
Chapter 2303 Succession

Chapter 2303 Succession
Yi Tian's visit to Qingfeng Old City and the meeting with Uncle Wuxiang, that is, the demon saint Baotan, naturally did not attract the attention of others. Thinking about it, it is also the case that the top figures of Mahayana and their cultivation are placed there, and the interface shakes. .Only Master Wuyuan, who is also a Mahayana practitioner, can understand the fate of the two.

Originally, Wuyuan was just looking at Qingfeng Old City while sitting on a routine routine, but he didn't expect that there would be an unexpected discovery in the deepest part of the city, which was originally the meeting hall of Luo Tianxian Palace. As the master, he certainly wouldn't miss this time easily. meeting.

After talking in the main hall, he watched Senior Brother Wuxiang leave, and Wu Yuan said later: "Nephew Yi, what do you think of today's events?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian felt a thrill in his heart, this is Master Wuyuan who is testing himself.Although his cultivation base has been promoted to the Mahayana stage, he doesn't know whether his mind has grown to a matching state.That's why he asked this question, and he must have a lot of feelings in his heart when he saw Master Wuxiang today.

"The fact of Uncle Wuxiang is my regret for Luo Tianxian Palace, but unfortunately we can't make Uncle Wu change his mind after the matter has come to this point," Yi Tian sighed.

"That's right, that's true. Eldest brother has been swayed by obsession all his life. I'm afraid it will be difficult to untie his knot in his heart," Wu Yuan said.

"In this way, the possibility of confronting him in the future is extremely high. At this stage, I can't see any harm to the sect, but there will always be some inconvenience," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

"Nephew Yi, come with me," Wu Yuan sighed without hiding the look of loneliness on his face.

Immediately, a spiritual light flashed around the two of them, and without disturbing anyone, they directly broke through the restriction barrier in Qingfeng Old City and flew out.The distance from Qingfeng Old City to Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen Forbidden City is only more than ten thousand miles, and it is only a few breaths for a monk in the Mahayana period.

After following Wuyuan into the Taiqing Pavilion sect, the two first came to the Patriarch Hall.At this time, only the elders on duty were present in the hall, the corners of Wuyuan's mouth slightly moved, and he said in a voice transmission: "Sect master nephew, follow me to the patriarch hall to pay homage first."

"The disciple obeyed," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.But after hearing the title that Uncle Wuyuan said, he knew that he had already recognized himself in his heart.

The two walked through the same hall and came to the gate of the courtyard deep in the Patriarch Hall.There is an obvious barrier barrier outside the courtyard. Yi Tian noticed the difference when he took a closer look. It is obvious that the barrier outside the courtyard was made by monks in the Mahayana period. To put it bluntly, only Master Wuyuan in front of him can lay down.

I saw that Wuyuan walked forward, stretched out his hand and shot a spiritual light towards the restriction, and then "squeaked" pushed open the door in front of him and walked in.Yi Tian followed closely into the garden and saw that it was an ordinary courtyard, but the style of the building seemed to be old, and it was by no means what he could see in the spirit world today.There is only one hall in it, and its scale is not very large, about [-] zhang square.There are also obvious traces on the surrounding stone steps, which seem to be from a long time ago.

I remember that I had been to the Patriarch Hall before. At that time, the portraits of Wu Yuan and Wu Ling were enshrined in the main hall, but there was only a back view and I could not see their true faces.

As for this other courtyard, when Yi Tian stepped into the main hall, he saw a sitting portrait of Feng Lingzi, the founder of the mountain, hanging in the middle, and on the right side of it was an immortal monk standing and serving, Yi Tian immediately recognized that it was Master Miaodizi.

Unexpectedly, after more than 5 years, this painting is still so well preserved, with a faint layer of aura attached to it.As for the eight portraits hanging on both sides, the one on the left is none other than Uncle Wuxiang.The other three were the patriarchs of the three major sects. Speaking of which, it was the first time Yi Tian saw the true faces of these three people.

He walked up to take a closer look, and his face was naturally awe-inspiring.It is obvious that the momentum of these three people is not weaker than that of Uncle Wuxiang, or even worse than that.

According to the information I have explored before, I can know that these three patriarchs also flew directly to the fairy world after they practiced the Mahayana stage of refining.

Their strength is not much inferior to their current self, and it is because of them that they dare not easily launch a war against the spirit world even after Master Wuxiang fell into the demon world and became a demon saint.

As for the portraits of Wu Yuan, Wu Ling, and Master Wu Ye hung behind the four paintings.As for the last one, there was only the name on the bottom right, Yi Tian glanced over and found that Wu Ang's name was written on it.

I had never seen the relics of Uncle Wu Ang before, but I had a trace of respect in my eyes after seeing it this time, and bowed my hands to the portrait.

Uncle Wuyuan who was in the main hall said at this time: "The master and nephew first go up to worship the patriarch, and then I have something to say to you."

Immediately, under the leadership of Uncle Wu Yuan, Yi Tian stepped forward to salute the portraits in the hall.In the end, Wu Yuan sat down at the center left of the hall, Yi Tian was about to go up and sit opposite to him, but Wu Yuan said: "Sovereign master, nephew, you sit on the right seat, today is for you Don’t neglect the name rectification.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian was slightly stunned, and then he hurried forward and said: "Thank you for your kindness, uncle, but now you have turned the cart before the horse, uncle, and the disciples under me are really terrified."

Wuyuan showed a faint smile on his face and said: "The suzerain master and nephew don't need to be concerned, since it is God's will to let you succeed the great treasure, so don't shirk it anymore. Maybe they will come later, we are here for a while." Just wait and see."

Hearing what the master said, they should be Wu Ling and the master Wu Ye, so Yi Tian had no choice but to shut up when he heard the words, and walked forward to sit down peacefully on the upright seat.

The two waited in the main hall for about an hour, and then Yi Tian frowned slightly. In his spiritual thoughts, he realized that someone seemed to be flying towards this place, and his speed was not slow, which should be the appearance of a monk in the Mahayana period.

In less than a hundred breaths, two figures appeared outside the gate of the palace, and they entered one by one and sat under their right heads respectively.Needless to say, the people who came here were none other than Uncle Wu Ling and his own master Wu Ye.

Yi Tian was about to get up and salute, but in his divine sense, he found that several auras were rushing towards this place. Judging from the intensity of the spiritual pressure fluctuations, it was undoubtedly that the monks in the fusion period of the three sects had expired.After these people arrived, they stopped outside the main hall. No one dared to enter easily, as if they were waiting for a summons.

Seeing the master coming in, Yi Tian wanted to salute. Suddenly, Wu Ye's voice came from Wuye's ear: "Yi Tian doesn't need to do this. We will talk about it after the Feng Chan sacrifice ceremony today."

Then, after Wuling and Wuye took their seats, Wuyuan, who was on the lower left side, slowly opened his eyes and greeted the two of them.Then Wu Yuan called out: "You juniors, come in and take your seats one by one."

As soon as the words were finished, Zheng Tingyun, the suzerain of Taiqing Pavilion, entered first, followed by Lu Jianling, the suzerain of Scarlet Rain Sword, and Han Liu, the acting suzerain of Lihuo Palace.

Behind them were Sheng Zhuangxiong, Qin Huaige, Zhong Liangsu, and Qing Lianyun seemed to be at the end. After all, she was able to follow because she was a disciple of the fusion period because of her relatively young qualifications.But behind her, Yi Tian still found a familiar figure. The Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Jian Shaoqing had crossed the sky and became an early-stage monk, so he was honored to be able to participate in this sect's grand event.

When they saw the seating order of the people in the hall, they obviously showed a little doubt on their faces, but most of them were still shocked.

Uncle Wuyuan said again: "Students quickly take their seats, and then there will be the inauguration ceremony of the new suzerain of Luotianxian Palace."

Hearing this, Qing Lianyun, who was walking at the end, had a shocked look in her eyes. Today she saw her husband who hadn't returned home for a long time, but she never thought that she would meet in such a way.

As for the frightened expression on Jian Shaoqing's face behind him, he was no less than Qing Lianyun.And after his divine sense passed by, he found that it was impossible to find out the real cultivation level of Yi Tian in front of him.

Today, I received an urgent letter from my master to rush to the Taiqing Pavilion, but I didn't expect it to be for such a thing.

After Shaoqing waited for everyone to sit down, Uncle Wuyuan stretched out his hand and opened a pair of quaint jade slips, on which Yi Tian's name was written and marked as the third suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the right seat, glanced and found that the roster seemed to be a few years old, and there were only two patriarchs, Feng Lingzi and Miao Dizi, in the rank of suzerain.

But in the rank of the young master, there are records of the names of Uncle Wuxiang, his own master Wuye, and the elder brother Ji Xuanyuan.

As for Wu Yuan, Wu Ling's name was always left in the first rank of elders.And the names of the monks in the fusion stage in front of them are all written in the position of the three branch sects below.

After Wuyuan finished writing, he gently handed out the jade slip, and Wuling in front of him took it and also wrote his own stamp on it.Afterwards, he handed it over to Wu Ye who was beside him, and Wu Ye also left his mark on it step by step.

Later, he handed the jade slip to Zheng Tingyun, who was sitting down, and said: "We and the three elders of Luo Tianxian Palace have all agreed, and today Yi Tian will be the third suzerain of the sect. It can be circulated.”

Zheng Tingyun stepped forward with a solemn face, but Yujian said respectfully: "I respect the instructions of the three elders, and my disciples dare not refuse."

Spreading the jade slip in his hand, he quickly read it through, and then looked at Yi Tian who was seated in awe with awe on his face.The jade slips were passed down one after another in the hands of the people behind them, and no one dared to make another mistake under the occasion, they all read it step by step.It was only after Jian Shaoqing who was sitting at the end hastily stepped forward and handed the jade slip to Uncle Wuyuan that he slowly took it off.

So Wuyuan took out a seal box and handed it over, "Originally there were tokens passed down from generation to generation in the sect, but it's a pity that Master Miaodizi disappeared after fighting with Taoist Youxuan. Sect Master Wanwang After my nephew takes over as the great treasure of the sect, he should also pay attention to circulating this item."

Yi Tian hurriedly reached out to take the seal box, and saw that it was a five-inch jade box, and after gently pushing it open, he found that it seemed to be empty inside.At this time, the seal in Niwan Palace seemed to be a little sensitive, and it was suppressed by Yi Tian after a slight movement.

After Shaoqing put away the jade box, Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "This sect is fortunate to be the elder's love and successor as the great treasure of the sect. From now on, it will definitely take the revitalization of the sect as its own responsibility and dare not neglect it. As for the uncle's instructions, I will keep it in mind Now, after I travel to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, I must make a tour of the sect's belongings."

Hearing Wu Yuan's face also slowly revealed a smile, and then all the monks in the integration period bowed down to Yi Tian, ​​and shouted repeatedly: "My lord suzerain."

Facing the group of monks in the integration period, Yi Tian also replied a few words in a leisurely manner.These people who Yao wanted to sit down were all powerful in the spirit world. On the surface, they were all famous people in the three sects, but they were all famous.

But the entire spiritual world still depends on the decisions of the few Mahayana monks present.After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that Xia Fan looked at him with reverence in their eyes, and even Qing Lianyun, who was closest to him, had a solemn expression at this time, but the erratic expression in his eyes showed that this The thoughts in her mind at that time were also extremely interesting.

After some establishment, the elders who sat down successively mentioned a few words to themselves face to face, most of which were about how to maintain the spiritual world in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Immediately following Master Wuyuan's suggestion, the new suzerain had to do some cultivation exchanges for his disciples, and by the way, he also needed to explain to them their confusion during the advanced stage.

It took three full days for an exchange and chat to come to an end. During the period, everyone sat down and asked questions one by one, bringing out all the problems they encountered in cultivation for the suzerain to explain.

After the exchange was over, Master Wu Yuan opened his eyes and said, "This is the end of today's canonization ceremony. In the future, the headquarters of Luotian Celestial Palace will still be in the deepest part of Qingfeng Old City, in the deliberation hall of Celestial Palace. The suzerain can also be in three Choose one place in the Maifen sect as a retreat."

Yi Tian lowered his head and pondered for a while before saying: "Thank you, Uncle, for your love. I think it's better to find a quiet place to meditate in the Taiqing Pavilion, so that it is closer to the headquarters of the Immortal Palace. Hurry up, since I visited the Taiqing Pavilion when I first arrived in the spirit world, I am quite familiar with its interior."

Hearing this, the faces of the monks in the fusion period below all showed doubts, but since it is the decision of the new suzerain, the military orders are so mountainous that they cannot be changed.Then Yi Tian continued: "As for the branching of the pulse, there are still two masters and masters behind the scenes. As for the burden of cultivating backup disciples, please ask Sister Zheng, Brother Lu and Brother Han to take care of them. In addition, I will also step down from Lihuo From now on, senior brother Han will take over the post of Suzerain."

As soon as this remark came out, the three leaders below the seat also hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After Yi Tian saw it, he continued: "As for the other big and small affairs in the spiritual world, please do your best. I have a hunch that the crisis that the sect will encounter in the future will not be as easy as it was when Patriarch Miao Dizi came."

(End of this chapter)

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