
Chapter 2300

Chapter 2300 The Return
A few days later, when Yi Tian came out from the royal tomb of the Asura clan, only Luo Ziyan was waiting outside.The two of them drove the assault boat and flew straight towards the imperial city.

Along the way, Yi Tian simply told Luo Ziyan about the situation inside, but he kept everything about Luo Qin secret.

Asura's first holy emperor is a sacred and inviolable image to the Asura people. If he reveals this matter, it will definitely cause an uproar.And now Yi Tian doesn't know how much chance he will win against Luo Qin, so it's better to divert things temporarily.

But this time in the imperial mausoleum, he also gained a lot. In addition to finding the forbidden inscription of Asura's fairyland, he also took the imperial edict of the fairyland.Speaking of which, this thing is the ironclad proof, and it is the most useful thing for me.I believe that Luo Qin will never watch him leave grandly with this thing.

On the way back, Yi Tian deduced the forbidden inscription in his mind, this inscription is actually very similar to the 'Sealing Immortal Talisman' in Luo Tianxian Palace.However, the style of the inscription has also been partially modified. It should be the product of the evolution of Daluo Tianxian in the Asura world.

In fact, it's no wonder that there are still some similarities and differences between Lingxiu and Asura monks, maybe after making some changes in the inscriptions, the effect may be better.

It's just that it is extremely difficult to find the materials used to refine such a 'Sealing Immortal Talisman', at least I don't have any suitable treasures in my hand now.

In my mind, I carefully sorted out the characteristics of these treasures, and then compared the characteristics of the treasures I had seen in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, only to find that only the true blood of a tenth-level monster can be used to cooperate with 'rootless' Only the talismans refined from "Falling Leaves" and "Blood Brilliant Wood" can carry such fairy world inscriptions.

After returning to Asura Imperial City, Yi Tian informed Luo Ziyan of the two materials he wanted, and the latter opened the treasure house of the Imperial City and began to investigate carefully.

It's a pity that after searching for a long time, I didn't find any signs of 'rootless fallen leaves'. As for the 'Blood Brilliant Wood', I didn't find any, only a similar substitute named 'Blood Spirit Wood'.

In this way, Yi Tian also felt a sense of helplessness spontaneously. He did not expect that the Asura Realm, which is the richest among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, would not be able to gather these two types of treasures.

Since these two kinds of treasures cannot be found in the world of Ashura, they can only be found elsewhere.Yi Tian stayed in the Asura Dynasty for a few months and got along with Luo Ziyan for a while before heading home again.

This time, Yi Tian returned to the spirit world to try to find the whereabouts of these two treasures, and at the same time, he could notify the sect disciples in the demon world and the Buddha spirit world to try to find out the whereabouts of these treasures.

I thought that when I left the spirit world, I was already a late-stage monk, but I didn't expect that in just two or three hundred years, I had already become a top existence in the nine realms of the upper spirit.

Thinking of the things he was about to face, Yi Tian also felt that his cultivation level was higher than these things, and there was no bottom line.

But since he was going to face the Demon Saint Baotan again, he had to inform the master and the two uncles.After all, it would be unreasonable for me to act hastily without the consent of the three of them.

After leaving the Asura Imperial City, it took Yi Tian several days to pass through the gate and return to the spirit world.This time when I came back, I also restrained myself and did not attract the attention of all parties.

However, with the strength of the combined monks guarding the two realm gates, they couldn't detect their own movements.After returning to the spirit world, Yi Tian hid his figure and flew straight towards Taiqing Pavilion Qingfeng Old City.

Speaking of which, I still have some feelings for this Qingfeng Old City. When I was lurking in the Taiqing Pavilion, I had entered and exited it several times and found the clues left by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu from there.

However, afterwards, Yi Tian also carefully recalled Qiu Yu's intention to occupy the Taiqing Pavilion by taking advantage of the evil disaster.Although on the surface it was for consumption with the monks of the spirit world, there must still be a deeper intention.

I had never thought of this before when my cultivation base was in the fusion stage, but after traveling to the Netherworld this time, especially after finding the remnant soul of Uncle Wuxiang, I had a lot of doubts in my heart.

Now it seems that there was no need for the demon sage Qiu Yu to lead a team to invade the spirit world and occupy Qingfeng Old City. With the strength of the three Mahayana monks at that time, any one of them could resist Qiu Yu.What's more, the Taiqing Pavilion where Master Wuyuan is located is the head of the three sects. I didn't know it before, but after practicing the sect secrets of Taiqing Pavilion, I have a judgment on the strength of Master Wuyuan.

Speaking of which, if he went all out to attack, even Qiu Yu might not be his opponent, then there would be a huge problem with Taiqing Pavilion's actions back then.In my own opinion, Master Wuyuan probably voluntarily withdrew from Qingfeng Old City and handed over the entire foundation.

But the only thing that can make him do this is the Demon Sage Bao Tan personally speaking, and there must be some unknown secrets in it.

Although Senior Uncle Wuyuan inherited the ancestral business of the sect, his status is still inferior to Uncle Wuxiang. Speaking of which, if the original suzerain of Luo Tianxian Palace insists on returning, Senior Uncle Wuyuan, the branch suzerain, will naturally be Can't refuse.

What's more, at the time of the last demon disaster, he had already learned that the demon saint Bao Tan had come to the spiritual world beforehand to sit and discuss the Tao with three Mahayana monks.I believe that the stunts they are discussing are not commonplace.

Previously, in the pattern on the side of the sarcophagus of Luo Qin, the god of the upper realm inside the royal tomb of the Asura clan in the Asura Realm, it was found that in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, except for the "Eye of the Demon Realm", there will be a corresponding "Xuan" in the comparison. Qilingquan' exists.Although there was no clue and couldn't find it for a while, Yi Tian had already begun to doubt it.In addition, there are also unpredictable things about the various actions of the Demon Saint's violence, which made him have enough doubts about this matter in his heart.

Flying to the sky above Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian restrained his spiritual thoughts and slightly moved his face after passing over the city below.He sighed softly, but secretly said in his heart, "Let's go to the mansion occupied by Qiu Yu in Qingfeng Old City first. I have searched all over this comprehension town during the War of Demon Disaster and found nothing. There are clues, only the depths of the city lord's mansion are the most likely to have mistakes. However, Qiu Yu, the devil prince, has been sitting there for nearly a thousand years and has not found any clues. Discover."

Quietly descending the cloud, Yi Tian restrained his breath, concealed his figure, and flew straight towards the location of the City Lord's Mansion.Along the way, he broke through several barriers while traveling at high speed in mid-air without attracting anyone's attention.

Entering the complex buildings of the City Lord's Mansion, Yi Tian felt as if he had entered the land of no one. Relying on his advanced cultivation, he passed several checkpoints all the way, and then entered the long corridor deep in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are very few monks coming and going here, because the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion has long been set as a forbidden area by the Taiqing Pavilion, and there are many inner disciples wearing Zongmen costumes on duty in the outer corridors here.It can be seen that Taiqing Pavilion is still quite concerned about this. It is probably because it was occupied by the devil prince Qiu Yu and used as the base camp for Taiqing Pavilion. It is an indelible shame.

After passing through this long corridor, Yi Tian came to the gate of the main hall deep in the city lord's mansion again.If one thinks that this place was once occupied by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu ten thousand years ago, it would be guarded by Uncle Wuyuan of the Taiqing Pavilion.As for 5 years ago, this place was the preaching place of the ancestor Miaodizi in Luotianxian Palace, the holy land of the spiritual world.

I still admire this master Yi Tian from the bottom of my heart. If he hadn't held up the real fairy Youxuan Taoist in the lower realm with his own strength, I am afraid that there would not be a peaceful life in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit for the past 5 years.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's divine thoughts flashed over, and when he was about to take a step to walk in, he suddenly frowned slightly and his complexion sank.Yi Tian's sensitivity to the aura of the surrounding world has more than doubled since his cultivation reached the Mahayana stage.It is obvious that there is a faint aura in the hall in front of him. Although he can hide it from the monks in the fit period, he definitely can't lie to his current self.

Then the result is also obvious, there must be a monk of the same rank as him in the hall in front of him at this time.In the spiritual world, the only ones who can reach the Mahayana stage are Wu Yuan and Wu Ling and his own master Wu Ye.

Ke Yitian found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations inadvertently emanating from the other party were not anyone he knew.

Slowly walking into the main hall, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and immediately changed into the suzerain costume of Luo Tianxian Palace under the flash of inspiration all over his body, and at the same time reached out and took out the 'Zixiao Zhan' to sacrifice in his hand.

A ray of golden flame appeared in the lamp, which was the innate fire spirit 'Golden Flame' brought out from the fragments of the fairy world.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Yi Tian still showed his identity first. After entering the hall and looking around, everything seemed to be the same as what he saw back then.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Since you are here, why don't you show up and see, so that I can improve the friendship of the landlord, isn't it?"

Three breaths later, a vague figure suddenly appeared on the seat in the middle not far in front of him.After the figure gradually became clear from virtual to real, it made Yi Tian below slightly stunned.Then the pupils in his eyes focused on the figure of the man above him and sized him up for a long time without saying a word.

He only heard the man say: "As a landlord, it should be more appropriate for me to say this."

"Master Wuxiang is really you," Yi Tian said with difficulty, and at the same time, his spiritual sense locked on the person in the seat in front of him.At this time, sitting on the main seat in the middle is a monk wearing the costume of Luo Tianxian Palace's sect. This person's face is less than 30 years old, with three long beards on his face and a Taoist crown on his head. Disciple's attire.

Speaking of which, the outfits of the two are actually similar, and at the same time, they also show their respective identities.From the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian was never prepared to meet Uncle Wuxiang under such circumstances.

It seems that Master Wuxiang's posture as the suzerain of Luo Tianxian Palace is far superior to his own, but Yi Tian also noticed some indescribable strangeness from him.

After staring at the people in the seat, Yi Tian bowed his head and said, "I've seen Master Wuxiang."

"It seems that you are still a little wary of me," Wu Xiang said with a faint smile.

"Master's words are wrong. You have fallen into the evil way for a long time but you can return to the main hall of the Immortal Palace in a grand manner, do you have no scruples at all?" Yi Tian asked.

"This is an important place for the sect, so why not return as the sect master?" Wu Xiang said with disdain: "You look like a monk and a demon, neither human nor demon. The appearance is beyond words."

Knowing the meaning of Wuxiang Master's words, he also practiced the secret arts of Buddhism, but only admitted that he was the descendant of the Immortal Palace, which is what he said was not a monk or a Taoist.In addition, after practicing Asura's physical appearance, he is already regarded as not an ordinary person, but he has not fallen into the demon world, but he is in a state of inhuman and non-devil.

Hearing this, Yi Tian said calmly: "Master, but I'm a fool. I'm just the leader of Jishu family. As long as I keep my heart unchanged, why should I stick to my appearance?"

"Okay, okay, it seems that your rebuttal seems to be citing the essence of debate in Buddhism," Wu Xiang said with a smile.

"Uncle, although your cultivation base has greatly increased after you fell into the devil's way, it is far from your original intention," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Do you know what my original intention is?" When mentioning Wuxiang, his face turned slightly cold and he shouted: "Even your master Wuye dare not talk to me like this here. How did Luo Tianxian Palace become like this?" Now it’s a situation where no distinction is made between superiors and inferiors.”

"Master is still wrong," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "The sect of Luotian Immortal Palace has been disintegrated for tens of thousands of years, and now there are only three factions in the spirit world. After all, the three factions are all immortal palaces. But how many of the disciples under the sect will remember the origin and flow of the three veins? All these mistakes are due to the inevitable consequences of you still leaving the sect and abandoning the foundation of the sect, Master."

"Hmph, when I left the sect back then, I also asked Wuyuan's masters and elders to guard the sect on my behalf, how could it be said that I ignored it," Wu Xiang said with a slightly angry expression.

"Several elders were at the peak of cultivation at that time, and it didn't take long for them to ascend to the fairy world," Yi Tian said calmly: "Did the master return to the fairy palace to take charge of the overall situation after they left, such a huge group of dragons without a leader It is a very good result that the sect did not disintegrate but was divided into three veins."

"Then according to what you said, should I thank Wu Yuan and the three of them?" Wu Xiang smiled angrily, but the tone of his mouth became colder and colder.

"It's unnecessary for master to say that," Yi Tian changed the subject, "It's just that it's inappropriate for you to come back after leaving the sect for a long time and pretend to be the suzerain."

"How inappropriate, do you want to seize power?" Wuxiang glanced at the purple lamp in Yi Tian's hand, but his face showed an unbelievable expression: "This is the true flame of the fairy world, is it that your confidence is from this Did it come from above?"

(End of this chapter)

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