
Chapter 2318 Waiting

Chapter 2318 Waiting

The "Martial Contest and Marriage Recruitment" conference of the Flame Prison Dynasty is in full swing, and monks from all races in the devil world have rushed to it.Those who are capable come here after receiving the invitation, as for those casual cultivators who have not received the invitation but are strong, they also come here admiringly.

Naturally, they also want to come here to try their luck. Although they don't know the detailed rules of this "martial arts competition to recruit relatives", if they can stand out and become the prince's son-in-law of the Flame Prison Dynasty, that would be an extremely great thing.Even if you can't win, if you can attract the attention of those large forces, it can be regarded as achieving your goal.

Because there were so many people coming to this 'competition to recruit relatives', the Flame Prison Dynasty made a special trip to divide them into two parts.Those monks who have an invitation letter can directly enter the semi-finals, while those who do not have an invitation letter will have to participate in the preliminary screening.

At this time, Yi Tian entered the main hall of the rematch through the special passage with the invitation letter given by Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison Emperor.At the same time, it can be seen here that at least six or seven monks from the demon world have already been waiting here.

These people are monks from the seven demon clans, and even among the flame prison demon clan, there is an early-stage monk who is distracted.It is expected that this person should also belong to those princes.As for Dugu Canglang, the favorite to win the championship, it seems that Dugu Canglang has already arrived, and at this time the two bodyguards beside him are also shortlisted.

Half of the people present were cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Clan, so naturally the rest of the cultivators felt a little afraid when they saw it.What's more, after knowing Dugu Canglang's true identity, most of these monks stayed far away, for fear of being remembered by others.

But Yi Tian didn't have such worries at all, but after entering in order to reduce contact with it, he found a vacant seat at the side and waited quietly.

Naturally, his actions did not attract the attention of others, but he obviously did not want to reveal his identity easily by wearing a breath-suppressing cloak.

Other demon monks were also accustomed to this, but Dugu Canglang had met him once before, so when he saw him again, he also showed a little surprise on his face.

But soon he covered up the strange color on his face and returned to normal, and then slowly walked forward until he was three feet away before stopping.Then he bowed his head and asked via voice transmission: "I didn't expect you to come to this 'martial arts contest' to recruit relatives. Dugu Canglang, the demon clan in the next sky, is being polite."

After hearing Dugu Canglang's sound transmission, Yi Tian slowly turned around and took a look at him, only to see a faint forbidden spirit seed in the middle of his brow.Needless to say, it must be the imprint left by the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely on him.

To put it bluntly, if Dugu Canglang is in any danger to his life, this mark will definitely be activated.Even if the mark is destroyed on the spot, it can still record the opponent's situation. Based on his current plan, he doesn't want to reveal his identity. If he makes a rash move, he must be unable to escape the result of being tracked down by Dugu Lonely.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian calmly opened his mouth and replied via voice transmission: "It's a great honor for me to be a guest monk of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, 'Yi Er', who can be remembered by the young patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan."

His real name is too resounding, if it is said in the devil world, everyone will know it.After all, the number one character on the most wanted list has spread throughout the entire demon world hundreds of years ago.

So Yan Lei also exchanged a name when he gave himself the invitation letter, but in Yi Tian's view, it was not satisfactory.But since he came, An Zhi had to do a full set of acting, so he could only introduce himself under the title of "Yi Er".

On the contrary, Dugu Canglang showed a little puzzled expression after hearing this, and then asked again: "In my memory, it seems that there has never been a person with such a cultivation level as a fellow daoist in the Loose Cultivation Alliance."

"It's just that you are ignorant," Yi Tian said without showing him any sympathy: "I have never heard of the person who bid in the last trade fair in the Demon Realm. Many hidden masters have surfaced one after another, and I don't know what the flame prison dynasty is planning."

Although he knew Yan Lei's purpose for a long time, and Dugu Canglang in front of him must have guessed a thing or two, but he only mentioned it in order to avoid suspicion.Sure enough, when Dugu Canglang heard the words, he smiled calmly and said, "If I say that the 'martial arts contest' of the Flame Prison Dynasty this time is specially set up to deal with me, believe it or not?"

Yi Tian looked up at him and replied lightly: "Fellow Daoist Dugu seems to have raised himself too high. I don't think this matter will be that simple."

"Oh. Why did Fellow Daoist Yi say that?" Dugu Canglang's complexion changed slightly and he hurriedly asked.

"I heard that after this 'competition to recruit relatives', the places to go to the abyss of the devil world will be determined," Yi Tian said unhurriedly: "It seems that the top fifteen are eligible to be shortlisted."

"The top [-] can get the qualification to enter the abyss of the demon world," Dugu Canglang corrected: "I also heard about this not long ago. The decision was made after the unanimous consent of the suzerains of all ethnic groups."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also amused, how could this be the decision of the suzerains of various clans.Obviously, the Demon King of Flame Prison purposely doubled the number of candidates in order to allow himself and Dutong to blend in smoothly.

Back then, when I entered the abyss of the demon world, there were only two monks from each clan.The original [-] places can be regarded as a match, but because the places are determined in the "martial arts competition" of the Flame Prison Dynasty, those casual cultivators with strong external strength will get some opportunities.In this way, the inherent quota of the original six clans in the demon world will be squeezed, so the proposal of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison will naturally make the suzerains of the other clans unanimously nod in agreement.

Doubling the number of places, although it is impossible for the six major clans to get all the additional places, they can still guarantee the original established positions.Now the rise of the Loose Cultivator Alliance is unstoppable, so the Loose Cultivators who were originally hidden in the devil world will slowly surface.

After the report at the 'Contest for Martial Arts Recruitment' conference, the Loose Cultivator Alliance has already received no less than five invitation letters, and this does not include those who did not come to participate in the competition.

Judging from the fact that the Flame Prison Demon King doubled the number of candidates this time, it was also in consideration of appeasing the forces of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.But his secret calculations are probably only clear in his own heart.

After listening to the other party's sound transmission, Yi Tian didn't seem to show any surprise, but said in a flat tone: "That's just right, it can reduce our introversion when we are 'competing for marriage'."

Hearing this, Dugu Canglang's obviously anxious expression gradually eased. In his opinion, not all the monks who came to participate in the competition were for the purpose of marrying the Crown Prince of the Flame Prison, Concubine Yan.Their real purpose is still to get the quota to go to the abyss of the devil world.

In this way, he will pay special attention to those contestants who may pose a threat to him. For example, although the 'Yi Er' in front of him is not the first time he has met, the aura he saw when he met outside the city last time made Dugu Cang Lang felt a lingering fear in his heart.That's why he came here before the start of the competition to find out. After listening to it, Dugu Canglang smiled slightly, as if he thought that a potential crisis had been resolved, and then said: "In that case, fellow Daoist Yi, we have nothing to gain. There is a conflict, I believe that everyone will not need to entangle too much in the flames of the flames."

"That's true, our goals are different, so there's no need to fight each other," Yi Tian replied slowly, "But of course I won't let go of the things I need easily. I believe you should understand, Fellow Daoist Dugu. I mean. Even if you don't understand, the two bodyguards behind you must have some scruples at that time."

Mentioning his two bodyguards, Dugu Canglang's expression darkened, since the 'Yi Er' in front of him had already said this, it meant that he was not afraid of the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Clan at all.At this point, he was secretly thinking about it, and after a while of greetings, he turned and returned to his original position.

After returning back, Dugu Canglang and the two Heavenly Demon Clan monks in the distraction period bowed their heads and had a private chat through sound transmission, and then the eyes of the three of them also passed Yi Tian's side as if they were looking at something.

Yi Tian didn't take them to heart at all, and found an open space to sit down and wait.

After Shaoqing, monks of various ethnic groups entered the hall one after another. These people entered directly after skipping the preliminary competition with invitation letters.Among them, Yi Tian found that there were eight monks from the Ice Demon Race and the Night Demon Race whose spirit pressure fluctuations were abnormally solid.These people should be the best players in the clan and they submitted them to participate in the competition, the purpose is to reach the position of the prince's son-in-law.

Most of their continuations are in the early and mid-stage of distraction, and only one mid-stage cultivator of the Ice Demon Race is among them.

After the arrival of these eight people, it was obvious that Dugu Canglang couldn't sit still. If he said that he made him afraid, he didn't really feel a sense of threat.After all, Dugu Canglang expected in his heart that what he wanted to fight on behalf of the Loose Cultivation Alliance was only the place to enter the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', not because he really wanted to marry the Crown Prince Concubine Yan.

From this point of view, although Dugu Canglang had some scruples about his own strength, he had no real intention of confronting him.

But these monks of the Ice Demon Clan and the Night Demon Clan are different. The comprehensive strength of the two major races can only be ranked in the middle of the seven demon clans.But if they join forces, they will naturally pose an unknown threat to the Sky Demons.Moreover, these two clans were the ones who really wanted to compete with them for the position of son-in-law, so Dugu Canglang treated them with 12 spirits.

Yi Tian saw the appearance of these junior monks in his eyes, just smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and didn't have any interest in paying any more attention, then closed his eyes and sat cross-legged quietly to adjust his breath.

After waiting for a full three hours, many monks Lu entered the hall one after another.Although Yi Tian is adjusting his breath, his divine mind is always open to observe the people coming, but there seems to be no trace of the one-eyed demon with one pupil among these people.

Although I knew that he would enter in an inconspicuous way, I didn't expect to wait for so long and I haven't seen anyone coming.Yi Tian didn't see Dutong until the sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' came out from the main entrance of the main hall.

Just as he was about to have doubts in his heart, he suddenly saw a monk from the Flame Hell Demon Race slowly walking in from the side of the main hall among the candidates.The fluctuation of spiritual pressure on this person is not strong, but the attribute of the skill is slightly different from that of ordinary flame prison demon monks.

With my own cultivation base, I can only see the clue after some investigation. I am afraid that the other monks in the distraction stage present should have absolutely no chance of discovering the problem with him.

Thinking about it in my heart, Dutong's identity is too sensitive, and his deity is a monk of the one-eyed demon clan, which is different from ordinary people.

If you don't need to speak while standing on the main hall, you will be recognized directly just by the huge one-eyed face on your face.Before Yi Tian was still wondering how Dutong would appear in this meeting, but now it seems that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison should have found him a monk of his own family to pass the test.

In fact, there are also several monks from the flame prison demon clan in the main hall at this time, but they are also very unfamiliar with this fellow monk who came in last.But since they are of the same race, it is easy to handle, and several people quietly walked up to try to communicate with them in private.

It's a pity that with the identity of Dutong, he would not like it at all, and walked away alone after a few perfunctory words.In the end, his eyes flicked across the hall and finally settled on Yi Tian.

At the same time, Yi Tian also opened his eyes and took a look. As soon as the eyes of the two made contact, they could see the meaning in each other's eyes.Immediately, they restrained themselves and did not intend to make any further eye contact.

It was Dugu Canglang who kept looking at the person who came, and after scanning the hall several times with his divine sense, he seemed to be looking for someone.After ten breaths, he finally got it right before he sighed softly. It was obvious that he didn't seem to find the other two people he met at the trade fair.

If he met too many powerful opponents this time, it would definitely not be a good thing for the Tianmozu, and he would inevitably have to come forward to deal with them in person.Try to get rid of all monks who pose a threat to you before entering the sea of ​​flames and hell.

The total number of all shortlisted people is less than a hundred, and nearly one-third of these people can get the quota to enter the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.Those well-informed people have naturally started to plan for the future. Although the elimination rate is not low, there are still many opportunities due to the doubling of the quota this time.

Shaoqing appeared on the side of the hall with some movement, and a group of monks in palace attire appeared behind, and Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison, entered the hall together with the crown prince, Concubine Yan.

After entering, wait for the two to take their seats, Yan Lei, the Emperor of Flame Prison, quickly swept his spiritual thoughts across the people below.Yi Tian found that Yan Lei's divine sense deliberately stayed on him and Dutong for a while, although it was very short, he did not escape his awareness.

As for Concubine Yan's eyes at this time, she glanced at her from time to time, and it seemed that the rest of the contestants didn't catch her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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