
Chapter 2316

Chapter 2316
After a fight with the two of them, Du Tong suddenly found that the opponent in front of him turned out to be a Mahayana monk, so there was no need to continue.Once there is a huge gap in strength, it is impossible to talk on the same level.

Fortunately, Yi Tian also wanted Dutong, so he didn't put on a superior posture. At the same time, he showed his identity and took out the "Flying Thunder Seal" hidden on the Demon King of the Flame Prison.

Speaking of this 'Flying Thunder Seal' is one of Luo Tianxian Palace's unique space secret arts, if it is not for those who are proficient in this way, it would be difficult to see that the demon saint Bao Tan was already in the demon world thousands of years ago. The cultivator planted this tracking talisman on his body.

To put it bluntly, once a monk in the integration stage completes his cultivation and prepares to hit the Mahayana stage, the demon saint Bao Tan will be informed of it as soon as possible.As long as he showed up at that time and operated a little bit, those who survived the catastrophe would definitely fall into the situation of "ten deaths but no life".

After listening to Yi Tian's explanation, the Flame Prison Demon Emperor naturally realized why only two Mahayana monks appeared in the Demon Realm for tens of thousands of years, and they were all monks of the Heavenly Demon Race.

At this point, his heart has been completely chilled, thinking that after tens of thousands of years of hard work and cooperation with the Heavenly Demon Clan, the Flame Prison Demon Clan was secretly stabbed in the back.Speaking of it, it is true that people who are not of our race must have a different heart. Although the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison is upset about this, he has no good countermeasures under his weak strength.

After solving his problem, Yi Tian turned his head and asked about Dutongtong. After all, the history of his one-eyed demon clan can be deduced back to the ancient times of the demon world or even the ancient times.To put it bluntly, although the number of one-eyed demons is dying, the rest are living fossils. If you have any questions about the history of the demon world, you are right to ask them.

And when Yi Tian mentioned the location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', Dutong was able to react immediately, which made Yi Tian happy. He was worried that there was no one to lead the way, but he didn't expect that there was a ready-made one in front of him. of.

Unexpectedly, Dutong took a wait-and-see attitude towards the problem of the 'Eye of the Demon World', and at the same time, he also stated that the harsh environment there would make everyone who entered lose their minds and eventually became a mindless killing beast that fell in the' The Eye of the Demon' is nearby.

Hearing Dutong's description, Yi Tian also thought about it in his heart. It seems that the demon saint Baotan can enter and leave the eye of the demon world safely. Speaking of which, he should have a way to resist the erosion of the evil spirit's vitality on his sanity.

Needless to say, it should be the effect of some kind of Buddhist supernatural power and secret technique practiced by Uncle Wuxiang after he entered the Buddhist spirit world.Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little relieved, since the Demon Saint Bao Tan can do this, so can he.

After thinking about it, he calmed down and said to the two of them: "I have also considered what fellow Taoist Du Tong said just now. Since the devil sage Baotan can practice secret techniques to stabilize the soul and not be troubled by the evil spirit, then we can naturally do it too." It can be done by drawing a gourd in the same way."

Hearing this Dutong first looked happy, but then frowned and said: "Does Yi Daoyou have such supernatural powers and secrets in his hands, please ask for instructions to let me know."

"I have the Buddhist sect's secret technique, 'Bodhi Concentrating Mantra', which has a good effect on consolidating the power of the soul and strengthening self-control," Yi Tian explained.

But Du Tong and the Demon King of Flame Prison in front of them both showed doubts on their faces. After thinking about it, no one dared to ask first.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knew that they seemed to have some scruples in their hearts. After all, asking a demon monk to comprehend the secret arts of Buddhism was a bit suspicious of dragging people into the water.

After thinking about it, Genius laughed and said, "Are the two of you taking into account the problem of mutual restraint of the attributes of this exercise?"

"That's right," said the Demon King of Flame Prison, "Yi Daoyou, you are a dual cultivator of spirits and demons, so it's easy to learn Buddhist secret arts at the same time, but we are born demon monks, but we are very afraid of this. Once we practice It would be extremely troublesome if the Buddhist sect's secret technique had an impact on the original demon cultivator's body."

"It turns out that this is what the two of you are worried about." Yi Tian restrained the smile on his face and replied: "Actually, you don't need to worry, this magical power is only for cultivating the soul, and it doesn't involve any issue of the attributes of the exercises. So I guess Once you have achieved success in cultivation, you can all maintain a 'quiet' state of magic cultivation, and the troubles with the evil energy can be minimized."

Speaking of which, the flame prison demon emperor in front of him didn't show any relaxed look on his face, as if he was still holding a wait-and-see attitude towards his own explanation.Then he turned around and looked at Dutong, only to see that his expression has softened a lot.Then I only heard Du Tong say: "I also know about the secret art of the Buddha sect, but unfortunately I have no chance to see it. But I know that if I can practice this supernatural power, it will definitely have a lot of benefits for entering the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'."

"Fellow Daoist with one pupil is really well-informed," Yi Tian hastily echoed, reaching out his hand and taking out a copy of the secret art from the storage ring, and handing it over through the air.

Reaching out to take the jade slip, Dutong didn't open it directly, but asked with a serious face: "I have one thing to ask, fellow Daoist Yi, if we can't resolve this matter, I'm afraid our cooperation will be difficult to continue." go down."

"Fellow Daoist with one pupil, please tell me, I will listen carefully," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Clearing his throat, Du Tong asked with a serious face, "How can you help me take this last step to enter Mahayana?"

When it came to the point of the question, even the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison held his breath and waited for his reply.After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, gently sent it over and said, "I got this from Yu Tian Wujue, a real immortal from the lower realm, and it's called 'Yellow Qi Breaking Barriers'." Dan' is specially used by monks who practice Huang Qi to break through the bottleneck."

"May I ask what is 'yellow gas'?" Dutong asked in confusion.

"Actually, in the fairy world, aura is classified as mysterious and yellow aura," Yi Tian explained: "This mysterious and yellow aura is divided into aura and demonic aura for the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. So this 'Yellow Qi Barrier Breaking Pill' is exactly It is for the monks who cultivate evil spirit."

Hearing the doubtful look on Du Tong's face, he gradually eased off, but his rhetoric did not convince the other party very much.After thinking about it for a while, Dutong still tried to ask: "Then Daoist Yi's state of both spirit and demon cultivation is common in the fairy world. You must know that we are far less familiar with the affairs of the upper fairy world than you, fellow daoist."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian naturally had to explain it well so as not to make them have doubts in their hearts, and when everyone cooperates, it will become out of place and reserved.

"The double cultivation of spirits and demons that I practice is orthodoxly called 'Xuanhuang Shuangxiu' in the upper fairy world. At the same time, I practice the mysterious and yellow energy to combine them into one again, which is naturally more powerful," Yi Tian said with a smile: "So in the fairy world The real immortals who have the 'Xuanhuang Shuangxiu' in Zhongfanshi are naturally stronger than ordinary ones, and they are unreservedly said to be invincible among the same level."

"In this way, the speed of cultivation will naturally be much slower than those who only cultivate one school," Du Tong said.

"That's natural," Yi Tian said with a smile: "It's just that for a true immortal whose lifespan is close to infinity, it seems reasonable to spend thousands of years to specialize in 'Xuanhuang Erqi'."

"As fellow Daoist Yi said, isn't it true that there are many true immortals who choose 'Xuanhuang Shuangxiu' in the immortal world," the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison asked tentatively.

"That's not true. In fact, the matter of this exercise still depends on the person. It mainly depends on whether it is suitable or not." Yi Tian shook his head and said: "As the so-called honey is my poison, this matter cannot be generalized .”

After hearing this, both of them showed comprehension on their faces, and then Dutong said, "Actually, Fellow Daoist Yi thought too simply the process of my family's advancement to the Mahayana stage, knowing why the demon saint Bao Tan would treat me as a one-eyed demon. The family is so afraid that under constant suppression, they even provoked the entire demon world to be our enemy."

"Fellow Taoist with one pupil, please speak up," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"My one-eyed demon monk wants to advance to the Mahayana stage. In addition to cultivating the peak of the later stage of refining, he also needs other assistance. In addition, he also has great requirements for the advanced environment. It's the source," Dutong said lightly, "I think that you should be able to guess something, right?"

"Could it be that the location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' was originally occupied by your one-eyed demon clan?" Yi Tian asked after thinking about it.

"Hmph, that 'Eye of the Demon Realm' was originally the forbidden area of ​​my one-eyed demon clan, but it was just because the demon saint Bao Tan took advantage of our Mahayana cultivator's ascension to occupy it forcibly," Du Tong said about the place on his face. It also seemed to be showing resentment.

Hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly and said: "If this is the case, it seems that fellow Taoist with one pupil has been restricted by many conditions during the Mahayana stage of advancement."

After all, Ke Yitian knew in his heart that it was extremely difficult to advance to the Mahayana stage, and it was no easier than Dutong's.But because it was a coincidence that it entered the fragments of the fairy world, things will happen naturally.

Now look at Dutong's appearance, although he is a bit brooding about the advancement, but it is not without alternatives.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face and said: "Daoyou Dutong said something too absolute, I think there should be other places besides the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' that can be suitable for you to hit the Mahayana stage, I wonder if my guess is correct?"

Dutong said without any concealment: "It seems that although Yi Daoyou is young and knowledgeable, he is far beyond my expectations. There is also a bottleneck that allows me to try to enter the Mahayana stage. Although the effect is much worse than that of the Eye of the Demon Realm, it can be regarded as a unique boundary."

"If my guess is right, it should be the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'," Yi Tian said for no reason, and he couldn't think of any other place where Dutong could use it.

It's just that the 'Abyss of the Devil's Realm' itself has already entered more than 1000 years ago, and has also explored the deepest part.Speaking of which, although the devilish vitality there is strong, it is also within the monitoring range of the devil saint Baotan, so it may not be easy for Dutong to secretly hide there.

Shaoqing only saw Dutong nodded and replied: "Speaking of which, the abyss of the demon world is actually a place where the evil vitality overflowing from the eye of the demon world gathers, and there are three passages leading to the 'eye of the demon world' at the same time. Entrance."

"What's the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' that can only be entered from the abyss of the Demon Realm?" Yi Tian asked with a slightly changed face.I remember the clues I found in the royal family's mausoleum in the Asura world before, and found that the "Eye of the Demon World" should be located on the border of the two major planes of the Demon World and the Buddha Spirit World.

But the abyss of the demon world in the demon world is in another place, and the distance between the two is at least tens of thousands of miles.

Even the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison who was standing beside him was moved when he heard this, basically he didn't have a chance to intervene today.The Demon Emperor who wanted him to return to the Demon Clan of the Flame Hell in the Demon Realm had never heard of what the two of them said.At this time, he could only obediently listen to the conversation between the two.

Just listen to Dutong's dignified expression: "Actually, after occupying the area of ​​the 'Eye of the Demon World', the Demon Saint Bao Tan used the supernatural powers to arrange a super-powerful space formation, so that the area within a radius of ten miles can be vividly captured. The boundary of tens of thousands of miles has been covered. To put it bluntly, it has become a forbidden area with no one inhabited. Outsiders who want to enter it must try to find the formation space. But even if they find it, So what, is it so easy to break and enter the formation enchantment set up by the monks of the Mahayana period?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tian naturally understood that the predecessor of Demon Saint Bao Tan was Master Wuxiang, and he was naturally proficient in the formation of Luo Tianxian Palace.To put it bluntly, only a person like him can do such a grand formation of restraints.

Then he asked lightly: "What about the three entrances in the abyss of the demon world that fellow Taoist said?"

"In fact, the three entrances in the abyss of the demon world were originally gaps caused by the distortion of time and space, and the other end of the entrance is connected to the vicinity of the 'Eye of the Demon World'," Du Tong said, "This is also what I learned from the suzerain secret. The information found in the code, but the space in these three gaps is not very stable, and after tens of thousands of years have passed, I don’t know whether it can still be used.”

"So fellow Taoist One Tong Tong, you said that you plan to sneak into the location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' from the three space-time gaps in the abyss of the demon world, and then try to advance to the Mahayana stage?" Yi Tian asked: " But in this way, the demon saint Bao Tan will still know the situation immediately, even if you succeed in breaking through by luck, you will have to face Bao Tan's anger next, are you sure you can take it?"

Dutong heard the words but shook his head and said: "Yi Daoyou guessed wrong, I didn't intend to go through the gap in the space to enter the range of the 'Eye of the Demon World', I just wanted to absorb enough overflow near the gap." I am trying to advance the demonic vitality. But it would be better if there is Yi Daoyou to help me hide the breath."

(End of this chapter)

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