
Chapter 2309 Secret Discussion 1

Chapter 2309 secret discussion one
Through Yantong's relationship, Yi Tian boarded the transportation team to the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty, arrived at the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty smoothly, and then left quietly.Relying on his high level of cultivation, he sneaked into the inner part of the imperial city by himself, and after crossing several barriers, he finally arrived at the entrance of a few secret palaces inside.

Here, Yi Tian noticed the strongest spiritual pressure fluctuation in the entire imperial city. Speaking of which, his main target this time is the Yan Lei, the Emperor Uncle of the Flame Prison.

Now that he has found the true master, he will naturally not leave easily. Without disturbing anyone, Yi Tian quietly broke through the restriction and sneaked in, but found that there were two people confronting each other in the hall at this time, and one of them was Flame Prison Emperor Uncle Yan Lei and the other is Flame Prison Crown Prince Yan Concubine, who is also an old acquaintance of mine.

The conversation between the two seems to be discussing something, but the content is about the agenda of the 'martial arts competition' conference held in the imperial city.According to Concubine Yan's meaning, she could not approve of this matter anyway, and it was only because of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison that she had to bite the bullet and accept this arrangement.

As for Yan Lei, he was also analyzing the pros and cons, and it was also because of the lack of strength of the flame prison demons.After the Demon Disaster War, the strength of the other major races will be suppressed by the Heavenly Demon Race.Although the Flame Prison Demon Race has the closest relationship with it, it can't be suppressed.But compared to the other major races, it would be much better, but the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely is also a thoughtful person who will not be beaten to death with a stick, he just sent his own juniors to the flame prison demon clan to propose marriage, it seems that he wants to use this Weaken the royal power of the Flame Prison Demon Clan.

Speaking of which, although the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison has many heirs, few of them can become successful, and most of their cultivation bases stay at the stage of transforming gods, and few can reach the stage of distraction.Among them, Concubine Yan has the strongest potential, which is why the Heavenly Demon Clan will have the next marriage proposal.

Reluctantly, the backbone of the Heavenly Demon Clan has been consumed a lot after the Great War, so the monks in the distraction period couldn't find a suitable candidate.In desperation, the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely asked his great-grandson Dugu Canglang to come forward. Although his cultivation base was a little weaker, he was still a peak cultivator in the late stage of God Transformation, and there was at least a chance of overcoming the bottleneck and entering the distraction stage in the future. As much as [-]%, so no matter how you say it, you can match Concubine Yan.

During the frustrating conversation between the two, Uncle Yan Prison suddenly discovered something, and then Yi Tian stopped hiding and directly showed his true self.It's just that when I came to the demon world this time, I had already cultivated the integration of gods and demons to the stage of great achievement, so I no longer needed to appear in front of people as a monk of the flame prison demon clan.

After showing the appearance of the Tianmo clan, the two people present were taken aback, but fortunately, the accent did not change so that Concubine Yan and Yan Lei recognized it on the spot.

After appeasing the two of them a little, Yi Tian sat down first, and then asked the two to sit and discuss together.

After briefly introducing his own situation, Yi Tian found that Yan Lei seemed to be more confident than before, and he was also planning to use his own hands to deal with Dugu Lonely, the Great Heavenly Demon.

On the contrary, Concubine Yan was thinking much simpler things. After looking at herself, she asked: "After hearing the news that you died in the abyss of the demon world, I decided in my heart that things would not be that simple. But Afterwards, news about you came from other levels of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, which really surprised me."

"What is it that makes you, the crown prince, restless?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

Concubine Yan suddenly realized something when she mentioned her identity, and immediately straightened her appearance and returned to the solemn appearance before.It's just that there was still some sparkle in the eyes, and then he replied: "It is reported that there is a monk with the same name as you who showed his power in the demon world. You are always there in the battle of killing."

"I didn't expect those old stories to spread so quickly," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Although these news came back from the demon world after several years, I was hesitant when I heard it at first," Yan Fei said.

"Why is that?" Yi Tian asked.

"Except for the name, the rest of the information is still very different from the Yi Tian I know," Yan Fei explained: "But as your news continued to come back from the demon world and the spirit world, I faintly realized that the Yi Tian that you left Yi Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Fire Sect, is the same person I enshrined in the Flame Prison Demon Clan Expeditionary Army back then."

"Why is that?" Yi Tian said.

"Because it's easy for a big man like you to sneak into the demon world with a hidden identity. Besides, those big sects in the spirit world usually let them travel around the world, so these things should be prepared in advance," Concubine Yan said: "But what I want to ask you is whether you had any other intentions when you approached me?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed embarrassment on his face, and later sighed helplessly: "You guessed right, I came to the demon world back then to find an opportunity to advance. As for when I was in the demon world, I was also right You took care of Youjia in the first place to hide your identity, after all, my ultimate goal back then was to sneak into the abyss of the devil world. In fact, I never had any intention of using you in my heart."

"Isn't there any sense of love between men and women?" Concubine Yan asked.

After hearing this, the embarrassment on Yi Tian's face became more and more intense. Looking at Yan Lei in a blink of an eye, it seemed that he hadn't heard the conversation between the two at all.It's good that he knows what to participate in and what to pretend to be confused.

At this time, Yi Tian only felt that his head was as big as a bucket, and he could completely ignore this problem according to his identity.Just seeing Concubine Yan's look of anticipation, she couldn't bear it, she sighed and said, "If it's not because of our status, of course we can get together."

"Okay, with your words, I can understand your inner thoughts, thank you for finally being able to untie my heart knot for many years," Concubine Yan was sobbing slightly, and wiped her eyes in an instant to return to normal: "I know some things can't be forced, but as long as you have me in your heart, it's fine. I think you've probably heard about the 'martial arts competition' when you sneaked into the Flame Prison Dynasty this time."

Yi Tian nodded and said with a smile: "The 'martial arts contest' held by the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison this time should be used to stop the big demon Dugu Lonely, but you can rest assured that this matter will eventually be resolved."

"With you, everything can be handled properly. I remember that I thought so too," Concubine Yan said with a smile through her tears: "But what is the reason you came to the Demon Realm this time? With your current cultivation You shouldn't be taking risks easily, right?"

When it comes to the business, Yi Tian's face is naturally serious, the involvement is too complicated, and he doesn't want to involve them all in the right and wrong.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "This time I came to the Demon Realm to do something urgent. The main purpose is to find the one-eyed demon monk Du Tong to confront him face-to-face."

"Isn't that one-eyed demon cultivator called Crimson Tongmo, so is this one-eyed demon his real name?" Concubine Yan asked puzzled.

Thinking of this time, Yi Tian glanced at Yan Lei, the uncle of the Yan Prison, who was present here, and saw that he seemed to wake up from his fugue at this time.Immediately, there was a flash of clarity in his eyes, which should be the answer to Concubine Yan's question.With his cultivation base in the fusion period, he can naturally discover the changes after contacting that single pupil.

After a pause, Yi Tian replied: "The Crimson Eyed Demon died a long time ago, and was taken away by his father, Dutong."

"I didn't expect these one-eyed demon monks to be so cruel by nature that they wouldn't even spare their own sons," Concubine Yan replied in surprise.

"It's normal, these one-eyed demon monks are born with eccentric temperaments, so I won't be surprised if they do anything out of line," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Then what are you looking for with this one-eyed demon?" Concubine Yan asked.

"The one-eyed demon clan is considered a living fossil in the demon world. Naturally, I understand the situation in the demon world for a long time. I have a long-standing question that I need to ask him," Yi Tian said.

"It seems that you came at the wrong time this time," the emperor Yan Lei who was sitting on the side suddenly said: "The last time the one-eyed demon monk Dutong was on the road of the demon world was decades ago, and now I don’t know where they fled under the combined search of the monks at the fusion stage in the Demon Realm, and it is estimated that they must have fled to a corner somewhere deep in the Demon Realm.”

"No," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "Although I don't have much contact with the one-eyed demon Dugu, it can be considered that we have joined forces to deal with the big demon Dugu Lonely. Judging from his rampant style before, this person is absolutely He is not someone who is willing to be lonely, and I also concluded that this person should be in the main city of the major races in the demon world. With his strength, it is easy to deceive the monks of the fusion period. What's more, the one-eyed demon monks have all kinds of It is a kind of mystical supernatural power, so it is certain that Dutong is still practicing some kind of secret method that can shield the great heavenly demon Dugu Lonely from probing."

"Then according to what you said, how should we find him?" Yan Lei asked with a suspicious expression on his face.

"It can be found from the whereabouts of high-level resources," Yi Tian said: "As far as I know, although Dutong lost the Crimson Pupil Demon back then, his cultivation strength has not yet returned to its peak state. In this way He needs to collect a lot of top-level treasures to do it. As for going to the next level, it is absolutely impossible under the current environment of the Demon Realm."

"I totally agree with what Daoyou Yi said in the first half of the paragraph. I think it will be impossible for Dutong to recover to the peak state in the later stage of integration without sufficient resources," Yan Lei sighed, "It must be hidden behind closed doors in the depths of the devil world. No, so he should wander around the main city of the seven major clans in the demon world to find the high-level treasures he needs. But I don’t know why you can be sure that he can’t advance to the Mahayana stage?”

"I remember when Dutong met Dugu Lonely, the big demon in the Qionghua Pavilion, Dutong once said that his family's path to advancement into the Mahayana has been cut off by the demon saint, so that's why he hates the demon clan so much. ,” Yi Tian slowly told the information he had learned back then.

Hearing this, concubine Yan and Yan Lei naturally had horrified expressions on their faces. Before they could ask any questions, Yi Tian continued: "And Dutong also revealed the reason for the decline of the one-eyed demon clan back then, all of them were demon saints. The purpose of Bao Tan is to limit the number of one-eyed demon monks. After all, this race has an appalling historical record. If Du Tong is allowed to advance to the Mahayana, maybe he will be afraid of even getting the demon saint Bao Tan of."

"You're saying that the Great Heavenly Demon had no good intentions in finding the one-eyed demon Crimson Pupil Demon in this battle of evil disasters. He wanted to bring him to the spirit world. If he fell on the spot against those powerful spiritual cultivators It couldn't be better, no matter how bad it is, it can greatly weaken its strength, right?" Concubine Yan suddenly asked.

"It's almost the same, and in fact the development of the situation is very mild as you think," Yi Tian said: "It's just that there are some variables."

"Does this variable mean that you suddenly rose up to participate in the invasion of the spiritual world?" Concubine Yan asked for no reason.

Gently bowed to Yi Tian, ​​but shook his head and said: "It is expected for monks in the spirit world that I participated in the Demon Disaster War, and I was the only one in the spirit world who had the ability to face the one-eyed demon Clan Fei Tongmo. The variable I am talking about is the fact that the Scarlet Tongmo was taken away in the Qionghua Pavilion. Speaking of the development of things back then, it was out of the control of the great demon Dugu Lonely, and eventually the army of the demon world Without a leader, the dragons were forced to retreat to the Demon Realm."

"It seems that the one-eyed demon Crimson Pupil Demon didn't plan to make any effort back then. As for his father, he was a very knowledgeable person, so he ran away directly after the seizure," Yan Lei said.

"Actually, it's a great opportunity for me to come to the Flame Prison Dynasty," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"What kind of opportunity is it?" Yan Lei asked solemnly.

"It's a great opportunity to get rid of the control of the Heavenly Demon Clan," Yi Tian said with a few words in his mouth.

"So the plan will work out," Yan Lei asked tentatively.

"The Heavenly Demon Clan is only relying on two Mahayana stage monks, and among these two, I know that the Demon Saint Bao Tan will not take action easily when he is trapped by something, and the first emperor of the Asura Clan, Luo Qin You should be with him at this time," Yi Tian said.

When the name of Luo Qin, the first emperor of the Asura clan, was mentioned, Yan Lei naturally showed a look of surprise on his face. The prestige of such a character is naturally known to everyone in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Moreover, in terms of strength, it is also comparable to that of the Demon Saint. If the two of them are talking together at this time, there must be something secret, not to mention that these two are the leaders of the same world, so naturally they will not surrender to each other. The relationship between the two must be very delicate.

Completely ignoring the performance of the two, Yi Tian went on to say: "Actually, I have an idea to let Dutong try to advance to the Mahayana stage, so that I can also reduce a lot of burden. Let him deal with the big demon Dugu Lonely, and I You can concentrate on dealing with the matter of Demon Saint Baotan and Asura Saint Emperor Luoqin."

(End of this chapter)

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