
Chapter 2311 Footprints

Chapter 2311 Footprints
Inside the Imperial City of Words, Yi Tian revealed his plan to Yan Lei and Concubine Yan, but the reactions on their faces after hearing it were completely opposite.Concubine Yan, who is the party involved, naturally agrees with her strategy very much, but Yan Lei, the emperor of Yan Prison, who is currently in charge of the dynasty, naturally has some doubts about such a plan.

After all, if this kind of thing that pulls and mobilizes the whole body is not handled properly, it will inevitably lead to hostility between the Sky Demon Clan and the Flame Prison Demon Clan.At least for now, it seems that the Flame Prison Demon Clan does not have the strength to challenge the Sky Demon Clan directly, so even if they play some small tricks in private, they can't arouse the other party's awareness, otherwise they would rather not do it.

In fact, Yi Tian's plan is also very simple, that is, to kill Dugu Canglang in the name of Dugu Canglang, a monk of the one-eyed demon clan, so that he can be blamed on him and the flame prison demon clan can get rid of the suspicion.

After all, a late-stage monk's move will naturally catch all the audience by surprise.And now there are already enough sins on Dutong, and he doesn't care about adding another one to him.

However, in order to show his sincerity, Yan Lei naturally had to come up with some real materials in order to justifiably attract that one-eyed demon monk with one pupil.Although it was Yi Tian who pretended to be this time, it is a troublesome thing to do a full set of acting to avoid showing the horse's feet and being spotted by interested people.

But for Yan Lei, in any case, if the flame prison demons want to solve this crisis, they have to bleed once, otherwise it will not be enough to show due sincerity.

Concubine Yan naturally wouldn't pay too much attention to this, but Uncle Yanlei knew the importance of it.After thinking about it for a few breaths, he sighed and said, "Okay, follow Daoyou Yi's plan, and to show my sincerity, I will take out a copy of 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet' as the last prize on behalf of the Flame Prison Dynasty. Getting a treasure that even monks in the Mahayana period can look up to is enough to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to make a move."

Yi Tian's eyelids twitched slightly when he heard the name 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet Essence'. He himself had only seen this thing in the literature of the demon world, and it was said that it was a precious material for refining top-level fire attribute spiritual weapons.

Although my natal artifact 'Zixiao Zhan' is no longer needed with the nourishment of the true flame of the fairy world 'Jin Yan'er', but there is still the 'Purple Flame Wind Thunder Fan' that can be used to blend into this 'Flame Hell Velvet Essence' Then improve the quality.

This thing sounds expensive, but it has limited use value for me. Maybe it will be more useful for the big demon Dugu Lonely.But since Yan Lei said that he was able to take out this thing, he must have spent a lot of blood to find himself.

These things will still be in his own pocket in the end. At this time, Yan Lei just wrote a check first, and it's time to cash it when he kills Dugu Canglang and takes the 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet Spirit'.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said without changing his face: "Okay, then do it according to the emperor's wishes, and please give me a copy of the regulations on 'martial arts competition and recruiting relatives', so that I can think about how to make a move after reading it." good."

After hearing this, Yan Lei hurriedly took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it over: "This time, in order to shorten some unnecessary red tape, the venue of the 'Contest for Marriage Recruitment' is set in the large lava pool of the Flame Prison Dynasty. This is the basis for the birth of the 'Flame Hell Fire Essence', and I originally planned to let these monks go down to do hard work in this way."

"The judging of the outcome will be determined by whoever collects the most?" Yi Tian said with a smile.

"That's right," Yan Lei nodded and replied, "So the candidates for this election still need to go through the preliminary screening, except for the players like Dugu Canglang who have directly advanced to the final stage, everyone else needs to go to test their strength Cultivation."

"Brother Yi doesn't need to participate in this session. Each race has a specific selection quota that can directly enter the final round." Concubine Yan who was sitting on the side said hurriedly: "I have a quota for the Loose Cultivation Alliance that Brother Yi can use. .”

It seems that Concubine Yan has already made preparations, and it is estimated that if she does not show up this time, she will use this method to insert people in.But I guess she would pay for murder. Under the current situation, I believe that Concubine Yan will definitely not sit still, but her appearance makes her feel confident. No matter what she arranges, the strength of the people she arranges is at best only a distraction. With such a long-term cultivation base, it is not enough to deal with Dugu Canglang.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face, and then replied: "Okay, it is most appropriate to use the quota of the Loose Cultivation Alliance as me."

"Then what name does Brother Yi use?" Concubine Yan asked.

"If you don't change your name when you're a man, you'll naturally use your real name," Yi Tian said disapprovingly, "But you can cover it up a little to avoid misunderstanding."

Concubine Yan showed a smile like a pear blossom on her face when she heard the words, and immediately replied: "Brother Yi's help this time will definitely make Dugu Canglang not get any benefits in the 'Contest for Marriage Recruitment' conference."

After the next three people made some calculations, Yi Tiandao left after getting the recommendation certificate of the Loose Cultivation Alliance from Concubine Yan.There are still a few days before the official opening of the 'Contest of Martial Arts', but I don't want to stay in the Imperial City of Flame Prison to avoid unnecessary complications.

It is said that outsiders will definitely not notice his whereabouts, but what Yi Tian is worried about is Concubine Yan's appearance at this time.After my sudden visit, I found that her complexion was obviously better than before. If this goes on, anyone can see her change.In this way, people who are interested will naturally see the flaws, especially in the imperial city, there are still many princes who wish Concubine Yan could get married soon.

Naturally, these princes would closely watch Concubine Yan's every move, and if they noticed something, they would definitely pass the news to Dugu Canglang as soon as possible.

So in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Yi Tian left the dynasty directly, anyway, the plan he made was not in a hurry.

But for the problem he wants to solve, Yi Tian also feels that it is necessary to have a face-to-face meeting first, and it is not difficult to investigate it with his own strength.

After leaving the imperial city, Yi Tian suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, concealed his figure, and searched all the way towards the inn of the demon clan that day.The station of the Heavenly Demon Clan is the most prominent in the imperial capital of the Flame Prison, and it is the most conspicuous building besides the imperial palace.

After arriving at the inn of the Tianmozu, Yi Tian sneaked into it quietly, but found that the monks stationed there were at most as distracted as they were in the early days.At this time, the righteous master has not yet arrived here.

It's just that after searching for a while, I suddenly found a trace of extremely strange spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air.Speaking of such fluctuations in spiritual pressure, I seem to have known each other before. It should be a certain monk I have met before.

Moreover, this person's cultivation base was even better than that of Yan Lei who was sitting in the town and the Flame Prison Dynasty.A thought flashed through his mind, and then a name popped up, "the one-eyed pupil of the one-eyed demon," Yi Tian secretly said in his heart, "I didn't expect that it would be easy to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes, and I was suffering in the demon world." Xun Dutong's whereabouts, I didn't expect to meet here. '

Although there is no way to pinpoint Dutong's whereabouts now, since he can find his remaining spiritual pressure fluctuations here, it means that this beast must have been here.

However, Yi Tian also had some doubts about Dutong's whereabouts. Logically speaking, he should be being tracked by a joint mobile force composed of monks in the fusion period of the Demon Realm at this time. He did not expect that he would be able to get rid of it and return to the Flame Prison Dynasty in a grand manner. In the imperial capital.

With Dutong's involvement, there must be a huge change in this "martial arts competition" conference. Thinking of this, Yi Tian thought about the purpose of Dutong's coming.Speaking of which, the biggest problem facing this beast now is how to advance. At the same time, he also needs to collect a lot of top treasures from the demon world for backup.

Following the remaining spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air, Yi Tian walked all the way until he reached the warehouse deep in the demon station.In between, there were two cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Race who were in the stage of transforming into gods with their hands out, while the door of the warehouse was closed tightly, and there was a Taoist seal on it.

For the current Yi Tian, ​​the restriction is completely like paper, and he can easily enter without disturbing the two guards of the Transformation Stage.

After quietly walking forward, Yi Tian frowned slightly after the divine sense passed by, but there was a smile on his face.This prohibition really left a lot of the breath of the one-eyed demon cultivator with one pupil.Although he was very concealed and could hide it from low-level monks, he couldn't hide it from himself.

Yi Tian's figure passed through the restriction on the door in an instant after a layer of spiritual light appeared on his body, and did not arouse the vigilance of the surrounding guards.

After coming to the warehouse, Yi Tian Shennian quickly scanned and found that there were a lot of treasures stored there, some of which were heavenly treasures.If you take it outside, it will naturally attract the attention of the distracted monks.

But these things are of no use to the monks in the fusion period. I believe Dutong probably didn't find anything he likes this time.

However, Yi Tian's gaze never dropped, and after searching with his divine sense, he followed the remnants of spiritual pressure fluctuations left by Dutong in the air and found several shelves next to the treasure materials.After passing by his spiritual thoughts, he found that he seemed to be looking for treasures with extreme yang properties, especially the three treasures of 'Magic Sun Flower', 'Magic Fire Refining' and 'Magic Marrow Iron' had his aura around them .

Going forward, Yi Tian thought about it after his eyes glanced over. It was obvious that Dutong was looking for some high-level treasures.Although I don't know what he wants to do, but judging from this, there must be something important.

And these residual spiritual pressure fluctuations showed that Dutong would not leave here for more than three days.In this way, it is indeed a surprise that this master was attracted to the "martial arts competition" conference held by the flame prison demons.

After searching the warehouse of the Tianmo clan station, Yi Tian did not find any movement about the one-eyed demon monk Du Tong in other places.After checking everything, he quietly broke through the restriction barrier from the other end of the warehouse and got out.

After arriving in the outside world, Yi Tian felt that his decision to come to the Imperial Capital of Flame Prison was not in vain this time.However, it is also an extremely troublesome problem for this one-eyed pupil to hide his whereabouts among a large number of low-level monks.

Speaking of it, it is only for the purpose of not revealing the identity, so it is impossible to use the spiritual sense to peep, and once the spiritual sense is stretched out, it is bound to scare the snake and make some talented monks notice it.Speaking of which, the strength of this one-eyed demon is not as good as his own, but he is well-informed, and he is very talented, who knows if there will be any one-eyed demons who have cultivated innate supernatural powers.

Fortunately, after confirming his whereabouts, Yi Tian had an idea in his mind. After leaving the Tianmozu station, he took out the communication jade amulet and wrote all the information he wanted to investigate clearly on it.Then the spiritual power in his hand was inspired and sent out, and the magic talisman flew out with a 'swish' and flew straight towards the direction of the flame prison imperial city.

Not half a moment later, the same Jade Talisman of Communication flew from the air, and it slowly landed near where he was.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took the jade talisman into his palm, and then his mind quickly glanced over to find that it was Concubine Yan's handwriting.

At this time, during the upcoming "martial arts competition and recruiting relatives" conference in the Flame Prison Dynasty, many chambers of commerce also waited for the opportunity to hold several trade fairs.

Depending on the level of the trade fair, the content of the natural transaction is also very different.During the period, there were large-scale auctions held by the Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Flame Prison Royal Family, which provided the most attractive materials and treasures.

Naturally, these trade fairs are divided into low, medium and high sessions, among which the high-level monk trade fair is mainly held for monks in the distraction stage.Speaking of which, this is also the highest-level trade fair that can be held for half a year in this city at this stage.

Yi Tian thought for a while and decided to try his luck. His purpose was not to trade, but to take this opportunity to meet the one-eyed demon's one-eyed pupil for a while.

Obviously he was looking for some yang attribute treasure, but he didn't know where he would go.From Concubine Yan's communication jade talisman, it can be known that the two trade fairs for monks in the distraction period require a special identity plate to enter.

I am not too interested in the trade fair held by the Flame Prison Royal Family, after all, there are not a few people who have seen themselves among the Royal Family.What's more, although I have changed my appearance, it is inevitable that I will be recognized by those who knew me well back then.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the auction fair of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to try his luck.What's more, I also have a few valuable materials in my hand that can be used as bait. If Dutong is present, as long as he makes a sound, he will definitely be detected by him.

After thinking about it, his figure flashed and went straight to the location of the Sanxiu Alliance mansion in the city.During the period, Chu An also took out the breath-suppressing cloak and covered his figure on his body, so as not to let others see his true self of the demon clan.Not long after arriving there, I had Concubine Yan's token in my hand as a proof of identity, which naturally gained the trust of the deacon at the door very quickly.

Then he followed the deacon all the way to the private meeting place deep in the mansion. Yi Tian didn't talk too much, and said lightly that he wanted to get rid of the treasures from the hell world that had the yang attribute.

(End of this chapter)

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