
Chapter 2305

Chapter 2305
Hundreds of years have passed since the Great War of Demon Disasters. For monks in the spiritual world, it was an unforgettable battle, and it was also a catastrophe for monks of the demon race.Originally thought that the invasion of the spirit world was the end of this catastrophe, but it turned out to be the prelude to this catastrophe after the demon army retreated back to the demon world.

The demon armies originally drawn from all walks of life are elite soldiers and strong generals. Even if the camels are damaged and thin, they are bigger than horses, and they can still respond to everyone after returning to the demon world.

It's just that the loss in this catastrophe war is more serious than the previous one. What's interesting is that the lower-level monks at the lower level did not lose as much as expected.On the contrary, many high-level monks above the distraction stage have fallen in the spirit world.The loss of as many as five monks in the fusion period alone is a consequence that the major races in the demon world cannot afford.

The reason for this situation is that the suzerain of the Lihuo Palace was the only one who outshone all the others in the battle of demon disasters, and even beat the one-eyed demon monk with one pupil, so that he dared not confront him head-on.

Although these things are not widely known, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and soon gossip spread from the foreign race trading area in the spirit world.In addition, at this time, the spirit world is also treating this catastrophe war with an open attitude, so many unknown news in the past have slowly spread out.

Many races in the Demon Realm have more or less intersected with Yi Tian, ​​especially the high-level monks in the two major races of the Flame Prison Demon Race and the Sky Demon Race were deliberately released by Yi Tian.

The rumors that soon spread to the demon world spread to these two clans. It is surprising that the high-ranking monks of the two clans all chose Zhemo by coincidence.Neither affirming nor denying this matter greatly increases the credibility of the message.

On that day, a merchant shipping team from the Demon Realm Loose Cultivation Alliance slowly passed the location of the boundary gate and then headed towards the distribution center.The transport ship was traded back from the demon world.Now, except for the passages on the Demon Realm, which are closed to the Asura Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Buddha Spirit Realm, they maintain contact with the other five realms.

And the demon world has obviously become a transfer station connecting all worlds. In the ten thousand demon city of the demon world, low-level demon monks and monks can trade with low-level spiritual world monks.This is something that has never been done before.

Now the merchant ship of the Demon Realm Loose Cultivation Alliance returned from the Demon Realm with a full load, and no one came up to check after passing through the gate of the Realm.In one of the unremarkable cabins sat an ordinary demon monk, who was in the stage of transforming gods.If it was Dugu Yaoxiang from the Heavenly Demon Clan or Emperor Yan Lei from the Flame Hell Demon Clan, he would definitely be able to recognize that he was the one who checked the situation during the Demon Realm War.

But at this time, Yi Tian had stepped down as the suzerain of Lihuo Sect and became the person in charge of Luotian Immortal Palace.It's a pity that the news from the spirit world is not so fast to spread to the demon world and then to the demon world.What's more, the high-level leaders of the three sects deliberately concealed the consequences of these news, and the holding ceremony of the Korean wave succession to the suzerain was only passed down among the high-ranking monks.

From this, it can be seen that the movement towards the spirit world in the demon world is not as rapid as before the disaster.Speaking of it, it is no wonder that after the Great War of Demon Disaster, the three factions in the spirit world dispatched the elite monks of the sect to thoroughly investigate the hidden children left by the demon race in the spirit world.The minions of the demons lurking in the big and small sects were all pulled out one by one, so that it could be regarded as completely cutting off the minions of the demons in the spirit world.

After succeeding as the suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian spent nearly a hundred years repairing in the Taiqing Pavilion.During this period of time, he lived in seclusion and lived in seclusion most of the time in Qing Lianyun's residence. Speaking of his travels to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit for many years, Qing Lianyun had to wait for many years.

In order to make up for Yi Tian, ​​it took a lot of thought to make Qing Lianyun happy.Afterwards, he also told her in detail about his experiences of traveling to the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit over the years.As for the news about the violent fall of the Nether Emperor in the Nether Realm over the years, it has also spread to the Spirit Realm.These situations are basically in line with what Yi Tian said, so Qing Lianyun learned that Yi Tian went to the Nether Realm these years and there was no news.

The two lived in the forbidden mansion of Taiqing Pavilion for decades. After Yi Tian consciously felt that his state of mind had improved, he made up his mind to go to the Demon Realm to find the illusory location of the Eye of the Demon Realm.

So far Qing Lianyun dared not speak out to stop her even though she had thousands of unwillingness in her heart.After learning the true identity of the Demon Saint Bao Tan from Yi Tian's mouth, although Qing Lianyun was a little worried in her heart, she always had a calm and composed look on her face.

Before leaving and parting, he took a little effort to sacrifice a drop of his heart and soul into Yi Tian's heart, as a commemoration of heart-to-heart connection.Yi Tian can keep in touch with Qing Lian Yun anytime, anywhere through this drop of painstaking effort across borders.

Similarly, Yi Tian also left her own "Flying Thunder Seal" on Qing Lianyun's body. Now that her cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage, she can break through the void and break boundaries to return anytime and anywhere. After arriving in the spirit world, you can rely on the imprint coordinates to lock its position immediately.

During the decades of repairing in the Taiqing Pavilion of the spiritual world, Yi Tian also took out all the spiritual weapons and treasures he got in his hands and sacrificed them again.Thinking of going to the Demon Realm this time, I still have to be fully prepared.The Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand has been re-sacrificed by himself, and the pure "chaos vitality" will be among them.Now the originally blue sword body is now filled with a bright gray luster under the flood of 'chaos vitality'.

At the same time, in order to deceive the public, Yi Tian also refined several other powerful magic weapons, but these magic weapons are infused with "chaos vitality" and appear to be no different from pure magic weapons, but for those top-level monks Can't hide it.At least with the eyesight of the demon sage, he can easily tell the difference.

However, this time Yi Tian also showed his body of spiritual and demon dual cultivation during the retreat and sacrifice. The appearances realized by the two deities using completely different mysterious and yellow qi are somewhat similar and different.At least Qing Lianyun only had a slight look of surprise in his eyes when he saw her again, and he wasn't too surprised after hearing his own explanation.

Now, Yi Tian, ​​who is riding the merchant ship of the Demon Realm Loose Cultivation Alliance, naturally wants to hide from the deity of Dugu Lonely, the great demon.As far as I know, in the Demon Realm, because the Demon Saint Baotan has been in the eyes of the Demon Realm for a long time, the management of the Demon Realm is usually handled by the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely.

Last time, I had an encounter with it during the Great War of Demon Disasters. In terms of strength alone, he advanced to the Mahayana stage thousands of years earlier than himself.Speaking of which, my relationship with him is not very good. Frankly speaking, it should be a bad relationship.

This time I went to the Demon Realm just to solve the matter between the Demon Saint Baotan and the Demon Realm's Eye, Yi Tian didn't want to confront the Great Heavenly Demon from the bottom of his heart, that's why he acted to deceive others.

Although there is no problem with the strong spiritual sense of a monk in the Mahayana period covering tens of thousands of miles, there are still restrictions.Yi Tian can find the blind spot of Dugu Lonely's spiritual coverage after comparing the coverage area of ​​his spiritual consciousness.

Yi Tian's figure slowly disappeared from the cabin after the transport fleet flew tens of thousands of miles out of the boundary gate to confirm that the place was safe and sound.After three breaths, a figure appeared above the high altitude of the fleet. At this time, Yi Tian did not appear in the form of the demons of the flame prison. .

But time has passed and those people who are familiar with me have also reacted afterwards, so it seems inappropriate for me to show up with my old face.

Yi Tian reappeared in the Demon Realm in the form of a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Clan after practicing the God-and-Devil Fellowship.I believe that such a big change will naturally not be recognized by people who were familiar with themselves before.

At the same time, the appearance of this form also has great benefits. In the entire Demon Realm, only the Heavenly Demon Clan has Mahayana monks.With my appearance like this, I can pretend to be lonely at the right time. I believe that not many people in the devil world have seen this Mahayana monk.In this way, it will create favorable conditions for myself to pretend to be fake.

But Yi Tian knew that he couldn't easily get close to the Sky Demon Clan with his appearance, so he showed his feet.At the same time, few people in the demon world know the whereabouts of the demon sage Bao Tan. Except for the big demon Dugu Lonely, Yi Tian turned his attention to the one-eyed demon monk Dutong.

Although it is a bit surprising that this Liao gave up his offspring, the Crimson Pupil Demon, it has nothing to do with him.On the contrary, Dutong, as an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, naturally knows the hidden things in the demon world very well. If you want to find the location of the eye of the demon world, this person is the best candidate.

However, after experiencing the catastrophic war in the spirit world, after hearing that the one-eyed demon fled back to the demon world, he lived in seclusion and few people would see his whereabouts.

Moreover, this beast is still slandering himself in the devil world, some of which are of course for his own reasons, but Yi Tian is not at all interested in his words.This time, I made up my mind to talk to him after coming to the Demon Realm.

In fact, from the standpoint of the one-eyed demon and one pupil, it is also very subtle. He does not want to be led by the nose by the demon sage, and wants to get rid of the lonely pursuit of the big demon Dugu, so naturally he wants to sneak into the depths of the demon world and mix with the crowd Among them is the safest.

I still don't know what the one-eyed demon is planning, but Yitian knows that with his strength, he can't play tricks in front of the big demon Dugu Lonely, let alone the demon saint.

Therefore, for the Cyclops, improving his strength and advancing to the Mahayana stage has become the most important thing right now. If he can't even reach this point, then there will be no need to talk about the future.

Before Yi Tian had thought about the plan after entering the Demon Realm, it is inconvenient for him to get ahead because of his reputation.And it is not that simple to find the one-eyed demon's one-eyed pupil.

He had already thought in his heart that he still had some favors in the Demon Realm that he could rely on. For example, Dugu Yaoxiang from the Heavenly Demon Clan was the best candidate.But Yi Tian quickly pushed this idea down. First of all, Dugu Yaoxiang, as the only surviving monk in the fusion period of the Heavenly Demon Clan, can naturally hold power, but he will definitely be taken care of by the great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely.

If I go to find him for help, maybe it will attract Dugu Lonely's attention, this is no joke.This fellow was the first thing Yi Tian avoided all the way here, so it's not a good thing to throw himself into a trap.

The next best thing to do is to go to Yan Lei, the uncle of the Emperor of the Flame Prison. Although the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison has not had much contact with him, Yan Lei has met him several times during the Great War of Demon Disasters.And in the past, I have at least given him several chances, and I believe that this favor alone should allow him to help me once.

However, it’s not a problem for me to go directly to the door to find Yan Lei, the emperor of the flame prison. With heavy responsibilities, he has stayed in the imperial capital to handle government affairs.

After thinking about it, Yitian couldn't help but pop up a name in his mind, he could go to Yantong first to check the situation in the demon world at this time.His cultivation base has participated in the Demon Disaster War in the middle stage of distraction, and he is an experienced monk among the flame prison demon clan. After returning to the demon world with Yan Lei, he will definitely be entrusted with important tasks.

The most important thing is that I have rescued him twice in the war of evil disasters, and Yan Tong would not be able to refuse any of his requests just because of this kindness.

After restraining his breath, Yi Tian rushed to the camp of the Flame Prison Demon Clan Expeditionary Army where he was at that time, and found a lot of footprints about himself back then.And Yan Tong, who was also enshrined by the expeditionary army, also left many clues.

The monks sitting in the fortress of the army are only as high as they are in the early stage of distraction, so Yitian is like entering the land of no one.After sneaking in and checking the archives of the expeditionary army, it was discovered that Yantong had been recruited to the Sanxiu Alliance's Xiuzhen Town Station on the side of Panlong Mountain as the deacon elder of the flame prison demon clan.

Thinking about it in his heart, the Devil's Ridge Mountain was originally the location where he had participated in clearing Panlong Mountain.Unexpectedly, after so many years, it was not abandoned, but a casual repair town was built instead.

All the seven major races in the demon world have set up garrison points there, which shows that there is indeed a unique geographical advantage. It should be built as a trading and distribution center for the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

After reading the documents stored by the expeditionary army, Yi Tian's figure slowly turned into a transparent nothingness, and disappeared in place after three breaths, as if he had never been here before.

Half a day later, an inconspicuous gleam of light flashed over the high altitude of Panlong Mountain, and then fell quickly, passing through the defensive restrictions in the city and coming to the street without any effort.At this time, Panlong Mountain has been built into a huge military fortress, but there are still several areas dedicated to trading inside.

Yi Tian Shennian poked out slightly and soon found the outpost set up by the Flame Prison Demon Race here, and then turned around and walked straight towards it.

(End of this chapter)

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