
Chapter 2307 Traces

Chapter 2307 Traces
Yi Tian found Yan Tong who was stationed here in the depths of the residence of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison in Panlong City, and then sneaked in quietly to connect with him.In the secret room, the two sat face to face and chatted for a while.

Shaoqing Yitian also learned about many changes in the demon world in recent years, especially the weakening of the sky demon clan and the rise of the flame prison demon clan.At the same time, I also learned from Yan Tong that the situation that Concubine Yan is facing in the Yan Prison Dynasty is also very difficult.

Because of the agitation of Dugu Canglang, a cultivator from the Heavenly Demon Clan, the several princes who had already submitted to him now jumped out in unison to fight Concubine Yan.

If it weren't for the flame prison demon emperor and the emperor's uncle presiding over the overall situation, Concubine Yan must be struggling at this time.But even if Yi Tian heard this, he didn't have the slightest intention to help her. Speaking of which, he had helped Concubine Yan enough, and he couldn't blindly help her with everything.

Now these predicaments are just challenges and opportunities for Concubine Yan. Once she handles them well, she can sweep away all potential threats within the dynasty.

Yi Tian didn't say these words directly, but the meaning inside and outside the words was that it was inconvenient for him to make a move.Although Yantong looked disappointed about this, he didn't dare to have any intention of overstepping.

Later, Yi Tian revealed the main purpose of this visit, but concealed the news that he wanted to lead the way to find the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' through the one-eyed demon and one pupil.For monks in the distraction period, there is no need to know too many secrets about this world.

Later, under Yan Tong's introduction, Yi Tiancai learned that the One-eyed Demon One-Tong is still doing evil in the name of the Scarlet-Tongmo, and after the defeat of the Demon Disaster War, the big demon Dugu Lonely has issued a wanted order under the Demon Realm To block this fang.

But in my own opinion, such a wanted order is just a show. Looking at the entire demon world, even the leaders of the seven major demon clans may not be the opponent of this one-eyed demon, unless the great demon Dugu Lonely makes the move himself.

But what makes Yi Tian feel even more outrageous is that the first wanted person on the top of the wanted list in the demon world is himself.Speaking of which, Yi Tian also laughed helplessly when he heard the news, probably Dugu Lonely issued such a wanted order in order to stabilize the army's morale in the Demon Realm.

After listening to Yantong's introduction, Yi Tian said calmly: "I don't know how to get the reward on the arrest warrant?"

"Yi Daoyou, are you kidding me?" Yan Tong was also amused by the words, "Speaking of which, there are not a few people who admire you in the devil world. Many of them were left in the spirit world after the army retreated back then, and then returned to the demon world through the interface channel. Speaking of which, they admire you very much, and they also know very well in their hearts that such wanted orders are not used It's just for show, who else would really dare to come around your tiger's whiskers."

"What about the reputation of the one-eyed devil and one pupil? He is in the devil world, and he will not leave this world easily," Yi Tian asked.

"In the early years, there was a lot of news about the whereabouts of the one-eyed demon, and Dugu Yaoxiang of the Tianmo clan also formed a mobile force under the behest of the great heavenly demon, all composed of monks at the integration stage, to intercept the one-eyed demon." Yantong replied.

"It seems that Dugu Lonely also knows that to deal with the one-eyed demon, he must unite with many demon monks, otherwise such a mindless mess is completely disorderly and useless," Yi Tian said.

"Isn't it?" Yan Tong interjected, "In the first hundred years, there were intermittent news about mobile troops chasing and intercepting the Cyclops, but in the past hundred years, such news has become less and less. Many people think that the Cyclops I was blocked to death and now I don’t know where I am.”

"It's absolutely impossible," Yi Tian said firmly, "Let's not say that the arrest warrant has not been withdrawn for a long time, just based on my understanding of the one-eyed demon, even the big demon in the demon world may not be able to take action himself. To be able to keep him, the hidden means of this one-eyed demon clan are endless, and even I have to think carefully about it so as not to suffer."

"Then Daoist Yi, it will be very difficult for you to find this one-eyed demon," Yan Tong said, "Nowadays his whereabouts are secret, and I'm afraid only the fusion monks of the seven major clans can know a thing or two."

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought, Yan Tong was right.I just returned to the Demon Realm and know very little about the current situation. If I can find a member of the search mobile unit and ask, I may have a chance to find clues to the one-eyed demon's whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly changed the subject and asked: "I don't know what channels are used to collect news about the Cyclops?"

Yantong's face turned serious and he said: "There are news feedbacks from here and the rest of the Loose Cultivation Alliance's residences. This one-eyed demon dare not go deep into the hinterland of the Demon Realm, and usually just stays in the major new cultivation towns of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. And as far as I know According to the information he has learned, he is not as vicious as described in the arrest warrant."

"Yes, in fact, this should also be a reasonable thing," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I guess the Cyclops still needs a channel for resource exchange, otherwise he cannot obtain top-level treasure materials in his current situation. Advancement is a matter of no time."

Yantong stretched out his hand to take out the sub-slips and handed them over, "Actually, half of the reason why the Flame Prison Dynasty sent me to station here was to collect information, presumably the intention of the other six clans to set up sub-stations here is also similar. This is all the information about the One-eyed Demon since I took office, you can check it first, fellow Yi Daoist."

After taking Yu Jiantian, he spread it out in the palm of his hand and began to read it quickly with his divine sense.Sure enough, all the information recorded on this jade slip is about the one-eyed demon active in the demon world.However, after a closer look, Yi Tian also found a problem. Among them, there is more information 200 years ago, most of which is the information that the one-eyed demon appeared in the towns of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to exchange for treasure materials.

During that time, there was almost one news coming out every ten years. As for the frequency of news appearing in the time period 150 years ago, it was much less than before.Until the past hundred years, the one-eyed demon has only appeared twice, with an interval of four to fifty years.

This added a lot of difficulty to Yi Tian when he arrived. After careful consideration, although the locations where the one-eyed demons have appeared in recent years are all in the remote areas of the demon world, there is no definite trajectory to follow.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also showed a faint look of disappointment on his face, holding this jade slip and thinking about something in his heart.

On the other hand, Yantong who was sitting on the side suddenly said, "Actually, fellow Daoist Yi, I guess you didn't seek the One-eyed Demon because you wanted to hunt him down, did you?"

Yi Tian nodded and said with a smile: "Friend Yantong is not bad. Although I have some festivals with this one-eyed demon, it is not really to the point where I will die forever. Besides, I am looking for him this time for a sect matter. That is a secret that only the monks of the Demon Realm with a long history will know, I can't confront the Demon Saint Bao Tan or the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely."

Hearing this, Yantong's face showed a sudden look, and after thinking for a while, he said: "So that's the case, but now I only have this information, and what the mobile search team in the fusion period has is almost the same as me, I'm afraid even if You couldn't get a more detailed reply even if you asked the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison to ask about this matter."

"Why is the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison leading the mobile unit out?" Yi Tian asked with a raised brow.

"The Flame Prison Demon Emperor and the Emperor's Uncle entered the search team in turn, and one of them must have stayed in the imperial court. It must have been the Emperor's Uncle staying behind for nearly a hundred years," Yan Tong said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian's mind became more active, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I have never met the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, and I have never met him before, but I have met with Uncle Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison. It’s a bit beyond my expectation, if I go to the imperial city, I should have a chance to meet with him alone.”

After hearing this, Yantong said affirmatively: "That's true. I think you should have a lot of opportunities to communicate with him in private as the emperor is in the imperial city at this time."

"That's not bad, at least there should be further news from Yanlei," Yi Tian said, "So I'll leave sooner rather than later."

After finishing speaking, he wanted to stand up and leave, Yan Tong in front of him hurriedly said: "Friend Daoist Yi, wait a minute, I'm afraid you will get involved in some disputes when you go to the imperial city at this time."

"Oh, why is that?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It's still the matter of Crown Prince Yan. Over the years, due to the continuous persecution of the demon monk Dugu Canglang that day, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison is planning to hold a 'martial arts competition' in the imperial city in the near future, and invites all experts to come. As long as the age is below four thousand years old, demon monks whose cultivation level is above the stage of transformation can participate," Yan Tong said with a smile: "If you go at this time, don't forget to go and get mixed up, so as to solve the problem of Concubine Yan current troubled situation."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also speechless for a while, he didn't expect the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison to make such a bad move, although he wanted to shut Dugu Canglang's mouth, but he didn't think it would make the matter too big.To attract all the young talents in the demon world to the imperial capital of the Flame Prison Dynasty, I don't know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

But when it comes to solving Concubine Yan's situation, it is true, presumably it should be that Dugu Canglang persecuted her so hard that Concubine Yan had no choice but to make such a move.But the conditions she raised are also very interesting. The age of not more than [-] is just enough to include herself. As for the cultivation base being set above the stage of transforming gods, it makes sense. Dugu Canglang must be included. .

After listening, only a smile flashed across Yi Tian's face, and he didn't reply directly.At this time, Yan Lei, the emperor's uncle of Yan Prison, was sitting in the imperial city. It seems that if I go this time, I should have the opportunity to communicate with him in private.

After thinking about it, Genius replied: "Fellow Daoist Yantong, don't worry, I made a special trip to the Emperor Capital of the Flame Prison to meet Yan Lei. If there are other trivial matters, I will deal with them as appropriate."

"You Daoist Yi, you are polite, so I will thank Concubine Yan first," Yan Tong echoed hastily.

"Thank you in advance, I still need your help," Yi Tian said lightly.

"I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to give you an order. As long as it is something within my ability, I will do my best," Yan Tong also agreed without frowning.

Then the corner of Yi Tian's mouth moved a few times, and to make a long story short, he briefly said all the things he wanted to ask.At the same time, he took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it over. Yantong listened with awe on his face. After taking the jade slip, he spread it in his palm and quickly read it through, and then his eyes flashed. Gave a strange look.

Yan Tong cleared his throat after digesting what he had heard before, and said, "Under the arrangement of Daoist Yi, is it possible that you want to stir up another disturbance in the Demon Realm?"

"It can't be said that it's making trouble, it's just because my identity is too sensitive and some things can't be done personally," Yi Tian said with a smile: "That's why I have to use your hands to handle it for me. And use your current identity as the center Contacting is also a very appropriate thing.”

"Can Daoist Yi guarantee that Mistress Anling of the Night Demon Race will really cooperate with me?" Yan Tong asked suspiciously.

"Although I can't be sure with a percentage, I'm also sixty-seven percent sure," Yi Tian explained: "Back then, in the battle between the demonic disasters in the spirit world, the mistress Anxie died on the battlefield where the monks in the fusion period were dueling, and she Anling was taking advantage of the situation. However, it is a pity that the power of Mistress Sonomoto in the family is still too strong, so she has not been able to control the entire race with one word."

"The words of fellow Daoist Yi are consistent with what I have observed in recent years. Ever since they retreated back to the Demon Realm, the Night Demons have been dormant, and they have given up several sites with abundant resources to the outside world," Yantong said after thinking for a while. : "In this way, the involution of the Night Demons should not be over yet. Even if Mistress An Ling has the upper hand in righteousness, she still cannot control the overall situation."

"At this time, we need an external force to push, so I want you to help Mistress An Ling integrate the entire Night Demon Race, and at the same time set the banner to start recovering many resources that were originally lost."

"In this way, the reappearance of the dark night demons who have been silent for hundreds of years will inevitably attract the attention of all forces," Yan Tong continued, "in this way, the attention of the demons can be fully absorbed. Attract the past, and at the same time cover the information about your appearance, Fellow Yi Daoist. Such a formal plan of killing three birds with one stone can solve the troubles of Concubine Yan and Anling, and can slow down to the greatest extent that you are being attacked by the high-ranking monks of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Eye on the possibility."

There was a hint of approval in his eyes, he didn't expect that although Yan Tong's cultivation base was not very good, his knowledge was extremely vicious, and he could guess his intentions by drawing inferences from one instance.

And this matter is also very beneficial to him. After connecting with the line of the Night Demon Clan, Yantong can naturally have both sides, and at the same time, he can easily gain the trust of Mistress Anling.Naturally, the unique treasures of the Night Demons are also readily available. As far as I know, for Yan Tong's current continuation, if he can get the secret support of a certain race, it will definitely be of great benefit.

Counting it, this is also a favor that I did for him, presumably with Yantong's insight, he should be able to detect it.

(End of this chapter)

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