future.

On the contrary, the Biluo Yaoji who was sitting outside the forbidden barrier seemed to smell something, and when Wan Zhongliu returned to Huangquan to guard the temporary shelter, she hurriedly got up and followed.After the Huangquan guards were dispatched again, Biluo Yaoji had become the coach of one of the roads.

For this, Yi Tian also secretly admired him as a man who really could afford to let it go, and was able to replace the madman in the netherworld for so many years in charge of the "Emperor Capital of Naraku".

Presumably, Wan Zhongliu also took into account her identity and cultivation and thought that she could completely control her at this stage, so she readily accepted her into the camp.In other words, the current Biluo Yaoji has offended most of the monks in the Netherworld, and must find a reliable mountain shelter under the circumstances of her own strength.

As a veteran force in the Netherworld, the Guardians of Huangquan are backed by Mahayana monks. No matter how you look at it, they are the best choice.

And the guards of Huangquan need the guidance of someone who is familiar with the world to reorganize the order of the Netherworld. This is the main reason why Wanzhongliu was able to open the door and accept Biluo Yaoji.

In the vicinity of the imperial city of 'Naihe County', after dispatching a large number of monks guarding Huangquan, only a team of people was left stationed in the temporary camp in the distance.They can be regarded as the troops left by Wan Zhongliu for him, and they can be used as guides in the subsequent purification of the imperial city.

Yi Tian turned a deaf ear to this, sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain and waited for seven days, and found in his divine sense that a group of spiritual pressure fluctuations were rushing towards his direction.

But the escape speed of these people seems to be not fast, and they maintain the escape speed of the monks in the distraction stage. The fat man Shi Jinming is leading the way, but at this time he seems to be in good spirits, talking with the leading monk along the way Laughing.

When the spiritual thoughts swept over again, Yi Tian realized that the leader among the group of monks was the monk Jieding whom he had seen in the Daleiguang Zen Temple in the Buddha and Spiritual Realm back then.

I didn't expect that the matter here would allow him to lead the team in person, and now his cultivation base has improved very quickly, and now he has reached the level of the early stage of integration.

To other people, Yi Tian can naturally put on airs, but he still has awe in his heart towards Monk Jie Ding.No matter how I said that I have walked all the way in the spiritual world, there are many traces of him, more or less have the significance of guiding and guiding my practice.

Putting away the exercises, Yi Tian stood up slowly, stretched out his hand and gently raised the restriction barrier he had set up.Such a sudden movement was naturally noticed by the monks guarding Huangquan who were waiting around.I saw a Taoist light flying out of the temporary shaft, three miles away in front of him, and then stabilized in the air.

After three breaths, I saw that the ray of light faded and the human figure inside was an early-stage monk who was distracted. The man looked solemn and said, "Zhen Guanglin, the commander of the Forbidden Army of the Nether Dynasty, has met Senior Yi. The Great Elder famously asked me to assist the Forbidden Army to be the first." Mobile Squad is completely at the helm of the trends of the predecessors."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian sized him up and asked, "How many people above the stage of transformation do you have available?"

Speaking of which, after the catastrophe, the guards of Huangquan didn't have much strength left. Zhen Guanglin, the commander of the forbidden army in front of him, could be said to be the helper Wan Zhongliu could leave for him.Presumably, he should be very clear about the structure of the imperial city below, so it can be of great help.

However, the people who came to Daleiguang Temple were all monks around the stage of distraction, so at least there must be Huangquan guards in the stage of transforming gods to be in charge of cooperating to be considered rude.

After thinking for a while, Zhen Guanglin hurriedly replied: "There are a total of 34 subordinates in the humble position, who can be selected by Senior Yi."

"I didn't expect there to be such a team of Forbidden Army of the Nether Dynasty staying here. It seems that Wan Zhongliu is also full of sincerity and lives up to my entrustment," Yi Tian joked.

Afterwards, Zhen Guanglin hurriedly sent a message, and after ten breaths, no more than 34 monks flew out from the temporary shelter of the underworld guards.Not far away in the air, they lined up behind Zhen Guanglin and stood still, then they all said in unison: "Senior Yi, please give me instructions, I will go through fire or water."

Smiling in satisfaction, Yi Tian reached out to touch the storage ring on his ring finger and took out a bottle of elixir.Gently sent it to Zhen Guanglin's face from the air and said: "The 'Bi Sui Pill' in it is just suitable for monks at the early stage of distraction. However, it can be used by monks at the stage of transforming gods, as long as they push the acupuncture point a little bit. Strong will not Sending hungry soldiers can be regarded as my first payment to you."

Zhen Guanglin was overjoyed when he heard the words, he naturally knew the meaning of Yi Tian's words.And obviously there are still things that need their help, so he reached out to take the jade bottle politely, cupped his fists and thanked him: "Please rest assured, senior, we will definitely do our best to complete the task."

Shaoqing saw a little bit of starlight suddenly appearing in the distant sky, and it was Shi Jinming who came to reinforce with a large group of people from the Buddha and Spiritual World.Yi Tian waved his hand and asked Zhen Guanglin to take people aside to wait.He himself slowly flew forward and waited quietly in the air.

It didn't take a moment for those escaped lights to arrive one after another to the sky above the imperial city of 'Naihe County'.Shi Jinming, who was the leader, flew forward and said carelessly: "Fellow Daoist Yi finally lived up to his entrustment and brought all the monks from Da Lei Guang Temple here safely."

"Thank you for your hard work, Fellow Daoist Shi. Well, let me take care of this. You can go to the 'Naluo Imperial Capital' first. Wanzhongliu must have broken through the treasure house in the imperial capital and started to search for it. It's gone if you go late," Yi Tian joked with a smile.

After all, it didn't cost him anything to let Shi Jinming run errands this time, so Wan Zhongliu had to trouble Wan Zhongliu to pay him favors in the end.

Shi Jinming's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he realized the problem, and then he smiled and replied: "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi, for your guidance, Lao Shi will go now. Please don't be polite if there is anything that can be used in the future." .”

After finishing speaking, he flew straight towards the direction of the 'Naraku Imperial Capital'.

After he left, Yi Tian hurriedly flew forward to stand in front of all the monks before stabilizing his figure, then saluted the leader and said, "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect you to lead the team this time."

The leading person on the opposite side is the monk Jie Ding, and his cultivation level has recovered to the initial stage of body integration at this time.This kind of realm naturally recalls all the past, and then stretched out his hand to check his head: "Senior Yi, you are being polite, I didn't expect that there would be a Mahayana monk less than four thousand years old in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. It is really gratifying Congratulations."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of many monks standing behind him also changed instantly. For them, it was a blessing to see a monk at the fusion stage in this life.Today, it is fate to see the top existence in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, so naturally they dare not make a mistake, this group of monks hastily came up with the courtesy of the younger generation and shouted in unison: "I have seen Senior Yi." '

"Master, you don't need to do this, you and I are better at discussing teachings of the same generation," Yi Tian said with a straight face, "I am able to advance to the Mahayana stage so quickly because I have won the guidance of you and your previous life to achieve such an achievement. To say You can be regarded as my half-master."

"If that's the case, I'll overstep it. Fellow Daoist Yi is too polite. Given our cultivation bases, we should have a lot of opportunities to sit and discuss the Dao in the future," Monk Jieding returned the courtesy.

Later, Yi Tian arranged for the monks around to rest temporarily on the top of the mountain where he had just rested.However, he brought Monk Jie Ding to inspect the situation over the imperial city.

The complexion of the monk who came flying in a circle also became extremely serious. Looking down from under the restraint of the formation, he could only see a large number of resentful skeletons floating around the imperial city.If it weren't for this golden formation to block and isolate, these unjust soul skeletons would rush out and spread to endanger the creatures in the nether world.

Seeing such precepts, the monk calmed down a little and said, "You Daoist Yi, you have given me a huge problem this time."

"Why is it difficult for the master to prescribe?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"Let him go to the mountains of swords and seas of fire, and I will try it myself. People who practice Buddhism will not be able to handle it easily." Monk Jieding said with a smile: "My Daleiguang Temple has always used the Dharma to save people. It's a human thing."

"Then what's the problem?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Monk Jie Ding pointed down and said, "There are too many resentful souls, I'm afraid it won't be easy to distribute them. This time I brought all the disciples who are studying Buddhism in the temple. It is naturally a very serious challenge for them. I am afraid of human hands. Too little, there seems to be a great resentment in the imperial city, if I put my disciples in danger, it is my fault for negligence."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian said with a calm expression: "In view of this, I ordered Wan Zhongliu, who was guarded by Huangquan, to leave a team of disciples who are familiar with the imperial city for future use. They are all forbidden soldiers of the Nether Dynasty. The guards are very familiar with the internal structure of the imperial city, so they are all ready to go, please follow me, fellow daoists."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian led Monk Jie Ding to the resting place of the Nether Dynasty Forbidden Army mobile team. The leader Zhen Guanglin naturally dared not neglect to fly forward to meet the two high-ranking monks.Then Monk Jieding quietly listened to Zhen Guanglin's introduction to the internal structure of the imperial city. After about half a moment, his face turned from worry to joy and said: "That's very good. I brought 25 disciples this time, all of whom are The disciples who are good at saving souls of the dead. You can let them come up one-on-one and enter the imperial city under the leadership of the imperial guards."

"It's so good," Yi Tian flipped his hands over and took out the fifty array talisman jade cards and sent them over, "This array talisman jade card can be used as a guide to stimulate the formation. If the disciples really encounter any trouble Resentful souls cannot be dealt with alone, they can be injected with spiritual power and then directly exit the formation."

After the monk Jieding took the batch of formation jade talismans, he sent an order to all the disciples who were resting on the top of the mountain to come forward one after another.No one gave Yu two pieces and told them of their uses, and later ordered them to go to the imperial army to select a guide and hand over a formation jade talisman.

The monks methodically took the jade talisman from Monk Jieding's hand, then turned around and went to select a guide from among the forbidden troops.Until the last monk took the formation jade token, she turned around and said to Yi Tianji, "I have met the suzerain, Master Uncle Yi."

The speaking voice was a clear female voice, Yi Tian took a closer look to see if it was Ji Xingzhu and who else was waiting for him.I saw that she was dressed as a nun at this time, wearing a yellow monk robe and mixed among a group of monks, so I didn't pay attention to check.

Embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face, and Yi Tian hurriedly returned the courtesy: "It turned out to be Xingzhu, why did you escape into Buddhism?"

"Cultivation is not about where it is, it's about the heart," Ji Xingzhu said with a flat face: "And after these years, I have also understood the painstaking efforts of my grandfather back then. You are the junior brother brought out by him, and it is also planned to inherit the great treasure thing."

Speaking of which, Ji Xuanyuan Yitian's face also darkened slightly. Speaking of which, he is his guide, the senior brother who passes on the art on behalf of the teacher.I always have a sense of indebtedness to him in my heart, so when facing Ji Xingzhu, I will naturally love my house and my black.After thinking about it, he straightened his face and said: "The affairs of the sect are also set by the master, I just follow the orders to carry out."

"Uncle, don't worry about me. In fact, this is the path I want to choose now. I had a predestined relationship with brother Jieding in my previous life, so I will meet again in this life." Ji Xingzhu said: "Besides, I will naturally find relief in this after studying Buddhism intensively now. ".

Yi Tian also nodded frequently when he heard the words, knowing that she was going to enter the imperial city to save the souls of the dead, he reached out and took out a small bell and handed it over: "Bringing this thing can protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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