
Chapter 2299 Emperor Mausoleum 3

Chapter 2299 Imperial Tomb III

After Yi Tian passed the test of the Luoqin stone puppet clone in the tomb of the Asura royal family, he walked along the road behind, and finally reached the end after spending most of the day.

At the end of this road, Yi Tian saw a huge sarcophagus. After walking up to it and examining it carefully, he found that it was the tomb of Luo Qin's father.From the information engraved on the sides of this huge sarcophagus, it turns out that the person inside is actually the true immortal deity of Asura Heaven in the fairy world.

But this person should have been demoted to the Lower Realm, and then reduced to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Fortunately, he received an imperial edict before he descended. If he can complete the mission, he should still have a chance to ascend to the fairy world.It's a pity that after a long time, this person seems to be unable to complete the task in the imperial edict even with all his strength.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as his lifespan passed away. Fortunately, in the last tens of thousands of years, he took a human female cultivator as his wife and gave birth to Asura's first holy emperor, Luo Qin, as the leader of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. The only heir in the family.

After his death, it seems that the real immortal Asura did not leave his real name, but Luo Qin buried the body of the deity on his behalf, while he himself escaped into the cycle of reincarnation.

There is also a stone box on the side of the giant sarcophagus, and Yi Tian will not let it go.He went forward and tried to open the stone box, and found a jade slip wrapped in colorful rays of light inside.

Yi Tian is also a person who has seen the world, so he naturally recognized that this jade slip should be the imperial edict of the jade book that Asura True Immortal received before he descended.He reached out and took out the jade slip with a finger in the air, and then Yi Tian reached out and held it in front of him.

After invading the spiritual power in his hand, he found that he seemed unable to break through the spiritual light shield on the jade slip.After a slight embarrassment on his face, the spiritual power in his hand changed again, and the color changed from blue to blue red.The next moment, after Li Yan's real fire invaded, the colorful aura was slowly refined away.

After spending nearly half a quarter, he finally broke the restriction on the jade slip, and then he stretched out his hand to open the jade slip and put it in front of him for a closer look.

Shen Nian glanced through the contents of the jade slip quickly, and after reading it, Yi Tian's complexion turned pale.

There are too many messages left in it, just the first name left on the jade slip makes my hair stand on end.Then he raised his head and looked at the sarcophagus in front of him again, Yi Tian thought about it in his heart.

The first name written at the beginning of this jade slip is for Luo Qin, the Asura Celestial Immortal, so the person in the coffin should be Luo Qin himself.As for Luo Qin, the first emperor of the Asura tribe, it was also a joke.If I guessed correctly, this true immortal would marry a wife and have children because of a problem with his physical body, and then he even took away his child and became the first holy emperor Luo Qin.

However, he still has a strange emotion for his name, which is why he still uses it to this day.However, as a fairy, he has an incomparable sense of superiority and pride, but what he did made Yi Tian feel deeply disdainful.No wonder there is no tombstone next to the coffin to leave no name.

It seems that if he has the opportunity to meet the so-called Luo Qin, the first emperor of the Asura tribe again, he will have to deal with it.

Next, I also learned a lot of shocking secrets from this jade slip. Back then, Luo Qin, the Asura Celestial Immortal, was assigned to the lower realm to carry out secret missions because he violated the clan rules.There is also a sensitive word mentioned in the jade slips, which is the "Luotian Fairy Palace" of his own sect.

Although there is no detailed description in it, it is briefly written that "I have recently heard that Luo Tianxian Realm" Luo Tianxian Palace "the first great Luo Tianxian of the Qi Society descended to the mortal world, and I hereby send Luo Qin to the lower realm to find someone who will serve as a guide for him.If you can complete this task, you can write off the mistakes you made in the past. '

Seeing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but frown slightly. It was a very secret thing that the first great Luo Tianxian of the "Luo Tianxian Palace" came down to the mortal world. Unexpectedly, it was learned by the Asura tribe, and they sent people to the lower realm as a receptionist. It is not known what the purpose of the attractor is.

From the reading between the lines, it can be seen that Luo Qin had indeed made a big mistake before he was sent to perform such a task in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.It's a pity that he was unlucky and waited in the spirit world for tens of thousands of years, but he couldn't find the Da Luo Tianxian in the "Luo Tianxian Palace".

But how could these true immortals of the lower realm be willing to sit and wait for death, and finally he figured out a way to rebirth by taking away his own children.Thinking that Yi Tian looked down on Luo Qin's character, and how he treated Luo Yilan before made him feel lingering.

As for the hidden news mentioned in this jade slip, it turned out that the collapse of the Qi Society in the Luo Tian Immortal Realm was the result of the Great Luo Tianxian from the lower realm himself.Although he didn't know why there was such a big commotion, Yi Tian felt a little bit about it in his heart.That Da Luo Tianxian seems to be a bit big, and his strength is so strong that he can collapse a fairy world to the spirit world.

Reminiscing that before I entered the fragments of the immortal world in the nether world, I had been to the Qi Club of Naluo Tianxian Palace, and I also learned that the direct disciple of the Qi Club is the master that "Jin Yan'er" mentioned before.In addition to being the head of the Qi Society, he is also one of the young suzerains of Luo Tianxian Palace, the one in charge of the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern'.

Yi Tian also had countless doubts in his mind. Back then, 'Jin Yaner' actually said that he and his master looked exactly the same. It is conceivable that if the two really have no connection, it would be unreasonable.But 'Jin Yaner' also mentioned that he could not find any master's aura in himself, which meant that his soul should be a completely different individual from it.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Yi Tian found that there must be something strange in it, although he couldn't figure it out for the time being, but sooner or later, things would come to light.

After putting this jade slip into the storage ring, Yi Tian's expression gradually eased. This trip to the imperial mausoleum was indeed very rewarding.Not only did he know Luo Qin's secret, but he also discovered the secret of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Yi Tian thought that the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' must be facing the existence of the 'Spiritual Spring of Profound Qi'.But I have been immersed in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit for many years, and I have traveled to many places, but I have never seen such a place.

Looking back and thinking about it carefully, Yi Tian also had no direction in his mind. It is estimated that Luo Qin should have traveled the entire Asura world back then, so the probability of finding the 'Xuanqi Lingquan' here is extremely slim.Conversely, in addition to this world, there are three places that I need to explore, namely the demon world, the spirit world and the Buddha spirit world.

But think about how vast the demon world alone is. Although I have traveled to the demon world, I have never had the opportunity to visit all areas of this world. Maybe there will be unexpected paradise in those corners, and that'xuan The location of Qizhiquan' must not be simple.

Thinking of this matter, Yi Tian felt that his head was as big as a fight, and he didn't know where to start.I believe that the interface where the monks of the Three Realms are located has also been explored a lot, but there has never been such a description in the leftover documents or travel notes.

Then the attention in Yi Tian's mind turned to the picture engraved next to the coffin.He locked his eyes on the position of the 'Fountain of the Demon World' and stared at it for a long time, the expression on his face became more and more dignified.

In fact, this picture is very detailed. In the circle of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, the upper three realms are listed at the top, and the three middle realms have interlinked realm gates.

As for the Buddha and Spirit Realm in the middle three realms, it seems to be entrenched in the very center of the circle, and the other eight realms have directly connected realm gates.As for the Demon Realm, there is an obvious scratch at the intersection with the Buddha Spirit Realm, and the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is right on the edge of that scratch.In this way, the area that I have already explored in the Demon Realm can only be regarded as a small part. If I really want to find the things left in the ancient Demon Realm, I still need to find someone who is familiar with the road to take it with me.

After thinking about it, a thought flashed across Yi Tian's mind, but a name popped out of his mouth: "The one-eyed demon of the one-eyed demon clan, this beast should also be an aborigine of the demon world, and has a different relationship with the demon saint. Dai Tian's revenge, if we cooperate with him, it is still possible. After all, he is also familiar with the way in the devil world."

However, thinking of him spreading rumors about himself in the demon world, Yi Tian also felt very angry. He didn't expect that Dutong would do such a vile thing in order to divert the attention of the demon saint.With my current cultivation base and strength, there is no need to have a general understanding of it. Even if I see myself again, I can easily take it down. After all, the natural moat of the Mahayana period is not so easy to cross.

Thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the huge sarcophagus in front of him. He was still very interested in the corpse of Asura True Immortal Luo Qin buried in it.

The reason is nothing more than wanting to find the fairy shackles and spells left on Luo Qin.These things can even be suppressed by an Asura Heavenly Immortal, and the power is naturally beyond my expectations.Now, as a descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace, I have no chance of winning against the Wuxiang Master or Demon Saint Baotan who is also a descendant of Immortal Palace.

Only by surprise and winning with the secret magic power of the fairy world in the hand can there be a chance to counter it.

It was hard to find such a trace of the secret art of the fairy world when I came here this time, so it is naturally not to be missed.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and quickly formed seals on his chest, and then said suddenly: "Long."

In an instant, his figure suddenly doubled in height, turning into a figure close to two feet tall.Then both hands pressed on the coffin board with two 'bang bang' sounds.The five-foot-thick coffin board was slowly pushed away by the rapid movement of the spiritual power in the body.

After the sound of 'click', the coffin board was lifted halfway, but there was a strong fairy air inside.After Yi Tian stood still, he stared at the people inside and looked at the people inside, only to find that it was the same as the previous jade slip, the corpse inside was wrapped by the five-color aura, but the aura revealed Strong dead air.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't intend to break the restriction of the aura, but just shifted his gaze to the head of the corpse.On his forehead, he saw a group of forbidden god patterns written in golden seal script, and the style of the god patterns seemed to be seen there.Thinking back carefully in my heart, a few words popped out of my mind at the moment, "This is the style of Xuanming's inscription seen in the Fragment Inner Artifact Society of Luo Tianxian Realm." '

After thinking about it, he hastily took out the similar inscription patterns that he had engraved before and carefully separated them. After ten breaths, a knowing smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect that such inscriptions were all interoperable. It's a pity that I don't have a system I have studied the inscriptions of the fairy world.But since I saw it today, it is naturally not to be missed.

After recording the style of the inscription on the forehead of the corpse in his mind, Yi Tian hurriedly deduced it. He had come into contact with this kind of "Xuan Ming" inscription before, but he never expected such a change, and it could be directly used on the body of a real immortal. body.

If this inscription can be studied thoroughly, it can be made into a magic talisman and can be used directly to deal with the demon saint Baotan.

In addition, Yi Tian also found that the appearance of this corpse was very similar to the Luo Qinshi puppet soul that he had seen before, but the soul that was stationed on the passage of the imperial tomb was obviously tampered with by the deity.Some of the memories in his soul have been banned. Although I saw it before, I didn't have any intention of pursuing it. I didn't want to startle the snake.

Presumably that ban can directly connect with the deity. If he really did it at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled slightly with a certain look on his face, and then put his divine sense on the corpse again and searched it.

In addition to the forbidden inscription on the forehead, the two hands of the corpse are holding two spiritual weapons. The spiritual power on them has been completely dissipated, but just looking at their materials, you can tell that they are definitely not ordinary.It's just that I didn't expect that after Luo Qin seized his son, he didn't keep it for his own use, but put it directly in this coffin.

After a closer look, an ominous thought suddenly flashed in Yi Tian's mind. Judging from Luo Qin's various actions, he seemed to have no intention of giving up on the deity.

It's no wonder that a body that has been tempered and tempered in the fairy world does not mean that you can give up if you give up. However, although the new body can escape the control of the forbidden inscription, it is still far from its real body.

Moreover, I have seen many treasures of heaven and earth over the years. Although it is difficult to restore the vitality of a real fairy, it is not impossible.

As long as you can find the treasures of the fairy world, add pure fairy spirit, and pass the secretary's supernatural powers.

"Luo Qin's purpose of going to the 'Fountain of the Demon Realm' is definitely not simple," Yi Tian blurted out, "It seems that he must have prepared with both hands to go to the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' to collect pure yellow energy, and in his hands It should have collected enough fairy world treasures long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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