
Chapter 2296 Absolute Domain

Chapter 2296 Absolute Domain
In the sky of Asura Realm, a ray of light quickly crossed the sky and then quickly shuttled through this realm.His flying speed is three points faster than that of a monk in the middle stage of fusion when he fully uses his escapism.

Inside the light is an unremarkable assault boat, which is controlled by Yi Tian himself in the main cabin.There is still a beautiful figure in front of the main control position. If people from the Asura Dynasty see them, they will not believe that the originally aloof Queen Asura is leaning on Yi Tian's side like a bird.

The journey of the two of them carrying the assault boat is also like a journey in the two-person space. Before that, Yi Tian in Prince Yi's mansion in the Asura Imperial City introduced in detail all the favorable situations he had in the various realms over the years. again.

So this time, I took this opportunity to give Luo Ziyan good advice on the matter of fan cultivation. I have no reservations about how I encountered a bottleneck in the state of fusion and how I tried to break through. Confessed to her.

It's just that Luo Ziyan was quite serious at first, but she was a little out of her mind when she heard it later. When she flew to the second half of the journey to the imperial mausoleum of 'Sura Absolute Region', she simply stopped listening and leaned on Yi Tian's body.

Although she didn't say anything in her mouth, her actions have already shown her heart.Speaking of it, Yi Tian felt a little guilty towards Luo Ziyan in his heart.Although the two are a legitimate couple, they get together less and leave more.This time it was rare to go back to the Asura Realm and not be able to stay here for a long time. Naturally, Luo Ziyan was aware of this early on, so she cherished the time when the two of them were alone.

So Yi Tian felt helpless and could only hold Luo Ziyan along the way while slowing down the speed of the assault boat so that this period of time could be extended for a while.

A few days later, the assault boat flew into a gray sky, and in the distance there was a huge phantom mountain whose outline could be seen tens of thousands of miles away.

After the spiritual light flashed on the flying boat, it flew straight towards the phantom of the mountain peak.After half an hour, the assault boat slowly slowed down, and the outline of the mountain peak in front of me had become extremely clear.Sitting in the assault boat, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and roughly swept across the mountain, with a respectful expression on his face.

There is no doubt that this mountain should be the 'Sura Absolute Territory' of the Asura tribe. In fact, this name is very practical.

After the assault boat landed, the hatch opened, Yi Tian and Luo Ziyan flew out of it to the low sky to stabilize their figures.After putting away the assault boat under his feet, Yi Tian looked again in a blink of an eye, and saw an arch in front of him in the distance, and a statue of an Asura monk standing in front of him.After the divine thoughts passed by, Yi Tian asked lightly: "Is that statue the first Asura Saint Emperor Luo Qin?"

Luo Ziyan shook her head and said: "Probably not, there is a portrait of the first Holy Emperor left in the dynasty, but it seems to have some similarities and differences with this statue."

"Let's go up and see the situation," Yi Tian said, and took the lead to set up the light and flew straight towards the location of the arch.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian was taken aback when he came outside the arch, the arch was a full three feet high, and the stone statue of Asura in front of him also looked about two feet high.

If you look closely at this statue of Asura, it is so lifelike that it looks like an Asura monk's body ossified after death.

Going around the stone statue and coming to the arch, Yi Tian took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a faint red aura emitting from the center of the arch, and there were still some spiritual pressure fluctuations on it.There are two holes on the top and bottom of the arch, which must be the location of the keyhole.

Not wanting others, Yi Tian took out the key jade card that Luo Yilan had given before, lightly injected spiritual power into it, and sacrificed it in his hand.Then there was a sound of 'whoosh', and the key jade tablet flew out of his hand and flew in directly following the position of the keyhole at the top of the arch.

With a "click" sound, after the key jade tablet sneaked into the hole, the whole door vibrated slightly.Then there was a lot of spiritual pressure fluctuations on the light gate.

Luo Ziyan who was beside her also took out another jade key token from her storage ring, put it in her hand, activated it and gave it away. When the 'swish' sounded, the jade tablet happened to fly into the keyhole below the light gate.

Then I only felt a slight vibration under my feet, and a light source flashed through the arch in front of me, dividing the whole door into three.After all the arches were opened, Yi Tian found that there were three different passages exposed inside.

With such a slightly startled expression, he turned his head and asked tentatively, "I don't know which way I should go?"

"The lower left is the exclusive passage for the nobles of the palace, the lower right is for the royal relatives, and the one directly above is the burial place leading to the royal family and princes," Luo Ziyan said.

Gently nodded Yi Tiandao said: "Okay, then I'll choose the top road." After speaking, the spiritual light all over his body appeared, and he turned into a Taoist light and rose from the ground, hovering in the air and carrying Into the light door channel.

After penetrating into it, Yi Tian found that the surrounding scenery changed as if he had entered a light and shadow channel.After passing through for a few breaths, he saw the position of the exit from a distance. After flying out of the exit, Yi Tian rushed out of the passage, and felt a large amount of dead air blowing towards him.

The intensity of spiritual power here is several times stronger than that of the outside world. If it weren't for the large amount of dead energy in the air, it could be regarded as a good cave.

After the divine sense protruded slightly, it was unable to search and clear all the places. After extending to two or three hundred miles, it was blocked by an invisible force.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian could only lower his head and slowly walk up the passage in front of him.Going all the way through the passage here, there are many small tombs scattered along the road.Each mausoleum is opened up a small road on the side of the main road, and at the intersection is a stone tablet with the nameplates engraved with the names of the Asura royal families at the top of the fork.

However, Yi Tian found that such a fork in the road would only appear every few tens of miles. It is estimated that these modern Asura monks of the royal family did not want to share the cemetery with others.

After walking hundreds of miles, Yi Tiancai found that the frequency of these fork roads became lower as he went down. It seemed that most royal monks were unwilling to go deep into the imperial mausoleum.As for the nameplates of the stone tablets I saw before, the lives and cultivation levels of the royal family members were engraved on them, and most of those who passed by were juniors from the transformation stage to the distraction stage.After walking [-] miles away, I found that the nameplates on the stone tablets here are all monks in the fusion period, but the number is obviously much smaller than before, and many of them are prince-level figures.

Shao Qing Yitian found that the lifeless air on the road here was several times stronger than that at the entrance, and he seemed to feel something in his heart, but after scanning the surroundings, he couldn't talk about it.

Not long after walking down, Yi Tian found another stone statue of Asura appeared in the distance.But this one is obviously much smaller, only one foot tall, and the whole figure is closer to when I cast the dharma body.

Going forward, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the face of this stone statue was different from what he saw outside. Looking at Yi Tian, ​​he suddenly felt a chill on his back.Only then did I realize the difference. The one I saw outside the entrance was the standard fighting form of the Asuras, usually featuring 'blood, rage, and killing'.But the one in front of me is not the same, it is completely similar to the situation of the Asura dharma body that I have shown, with a "tranquil, peaceful, and wise" appearance.

I knew early in the morning that there is no one in a form like my own among the Asura tribe, and I didn't expect to see it here again.I just don't know why the two Asura stone statues stand here separately.

After the divine thoughts passed by, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be some engraved words on the back of the stone statue. He hurried forward and glanced at it, but found the six words 'Asura Emperor Luoqin' written on the back of the statue. .

Unexpectedly, this Luo Qin, like himself, has cultivated the appearance of a dharma body that is unique in a thousand.So Yi Tian is also excited, so Luo Qin's strength must also be amazing. It is blunt to say that if his strength in the middle stage of Mahayana meets the power of a battle that monks in the late Mahayana have.

Originally, the statue of Asura Dharma Body can greatly enhance a person's strength, as long as the spiritual power can be followed by the same level of cultivation, it is no problem to fight one against three.It is not impossible to challenge beyond the level.

Passing over the stone statue, Yi Tian was about to raise his legs and walk forward, when suddenly he felt a chill in his heart, and the scene in front of him did indeed change rapidly.After the surrounding scenes were distorted, he sucked himself into a Xumi space.

In the space, Yi Tian stabilized his figure and turned his head to look at the statue behind him.After entering this Xumi space, Yi Tian's divine sense scattered and searched his location.However, he found that he was the only one standing against the stone statue in the space.

Then there was a sudden rustling sound on the surface of the stone statue, and Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that the upper surface of the stone statue fell off directly, revealing the snow-white complexion like the flesh of a living person.It's just that Yi Tian took a closer look and found a lot of clues. After the skin of this stone statue fell off, it was not entirely the body of a living person, but the body of a puppet after refining.

In this way, Yi Tian is also a little bit relieved, if it is really Luo Qin's avatar, it will not be easy to deal with.For an old Mahayana monk like him, his avatar is not weak, and he has to be careful in dealing with it in the space he set up.

However, after the divine thoughts passed by, Yi Tian found that there was a ray of light left in the Niwan Palace of this stone statue, which should be a ray of Luo Qin's soul.

Just as he was about to go forward, he suddenly heard the puppet statue ask, "Who are you and why did you enter the depths of the imperial tomb?"

"Below is Yi Tian, ​​Prince Yi of the Asura royal family of this dynasty."

"Oh, it looks like your unique skills don't look like you have exhausted your life energy, and your true energy fire is so strong that you should be in your prime, why did you enter the depths of the imperial tomb," Luo Qin's avatar asked road.

"It seems that senior should be a ray of soul left by Luo Qin, the first holy emperor of the Asura clan," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I have come here to find the trace left by the holy emperor."

"Why do you want to find me?" Luo Qin clone asked.

"Because I learned that there is a place called 'Eye of the Demon Realm' in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression, "I think the Holy Emperor should be there at this moment."

The face of the stone statue didn't show any expression, but there was a little surprise in the voice: "You are able to find out to such a degree, it seems that you are definitely not an ordinary person. How has there ever been one of the Asura royal family?" A character like you? Quickly show your true self and let me see."

"Senior seems to be a bit rude. Does it seem like I want to overwhelm others by scolding me like this and letting me directly show myself?" Yi Tian said with an unhappy expression.

"Hmph, the boy dared to open a dyeing workshop even though he gave you three points of color. In the past, the disciples of the Asura royal family always respected me when they saw me, but you dare to talk to me like this," Luo Qin's avatar also said unhappily.

"That also depends on your identity. Maybe I will respect you a little bit as the deity of the senior, but you are just a wisp of remnant soul and dare to be so presumptuous," Yi Tian scolded with anger on his face.

"Then it seems that you still need to be taught a lesson by small punishments and big warnings to make you submit obediently," Luo Qin's avatar said, and the six arms moved at the same time.After forming seals in pairs, he used the combo technique of King Ming's hand.

I saw a golden halo rising from his hand and rushing towards his face, Yi Tian also wanted to weigh Luo Qin's strength on purpose.Gently put your hands together and performed the Buddha's Sun Crown Golden Sun body technique, where the spiritual light went, it protected all around you.

Faintly feeling a wave of overwhelming spiritual pressure pressing towards his face in front, Yi Tian put up a golden protective shield with both hands to resist the spell.

After three breaths, he worked to remove the supernatural powers, but there was a little doubt on his face.The strength of Luo Qin's avatar is only in the mid-stage cultivation base, but such supernatural powers and spells do not pose any threat to him at all.

To say that this kind of strength is already one of the best in the Asura dynasty, if it is replaced by Luo Yilan, who has the strongest cultivation base in the dynasty, I am afraid that he may not be able to take over.But in front of Yi Tian, ​​it was not worth mentioning. After using the Coronal Golden Sun movement technique, he easily took over the technique.

Seeing the extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations erupting from Luo Qin's avatar again, it is estimated that he was also shocked by the strength of the person in front of him.

Yi Tian took a closer look. This stone puppet clone was also refined very delicately, at least it retained [-]% of the strength of Luo Qin himself.If you use all your strength, you should be able to display all the supernatural powers of the Asura clan, plus the three poems of "Tranquility, Peace and Wisdom", which are unique in thousands, are probably in a state where there are few opponents below the Mahayana stage.I'm afraid that among the monks I know, only the One-eyed Demon from the Demon Realm and the Nether Boy from the Nether Realm have the ability to do a few tricks in their hands.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to change the seal in his hands again. After putting away the coronal golden sun movement, four arms protruded from under his ribs, and two heads appeared on the back of his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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