
Chapter 2304 Zhang Zong

Chapter 2304
Under the auspices of Zheng Tingyun, another area with a radius of thousands of miles was designated in the Taiqing Pavilion as the forbidden area of ​​the sect.At this time, the continuation in the sect seems to be understandable, after all, it is not up to the people below to criticize those suzerains.

But the monks in the sect's fusion period all knew the intention of Zheng Tingyun's actions.What's more, this area happened to be right next to Qing Lianyun's Dongtian blessed land. Speaking of which, the two forbidden lands could be regarded as one at a time.

Qing Lianyun, who was the person involved, had no intention of expressing her opinion at all, but the trace of gratitude that flashed in her eyes had already shown her heart.

The reason why Yi Tian chose to stay in the Taiqing Pavilion was also deliberate. First of all, the original birthplace of Luotian Celestial Palace in the spirit world was centered on Qingfeng Old City.Although the three veins in the spirit world now have their own main cities, Taiqing Pavilion also has two old cities and new cities.But in the minds of all the disciples of Luotian Fairy Palace, the old city is still the symbolic belonging area.

What's more, Master Wuyuan also deliberately classified Qingfeng Old City as his own direct area when he succeeded to the suzerain hall, which shows the importance of this place.

Coupled with the fact that the demon saint broke through the boundary and only entered Qingfeng Old City, which meant that this was an extremely important area.

Although Qingfeng Old City is now in a semi-open state, nearly half of the area is still under the jurisdiction of Taiqing Pavilion.Many disciples in the sect were sent here to guard these restricted areas exclusively.

Moreover, Yi Tian still has some doubts about Qingfeng Old City. After all, Master Feng Lingzi and Miao Dizi would never randomly choose a place to fall into the important place of the sect. to find it out.

What's more, this time Yi Tian met Master Wuxiang in the depths of Qingfeng Old City, and he also had a faint feeling in his heart. Speaking of which, he really couldn't do anything about this master.But since he attached so much importance to the main hall of Luotian Immortal Palace, it meant that this place was not an ordinary place.

After returning to the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian first sat down and discussed with Uncle Wuyuan, and during the period, he deliberately listened to the uncle's views on cultivation in the Mahayana period.

Speaking of which, it is not impossible to break through the boundary and ascend to such a level of cultivation.At least for now, it seems that Wu Yuan, Wu Ling and his own master Wu Ye all have such abilities.

But ascension to the Immortal Realm is also very particular. It would be great if one's own cultivation can be raised to the late stage of Mahayana. After all, the high level of cultivation directly depends on the level of the Upper Immortal Realm reached after ascension.

Moreover, Yi Tian has long learned that there are at least 36 layers of heaven in the upper immortal world. If he only ascends with the initial cultivation base of Mahayana, he can only fall to the first few layers of heaven.And it is much more difficult to ascend a level in the fairy world than to ascend.Therefore, only by laying the foundation well from the beginning can it be possible to avoid the troubles encountered in the future after ascension.

This is why the two uncles and masters have stayed in this realm for tens of thousands of years and have no plans to ascend to the fairy world.Speaking of which, during the succession ceremony this time, Yi Tian found that he had also made judgments on the cultivation bases of the three of them. Among them, Master Wuyuan didn't eat much and had already touched the bottleneck in the middle stage of the Mahayana.

As for the original strongest master Wu Ye, although he has recovered to the Mahayana stage after being affected by the Zen of Good and Evil, he is still a bit behind compared to the other two. Speaking of which, Master Wu Ye's cultivation base is comparable to his current self .

After coming out of Master Wuyuan's cave, Yi Tian didn't have a confidant to return to his blessed land, but flew directly to the Qingtian Pavilion where Qin Huaige was.Stretching out his hand and swaying the aura, he entered the restriction in front of him. After three breaths, a hole was exposed outside the restriction, and then Yi Tian flew in in a flash.

In Zhiqingtian Pavilion at this time, Yi Tian opened his mind and found that those disciples were only studying in the front hall and other areas, and Qin Huaige was the only one in the deep part of the pavilion.After walking into the deep courtyard, I saw that Qin Huaige had already gone out and waited for him.After seeing himself, he directly said: "See the suzerain."

"Senior Brother Qin doesn't need to be too polite. I have benefited a lot from being taken care of by my senior brother many times over the years," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "I would like to trouble my senior brother once if I take the liberty of disturbing you today."

"Where is it, the suzerain can come to Huaige, it is too late to sweep the couch and be happy," Qin Huaige said.

After following Qin Huaige into the inner hall, the two sat down separately as guests and hosts, but this time Yi Tian sat on the main seat, and Qin Huaige sat on the lower left side and waited.For Yi Tian himself, he didn't care about these details, but with Qin Huaige's reminders, he could only follow the sect's rules step by step.

After sitting down, Yi Tian explained the meaning of this visit and said: "I came to disturb Senior Brother Qin this time because I have a few tricky things I want to ask you for."

"Since it was the master and junior brother who spoke, it is of course an extremely important matter. Huaige should do his best," Qin Huaige said hastily.

"I want Brother Qin to predict the future of Master Wuxiang for me?" Yi Tian said.

"Who is Uncle Wuxiang? Please forgive me that Huaige has never heard of this person," Qin Huaige asked hastily with a serious face.

It turned out that there were not many people who knew about Uncle Wuxiang, so Yi Tian wanted to give up and opened his mouth to tell the details of what he knew.As he talked, Qin Huaige's expression also became extremely dignified, especially when Master Wuxiang fell into the demon world and became a demon saint, he frowned slightly, and his eyes showed an unpredictable look, as if Is thinking about something in my heart.

After he finished speaking, Qin Huaige sighed and said: "The news that the master and junior brother said is also extremely shocking to me. I didn't expect that the demon saint Baotan is so related to my sect."

"That's true. In fact, he is also a poor person, but he is only trapped by obsession," Yi Tian sighed: "But when Master Wuxiang turned into a demon saint and violently smelted, he was the chief enemy of our sect. I have to deal with the body of obsession, so I thought of asking Senior Brother Qin to make a move."

Qin Huaige thought about it for a while, then shook his head helplessly and said: "The master and junior brother don't know, my Qingtian Pavilion's kung fu technique must have some intersection with it if it wants to predict the coming person, or it can take a drop of blood from the person who predicted it That’s fine. For example, when He Ruilin came here, I have never had any contact with him before, and he used his essence and blood as a lure to predict.”

"According to what Senior Brother Qin said, isn't it okay that Master Wuxiang has a very deep relationship with the sect?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It's not right or wrong, it's a question of cultivation. If the cultivation of the person being tested is lower than mine or on par, it's fine. I can use the method of peeping through the sky to make a detailed prediction," Qin Huaige explained: "However, this exercise is ineffective for people whose cultivation base is higher than mine. Please forgive Huaige Aimo for being difficult."

"I see," Yi Tian nodded helplessly.

Qin Huaige went on to say: "Actually, I guessed that the suzerain junior brother came to predict me. To be honest, although I can't predict people who are much higher than me, if I have a drop of blood as a guide, I can barely do it."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian recalled that whenever he used such a method to peek at his own fortune, the seal in Niwan Palace would take action to hide his luck, so it didn't make much sense for Qin Huaige to predict his own fortune.I remember that Qin Huaige should have predicted it for himself when he entered the Taiqing Pavilion back then. It was because people's cultivation bases are far from each other, so they can still peep a little bit.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian shook his head and said, "Let's just let this matter go, and I will disturb Senior Brother Qingxiu today." After saying that, he was about to get up and leave.

Suddenly, Qin Huaige hurriedly stopped and said, "Wait a minute, master and junior brother, Huaige has one more thing to say."

There was a bit of surprise on his face, Yi Tian sat down again and asked, "I don't know what else Qin Shixiong is doing?"

He reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over. Qin Huaige said, "Speaking of which, I can't predict what will happen to Uncle Wuxiang, but it doesn't mean that there is no way. Since the master's brother's cultivation level is equal to that of Uncle Wuxiang, then there is a way. After studying the jade slip copy of this exercise, Junior Brother Yi can try it himself. After all, only you can do this."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also had a flash of light in his eyes, Senior Brother Qin said it was right, if according to the description of this 'Tiantianchudi' skill, if he can't perform it, it doesn't mean he can't.It seems that only a Mahayana monk himself can perform this exercise himself.

After thinking about it, he reached out to take the jade slip and put it in the storage ring, and then discussed with Qin Huaige about the cultivation experience of studying this exercise.Naturally, Qin Huaige also told himself the secrets one by one without reservation.

Half a day later, Yi Tian got up and bid farewell to Qin Huaige, and after leaving the Qingtian Pavilion, he turned and flew straight towards the forbidden place where Qing Lianyun was.The 'Tiantianchedi' magic technique in his hand can't be studied and practiced immediately. In Yi Tian's view, the prediction of Uncle Wuxiang is just a preparation for his future entry into the Demon Realm to find the Demon Realm's Eye.

After flying thousands of miles, she arrived at Qing Lianyun's residence, which was also her retreat when she was a senior sister of the sect. In the past 2000 years, there has been no major change, but recalling the embarrassment when he entered this place for the first time, Yi Tian also felt an inexplicable sense of impulsiveness in his heart.

After flying to the top of the forbidden barrier, he stretched out his hand and took out a passing jade card. After the spiritual power was injected into his hand, the jade card lightly shot a cyan aura towards the forbidden light film.At the next moment, the forbidden light film opened a gap of one zhang wide, and Yi Tian fell from it into the forbidden area.

When I came to the mansion in the forbidden area, I saw a few female revisionists at the transformation stage chatting in the mansion. The yelling of Yingyingyanyan was in great contrast to this quiet mansion. It made me feel so silent that I appeared. They looked shocked.Afterwards, the woman in the lead hurried forward to pay respects and said: "Dongxiang pays homage to my aunt, I don't know that my aunt is here, I'm being rude."

"Do you recognize me?" Yi Tian smiled and said, "We have never met before."

"This is the important place of the Taiqing Pavilion sect, and the owner of the patriarch is a monk at the fusion stage. Only monks of the same level can pass through the forbidden barrier that can be set up." So far in silence, I heard the mistress say that she only gave the access control jade badge to my uncle, a male monk. Besides, we have already seen the portrait of my uncle in the mistress's room, so we can recognize it at a glance."

It turns out that Yi Tian's face is also slightly darkened. It seems that he has been running around in the Nine Realms of the Spirit over the years, and Qing Lianyun has been left out in the cold.Fortunately, her painting skills are good and she can leave a graphic image for herself. Thinking of this, Yi Tian asked, "I don't know where the mistress is at this time?"

"On weekdays, the mistress will leave the seclusion from time to time, but this time she will directly announce that she will be in seclusion for a hundred years after returning home," Dongxiang said, but consciously looked at Yi Tian's reaction below, and then continued: "If my uncle wants You can wait for the mistress to come back after she leaves the customs."

"Oh, it seems that she is still angry," Yi Tian said with embarrassment on his face.After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, when suddenly Dongxiang's voice came from behind his ears: "Young master, please wait a moment, in my opinion, the mistress is just a momentary whim, please come and visit with your servants."

"Why is that?" Yi Tian said with an unhappy face.It doesn't make sense for a mere cultivator in the transformation stage to order himself.

But Dong Xiang replied courageously: "The servant has served the mistress for nearly a thousand years, so she knows her temper. Although I let my uncle leave this time, I really miss her very much."

After finishing speaking, he secretly looked at Yi Tian's face, and seeing that his face softened a little, Dongxiang continued: "I heard from the mistress that my uncle showed his supernatural power in the last war of evil disasters, and the demon clan fusion period planted in your hands The monk was also slapped in the face. Whenever the mistress mentioned this matter, the servants would find that there was a look of admiration in her eyes, how could the orphan be willing to let the uncle leave like this."

Speaking of Dongxiang, she also stepped back at the right time, leaving Yi Tian standing alone in front of the gate of the cave.Stopped for a while and looked at the cave restriction in front of him, Yi Tian found out that the restriction was closed, but the cave door was open.It would be easy to break the restriction set by Qinglianyun with her own cultivation, but Yi Tian didn't dare to do it lightly, lest she say that she was using power to overwhelm others.

But seeing the current situation, she should have told that maidservant, Dongxiang, that Qing Lianyun was probably anxious at the moment, but her face seemed to be stalemate.

And if she didn't leave now, I'm afraid that she had already understood it in her inner spiritual sense, but the sudden change of her identity after returning to the sect this time was unexpected for her.Moreover, the current cultivation base of the two is getting bigger and bigger, which makes Qing Lianyun inexplicably feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Yi Tian picked up and put down the forbidden jade token in Yi Tian's hand, but Shao Qing still moved slightly towards the direction he came from.Suddenly, Qing Lianyun's voice came from next to my ear, "Since you're home, why don't you come in again? Don't tell me you have a new love and forget your old love."

Hearing this, Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and he still practiced this trick of playing hard to get, and the forbidden light film behind him also automatically split open.Turning around, Yi Tian walked straight inward with a smug smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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