
Chapter 2297 Imperial Mausoleum

Chapter 2297 Imperial Mausoleum
Under Luo Ziyan's guidance, Yi Tian entered into the royal tomb of the Asura clan to investigate the clues left by Luo Qin, the first emperor of the year.According to Uncle Wuxiang's remnant soul, there are not many people in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit who know the information about the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'.And there are very few who can go there. Now it is known that only Demon Saint Bao Tan and Asura's first emperor Luo Qin have been there.

Therefore, Yi Tian weighed again and again that he had to start from Luo Qin's side. After all, if he went to the Demon Realm rashly, he might not be able to find Mosha Baotan, let alone find the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'.

After entering the imperial mausoleum, Yi Tian found that his divine sense was suppressed by the environment here and could not explore too far away.After walking through Yi Tian all the way, he found that there are many branches on the side of the main road leading to the burial place of the ancestors of the Asura royal family.Speaking of which, there has been no large-scale construction and construction, but every time the Asura royal family and princes who are near the end of their lifespan will choose a quiet area to simply build a tomb for themselves.

After tens of thousands of years of continuous burial of a large number of Asura monks, the air here is also filled with a strong sense of death.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yi Tian, ​​and his main purpose is to find the traces left by Luo Qin in the deepest part.

After walking for a short time, it was discovered that the concentration of dead air permeating the air here had greatly increased.After a few miles further on, I found a stone statue of Asura monk standing in the middle.

After going around, I looked at it and found that the words 'Asura Emperor Luoqin' were engraved on the back. I just wanted to go over the stone statue and continue to explore for a while, when suddenly the surrounding environment was distorted, and then a void gap appeared out of thin air above it. It seems that the Xumi space opened up directly involved Yi Tian.

When he came to the Xumi space, the stone statue behind Yi Tian just now was still there, and he was the only one standing against the stone statue in the whole space.A little later, the stone skin on the surface of the stone statue slowly peeled off, and a stone puppet-like Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin appeared.

So far, Yi Tian's heart has settled down a little, and he finally found the clue he was looking for along the way.Speaking of it, Yi Tian didn't care about fighting the stone puppet at all. Since there is Luo Qin's stone puppet, there must be a trace of his spirit left behind.As long as it can be restrained, it will save a lot of trouble.

As soon as the stone puppet resumed its activities, it immediately made a move, and the supernatural powers of the combination of King Ming's hands displayed on the six arms were not weak.Yi Tian immediately resorted to the Buddha Sect's Jinyang body technique to protect himself.According to visual inspection, the strength of this stone puppet is about in the middle of the fusion, and it can already form an overwhelming advantage for Luo Ziyan or Luo Yilan.

Thinking about it in detail, it is estimated that no one in the Asura Dynasty can explore down here. With this stone puppet clone of Luo Qin blocking here, I am afraid that the previous Asura Royal Family will be stopped early, not to mention Those people are about to run out of life energy, and they will not break through forcibly to find out what's inside.

After one move, Yi Tian directly stretched out his hand and made a seal, revealing his own image of Asura Dharma Body.Later, Luo Qinshi's puppet clone, who was about to do it, restrained the spell in his hand, and then stared at Yi Tian in front of him with a flash of light in his eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a puppet and couldn't express his face, I'm afraid he would have shown an extremely surprised expression at this time.Yi Tian knew it well and didn't hesitate to step forward to confront him. If he said that his cultivation base was two levels higher than that, although he didn't really show it, he would be able to destroy it as soon as he did it. .

I have been reluctant to do this because I am observing the other party's every word and deed. The main purpose of coming this time is to track down the clues of the "Eye of the Demon World".

Shaoqing asked patiently: "I have already heard about the strength of the senior, but after seeing it with my own eyes, I found that the meeting is not as famous as it is, and there are too many exaggerated elements."

"Hmph, don't be too crazy, boy," the stone puppet Luo Qin's avatar said disdainfully: "If you have seen my real deity, you still dare to speak like this."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian smiled lightly, and the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuated soaring. Originally, he had restrained his cultivation base at the initial stage of integration. After ten breaths, he continued to improve his spiritual power to the true Mahayana initial stage cultivation base. displayed directly.

In this way, the stone puppet Luo Qin's avatar in front of him felt an invisible pressure spontaneously.His true self is indeed stronger than Yi Tian in front of him, but he is just a clone.

Being left here by the deity is nothing more than guarding the cemetery. In the past, the strength of the people who came here was slightly inferior or the same, but the real strength of those people who will last their lives is far from it. .

For tens of thousands of years, no one has been able to enter the imperial mausoleum here, and all of them have been blocked by this stone puppet.

But today is different from the past, the people who come here not only have reached the Mahayana stage of cultivation, but also have cultivated the appearance of the Asura Dharma Body, which is unique in thousands.

So far, the stone puppet Luo Qin's avatar did not dare to make mistakes easily. He has seen through his vicious eyes that the person in front of him is not using some mysterious magic power to forcibly improve his cultivation, but a real Mahayana early stage monk.For such a high-level monk, destroying a stone puppet is nothing more than a piece of cake.

After Yi Tian saw it, he said lightly: "Why does the senior seem to think that I am using power to overwhelm others? How about I suppress my cultivation base in the middle of the fusion, let's go through a trick and then sit down and talk slowly .”

A bitter voice came from the stone puppet's mouth: "Do I still have a choice now?"

"Of course not," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "I just want to see how much difference there is compared with the Holy Emperor Luo Qin under the same cultivation base."

After speaking, stretching out the six arms and forming the seal slowly is the starting gesture of the "Ming Wang Hand" combo skill.Yi Tian also wanted to test it with the most traditional supernatural powers in the Asura clan's kung fu, so that without attribute restraint, they could be judged based on their respective strengths.

After the three auras in his hands were sacrificed, they slowly merged together to form a blue light cluster.In the light group, there is a phantom of the body of Ashura faintly.

Looking up, Luo Qin's stone puppet avatar on the opposite side did not fall down at this time, and also stretched out his hand to use exactly the same magical spell.It's just that there is no phantom in the halo of light gathered in his hand.

Yi Tian was not in a hurry to start and waited until the opponent had fully charged before saying: "It's almost there, then let's try it." After speaking, he pushed lightly to send out the cyan light ball in his hand.

The one-foot-sized supernatural power flew out without any change, but the place it passed created a distortion in the Xumi space, which seemed to absorb all the surrounding spiritual power.

The Luoqin stone puppet on the opposite side also made a move immediately, and after sending out the magical power of the 'King Ming's Hand' in his hand, he faced his attack head-on.

It's just that his golden halo swelled rapidly after flying three feet in the air, and his body suddenly increased to more than ten times its original size, turning into a ball of light about the size of Zhang Xu.

Once the two supernatural powers of 'Zizzi' came into contact, they were at a stalemate with each other.There was a space tear at the position where the supernatural power touched, and then the entire Xumi space was shaken to make a buzzing sound.

That was the spiritual pressure wind generated by the high-level supernatural powers attacking each other, passing by and affecting the surrounding space.Yi Tian and Luo Qinshi's puppet avatars also refused to give in at this time, and continued to manipulate the magic attack together.

After ten breaths, the golden halo suddenly swallowed the cyan light ball, but Yi Tian didn't show any timidity on his face, instead he looked at the opponent in front of him with ease.

On the contrary, Luo Qinshi's puppet avatar didn't show any joy or anger on its face, but it seemed to be manipulating something by changing the printing method in its hands.Suddenly, an inconspicuous green light flashed in the core of the golden light sphere, and then the green light grew more and more, directly splitting the golden halo into two halves.

Having broken through the opponent's magical powers, then the cyan light ball passed by the side of the Luoqin stone puppet clone in front of him, and was controlled by Yi Tian to shrink slowly in the air until it disappeared without a trace.

So far, the fight between the two has come to an end, and a discerning person can judge who wins and who loses.I saw Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened the opening in the surrounding Xumi space.The figure passed through it and returned to the middle of the Imperial Mausoleum Avenue. As for the Luoqin stone puppet clone, it did not fall, but silently followed behind and exited the Xumi space.But the puzzled look in his eyes was even worse.

After returning to Huangling Avenue, Yi Tian slowly turned his head and said: "It seems that you and I are slightly better than the next one in the middle stage of the fusion, but if we really compete with your real deity, the situation may change again." reversed."

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, your strength is far beyond my imagination," the Luo Qin stone puppet clone replied, "And in the end, what you used should be the magical power of the space secret technique of the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world. I didn't expect you Even their direct-inherited skills can be refined to such a level, if it is really against my deity, it is hard to say who will win or lose."

"Senior, I'm overwhelmed," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Speaking of which, your deity can be said to be the most powerful cultivator in the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm, and I naturally admire that very much."

"There is no need to say more about compliments, what is the reason why you came to the imperial mausoleum this time, don't tell me what you are here if you are a little deceptive," Luo Qinshi puppet clone asked.

"After I visited the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit, I also found out some secrets about the interface," Yi Tian said while looking at his eyes, "I heard that there have been no Ascension Cultivators in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit for tens of thousands of years. Now, I think the Holy Emperor Luo Qin should be troubled by this, so he would not hesitate to put down the entire dynasty and go to the Demon Realm to find the location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'."

When Yi Tian mentioned the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', he naturally stared at the other party carefully.Sure enough, the eyes of Luo Qinshi's puppet clone flickered a few times, obviously he knew about the 'Eye of the Demon World'.

Yi Tian was overjoyed knowing that he had found the right person, and explained immediately: "My original intention was not to go to the 'Eye of the Demon World', but my identity drove me to face this matter. "

"What other identity do you have," Luo Qinshi puppet clone asked.

After putting away the Asura body, Yi Tian replied slowly: "My lower body is Prince Yi of the Asura clan, but in the spiritual world, my identity is the suzerain of Lihuo Palace."

"That's right, this explanation is reasonable," Luo Qinshi's puppet clone murmured, "Before I discovered that the space magic power you used should come from the 'Taiqing Pavilion', one of the three schools of the spirit world. If you didn't have this identity, you probably wouldn't be able to acquire such supernatural powers."

"It seems that the seniors also have a good understanding of the spiritual world, let me guess if the supernatural power of the Xumi space you used was exchanged from Master Wuxiang, the demon saint Bao Tan? "Yi Tian laughed.

When Yi Tian announced the names of Uncle Wuxiang and Demon Saint Baotan at the same time, the puppet Luo Qinshi did not reply directly but turned his head and stared at the person in front of him for a long time before sighing: " Unexpectedly, your background is so deep, it seems that you must have found out a lot of secrets of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."

"Predecessors are right, I think that Uncle Wuxiang has the same meaning as me, and his affairs will still have to be dealt with after all," Yi Tian said.

The stone puppet of Luo Qin shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed: "Actually, you don't need to go to this muddy water, my real deity also fell into it helplessly."

"Senior's words are wrong. I thought that Demon Saint Baotan himself is the direct descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace in the spiritual world, and what he planned in the 'Eye of the Demon World' is also unusual for my sect. "Yi Tian said: "Because of emotion and reason, as the reincarnation of the Immortal Palace, I must properly handle what the ancestors of the sect did."

"You're right, but your cultivation is not as good as my real one, and my real one is still a bit behind when I meet the Demon Saint Baotan," Luo Qinshi's puppet clone said, "Even if you go to the 'devil world' Eyes' so what?".

Hearing this, Yi Tian disapproved and said: "Senior is right, but in terms of cultivation, I am naturally inferior to Uncle Wuxiang or Demon Saint Baotan, but he was trapped by obsession in order to revive me. The patriarch of the sect fell into the devil's way. And I myself uphold the belief of seeking truth and truth, and the gap with it is also rapidly narrowing while my cultivation base is constantly increasing."

"It's reasonable to say it's good, but you are still slightly inferior in front of the demon saint Baotan," Luo Qinshi's puppet clone said.

"Senior, I don't know that this is not the first time I have met the Demon Saint Bao Tan. To put it bluntly, I slipped away from him about 500 years ago. Zhongwo and Zhi also fought to the end, and expelled him from the spirit world after the second elder of Huangquan guards, Ji Ruilin, blew himself up on the Yuanying," Yi Tian said: "Compared to the battle against the demon saint, my strength back then was far greater. Even though he is inferior to him, he can get away from him several times, and now that his cultivation is at the same level, he has nothing to fear."

(End of this chapter)

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