
Chapter 2298 Emperor Mausoleum 2

Chapter 2298 Imperial Tomb II

In the Xumi space, after Yi Tian fought against the stone puppet clone of Luo Qin, the first holy emperor of Asura, he made an exact assessment of their cultivation.On the one hand, if Luo Qin's cultivation base is equal to his own, the strength of the two is almost the same, and what's more, he can have a slight advantage.But if Luo Qin has reached the middle stage of Mahayana as his avatar said, then he will be slightly inferior.

Fortunately, after so many years of traveling in various worlds, I am not without cards. The source of chaos cultivated by my fellow practitioner Xuanhuang's skills may be the biggest reliance on him.

But Luo Qinshi's puppet clone also said that compared with his real self, he was only slightly inferior, but compared with Demon Saint Baotan, he was definitely inferior.Moreover, my Wuxiang master also cultivated Xuanhuang Qi, but he made a mistake during the cultivation process, which caused the Huangqi to exceed the Xuanqi, which affected his own mind.

Although he doesn't know why he made such a mistake, one thing is certain is that Mo Sheng Bao Tan still has a unique emotion for Master Miao Di Zi in his heart.This is the loophole in the Demon Saint Baotan's state of mind, as long as he follows this loophole, there may not be a way to win with one move.

As for this point, it is inconvenient for Yi Tian to reveal it further, anyway, the Luo Qinshi puppet clone in front of him cannot sneak into the Demon Realm to reach the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'.

Recalling the situation in which he had fought against the Demon Saint Bao Tan many times over the years, Yi Tian couldn't find that he seemed to be the nemesis of the Demon Saint Bao Tan.Even when his cultivation base was not good, he was able to save himself from danger many times, and disintegrated his plans step by step.

After some chatting, the Luo Qinshi puppet clone in front of him also seemed to approve of his words, and then said: "Well, if you want to go, I will not stop you. The Eye' news."

As he spoke, he pointed to the road behind and said, "Go further down here, there is a mausoleum at the end of the road, where you can find the answer you want."

"Thank you senior for your guidance," Yi Tian said after turning around and looking at him.

When he turned around again, Yi Tian still found that the Luoqin stone puppet clone had returned to the appearance of the previous stone statue.Returning to the original position, the figure also assumed the original posture, but the traces left by the supernatural powers and spells passing by his side after the previous fight remained unchanged.

After bowing his hands in thanks, Yi Tian turned around and walked forward again.

The road in front of him seemed to be endless at a glance, and Yi Tian walked along it for a long time before he realized that he had just entered the area where the main peak was located.The area where the imperial tomb is located is also big enough, and the seniors of the Asura royal family fell on the fork road without really exploring the secrets of the imperial tomb.

After walking hundreds of miles, Yi Tian found that the road under his feet seemed to be getting more and more rugged. He wanted to fly in the sky, but he felt an invisible pressure on his back as soon as his feet left the ground.With a slight movement in his mind, even if he stopped the escape technique, Yi Tian still followed the rules and walked on foot according to the words of the Luo Qinshi puppet clone.

After walking for several hours again, Yi Tian found that the road in front of him was getting narrower and narrower, but fortunately, he could still walk through it.After going around a few bends, a gust of strong wind suddenly blew his body slightly trembling.The body showed a layer of faint cyan light film to protect itself, Yi Tian stabilized his footsteps and continued to walk forward, but the look on his face became more and more dignified.

The power of the spiritual pressure fluctuations contained in this gang wind is far stronger than what I have seen before. I am afraid that even the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Demo Sheng Bao Tan's body may not be so strong.But there is still a lot of dead energy mixed in this gust of wind, so that I can clearly feel that there should be no living creatures at the end of the road.Only in this way did Yi Tian dare to step forward boldly.

After walking for a while, it seemed that the end of the road was in sight, which was on the edge of a cliff.Seeing this, Yi Tian quickened his pace and walked over.

Shao Qing waited until he came to the end of the road and found himself in front of a huge mausoleum.But this mausoleum did not belong to Luo Qin, the first Asura Holy Emperor. Yi Tian went up to see a three-foot-high stone tablet standing in the middle of the mausoleum.The above coefficients are all epitaphs inscribed in Asura script.

Yi Tian's face tightened immediately after his eyes passed, and the name at the end of the epitaph was actually set by Luo Qin for someone else.In this way, the background of the person who came to bury here should be even more suspicious. After all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, Yi Tian's face became more and more dignified.To be honest, what is the identity of the person who is qualified to have the first Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin erect the monument?

After carefully reading the entire epitaph, Yi Tian's face gradually eased, and then he lowered his head and meditated.According to the epitaph on the stone tablet, it should be Luo Qin's father who was buried here, and his origin was from the Asura Heaven in the Upper Immortal Realm.It's just that his name was not mentioned on the tombstone. For some reason, Luo Qin only used his father's name in general.

Originally, I knew that there are more than 36 heavens in the upper immortal world, and the level of this Asura heaven is not low. Although it is slightly inferior to the Luotian immortal world, which is in 33 days, it is still a high-level heaven.

As for intersecting, it is much higher than Guangming and Ziyutian where Changsun Ting and Wu Jue are.

Luo Qin's father was originally sent to the Immortal Realm, but his Asura monks were originally talented, so even after he was sent down, his original cultivation base did not drop much.Although his immortal body was deprived and returned to the body of spiritual cultivation when he was sent off to the immortal world, his cultivation remained at the middle stage of Mahayana.

Imagine that this person's strength had already reached the pinnacle tens of thousands of years ago. Compared to Miao Dizi, the head of the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world, it was not much better.

Going forward, Yi Tian found a sarcophagus with a size of three feet long and two feet wide behind the tombstone. The coffin board was a full five inches thick. blown out of it.Unexpectedly, after these immortal world powers were demoted back to the lower realm, there would be a moment when their lifespan was exhausted.

After Yi Tian carefully looked at it, he found some heresy, and thought to himself, "It is reasonable to say that Luo Qin should have measured his father's corpse before he built it, but he did not expect that the original figure of the Asura monk in the fairy world would be different." so big. '

Stretching out his hand, Yi Tian tried to push the coffin board, and suddenly felt that his strength was like a mud cow, and after trying a few times, he felt that he had no sign of moving the coffin board at all.

Walking around the coffin, I found that there are many murals and text descriptions on it, most of which are the experiences of this immortal Asura strongman when he was alive.Many of them are descriptions about the fairy world.

Yi Tian couldn't help but frown slowly as he looked at it. Most of the words engraved on the side of the coffin were engraved by Luo Qin.It describes his father's experience in the fairy world.It turned out that his father made a big mistake in the fairy world and was demoted to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Before he fell, he was deprived of his fairy status and his fairy body was broken up.The most terrifying thing is that a shackle is attached to the body so that it cannot break through the power of the interface and return to the fairyland.

And the most terrifying power of this unlocking is that it can continuously consume its limited lifespan. Without the body of a fairy, it is impossible to absorb the spirit of the fairy in the spirit world. Even the true immortals of the upper world cannot stop the passing of lifespan .As time goes by, there will always be a day when it runs out.

Although the lifespan of a real immortal is endless, it still needs to be in that environment. If it falls into the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit, it will be like a monk in this world.

The time when this Asura true immortal was exiled to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit was also very long, and it can almost be reversed to tens of thousands of years ago.From the surroundings of his coffin, it can be seen that he accepted an imperial edict before falling into the fairyland. If he can complete such a task, he can return to the fairyland.

What follows is the record of this person's activities in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. After Yi Tian glanced over, his face showed surprise.These engraved patterns and texts have described the various circles in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. The Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit was originally a huge circle, and the inner part was divided into upper, middle and lower layers to represent the positions of the Nine Realms.

There is an obvious mark in the Middle Three Realms, Yi Tian stared at it for a while and murmured: "Could it be the exact location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'."

Following his gaze to the side of the coffin, he saw an obvious mark on the edge of the Buddha and Spirit Realm in the Demon Realm, where the location of a spring was drawn.And the yellow qi radiating from the surroundings radiated in all directions, but was blocked when it touched the plane of the Buddha and Spirit Realm, and then the yellow qi turned directly into the demon world and finally flowed into the lower three realms from several interface gaps .

It turns out that Yi Tian understood the process of forming the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit after seeing it.After staring at the eyes of the demon world for a long time, Yi Tian muttered for no reason: "It shouldn't be, if this is the case, then the Nine Realms of the Nine Spirits cannot resist all the yellow energy with the Buddha Spirit Realm alone. , I don't see that the yellow gas emanating from the Eye of the Demon Realm has affected the other four realms except the Demon Realm."

His eyes turned to Yi Tian in the upper three realms, as if he was looking for something, but after staring for a few breaths, his face was full of disappointment.In my imagination, there should be a 'Eye of Mysterious Qi' corresponding to the 'Eye of Demon Realm' in the upper three realms of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Otherwise, the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit would never be able to maintain the current state of balance.

Although he has doubts in his heart, Yi Tian firmly believes in his own judgment, judging from his own knowledge that the 'mysterious yellow energy' should be in a balanced state, and it cannot be the only outlet of the yellow energy.It's just that this Asura True Immortal has never found the location of the 'Eye of Profound Qi' throughout his life, so Yi Tian still has lingering fears.

But this is also a personal good fortune and chance, even if the Asura True Immortal is not found, it does not mean that he will not find it.Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a blank jade slip and recorded all the engraved patterns there in detail.

It is estimated that only myself and Luo Qin have been here, but Luo Qin's interpretation of such information must be similar to and different from his own.It seems that he should have followed the information shown on the pattern to the Demon Realm to find the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' where the yellow energy is.

After reading these contents, Yi Tian continued to walk down, and the next thing engraved on the coffin was the remaining days of the Asura True Immortal in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.He seemed to be looking for something or following some clues.It's a pity that after a long time, I didn't find the result I wanted.

As time went by and his life energy was gradually exhausted, this true immortal seemed to be a little discouraged, so he stabilized in the Asura world, and then married a human female cultivator as his wife and gave birth to Luo Qin.

In his last tens of thousands of years, he did not set foot in the other realms, but painstakingly managed the Lower Asura Realm.In addition, this imperial mausoleum was the main place for his original meditation, and he almost never left here in his last years.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also marvels at what happened in his life. He was demoted from being a true immortal in the fairy world, and then he stayed here for a long time. He couldn't find a way out, and he could only watch his life lost little by little. until death comes.This is also an endless torture for a cultivator. If it were him, he would not be able to do much better than this Asura True Immortal.

Before his lifespan was exhausted, Luo Qin was called to give him some good advice before he built the predecessor of the Asura Royal Mausoleum here.It's just that this person didn't want to leave his life when he died in depression. He only stored his physical body here, and his primordial spirit escaped into reincarnation and reincarnated again.

After reading these contents, Yi Tian sighed helplessly, then turned around and bowed three times to the coffin in front of him, saying: "Although the senior did not complete the mission, he also left detailed information for future generations. The junior Thank you Yi Tian for this, if you can find the 'Eye of Mysterious Qi' hidden in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit in the future, I will come back and thank you again."

After speaking, he glanced over and found that there was a two-foot-square stone box at one end of the coffin, and many words were inscribed in golden seal script on it.

The material used for this stone box is the same as that of the coffin, so this place should be the most special when looking around.Yi Tian frowned slightly and hurried forward, staring at the golden seal script on the stone box.

I saw the words 'Asura Secret Order' written in five big words on this text.It seems that what is stored here is the imperial edict received by the real immortal before he was demoted to the lower realm.

Yi Tian calmed down a little, then stretched out his hand and lightly pushed the side of the stone box, and instantly felt that the seemingly inconspicuous stone box was heavy with a huge force of ten thousand catties.After the spiritual power in the body circulated rapidly, both palms came out together, a golden halo appeared on the skin, and he used the 'corona golden sun body technique'.

The sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' came from the stone box, and then a filthy spiritual power penetrated from the inside to the outside.

It took Yi Tian ten breaths to lift the lid of the stone box by one-third, and the divine sense stretched in from the opening and swept across the inside quickly.In the next moment, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. There was indeed a jade slip in the middle of the stone box, and there was still a touch of colorful fairy spirit on it.

(End of this chapter)

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