
Chapter 2290

Chapter 2290
After a catastrophe in the Nether Realm, the situation became clear. The Huangquan guards headed by Wan Zhongliu withstood the fierce and crazy attack of the Nether Emperor in the "Naihe County" battle.

Although the furious attack on the Great Elder Yan Wenjing, who was guarding the Yellow Springs, had achieved its intended purpose, the result was that the monks in the Netherworld could not have expected it.I don't know where Wan Zhongliu found a helper whose strength reached the mahayana stage and was equal to the madness. After a fight, he overwhelmed his opponent and threw him away. and flee.

All of this happened so dramatically that the forces that were originally optimistic about the violent side in the "Naluo Imperial Capital" were completely wiped out by the guards of Huangquan headed by Wan Zhongliu before they could react in time.

After this battle, the guards of Huangquan also suffered heavy losses, and their overall strength dropped by more than [-]%.Those elite disciples who were originally guarded were all consumed by the attack of the last 'Wan Yuanzhu'.Even the members of the royal family in the Nether Dynasty were beaten to the very last, and the crown prince of the Nether Dynasty, Wen Jing, died in this battle.

This is tantamount to casting a shadow over the hearts of all the guards in Huangquan. After all, even the new emperor is dead, so I don't know who to support to inherit the throne.

However, Wan Zhongliu, who is the backbone, stepped forward under such a severe situation and calmed down the royal family.After that, he led the remnants of the Huangquan guards to counterattack the "Naraku Imperial Capital" and hardly encountered any decent resistance.

In fact, this is also indirectly thanks to Luan Kuang, if he hadn't brought most of the high-ranking monks in the 'Nailuo Imperial Capital' to 'Naihe County' and used the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Beads' to devour the souls of a large number of monks, it must have It is also very difficult for the middle class to take over the 'Naraku Imperial Capital' without bloodshed.

There was also a female cultivator who was also very brilliant when he took over the battle of the "Naluo Imperial Capital". This woman sneaked into the center of the imperial capital with the guards of Huangquan and directly beheaded the few distracted monks who stayed behind in the imperial capital.This also saves a big battle, if not for her, I am afraid that there will be a protracted war in the attack on the 'Naluo Imperial Capital'.

There are also a large number of defensive formations in the "Naraku Imperial Capital" that has been managed by madness and painstaking efforts for thousands of years. Once activated, not to mention the monks in the distraction stage, even the monks in the fusion stage cannot break through the defense in a short time.

After successfully and peacefully taking over the 'Naluo Imperial Capital', Wan Zhongliu also directly arranged for this woman to become the nine-door admiral in the Imperial City, responsible for guarding the safety of the royal family.

At the same time, it was announced that An Min would maintain the current situation in the imperial capital, and generally did not impose any major restrictions on the originally frenzied remaining forces.

Although the guards of Huangquan re-occupied the old capital, the absence of the crown prince Hin Wenjing in the royal family is always a heartache.Wan Zhongliu temporarily maintained the current form against all opinions, and then he hurriedly set off to the hell world, and then rushed through the gate of the hell world to the demon world.

Half a month later, when Wan Zhongliu returned to the Nether Realm, he brought a large group of people, among them was the new crown prince, Yan Wenchang, accompanied by Yan Wenxiong, the leader of the Hell Realm Loose Cultivation Alliance.

The Loose Cultivator Alliance in hell has developed extremely rapidly in the past few hundred years. It was originally only entrenched near the Xinglin Sect as a dependent force, but few people know the real backer behind it.But Wan Zhongliu, who is a monk in the body of Huangquan guards, will naturally pay attention to every move in the hell world.

Thinking of Yan Wenxiong making such a big splash, he had already found out the exact situation in private.At the same time, after learning from Yan Wenchang that Yan Wenxiong's true identity is Yi Tian's registered disciple, he naturally knew how to choose.

And Yan Wenxiong naturally learned about the situation in the Nether Realm from Wan Zhongliu, and at the same time learned about Master's situation.With this relationship of named disciple, even Dewan Zhongliu treated him with three points of courtesy.As Li Baoxiao, Yan Wenxiong immediately mobilized elite troops to weave into the private guard of Wenchang, and he himself became the captain of the guard and followed Wan Zhongliu all the way to protect the new crown prince's mighty march into the nether world.

Wan Zhongliu revealed the identity of Yan Wenchang after returning to the "Emperor Capital of Nailuo". He was originally the Prince of Nether who disappeared suddenly hundreds of years ago. Although many people had doubts at that time, they did not dare to make any mistakes.And this time, after Wenchang returned to the Nether Emperor Capital, he took out the royal keepsake and activated it himself to show his identity. In this way, it can be regarded as blocking the mouths of the members of the royal family.

At the same time, Wen Wenchang was also aware of his own situation. The guards of Huangquan had just returned to the old capital and it was urgent for them to consolidate the majesty of the royal family.Therefore, on the day he succeeded to the throne, he directly exercised the imperial power to verify Yan Wenxiong's true identity and include it in the royal genealogy, and formally mobilized the people who brought him as personal guards.

As for the agenda of the Nether Dynasty, a member of Yan Wenxiong's royal family was conferred and the title of "Xiong Junwang" was added.As a result, the power of the Loose Cultivator Alliance in the hell realm boiled up. After all, there was such a relationship with the Nether Dynasty, and after the leader's identity was rectified, the Loose Cultivator Alliance instantly changed from a pheasant army to a regular army.

After Wenchang left the Netherworld for nearly a thousand years and came back, he didn't have many available people in his hands. Although the old officials of Wanzhongliu always supported him, the new emperor still had to cultivate his own power to consolidate the imperial power is the right way.At the time when the "Naluo Imperial Capital" was in full swing, the casual cultivator alliance in hell became the biggest beneficiary, and a large number of casual cultivator alliance monks filled all key positions in the Nether Dynasty.In addition, Congwenchang also brought several brothers from the same sect as the backbone from the demon world. These are the distraction stage monks of Jiuxian Mountain.Although most of them are not direct descendants, they have benefited a lot from being able to emerge in the Netherworld.

There was no large-scale turmoil as imagined in the Netherworld, and the occasional turmoil was an itch.After the new emperor ascended the throne, he adopted a divide-and-conquer method to deal with these problematic places separately, or to win over or suppress, and quickly suppressed the signs of riots in the bud.

Leaving aside the Nether Dynasty, the three monks in the integration stage who were chasing the madness returned to the 'Emperor Capital of Naraku' again after a month or so.This time they did their best. Among them, Youming boy shot and killed Luan Kuang personally, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang were there to assist and did not give Luan Kuang any chance to escape.

But when they returned to the 'Naluo Imperial Capital', Wan Zhongliu also felt his scalp numb and didn't know how to deal with it.After all, both Yan Qiu and Wan Gang are easy to settle with their families, and they only need to give a generous reward to deal with the relationship between the two.

But Nether Boy is different, his identity is sensitive and his strength is strong.Speaking of it, Wan Zhongliu himself felt that he might not be able to deal with Nether Boy.But in terms of cultivation, he was far behind, and there was no one in the entire nether world, including the hell world, who was his opponent.

As for Yi Tian, ​​who is just a passer-by, he always has to leave, so how to arrange the Nether boy is a very tricky thing.Fortunately, after this battle, You Ming Boy has seen through a lot of things, and he is not very interested in the battle of the dynasty and the battle of the interface.Now he only thinks about how to improve his cultivation and finally go further on the road of longevity.

After Wan Zhongliu learned of his intentions, he directly designated the imperial city of Naihe County with a radius of thousands of miles as a forbidden area for the Youming boy to practice.He also had no objection to this.

As for the team of Daleiguang Temple who was in charge of purifying resentful souls in the imperial city of Naihe County at this time, they had already set foot on their way home.This time, Yi Tian went with them, sacrificed his own assault boat, and carried 26 Buddhist monks and flew straight towards the gate of hell.

Sitting in the assault boat at this moment, Yi Tian asked Monk Jieding to be in charge of driving, while he sat cross-legged in the quiet room alone.There is an exquisite brocade box in front of you, which contains the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments'.

At this time, all the thousands of resentful souls in the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Pearl' have been purified and saved, leaving only a trace of the remnant soul of Master Wuxiang left here.In fact, Yi Tian has long wanted to communicate with him in private. Some things are related to the secrecy of the sect, and it is better to close the door.

After sitting down, Yi Tian looked at his eyes before slowly opening his mouth and asked: "When Master Miaodizi fought against Taoist Youxuan, I only learned about it from the method of going back in time. Uncle, you are the person involved. Facing this battle head-on, do you dare to ask Master if he really won?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wuxiang Canhun shook his head with a bitter expression and said with a smile: "It is an exaggeration to say that it was a tragic victory. After all, it is impossible to know how to deal with the true immortal of the lower realm with the master's cultivation."

"There is something that I always have doubts in my heart, so I ask Master to explain it all," Yi Tian asked.

"You mean Taoist Youxuan's intention to go down to the realm?" Wuxiang Canhun replied.

Yi Tian nodded and said solemnly: "As far as I know, Taoist Youxuan should be a disciple of Luo Tianxian Palace in the Upper Immortal Realm, but his visit to the Lower Realm was obviously very targeted, which means that he was left behind in the Upper Immortal Nine The fragments of the fairy world in the world contain the things he asked for."

"Your analysis is good," Wuxiang Canhun sighed and said, "Actually, I had a similar idea back then, and I also went to the fragments of the fairy world to explore, but I still didn't find any opportunity."

"This is not easy," Yi Tian muttered, "If we can't find out the reason, I'm afraid that the next time Taoist Youxuan descends, it will be a catastrophe for my sect."

"You're right. I also went to the fragments of the fairy world to investigate. At that time, I had doubts about what kind of powerful force was able to break up the fragments of the fairy world and fall to the nine realms of the upper spirit," Wuxiang Canhun said. .

"That's at least a Da Luo Tianxian-level figure." Yi Tian sighed: "But what I can't understand is what happened to the Immortal World Sect. If that fellow Taoist Youxuan is the Immortal World Sect If you are a descendant of the sect, does that mean that there was a struggle within the sect in the fairy world back then?"

"These are just your guesses," Wuxiang Canhun waved his hands and said, "To be honest, the truth of this has yet to be verified by you. As for what I have to face now is how to deal with violent relationships, and Dissuade him from being obsessed with rescuing Master Miaodizi."

"Master is still thinking about that thing." Yi Tian sighed and said, "To be honest, your obsession back then has made the current structure of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. If there are many doubts about the situation, please ask the uncle for advice."

"I don't dare to teach you, but if you have any questions, just ask directly," Wuxiang Canhun replied.

"As far as I know, there were originally ten major races in the Demon Realm in ancient times. As for the Heavenly Demon Race, it was just an inconspicuous race among them. It was your master who developed it into the power it is now after the fall of your master." Yi Tian said.

"Actually, you should know that there are only two qi in the fairy world, the black and the yellow," Wu Xiang said, "My main body entered the demon world after practicing the secret techniques of the Heavenly Demon Clan."

"I know about the Xuanhuang Qi, but I never imagined that my uncle went to the Demon Realm after practicing the secrets of the Heavenly Demon Clan," Yi Tian said.

"The reason for this is that the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan and the method of cultivating yellow qi handed down by the fairy world are the same," Wu Xiang said, "Originally, my deity wanted to practice 'mysterious and yellow energy', and this method is also dangerous. A little carelessness in the anomaly will make Huang Qi become the dominant force and then completely bewitched."

"Presumably the root cause of Uncle Wuxiang's failure should be the obsession in his heart," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

Wuxiang Canhun helplessly shook his head and said: "Haste makes waste. This is an extremely harsh technique. When you practice with flaws in your mind, there will naturally be great flaws."

"In my opinion, Bao Tan's biggest mistake was to expel a trace of kindness in his heart. After such obsession gained the upper hand, it intensified and accelerated his falling into the devil's way," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"You see it very clearly," Wuxiang Canhun said with a smile, "My deity has failed, so that it has caused endless troubles for the younger generations. But there is still a flaw deep in Bao Tan's heart, as long as you It can be restrained if used properly."

"For the obsession with Master Miaodizi," Yi Tian tried to ask: "If this is the case, then there is really some way."

"That's right," Wuxiang Canhun said, "How to use it is up to you, and I will help you then."

"Is the uncle going to return to his true self?" Yi Tian asked.

"Yes," Wuxiang Canhun replied affirmatively: "Imagine that Baotan just expelled me from my body and imprisoned here, but didn't directly destroy me. It can be seen that he still has lingering fears."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian said.

"Insufficient mind and soul are naturally hopeless to ascend, I guess Bao Tan still has that kind of thought in his heart," Wuxiang Canhun said: "It's just that he handed over the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Pearl' to Luankuang probably because he wanted to use his hand to collect ten thousand ways The resentful soul assimilated me, so that I can absorb it back without any effort in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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