
Chapter 2308 Infiltrate

Chapter 2308 Infiltrate
Yi Tian, ​​the imperial capital of the Flame Prison Dynasty, just passed by in a hurry. He has never experienced the experience of going deep into it like today.

After leaving Panlong Mountain, there was a recommendation letter from the city lord of Panlong City in his storage ring.It is not a complicated matter to say that it is not a complicated matter for me to infiltrate the flame prison dynasty, but if I want to come forward to disrupt the situation, I still need a legitimate excuse.This recommendation letter is to justify his name, and now he can walk in the demon world as an orthodox demon monk.

Originally, Yi Tian still had some doubts about this, but after Yan Tong's explanation, he was quite surprised.After the defeat in the last invasion of the spirit world, the strength of the monks in the demon world has grown the most rapidly, not the seven major races, but the power of the casual cultivator alliance.

Although there are no high-level monks in charge, the backbone of the alliance cannot be ignored.And there are many monks of the seven major races who were abandoned in the spirit world as their descendants. These demon monks who were regarded as abandoned sons were later put back into the demon world through their own gentle policy.

But when they returned, at least [-]% of them did not return to their respective clans, but went to join the Loose Cultivation Alliance.Presumably, these people also have steelyards in their hearts, and they must have a grudge about being treated as an abandoned son by the clan during the great retreat.

So this is the real reason why the casual cultivator alliance in the demon world has grown continuously in the past hundred years. Although there are fewer top monks sitting in the town, the integrated group of thousands of monks in the distraction stage and the transformation stage is already stronger than any of the seven major clans. Come stronger.

It is blunt to say that the current Sanxiu alliance was indirectly promoted by Yi Tian's unintentional actions back then, and at the same time, he is also happy to see that the internal division of the demon world is naturally beneficial to the spirit world.I believe that the power structure on the side of the Demon Realm will definitely change a lot when the next Demon Disaster War invades in ten thousand years' time.

However, this is inevitable. After tens of thousands of years of development, the original clan model seems to be unable to keep up with the situation. United, unified and coordinated development is the way out for the demon world.Only one or two integrated stage monks appear in the casual cultivator alliance, and the whole force will rise to a higher level and become the eighth important force in the demon world.

Yi Tian didn't want to get involved in the matter of Concubine Yan before, and his main purpose was not to jump out suddenly to attract attention.But I heard that Yan Lei, the emperor of Yan Prison, has been focusing on this matter recently, so Yi Tian thought it was necessary to take a look.

It is not difficult for him to have private contact with Yan Lei, but if he wants to learn about the One-eyed Demon One-Tong from him, it depends on whether he is willing to reveal it sincerely.At the same time, he had to hide his whereabouts, especially for the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race. He had to vote for Li Baoxiao first, and then the other party would cooperate happily, right?

Disguising himself as a late-stage cultivator, Yi Tian found a place in the transport team of the Yan Prison Dynasty through Yan Tong's relationship and returned to the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty with the transport ship.

Because it is the caravan of the dynasty, the procedures for entering the customs are all exempted. After entering the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty, Yi Tian jumped off the transport ship and flew towards the position of the dynasty.

Coming to the edge of the imperial city, Yi Tian quietly used a formula to hide his figure, and then swaggered towards the entrance of the imperial city.With Yi Tian's Mahayana cultivation base, as long as he doesn't want to reveal his whereabouts, no one can find it. The forbidden barriers arranged in the imperial city are completely like paper in front of him.

Yi Tian, ​​who was proficient in the way of formation and enchantment, easily broke through several defenses and came to the interior of the imperial city.Along the way, I found that the guards here are heavily guarded, and there are many secret sentry observation stations in the inconspicuous corners around the imperial city.

After passing through several halls in the imperial city, I found that the number of guards along the way has become more and more, and the strength of the monks responsible for guarding has also improved from the stage of transformation to the level of distraction.

After walking to about the inner core area of ​​the imperial city, Yi Tian's divine sense slightly poked out and found that there seemed to be two spiritual pressure fluctuations in a side hall in the distance, and one of the strengths reached the middle stage of the fusion, so it should be the Flame Prison Emperor Shuyan Lei has no doubts, the other one he is also very familiar with is Concubine Yan herself. At this time, her cultivation base is not the early stage of distraction seen by outsiders, but has reached the middle stage.

Walking up quietly to the entrance of the main hall, there was a dark red halo shrouded in it. At this time, the two of them probably had important matters to discuss inside.The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly and stretched out his hand to sacrifice a black aura attached to the surface of the body.Once the palm of the hand touched the dark red halo of the restriction, there was no slight ripple, and the whole body was immediately submerged in the restriction.

After arriving in Neizhong, only the sound of two people arguing came from the main hall, Yi Tian was not as quiet as Neizhong, only to see that Yan Lei, the Emperor of Flame Prison, was sitting on the right seat, at the bottom left of him The woman in palace attire sitting first was undoubtedly Concubine Yan.

After standing still and listening quietly for a while, I realized that the two uncles and nephews were just discussing the matter of the 'martial arts contest to recruit relatives' conference.Concubine Yan was absolutely unwilling to do this, and at the same time she also stated that as the Crown Prince, how could she marry the Heavenly Demon Clan far away.

But Yan Lei was deeply saddened by the pros and cons and pointed out the reason, precisely because after the defeat of the demon clan, the forces of the demon world will undergo a major reshuffle.Although the Heavenly Demons have suffered repeated setbacks, they still have a solid strength in the middle, and with the two Mahayana monks sitting on the top, it is only a matter of time before they regain their vitality.

But the current Flame Prison Dynasty is not the case. Although the Flame Prison Demon Emperor is powerful, his lifespan is running out, and it is estimated that it will be exhausted in less than a thousand years.It is precisely because of the delay in raising the cultivation base to the next stage that the Flame Prison Dynasty seems to be in full swing, but in fact it is about to turn from prosperity to decline.In the entire clan, except for the two monks in the integration period, there is no sign of a third person appearing for the time being.

Most of these juniors have never experienced cruel power, and they have long lost their will to fight in the imperial city.Although Concubine Yan has worked hard all the way here, that's why she was favored by the Heavenly Demon Clan.In fact, there are many things that the Tianmo clan has been suppressing the other six clans for tens of thousands of years.

For the less powerful races, a positive attitude was adopted, while for the powerful races like the flame prison demons, a soft policy was adopted, and the royal family was secretly funded to divide them into several forces.

It is naturally much easier to breach this fortress from the inside than from the outside, so Dugu Canglang of the Heavenly Demon Race came to propose marriage, and at the same time contacted the fallen princes in many ways.Even though the Flame Prison Demon Emperor could see it, he couldn't stop it. After all, in terms of strength, standing behind Dugu Canglang was the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely.

His words and deeds naturally represent Dugu Lonely's will, even if he is knocked down, there will be other disciples of the Heavenly Demon Race who will come to make trouble after that.

It was precisely after seeing this point clearly that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison decided to hold a "martial contest to recruit relatives" party, hoping to use various forces to compete with the Heavenly Demon Clan.The intention was also very obvious, it would be great if Dugu Canglang could be directly squeezed out.

But no matter how you say it, Concubine Yan must marry this time, and this is also the focus of the conversation between the uncle and nephew today.Concubine Yan didn't want to be manipulated from the bottom of her heart, but the meaning in Yan Lei's words was that she could not allow her to refute.

I only heard Yan Lei coldly said: "My eldest niece is not what I said. This time Dugu Canglang seems to be aggressive, but he also has a natural defect. Too weak a cultivation base is our greatest opportunity. That's why my eldest brother made this decision. .”

"Then you will allow my lifelong happiness to be ruined like this?" Concubine Yan also confronted each other.

"You are not young anymore, you are nearly three thousand years old. Speaking of which, I think you are an old leftover woman at your age. In fact, my elder brother has deliberately chosen a husband for you, otherwise you will be punished if you take charge of the government in the future." people criticize," Yan Lei tried to dissuade.

"Hmph, those poor and low-level monks still want toads to eat swan meat." Concubine Yan said with disdain: "I already have a suitable candidate in my heart, don't you all refuse to give me the opportunity to choose independently?" ?”

"See what nonsense you're talking about?" After hearing this, Yan Lei said with a serious face: "Don't think that we don't know the person you're thinking of, but what is his identity and what is his cultivation level? Speaking of which, I saw him You must be respectful, don't you expect me to propose marriage for you, besides, you don't even look at people who already have a Taoist companion whose strength is comparable to mine, aren't you making trouble for me?"

Hearing this Concubine Yan, tears flashed in her eyes, and then she said as if she was playing petty, "Anyway, I just don't want to marry, this time I will send someone to disrupt the situation in the end of the imperial court's martial arts competition, at worst, I will end in person. In terms of cultivation alone, there are not many people who are on the same level as me, and after seeing the right master, they will naturally have scruples in their hands, and their cultivation is less than [-]%."

"You think it's good, but have you ever thought that the big demon Dugu Lonely would leave behind his great-grandson?" Yan Lei said angrily.

As soon as this remark came out, Concubine Yan seemed like a discouraged ball. It was too natural to know that all small tricks and tricks were in vain in the face of absolute strength.

Since Dugu Canglang dared to fight this time, it meant that he had already made preparations.What's more, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison had already explained the rules when he held the "competition and recruiting relatives", and he made a special trip to deal with Dugu Lonely.But anyone with a discerning eye knew that the participants in the competition this time must be mainly monks in the distraction period. Dugu Canglang was not afraid of this at all, which meant that he had the confidence to play tricks on the side of the Flame Prison Dynasty.

Just as he was talking, Uncle Yan Prison's face suddenly trembled slightly, then he turned his head and stared at a void in front of him.Then with a solemn face, he stretched out his hand to protect Concubine Yan behind her.

At this time, his face was stern and his momentum was not weak, but there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.Although Concubine Yan didn't know what to do, she also knew that it must not be a trivial matter that could change Yan Lei's complexion.And since she can remember, she has never seen the emperor's uncle with such a face. I am afraid that Yan Lei can still be calm and calm when facing the monks of the fusion stage of the demon clan.

Shaoqing only heard Yan Lei sighed and said: "Senior Dugu sneaked into my Flame Prison Imperial City quietly like this, it seems inappropriate, since I and my elder brother agreed to use martial arts to recruit relatives to resolve this conflict and dispute, it is absolutely unreasonable." I mean regret."

Concubine Yan, who was standing behind her, turned pale at this moment, she was naturally aware of the seriousness of the situation.At this time, he clenched his red lips tightly with his teeth and said nothing, but his face was tense and staring with helplessness.

After three breaths, a phantom slowly appeared in front of the two of them, and then the face of a monk of the Heavenly Demon Race was realized from the phantom, but what surprised Yan Lei was that the person in front of him seemed to have never met before .

Concubine Yan behind her also had surprise in her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it.

Shaoqing Yanlei strengthened his courage and asked again: "Senior, isn't the deity of Dugu Lonely, is it the demon saint violent?"

"Oh, what makes you think of me as the demon saint Bao Tan, do I look like him?" Yi Tian joked.

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the two people in front of them changed dramatically. Yan Lei was shocked and speechless.Because Yi Tian just changed his appearance and spiritual attributes, but his own voice didn't change at all.

After hearing his own words, Yan Lei reacted first, but his eyes were full of unconvincing expressions.Although the person in front of him appeared in the appearance of a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Clan, he was definitely not the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely.After thinking about it for a while, Yan Lei asked with difficulty: "Dare to ask, but is it in person to fellow Daoist Yi?"

"It's been a long time since the Qionghua Pavilion was gone, so the emperor will be safe and sound," Yi Tian joked.

Hearing such a tone, Yan Lei finally settled down, and then opened his eyes for a long time before saying: "Why can't I see your strength clearly, and the oppression you give me at this moment is no more than that of the big demon Dugu. Poor, even slightly stronger than the top half.”

"So that's the case, now I have some clues about Dugu Lonely's strength," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

Then he turned his gaze to Concubine Yan who was behind Yan Lei, and after taking a sizing, she saw that her face was also full of shock at this time, and at the same time, there was a hint of elation.

Walking forward slowly, he found a seat opposite Yan Lei and sat down. Yi Tian then waved his hand to signal the two to sit down and chat first.It's just that Yan Lei in front of her seemed rather cramped, but Concubine Yan stepped forward and sat down beside her.Then, after looking up and down several times, he slowly asked: "Is this your real body? Or is it the appearance of your flame prison demon clan back then?"

"Actually, it's both," Yi Tian pouted and said, "In fact, because of my practice, I could only transform into a demon monk with similar attributes to my original spiritual body."

"Then how far is your cultivation now?" Concubine Yan tried to ask.

This is also a question that Yan Lei, the uncle of the Yan Prison, hurriedly sat back on the main seat, and at the same time, his eyes seemed to be listening to his reply.

"Didn't Uncle Huang tell you just now, I don't think I need to repeat it again," Yi Tian said with a calm smile.

(End of this chapter)

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