
2302 Confrontation 2

Chapter 2302 Confrontation II

In the depths of Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian sneaked in and unexpectedly met Uncle Wuxiang.At this time, he showed a spiritual body, but after knowing his details, he was still secretly on guard after being polite.

After the ensuing conversation, Yi Tian and Uncle Wuxiang competed and expressed their opinions.In the final analysis, it was found that the two of them had a deviation in how to deal with these true immortals from the lower realm.

From Uncle Wuxiang's point of view, it is necessary to prevent the other party's activities in the spirit world and drive him back to the fairy world as soon as possible.But Yi Tian's point of view is completely opposite. According to the previous experience of dealing with those real immortal clones, although they are acting according to orders, these real immortals dare not descend directly as their true deities.

Usually they use their avatars to infiltrate into the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. In this way, they seem to be harmless on the surface, but they are actually dangerous.Not only do they have to deal with the invasion of the monks in the spiritual world, but also the possibility of a clone mutiny.Speaking of these things, for people in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, they are variables that cannot be met.

However, Yi Tian's words seemed to directly negate the strategy of Master Miaodizi back then, which was criticized by Master Wuxiang.

After chatting for a while, Uncle Wuyuan, who was cultivating in the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion, suddenly appeared at the entrance of the main hall, which made the atmosphere on the scene more subtle.Yi Tian is determined in his heart that he can't keep Wuxiang here under one-on-one, and can only watch him leave calmly.But it would be hard to say if Master Wuyuan Birken made a move, but this was just a thought that flashed in his mind.Judging from the titles of the two of them, it seems that Senior Uncle Wuyuan still has considerable respect for Senior Uncle Wuxiang, and the idea of ​​joining forces is just the result of his own imagination.

After listening to Wuyuan's words, Shaoqing Yitian hastily returned the salute. Although his cultivation base was on par with him at this time, he was still Wuye's disciple after all, and he was a generation younger in terms of seniority alone.However, as far as the status of the sect is concerned, he has properly inherited the figure of the suzerain Dabao of Luotian Immortal Palace, and he should be on the same level as the two in front of him, or even more than half a chip higher.

But there should still be proper etiquette, and Yi Tian made a tripod salutation in the way that sect juniors meet seniors, and said: "I have disturbed Master Wuyuan Qingxiu for no reason, this disciple is really a sin."

"It's okay, it's okay," Wu Yuan replied indifferently, and at the same time, he stared at the 'Zixiao Zhan' in his hand for a while, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.Afterwards, Jishou saluted himself and said: "Nephew Yi is really blessed, and he has already obtained the orthodox inheritance of Luotian Immortal Palace. It stands to reason that your current status should be the young master of the Immortal Palace."

"Don't dare, there are two masters and masters in front of the disciples, how dare the disciples go beyond," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

"It's not overstepping, the facts are the facts," Wu Yuan sighed and said, "If you follow the sect's rules, if the suzerain is not here, you, the young suzerain, can be directly promoted to the suzerain."

"Student dare not, how can there be a position as a disciple in front of Uncle Wuxiang now, in terms of status, Uncle Wuxiang should be the head of the sect," Yi Tian hurriedly evaded.

Although what Wuyuan said was good, Yi Tian didn't want to confront Master Wuxiang directly, after all, his identity was still on display.

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Xiang, who was sitting in the upper position, said indifferently: "It's true, but when I left the fairy palace, I had already stated that I would give up the position of the young suzerain. My only purpose is to make the master Just wake up."

"That's true," Wu Yuan hastily echoed on the side: "Big brother has already shown his mind when he left the fairy palace, and this matter has not changed for 5 years."

Then Wuyuan turned his head and saluted Yi Tian slowly again. At this time, he was giving the ceremony of meeting the suzerain and said: "Since your identity has been rectified, Yi Tian naturally doesn't need to give up."

Regarding this, Yi Tian hastily stopped and said: "My master is also a descendant of the Lihuo Palace, and he should also have a 'Zixiao Zhan' in his hand. Why doesn't my uncle regard him as the suzerain?"

After hearing this, Wuyuan smiled bleakly and said: "Junior Brother Wuye is indeed the strongest among the three of us in terms of strength alone, and there is no doubt that he inherited the lineage and became the suzerain. It's a pity that he After being divided into two people by the 'Zen of Good and Evil', he split the 'Zixiao Lamp' in his hand into two halves, and now it is absolutely impossible to restore it."

"The 'Zixiao Zhan' can be re-sacrificed no matter how precious it is," Yi Tian said differently.

"Then have you ever seen your master re-sacrifice?" Wu Yuan asked rhetorically.

Yi Tian was so thoughtful when he mentioned this matter, after thinking about it in his mind, he had never seen his master intending to refine Zixiaozhan.

With a faint look of doubt on his face, he was about to ask, but at this time, Wu Xiang, who was sitting in the upper seat, explained: "Boy, you still think that the 'Zixiao Zhan' in your hand is such a simple and simple thing. Is it a door artifact?"

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Senior brother has the most right to speak about this matter, and listening to his explanation is ten times better than mine," Wu Yuan said with a burst of sighs.

"I think that in the Luotian Immortal Realm of the Upper Immortal Realm, the sect's descendant will sacrifice this 'Zixiao Lamp', because this spiritual artifact is the inner core lampstand of the sect's most treasured 'Eight Views Palace Lantern'," Wuxiang Master Said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly. He had heard 'Jin Yan'er' mention this matter in the fragments of the fairy world before, but he didn't expect that Master Wuxiang in front of him would also know about it.I just don't know what this 'Eight Scenery Palace Lantern' is, and why it moved all the teachers and uncles.

Uncle Wuxiang went on to say: "You must know that it is not difficult to refine a 'Zixiao Zhan', but the difficulty lies in the fact that the disciples of the sect have to refine it when they first enter the cultivation, and follow along the way. With the growth of his cultivation, he can gradually warm up and improve to carry enough karma. It does not mean that Wu Ye can refine a 'Zixiao Zhan' now, even if he has refined it, he still has to use the power of reincarnation and reincarnation. It is only useful to return yourself to the state of a mortal and rely on your own efforts to cultivate back to the Mahayana stage step by step."

No wonder it was so. In this way, in the entire spiritual world, the lineage of Lihuo Palace originally inherited the lineage of Luo Tianxian Palace.And in the Immortal Palace, their own master Wuye and senior brother Ji Xuanyuan had already refined the 'Zixiao Zhan'.

Now the master has suffered catastrophe in the Great War of Demon Disaster, and there is no possibility of repairing the 'Zixiao Zhan' in his hand.However, the cultivation of the eldest brother Ji Xuanyuan was stuck in the middle stage of fusion and had not made any progress for thousands of years.In addition, during the time when the master was away, he also came forward to preside over the affairs of the sect, and finally devoted himself to the sect and died.

Going back to think about it, now only myself and my disciple Xia Minyu, who has income from the door, have the 'Zixiao Zhan' in their hands.At present, Xia Minyu's strength is not enough. Although there is a [-]% to [-]% chance of reaching the fusion stage with extraordinary aptitude, it is impossible to get into the eyes of the two people in front of him.

What's more, the cultivation base of such junior disciples is really too weak, so it's not worth mentioning in front of the sect's seniors.Don't say that Xia Minyu, as the new successor of Lihuo, is not weak among the brothers of the sect, but even the current deacon elder Han Liu has never really paid attention to him.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian knew why Master Wuxiang still treats him more courteously now.It is reasonable to say that he dealt with his clone back then, even though it seems that he didn't mean to pursue it too much.

I thought about it in my heart, but then my pupils stared at the Wuxiang master in front of me for a long time before he said: "Is there something wrong with the 'Chaos Origin Force' practiced by the master? From my point of view, the yellow energy on your body is being suppressed by the profound energy, but it won’t last long. When the profound energy is suppressed, it will be the moment for you to show the demon saint’s violence, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, the two people in front of them were all stunned, but Master Wuyuan frowned, as if he agreed with Yi Tian's opinion.

At the same time, Master Wuxiang who was seated in the seat also had a look of approval in his eyes, and said, "Where did you find this news? According to me, there were no more than five people who knew about this back then, and even Wuye Wuling Those are not qualified to know."

"The disciple learned about it from Uncle Wu'ang's relics," said Yi Tian, ​​but from the storage ring, he found the relics of Wu'ang that he found in the fragments of the fairy world in the spirit world.

After handing it over in person from a distance away, Wuxiang stared at the jade slip with a solemn expression and looked at it for a long time before reaching out to take it.Spreading the divine sense in his palm, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

Unexpectedly, after coming in, I have been paying attention to the changes in the state of mind of Master Wuxiang. From the ancestor Miao Dizi to the sect inheritance, I have never seen the slightest fluctuation in the state of mind of Master Wuxiang.But when he saw Wu Ang's relic, there was an obvious change.This shocked Yi Tian greatly, and he secretly thought about the relationship between the two of them, probably because of their close friendship.

On the other hand, Wu Xiang fell into deep thought after reading the jade slip, and then stretched out his hand and gently pushed the jade slip to Wu Yuan.

After the latter took over, he glanced over and read it quickly, sighed after ten breaths and muttered: "Brother Wu Ang disappeared for no reason back then, never thought that he would be folded into the fragments of the fairy world. If you want to At that time, we were all students in the same discipline, and we have gone through thousands of years together, and this past event is still vivid in our memory.”

Yi Tian carefully observed the Wuxiang master who was sitting in the upper position, and it seemed that there was a ripple in his mood at this time, and he did not expect that the flaw in his mood would appear here.Keeping this in mind, Yi Tian stood still and carefully observed the changes between the two of them.

Shaoqing Wuxiang's complexion returned to normal again, as if he forcibly turned around from a flaw in his mood.But he said in his mouth: "Junior Wu Ang took the risk to explore the fragments of the fairy world for me back then, and now everything we do is to wake up the master from his lethargy."

Whenever the topic was brought to Master Miao Dizi, Yi Tian could find that Master Wuxiang's mood seemed to have changed.After hearing this, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly, facing Master Wuxiang's words, he had no room to refute.It can only be said that personal views are different, and what they care about is also different.

After talking for a while, Master Wuxiang suddenly stood up, his face changed slightly, he stretched out his hand and stroked lightly in front of him, the sound of 'cha' seemed to be cut open in the void, a strong The evil spirit leaked out from it.

It is obvious that Uncle Wuxiang has opened up the space gap between the spirit world and the demon world, and Uncle Wuyuan who is on the side stared at it for a while and said seriously: "Respectfully, senior brother."

I saw that Wuxiang didn't reply directly, but just took a step and walked straight towards the gap in the space, but in the end, he turned his head involuntarily, his eyes glanced at Yi Tian, ​​and he said lightly: "You Very good, the sect has a successor. But sooner or later you and I will face each other, I hope you can use your actions to tell me what is right and what is wrong."

After speaking, the figure flashed and fell into the gap in the space of the interface, and after three breaths, all the evil spirits that overflowed were sucked back into the gap in the channel. After the sound of 'zizz', the gap in the space that appeared out of thin air closed again, as if it had never appeared before.

After Wuxiang left, Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and saw that Master Wuyuan in front of him had a similar feeling.After looking at each other, Yi Tian also saw the helplessness in Master Wuxiang's eyes, so he had no choice but to comfort him: "Master Wu doesn't need to be like this, I think Master Wuxiang should be caught in entanglement, as he was leaving It is said that sooner or later, I will have the opportunity to release him."

After hearing this, Wu Yuan nodded slightly and said: "Speaking of which, it is the first time in these years that I have been able to get along with senior brother for such a long time. I think he came and went in a hurry every time before, and after a few simple explanations, he directly left."

After speaking, he gently handed over the jade slip in his hand and said: "Since you found the relics of Junior Brother Wu Ang, you should keep them. As for the descriptions inside, I have read and know everything."

After hearing this, Yi Tian took the jade slips and put them in the storage ring directly. He didn't expect that the ones he got from the fragments of the fairy world could have such effects. He found an opportunity for himself to defeat the Demon Saint Bao Tan.

Later, Master Wuyuan turned around and looked at himself again before he said: "Speaking of which, Master Miaodizi is not here, and Senior Brother Wuxiang has fallen into the demon world. In order to maintain the inheritance of the fairy palace, I waited for the three veins. I had no choice but to divide it into three parts, but fortunately seeing that you are fortunate enough to come back today with the sect token, I think the time for the reintegration of the spiritual forces is not too far away."

"Uncle Master is ridiculous," Yi Tian replied hastily: "The world will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time. This is something that no one can escape. From my point of view, since Luo Tianxian Palace was divided into three, the spirit world is also divided into three parts. The management is proper. If you rashly mention the integration of the sect at this time, it will definitely have a decisive impact on the entire spiritual world, and the consequences are unknown."

(End of this chapter)

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