
2301 Confrontation 1

Chapter 2301 Confrontation One
After returning to the spirit world again, Yi Tian did not return directly to the Zongmen, but instead went to the Taiqing Pavilion to visit Uncle Wuyuan.Among the three Mahayana stage monks in the spiritual world, Master Wu Yuan is actually the oldest one. He is not inferior to his master Wu Ye in terms of strength, and he is second to none in the spiritual world in terms of cultivation.

Thinking that Yi Tian traveled a lot of time in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, if he really wanted to find someone to explain his doubts, Master Wuyuan in the Spirit Realm would be the best candidate.

When passing Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian also had feelings and wanted to go inside the city lord's mansion where the devil prince Qiu Yu was trapped.After all, when I was cultivating in the stage of transforming gods, I just rushed in here in order to arrange the 'Sky Fire Formation'.Moreover, it is also the residence of the Luotian Immortal Palace Zongmen. I remember seeing the appearance of this hall when I used the time-traveling technique to investigate the sect's secrets thousands of years ago.

Relying on his Mahayana cultivation base, Yi Tian sneaked into Qingfeng Old City, and then entered the city lord's mansion.There was no obstacle at all along the way, even the prohibition barrier set up by the masters of the Taiqing Pavilion in the City Lord's Mansion is like paper to Yi Tian now.With a little spellcasting by myself, I can pass through calmly without touching the forbidden barrier.

Brought to the deepest part of the city lord's mansion, Yi Tian stopped in front of the trapped beast hall of the demon prince Qiu Yu.Because in my divine sense, I have already discovered that there seems to be an uninvited guest entering the hall in front of me.

Speaking of which, the only people in the entire spiritual world who are stronger than him are the Mahayana monks behind the three sects.But the aura detected in the hall did not match any of these three people.But in the spiritual pressure fluctuations on that person's body, there were still traces of the Luotian Immortal Palace sect's secret technique.

At this point, Yi Tian knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he had to face it bravely. After entering the hall, the consequences were not unexpected. On the seat in the middle, he found the source of the spiritual pressure fluctuation.After that person showed his true self, he did not disappoint Yi Tian. It was Master Wuxiang, the suzerain of Immortal Palace 5 years ago.

After the conversation between the two of them, everyone was refusing to give in to each other. For this reason, Yi Tian also showed his identity and took out the suzerain's token 'Zixiaozhan' to hold in his hand.Seeing this appearance, Master Wuxiang was naturally worried, and the conversation between the two gradually shifted to the sect's successor.

After hearing Wuxiang's questioning, Yi Tian said calmly and calmly: "The responsibility of the suzerain should be to carry forward the sect's orthodoxy, and no matter how bad it is, the orthodoxy must be passed on. Besides, the suzerain should not be appointed by the elders of the sect. Or is it that the successor can only be appointed by the master, and if I say so, does the master approve it?"

Hearing this faceless face, he immediately became a little ashamed, but after three breaths, he returned to normal and said: "You are right, but you don't know what I have done for the sect these years everything?"

"Master misunderstood, what you have done for the sect, I, master, and the two elder masters all saw it," Yi Tian replied flatly: "But please forgive my nephew for being rude. I'm afraid it's a mistake."

The pupils in the eyes were condensed, but he shouted coldly: "Why do you say this? If you can't make a reason, I can punish you for disrespect. Don't say that Wuye is protecting you, even in Wuyuan waiting for you. You have to say this clearly in front of people.”

"Master, we are well aware of your absolute sincerity towards the sect, and I also know very well about the relationship between the master and the disciple of the patriarch Miao Dizi," Yi Tian said: "But what you do is paranoid, in order to keep The ancestor rescued him but was stubborn in his own opinion and eventually fell into the devil's way, but it was not what he should have done."

"You know everything? Hmph, Wuyuan probably told you about it. I told them about it a long time ago, but forget it. With your current cultivation, you are qualified to know," Wuxiang Master sighed. tone way.

"Uncle misunderstood, Uncle Wuyuan never mentioned this matter to me. It was I who found your remnant soul after traveling in the Netherworld and told me," Yi Tian shook his head.

Hearing this Wuxiang seemed quite surprised, staring at himself, then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "I said it's no wonder, the Nether ghost is really not your opponent. So the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments' is now It should be in your hands."

"Master's belongings should be returned to their original owners, and there is still a trace of your remnant soul in it," Yi Tianke paused when he said this, and then his eyes glanced at the large number of Wuxiang masters who were staring at the seat up.

I saw that his complexion changed slightly, and a trace of anger flashed inadvertently on his face. It was obvious that Master Wuxiang really couldn't properly deal with his kind thoughts.Otherwise, they wouldn't have stored this kindness in the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments' back then, trying to assimilate it with the power of thousands of resentful souls.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian made a plan and said lightly: "Speaking of which, this 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments' has caused me a lot of trouble. I think that Emperor Youming crazily injected thousands of resentful souls into it, trying to use The most vicious power of resentment in human nature will assimilate your soul of kindness, Master. But fortunately, I have a little bit of Buddhist secret arts, and I also keep in touch with a kind of monk in Daleiguang Temple Good relationship. Afterwards, more than 20 eminent monks, including Master Jie Ding, were invited to join forces to finally supersede the essence of resentful souls in the 'Wan Yuanzhu'."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and lightly touched the storage ring to take out the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments'.

After a multicolored glow flashed in the palm, a two-inch-sized golden bead appeared in front of him.

The pure power of the Buddhist sect in that glow made people feel a sense of tranquility and serenity spontaneously.The multicolored rays of light on the Buddhist beads can directly dispel the hostility or resentment in the heart after shining on ordinary people, and Yi Tian is also mentally shocked and turns to look at the Wuxiang master in front of him.

I saw that his face was like sinking water at this time and he didn't say anything.But the shocked look in his eyes really betrayed his mood at the moment.

Uncle Wuxiang thought for a while before he said, "Since you got this from the Nether ghost, please keep it for me for a while."

"Sure enough," Yi Tian was delighted when he heard the words, he finally found the flaw in Master Wuxiang's mind. Speaking of which, even if he had such a big flaw in his mind, even if the Demon Saint Violence appeared I won't be afraid anymore.

And according to my own estimation, it seems that I should start with the 'Pearl of Ten Thousand Resentments' in my hand compared to Master Wuxiang.In fact, today, I also want to test the reality of the other party. In the depths of Qingfeng Old City, Taiqing Pavilion, the spiritual world, the two of them are absolutely unable to do it.The monks in the Mahayana period are too strong and can destroy the old city of Qingfeng with just a few gestures.

But I was determined not to do this, so I couldn't explain it to the two masters and masters.And it seems that Uncle Wuxiang also has some scruples. At this time, it is the environmental factors here that have the greatest influence on him.I don't think he sneaked into the city secretly, and came to the deepest hall as if he was recalling the situation when the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace dominated the spirit world.

Or it can be said that there is still the figure of the ancestor Miao Dizi in this place, so that it will have the most direct impact on his personality.After all, the relationship between Master Miaodizi and Uncle Wuxiang is called master and apprentice, but in fact they are as close as father and son.In addition, Master Miaodizi seemed to have given some instructions to Master Wuxiang before he fell into a coma. These are the root causes that have troubled Master Wuxiang for tens of thousands of years.

After a trace of loneliness appeared on his face, Uncle Wuxiang's complexion returned to normal. Shaoqing only heard him say: "Boy Yi didn't expect you to know so much about me. But even so Can't stand in the way of my plans."

"How can I stop what my uncle is doing?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "But what I want to remind is that you use the pure yellow energy in the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' to try to get Master Miaodi Zu’s method of awakening is definitely futile.”

"Why is that?" Uncle Wuxiang asked with a stern look in his eyes.

"I think Uncle Master is also a sensible person. Although the yellow energy from the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is strong, it contradicts the original kung fu practiced by Master Miaodizi. Completely demonized, I think you won't be happy even if you rescue Master Zu, " Yi Tian explained.

"Nonsense, Master stepped forward to fight that Taoist Youxuan in order to protect the sect and comfort us," Master Wuxiang yelled decisively: "The true immortal from the upper realm is determined to destroy my sect." , After a few years, there will definitely be a comeback, can you still rely on you to resist foreign enemies?"

"Master's words are wrong," Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "Miaodizi's ancestor has taken on enough responsibilities, if he blindly protects future generations, it may not be a good thing."

"How do you say that?" Uncle Wuxiang said angrily, "I want to hear your nonsense."

This topic seemed to prick the fragile nerves of Uncle Wuxiang, and Yi Tian knew that the point of the talk would be over, otherwise the situation would be out of control.After clearing his throat, he said seriously: "As far as I know, the ancestor was a Mahayana monk 5 years ago. With his strength, he could have ascended to the fairy world. Maybe he stayed in this world to take care of the sect's descendants. Or maybe it is to repay the kindness of the founder of the mountain. But the ancestors of his generation have already ascended, and I think they should all have seen through the inevitable process of this development."

"What do you mean," Wu Xiang said.

"It is true that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade, but blindly covering up is conniving," Yi Tian explained: "The times have changed, I think that if Taoist Youxuan descends again, he will definitely be fully prepared At that time, even if Master Miaodizi is awake, his cultivation base has not improved much after 5 years, so is there any chance of victory even if he is matched?"

"You're right," Master Wuxiang nodded approvingly, then sighed helplessly, and the light in his eyes slowly retracted, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Then according to what you said, if that Youxuan After the Taoist falls into the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit again, can we just catch him without a fight? If we don’t resist, how can we be worthy of our Dao heart, but if we make a move, who will make our opponent?”

"Forgive me for the uncle's question, I can't answer it," Yi Tian also said with a serious face: "But I know it depends on man's fault, not to mention that there is not just a true immortal in the Nine Worlds of the Spirit. I have been in the Nether Realm and In the hell world, I have met Changsun Ting from Guangming and Wu Jue from Yutian. But in terms of cultivation, the deities of the two are both immortal-level figures. When I first saw them, they were only at the late stage of fusion, but Not even the slightest timidity."

"How are those two people doing now?" Master Wuxiang asked with his eyelids trembling slightly.

"They had bad intentions and bit each other's dogs in the fragments of the fairy world in the nether world, and finally they both fell," Yi Tian said: "Actually, these great powers of the fairy world are dispatched clones. The power of repression. And these avatars are people with ulterior motives, thinking about how to get rid of the control of the deity and become an independent individual."

"It seems that you should have cleverly used this weakness to deal with them," Master Wuxiang said without thinking.

"That's true, so I don't think these avatars of true immortals from the lower realm are invulnerable. They also have emotions and desires and their own selfishness. If possible, as long as they plan well, they may not be able to defeat the strong with the weak," Yi Tian said.

Wuxiang heard the words and nodded with a rare look of relief on his face, and said: "You are right, the master didn't consider this back then, so he directly confronted Taoist Youxuan, the real immortal from the lower realm, and started a big fight. It's a pity that the matter is over. So far, if the other party descends again, I am afraid that the entire spirit world will be devastated."

"What my uncle said is good, but what I want to say is that the seniors have already carried too many burdens on their shoulders. It is time to let go. The future should be left to the younger generations to handle by themselves. We are not milk babies in the cradle. It will always need to be taken care of by predecessors," Yi Tian said.

Hearing this Wuxiang, his face was calm, showing a slight tangled look and then returned to normal.Muttering in his mouth: "Could it be that what I did was really wrong? Should the master's worries really be ignored?"

Just as they were talking, the two of them suddenly raised their heads and looked at the entrance of the hall at the same time.A vague figure suddenly appeared there, and then slowly transformed into a human form.When Yi Tian saw the face of the visitor clearly, he blurted out: "The disciple has seen Master Wu Yuan."

The person who came was Wuyuan, the Taishang elder of the Taiqing Pavilion and a monk in the Mahayana period. Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts flashed and found that his cultivation base was in the same realm as he was in the early Mahayana period, but if the time spent in this realm is not It is much more than myself.

After Wu Yuan appeared, Wu Xiang Jishou, who was sitting on the same seat, saluted first and said: "I've seen you senior brother." Then he turned around and looked at himself, after taking three breaths, his face showed a shocked expression and said : "Nephew Yi is indeed my true disciple of Luo Tianxian Palace. It took less than [-] years to achieve such a level of cultivation. It must have been so fast that even Master Miaodizi could not match it back then."

(End of this chapter)

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