
Chapter 2310 Secret Discussion 2

Chapter 2310 secret discussion two

Yi Tian found Yan Lei and Concubine Yan in the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty. After showing the true nature of the demon body, the two people present were stunned.Fortunately, I revealed my identity in time to ease the tense atmosphere between the two.After sitting down, Yi Tian slowly explained his purpose of coming today. When he heard that he was looking for the one-eyed demon cultivator Du Tong, the faces of the two of them naturally became a little strange.

Although I don't know the plan in Yi Tian's mind, but now this one-eyed demon monk is regarded as the top wanted criminal in the demon world. If he is related to such a person, he may be implicated in the flame prison demon.

After listening to Yi Tian's slow talk of his own idea, the faces of the two people in front of them all turned livid.From these words, they could hear what Yi Tian meant, but the content was too shocking, which made them think about it.

In fact, the two people's positions are different, and their reactions are also different. Concubine Yan's face is indifferent. Although she has heard of these things, she is only as good as the distraction period, and she can do nothing but sit and listen.

It was Yan Lei who thought for a while before saying in a deep voice: "Yi Daoyou is right, I am afraid this is the best chance for my flame prison demons to get rid of the control of the sky demons. If you leave out the top experts, the sky demons The containment of our clan can be said to be almost negligible, if it weren't for the fact that the two Mahayana monks were behind us, we wouldn't have swallowed so much, and the Heavenly Demon clansman did whatever they wanted on our territory."

"So the emperor agrees with my approach?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

But what Yan Lei did next was unexpected by Yi Tian, ​​but it was reasonable. He shook his head and said, "What fellow Yi Daoist said is too illusory, and I want to step over the sky to achieve Mahayana." The stage is so difficult. Let me simply ask you how sure you are that Daoist Yi can help the one-eyed demon cultivator Dutong get through this calamity?"

"At present, it seems that there is nothing at all," Yi Tian said bluntly, but there was no apology on his face.

After hearing these words, Yan Lei also had a strange light in his eyes, and then he raised his head and laughed loudly: "Yi Daoyou is indeed a wonderful person, since you said so, I naturally believed it. But why did you say that you have the ability before?" How about helping the one-eyed demon cultivator, Dutong, to advance to the Mahayana stage?"

"Under the current situation in the Demon Realm, I have nothing to do," Yi Tian said decisively, "But I sneaked into the Demon Realm this time because of a secret about the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. Now it seems that only Only Dutong could guide me there, so for me, this person has become a very important person now."

"Yi Daoyou, I naturally know that what you have done is extremely important, but can you disclose one or two things so that we can feel at ease. After all, if we want to work together, the most basic information sharing is still needed," Yan Lei was not happy after hearing this. Said impatiently.In his opinion, the next thing is the key point of Yi Tian's personal invasion of the demon world regardless of safety.

Knowing that this matter cannot be concealed, Yi Tian sorted out the information to be elaborated again in his heart, and then smiled and said: "To be honest, the emperor has never heard that there is an 'Eye of the Demon Realm' in the depths of the Demon Realm. Where is the area?"

Shaking his head, Yan Lei's expression was calm and he didn't respond at all, as if he heard it for the first time.Then he asked in a deep voice: "I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to enlighten me, I just listen carefully."

"It is said that the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is the place with the strongest demonic evil energy in the entire Demon Realm plane. The pure demonic energy exuding from it can naturally make people absorb it and make a leap in cultivation. It is suitable for monks in the Mahayana period to practice An excellent place," Yi Tian said.

"I was born in the devil world and lived for nearly ten thousand years, but I haven't heard of it. I don't know where Yi Daoyou learned about it?" Yan Lei asked.

"Emperor Youming left behind a treasure 'Ten Thousand Resentment Bead' after his fall, and I found the clue from it," Yi Tian explained, "It is said that this 'Ten Thousand Resentment Bead' was taught by Demon Saint Bao Tan himself. It is a top-level treasure for madness. But do you two know where this treasure comes from?"

Yan Lei's pupils stared at Yi Tian for a while, then said: "Could it be that this thing is the treasure of your spiritual sect?"

"Uncle Huang really has a delicate mind, and being able to guess such a result shows that he is really well-informed," Yi Tian flattered.

Yan Lei said indifferently: "Actually, I have paid attention to your cultivation since you appeared, and with what you said just now, I am [-]% sure that the madness of the Nether Emperor should have been defeated by you." hands. Of course, what I didn’t expect was that at your age, you would be able to raise your cultivation base to the Ninth Supreme Being and a top-notch existence.”

"Uncle Huang praised it absurdly," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"In this way, you were the one who caused wind and rain in the Nether Realm a hundred years ago," Yan Lei said, "Emperor Nether Rage is also a guy who is strong in the outside world, although there are not a few years when his cultivation base was promoted to the Mahayana stage. Not your opponent who has just stepped into this realm, I am really disappointed in him."

"Speaking of which, being able to deal with the madness of the Nether Emperor this time is also due to luck, coupled with adequate preparations in the early stage, so the first battle can be successful," Yi Tian said.

"But you also need to have matching strength, otherwise even if you are given a chance, you will not be able to defeat Luankuang, right?" Yan Lei said, "But how do you deal with the one-eyed demon cultivator in the demon world? As for the problem, speaking of it, your idea is only in planning, and I don’t know if the other party is willing to cooperate with you, and whether his strength can reach the critical point of the peak of the fusion period.”

"Speaking of this, I have also thought about it. First of all, I have seen Dutong's cultivation in the past. Even after the system of seizing the house, the remaining strength is still in the late stage of integration," Yi Tian explained: "It has been hundreds of years since the Great War of Demon Disaster. I believe that with his cultivation base, he should be able to advance to the peak stage of the fusion stage."

"Then how willing is he to cooperate with you?" Yan Lei asked.

"I haven't met him yet, so I don't know yet, but I think he is very eager to enter the Mahayana stage, so the chance of cooperation is not small," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, apart from these two points, if Dutong is willing to cooperate, what method can you use to make him successfully pass the catastrophe and become a Mahayana monk? The probability of his advancement should not be very high," Yan Lei asked.

"I have also thought about this matter. I brought out a lot of good things during the trip to the fragments of the fairy world in the Netherworld, and there are not a few of them that are beneficial to Dutong." Yi Tian said: "Although I can promote him to the Mahayana stage The probability of the attack has increased by [-]%, but there is still a high probability of failure. Therefore, he has to go to the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', so that he can be more confident in attacking the natural moat of the Mahayana period."

Speaking of this, Yan Lei's face did not show any joy, anger, sorrow or joy, but he just lowered his head in thought and frowned slowly.It is said that Yi Tian is a bit like talking big now, but according to his past experience and what he has done in the Nine Worlds of the Spirit, we can find that often those impossible things will eventually come true one by one.

Thinking of this, Yan Lei sighed before raising his head and said: "If someone else said that in front of me, I would just take it as a lie, empty talk, but it's a different situation when Daoyou Yi said it from you. That’s right. Speaking of this matter, it’s like a big gamble for my Flame Prison Demon Clan, it’s possible to make a wrong step and be erased from the Demon Realm forever.”

"It's also possible to solve all the stubborn illnesses of the flame prison demons in the demon world at one time and become the overlord of the demon world." Yi Tian added with a smile.

"This is really one step at a time for the king to die at one step, and I can't tolerate things that I don't think twice," Yan Lei said with a serious face: "If the elder brother is here, he must give me some advice."

"Uncle, don't worry, I think what Yi Tian is planning has a great chance of success," Concubine Yan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Speaking of which, I trust him from the bottom of my heart. There is nothing that cannot be done.”

"But my eldest niece has gambled the national fortune of my flame prison dynasty this time, so I have to be cautious," Yan Lei said, then turned his head and stared at Yi Tian for a long time, but it still seemed that there was something in his throat Didn't seem to ask.

Knowing that Yan Lei's heart should be extremely entangled at this time, Yi Tian just laughed lightly and asked Feng, "If I don't show up today, how dare I ask Uncle Huang, what do you think the flame prison dynasty is under the scheme of the Sky Demon Clan?" How long can it last?"

Hearing a gloomy look flashed in Yan Lei's eyes, speaking of it, the suppression of the other six clans in the demon world by the Heavenly Demon Clan is already a clear fact.If the forces of the six clans cannot be suppressed, the Heavenly Demon clan will definitely decline.

Among the six clans, the Flame Prison Demon Clan, which seems to be the most closely related to it, is now the least affected, but Dugu Lonely's trick is to make the Flame Prison Dynasty split up.Bringing the only capable concubine Yan under the command of the Heavenly Demon Clan, even if the Flame Prison Demon Clan has a monk at the fusion stage, the strength of the descendants of the Flame Prison Demon Clan will always be weak, which is always a big problem.

Those newcomers who couldn't take the lead were always suppressed, causing the entire flame prison dynasty to be lifeless.This continued for thousands of years, and when the two monks in the integration stage exhausted their lifespan, it was the time when the flame prison dynasty fell.

Moreover, Yan Lei and the Demon King of the Flame Prison should have seen this too, but this is the conspiracy of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Speaking of which, if they want to forcibly oppose it, it will definitely cause the big Heavenly Demon Dugu to look sideways. It would not be a good thing to wait for him to intervene.

So the sudden appearance of Yi Tian this time can be said to be an extremely favorable opportunity for Yan Lei.It's just that I came here in a hurry this time, and the plan I brought to him was to rush the ducks to the shelves. For a while, Yan Lei couldn't gamble the fate of the dynasty, and at the same time, he couldn't make a decision so easily. My heart is very tangled.

After thinking for a while, Yan Lei still asked with difficulty: "As Daoyou Yi said, the current Flame Prison Dynasty looks prosperous on the surface, but in fact it still needs to face the calculations of different parties. You are right, the Heavenly Demons will never sit back and watch the rise of any race in the Demon Realm, even my Flame Prison Demons."

"It's best for the emperor to have such awareness. You must know that the flame prison demons have always been firmly in the second place in the demon world. Of course, there is a place for the sky demons to use." Yi Tian smiled and then changed the subject and analyzed again: "But once the Sky Demon Clan weakens and the Flame Prison Demon Clan affects its own status, I believe that Dugu Lonely will spare no effort to suppress it crazily."

Taking a deep breath, a gleam of determination flashed in Yan Lei's eyes, and then he asked in a deep voice, "Then I wonder how Yi Daoyou plans to help?"

"This time the 'martial arts competition' seems to be to stop the mouth of the big demon, but it is actually a rare opportunity for you, the flame prison demon clan," Yi Tian said: "After so many monks from the demon world have attracted the flame prison imperial capital, Why not try to weaken the power of the Heavenly Demon Clan again?"

"However, if we take action against the Heavenly Demon Clan in the Imperial Capital of the Flame Prison, it will definitely attract the lonely peeping of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu. There are many sequelae," Yan Lei hurriedly replied.

"Don't worry, since this is the case, it must be a monk of a different race, and the location of the action will also be chosen outside the certain area away from the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty," Yi Tian explained.

"Not right, so we can only wait until the end of the 'martial arts competition'," Yan Lei said, "What I need is to suppress the arrogance of Dugu Canglang in a dignified way. If I can kill him on the spot in the arena That couldn't be better."

"It's hard to do this. I guess there should be monks in the body-fit period accompanying Dugu Canglang. No matter how bad it is, there should be a peak in the late stage of distraction." Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Plus the big demon Dugu Lonely will definitely stay The second hand can keep him safe, and ordinary people have no chance to succeed at all."

"Ordinary people are like this, but Yi Daoyou is definitely not an ordinary person who believes that you should have a way," Yan Lei looked at the next serious and said.

Concubine Yan, who was sitting on the side, also hurriedly echoed: "Brother Yi, I know you have a lot of solutions, and please advise my little sister to completely eliminate the threat of Dugu Canglang."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also sighed in his heart, and he didn't want to get into this muddy water from the bottom of his heart, but looking at the appearance of the two people in front of him, it seemed that he could only rely on himself to make a move.Otherwise, with the strength of a monk below the fusion stage, it would be impossible to deal with Dugu Canglang.

After thinking about it, he nodded slightly to signal, but he began to think about countermeasures in his heart.Speaking of which, I should try my best to avoid confrontation with Dugu Lonely, the Great Heavenly Demon. Besides, it is better for the two of them not to meet unless necessary.

But in this matter, he can use the help of the one-eyed demon monk Dutong to write an article.After thinking about it in his heart, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he transmitted his plan into a secret message to let the two people in front of him know.After hearing this, Concubine Yan smiled from ear to ear, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes as if she agreed with it.

On the other hand, Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison Emperor, showed a little worry on his face. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Although this trick of Yi Daoyou is quick, it is still a bit difficult to implement."

(End of this chapter)

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