
Chapter 2315 Temptation 2

Chapter 2315 Exploration II

Three thousand miles away from the Flame Prison Dynasty, under the mediation of the Sanxiu Alliance, three waves of people came here through the formation channel one by one.Then the one-eyed demon cultivator, Dutong, made an unprecedented shot and let go of the demon cultivator Dugu Canglang that day.

In order to get rid of it, he also exchanged the 'Brimstone and Fire Source' he just got with the 'Magic Golden Wheel' in his hand.Fortunately, Dugu Canglang is also a person who understands the general situation and knows the importance of the matter. This time it is obvious that he has got a bargain, so he will accept it as soon as he sees it.

And it is obvious that the remaining three people are not good people, and he may not be able to get benefits if he continues to stay here.Then he left in a hurry with the two bodyguards around him.

After the three of them left, Dutong set up the restriction barrier after the divine sense reached out into the flame prison imperial city, and then directly revealed Yi Tian's identity.

But what surprised Yi Tian was that Dutong actually acted together with the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison this time.It's just that I don't know what kind of disturbance will be caused when these two come together.

Then Dutong proposed to try a trick with Yi Tian, ​​in order to find out the reality of the opponent.

However, Yi Tian did not disappoint him, and directly asked the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison to take action at the same time, so he wanted to rub the spirit of the two of them and prepare for the next negotiation.

Although Dutong had doubts about this, he was deeply shocked by Yi Tian's strength after the two made their move.Dutong is also a human being who has lived for tens of thousands of years, so he has met several Mahayana monks.Soon, he had an exact judgment on the strength displayed by Yi Tian.

So far, although his tone of voice is not weak, in fact, his confidence is not as hard as air.In the face of absolute strength, all empty words are futile.

Dutong said to Yi Tian in an old-fashioned way: "I didn't expect you, Daoist Yi, to be less than five thousand years old, but in terms of potential, you are more than twice as strong as the big demon Dugu Lonely. I think you should be with his now." Whether the strength is the same or slightly stronger has never been known."

"Fellow Daoist Dutong made a mistake. My life expectancy is less than four thousand years old," Yi Tian corrected, "But whether there is a big demon Dugu Lonely or not is not my concern. He wasn't the main target here."

"It's not him," Du Tong's pupils froze, and then he said with a very serious expression on his face: "Yi Daoyou is indeed a wonderful person, but you seem to be so kind to Gao Muyuan. The strongest in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, even Luo Qin, a Mahayana monk in the Asura Realm, may not be his opponent."

"It seems that you know a lot," Yi Tian said with a smile: "But I can reveal a piece of news to you, which can be regarded as a little sincerity of cooperation."

"What news?" Dutong asked.

"The Ashura Holy Emperor Luo Qin you mentioned just now should be with the Demon Saint Bao Tan at this time, even if they are not in the same place, they are not far away from each other, and they can know each other's existence position," Yi Tian said lightly .

"What, where did you know about this?" Dutong asked hurriedly.

"The source of the news is very reliable. I got the information from Luo Yilan, the first queen of Asura Realm, Luo Qin's Taoist companion," Yi Tian said.Although these things were found out from the asura royal tombs, Yi Tian didn't want to fully tell the two people in front of him.It is better to keep these secrets about the Asura tribe as far as possible so that these two people will not have any wrong thoughts in their hearts again.

Hearing that Dutong also had a thoughtful look on his face, he stared at Yi Tian in front of him again and then asked, "It seems that Daoist Yi is here on a special trip to the Demon Realm this time to find the Demon Saint. Right? But even if you are an advanced saint, you are not his opponent, after all, Demon Saint Bao Tan has accumulated tens of thousands of years in this cultivation base, and his strength alone is more than you."

"Who said I want to confront it head-on?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Let me reveal another layer of news to you. In fact, I have a close relationship with Demon Saint Bao Tan. In terms of seniority, he should be my teacher. Bob."

As soon as this remark came out, Dutong and the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison naturally frowned slightly, and it seemed that their tone was not fake.So the Demon King of Flame Prison asked, "As far as I know, the Demon Saint Bao Tan has existed tens of thousands of years ago, but you can't convince me that you can have a relationship with him as a master."

"It's just that you don't believe the Demon Emperor, but from my point of view, fellow Taoist Dutong has already believed it seven or eight times," Yi Tian said, turning his gaze to Dutong.

I saw his face twitched a few times, and then he said a few words with difficulty: "As expected, you are all from that sect."

Hearing the words, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison was a little startled, but he was still full of doubts. By the way, he glanced at the two people in front of him with puzzled eyes.

But Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "Since the Demon Emperor is puzzled, then I will prove it to you."

After saying that, his figure flickered slightly, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and a teleportation has shifted to the back of the Demon Emperor.He stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison, instantly restraining him.

"What do you want to do?" The Demon King of Flame Prison became extremely terrified when he was restrained by a move, he didn't expect Yi Tian to make a move as soon as he said it, and he could be restrained with a single gesture.

"Don't move, I'll prove it to you," Yi Tian ignored the flame prison demon emperor's reaction, and said in a deep voice without stopping his hands.

After sacrificing the spiritual light, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the stamina of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, and slowly lifted it after three breaths, only to see a black spiritual light being pulled out immediately.

A rune appeared in this spiritual light. Although the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison didn't know what this thing was for, it was indeed taken out of his body.

On the other hand, Du Tong stared at him in the distance, with a surprised look on his face and said: "This is the 'Flying Thunder Seal', I didn't expect you, Brother Demon Emperor, to have been given such a tracking mark by the Demon Sage early in the morning."

Hearing that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison showed ashes, at this moment, he could no longer raise the will to resist Yi Tian in his heart.

Yi Tian didn't pay attention to his reaction at all. After pulling out the 'Flying Thunder Seal' of the black magic light, he took out a piece of magic spar and sealed the rune seal directly.

After doing this, he picked up the magic spar in his hand and looked at it, but he didn't pay attention to the reaction of the flame prison demon emperor and Dutong beside him.

After scanning the magic spar several times with his divine sense, Yi Tian finally had a judgment in his heart. This is the age of Feilei Yin, at least seven or eight thousand years ago, it must have been left on the Demon King of the Flame Prison.

Speaking of which, if the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison really wants to cross the catastrophe to the Mahayana stage, the Demon Saint Bao Tan must have noticed the problem at the first time.

Turning his head, he saw the two people around him waiting for his reply with bitter expressions on their faces.However, Yi Tian didn't expect that Du Tong could recognize the source of this printing method at a glance. Speaking of which, his knowledge is really not covered.After thinking about it, he briefly informed the two people present about the situation of the seal method.

After hearing his own explanation, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison showed a deadpan face and didn't say a word for a long time.

After [-] breaths of silence on the scene, Dutong bit the bullet and said: "You Daoist Yi is really powerful, you can get rid of the hidden disease hidden in Brother Demon Emperor's body with one shot, so that Brother Demon Emperor will advance into Mahayana in the future." Then there will be less worries.”

These words reminded the Demon King of the Flame Prison, and when he came back to his senses, he hurriedly cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help. The reason why all the monks in the Mahayana stage failed miserably."

"Actually, this 'Flying Thunder Seal' is the secret of my sect. The biggest effect is that it can give the caster an accurate coordinate, so that they can be found in the first time. It was originally created to protect the elite disciples of the sect. It's a last resort," Yi Tian said.

"Then what effect does this mark have?" Dutong asked.

"The caster can track across borders, and at the same time, as long as the caster encounters a life-threatening situation, the caster can sense the exact location," Yi Tian explained.

"According to fellow Daoist Yi, as long as the monks of the Flame Prison Demon Clan encounter the Thunder Tribulation when they cross the catastrophe, they will naturally alarm the Demon Sage. No one in the clan can get away with it by luck," Dutong asked tentatively.

"It should be like this, and I expect that all the monks in the fusion stage of the seven clans in the demon world will have this kind of 'flying thunder mark' on them," Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "So there are monks in the Mahayana stage of other races in the demon world The probability can be suppressed to zero, and the situation where the Heavenly Demon Clan dominates will continue."

Hearing the expression of the Demon King of the Flame Prison, he couldn't hold back. As a person who had been in the upper position for a long time, he also began to curse and began to criticize the Heavenly Demon Clan.

After scolding for a while, the Demon Emperor knew that he was impolite, so he turned around and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​and said calmly: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help this time, it also saved my life, so I will have a chance in the future Under the bottleneck of hitting the Mahayana period, you can also do it with peace of mind."

"The Demon Emperor's eyes are heavy, but it's just a little effort," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.Put away the magic spar that sealed the 'Flying Thunder Seal' in his hand, then turned his head to look at Du Tong in the distance and said: "Since fellow Taoist can tell the name of this supernatural power at a glance, I don't think I know it. Miss Xin Mi from the Nine Worlds of the Spirit?"

At this time, Dutong's face didn't have any arrogance anymore, he just sighed and replied: "I, the one-eyed demons, were the aborigines of this demon world tens of thousands of years ago, and I have also traveled to other worlds. There are also such records in it, but I still feel lingering fear when I saw it with my own eyes today."

"Is it the 'Strange Record of Hundred Races in the Demon Realm' that Fellow Daoist exchanged with me this time?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

"Actually, the copy in Yi Daoyou's hand is only the first volume, and I naturally have two volumes in my hand," Du Tong said, stretched out his hand, took out two jade slips, and sent them over from the air: "I want to The cognition of the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit has no more detailed records than ours, and when I heard the exchange conditions for Yi Daoyou at the trade fair, I was a little suspicious of your motives."

After receiving these two jade slips, Yi Tian didn't check them immediately, but put them away directly, and then said with a straight face: "Since Fellow Daoist Dutong is well aware of the situation in the ancient times of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, it is natural to be able to Now you know my relationship with Demon Saint Bao Tan."

"Then why did you go deep into the demon world this time? You don't want to come here to recount the old relationship with the demon saint," Du Tong teased.

Hearing the words, Yitian also laughed dumbly and said: "This may be one of the aspects, but the demon sage is always my primary goal, so before that, I don't want to have any quarrel with the great demon Dugu Lonely, so as not to startle the snake."

"That's right, now the entire demon world is actually under the control of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely, and Daoyou Yi wants me to confront him, right?" Dutong asked suddenly.

"At present, it seems that among the aborigines in the entire demon world, there is no one who is capable of challenging the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely, including fellow Taoist Dugu. people's reactions.

The Demon Emperor of Flame Prison's face darkened. Naturally, after taking out the 'Flying Thunder Seal' from his body just now, his original confidence was destroyed. It will take a while to get up again.

As for Dutong's eyes, although there was a gloomy look, they were still full of vigor and sternness afterwards. From the point of view of Dao Xin, they are more than a step ahead of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison.

And he also seemed to realize that his appearance here today would definitely not happen for no reason, so there must be a follow-up to this matter.And it is beneficial and harmless to Dutong, so he listened patiently and quietly.

"I'm going to the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', the Demon Saint Baotan should be there," Yi Tian said without reason: "I believe that only you can know this place, right?"

After all, Yi Tian's divine sense also locked on the two people in front of him, only to see that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison did not change his expression after hearing the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', but there was a little doubt in his eyes.But Dutong said with a solemn expression: "That's true, but do you know what kind of boundary the place is?"

"I heard that the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is the place with the most evil spirit in the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said.

"You don't know, the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is also a paradise for the demons, and the demonic vitality exuding from it is extremely pure," Du Tong said, "but that's the problem, usually I wait for the demons It can be divided into two forms: dynamic and static, if you inhale too much evil energy and cannot effectively neutralize it, you will easily become irritable and restless, and even become mad and lose your nature."

"That's why the area where the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is located is full of evil spirits, but it also has inherent disadvantages," Yi Tian said.

"That's right, and those frenzied monks will eventually be devoured by the killing desire in their minds, and eventually become pure killing beasts, unable to extricate themselves and gradually fall into the area of ​​​​the Eye of the Demon Realm," said Dutong.

(End of this chapter)

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