
Chapter 2319 Start

Chapter 2319 Start

The "martial contest to recruit relatives" in the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty has just kicked off, but it is not known how many people under this grand event are really rushing to welcome the Crown Prince Yan Concubine.At least Yi Tian himself didn't mean it.It's just that there are a lot of strange things in this incident. I didn't expect that the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison would propose to double the number of people put into the "devil abyss" in order to cover Dutong and himself.

In this way, the large number of people also gave more room for those who came to participate in the "competition to recruit relatives".

Speaking of which, the high-level leaders of the Demon Realm also secretly reached a private agreement, and everyone wanted the younger generation of the clan to go to the abyss of the Demon Realm to reap benefits.

Besides, the rule is that the dead are alive, and the rules set by the predecessors are meant to be broken by the future generations.

In the Demon Realm, except for the Heavenly Demon Clan, the other six clans and the forces of the Loose Cultivation Alliance have long been watching the resources in the abyss of the Demon Realm for a long time.Therefore, this time, after the proposal of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison, it passed surprisingly smoothly. Even if Dugu Yaoxiang of the Sky Demon Clan wanted to object, he couldn't go against everyone's wishes.

If the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely is allowed to come forward and forcibly suppress it, it will be harmful to the Heavenly Demon Race.The Heavenly Demon Clan has always suppressed or wooed the other six clans, but if they really turned against them completely, it might not be possible to do this with the courage of Dugu Lonely.What's more, even if the Great Heavenly Demon Clan in the Demon Realm's territory exhausts the power of the whole clan, it may not be able to control one-tenth of its territory.

Therefore, after weighing the matter of doubling the quota this time, although I objected in my heart, I could only abstain from it in face.

In fact, what everyone does not know is that the original proposal of the Demon King of Flame Prison was to release twice the number of quotas, and directly set the number of people entering the abyss of the demon world at around 50.

For him, the more people there are, the more beneficial it is for the actions of Dutong and Yi Tian.It's a pity that although the Heavenly Demons are willing to give in, they still have a bottom line. If the number exceeds double, it has reached the limit of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu's loneliness.

But even the quota of 30 people is far beyond the expectations of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison. Anyway, this is like a negotiation. You respect me one foot and I respect you one foot.

Thinking about it, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison should also have made some concessions on the issue of "martial arts competition and recruiting relatives", so he reached a temporary compromise.But he knew in his heart that as long as Dutong and Yi Tian were among the crowd, the demons would have absolutely no hope of succeeding that day.

After Yan Lei, the uncle of the Flame Prison, gave a lecture, each monk below was distributed a white jade bottle.This thing is a Haina bottle specially made for collecting the 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet Essence'. The entire storage time limit is set within three days, but all those that come out during this period can be counted as scores.

If it is too late, the entrance of the passage will be sealed from the outside, and the people inside will have the ability to break through the void and escape unless they are monks in the fit period or those who are proficient in space magic.

Later, all contestants need to turn in the jade bottle after they come out, and count the quantity and quality of the collected 'flame prison fire velvet essence' in front of all the judges.As for the top [-] people, they will automatically get the quota to enter the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', and the top four can be regarded as the winners of this 'competition to recruit relatives' to enter the next round of one-on-one competition.

As for the winner of these four, he can become the prince consort of the flame prison demon dynasty.

The more than 100 contestants below had different expressions on their faces after hearing the words. Those who came here for this purpose were naturally eager to try.

But like Dutong or other monks with ulterior motives, their complexions remained unchanged, as if they didn't listen to Yan Lei's last description.

At least like Yi Tian, ​​although wearing a breath-suppressing cloak to cover his face, he actually has a dispensable expression on his face.

After putting away the Haina bottle, he followed the team all the way through the inner court of the Flame Prison Imperial City to the forbidden area in the imperial palace.The entrance to the 'sea of ​​flames' is a red light door, and these candidates passed through it one by one and then disappeared without a trace.

According to Yan Lei, the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison, the "Fire Sea of ​​Flame Prison" that he entered is also a demon world Xumi space, and the inner boundary is at least tens of thousands of miles wide.

But there is only one exit, and all those who enter must return from the original road.

On the way into the sea of ​​flames, Yi Tian found that the eyes of Concubine Yan who was watching from behind seemed to be on him all the time.I believe that her greatest expectations now also fall on her side.

Speaking of it, it would not be difficult to disqualify Dugu Canglang from being a candidate for the son-in-law without alarming the great demon Dugu Lonely.But if he did it to the point of embarrassment and he couldn't detect that he was secretly messing up the situation, he had to think about it in the long run.

After passing through the red closed door, Yi Tian entered the 'sea of ​​flames', and found himself in a valley after exiting the passage of the light gate.Shen Sense reached out to check and found that the surrounding area was really as Yan Lei described before, magma seeped everywhere on the ground, as if standing on a lava pool in a crater.

He glanced over and found that the people who came in in front of him had already left in twos and threes.Especially Dugu Canglang was the first to enter, and he had already flown thousands of miles away.

As for the Dutong behind him at this time, it seems that he is at the bottom of the line and has not yet come in. After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't hesitate. After a flash of light flashed on his body, he jumped into the sky, then chose a direction, and flew straight towards that place. It's not fast, and it only maintains the appearance of the early stage of distraction.

After flying thousands of miles away, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and in his spiritual sense, he found that there were three spiritual pressure fluctuations that were not weak, which seemed to be following behind him.Two of them are circling in circles and catching up with themselves at a speed in the middle of distraction, as if they are about to encircle them.

I didn't expect that such a small group would come to make their own ideas in this "martial arts competition" conference, and Yi Tian also showed a faint smile on his face after thinking about it.I was thinking of just swaying slowly like this, but I didn't expect to add some fun to myself as soon as I came up.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian just pretended to be nonchalant and continued to fly forward, but in fact, his spiritual sense locked the three of them.In addition, Yi Tian opened up his divine sense and explored the area of ​​thousands of miles, and found that Dutong seemed to have entered the "flame hell fire sea" at this time.However, the direction he was going was somewhat biased against his own, which was also the principle agreed before, and the two of them had as little contact as possible before entering the abyss of the devil world.

As for Dugu Canglang, who had flown three thousand miles away at this time, he brought the two bodyguards behind him and began to collect all the 'flame prison fire velvet essence'.

After flying not far away, there were three spiritual lights flying around him from three directions.It was obvious that the three of them were going to hunt themselves down as agreed.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he saw it. After stabilizing his figure in the air, he waited for them to come to the door. It may be that this way of coping made the three unknown and unexpected.The three of them didn't rush forward, instead they flew in and out about a hundred feet away before stabilizing their bodies.The person at the head asked, "Take off your cloak and let us see your true face."

"Oh, the three of you seem to have something to say, do you think you're going to have to eat so much without shame?" Yi Tian said without any fear.

"Just do what you are told, don't bully me until I don't know how to count, if someone asked us to follow you in to find out the details, we wouldn't have made such a bad plan and found you as soon as we came in," said the leader The man shouted again.

"Someone wants to check my background," Yi Tian was startled, this time since he came to the Demon Realm, he didn't expect to provoke anyone.Moreover, he has been cautious along the way, in order to avoid being noticed by the big demon Dugu Lonely, so far he has not shown any signs of making a move.

If this is all being targeted, then only the fact that he showed up in the Loose Cultivation Alliance during that period will attract suspicion.But I remember that I didn't do anything outrageous that time, so Yi Tian said lightly: "I don't know how I offended the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and let the three of you catch a cold and risk entering the 'flame hell fire sea' 'Track my movements."

"We are not members of the Loose Cultivator Alliance," said the monk standing on the other side, "but there is a certain aura on your body that indicates that you may be someone of our kind, that's why we surrounded you."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's expression became even more gloomy, and what he heard seemed to be quite different from what he had expected.Think about who in the entire demon world would pay so much attention to his own movements, not to mention that with his own strength, generally speaking, only monks of the same level could be noticed.

But according to what they said, they would only be targeted after a certain aura on their body was detected, but they didn't know what kind of aura it was.Grasping the word "similar person" in their words, Yi Tian also showed strong doubts on his face.

The divine sense sneaked out and scanned the three of them back and forth, but found no resemblance between them and myself.His eyes flashed across the three of them one by one, Yi Tian wondered how he was missed by the three of them, but it was inconvenient for him to do it directly here, killing them is a trivial matter, but Yi Tian still thought about it It is necessary to find out the cause of the matter clearly.

After thinking about it, the aura around him suddenly surged, and then he used the escape technique to rise up from the ground, break through the encirclement of the three people, and leave straight to the side.

The three besieging people didn't expect such a change in the situation after seeing it, and then hurriedly sacrificed their evasion techniques to catch up from behind.Immediately after that, the supernatural powers cast in his hand hit Yi Tian.

A red halo flashed and protected Yi Tian's body, and the three supernatural spells hit the red halo immediately, but they didn't hinder Yi Tian's flight speed at all.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian distanced himself from the three of them, and after a moment, he pulled the distance to the brink of the divine sense investigation during the distraction period.Immediately after accelerating again, he escaped directly from the coverage of the three people's divine sense detection.

After Yi Tian was sure that he had got rid of the three people's pursuit, he restrained his breath, lowered his escape technique, and stopped slowly on a certain empty hill.Then, under the slight movement of the divine mind, he stretched out his hand and sealed the seal to display the secret magic power.Just now when he was besieged by three people, he skillfully cast a secret technique and left a mark on the three people after his eyes flashed.

Now I used the tracking secret technique to investigate and found that they are now in an area four thousand miles away from me.However, the three of them didn't seem to be sure of their movements, so they rushed all the way at this time and did not lock their positions.

At the same time, Yi Tian thought secretly in his heart, as if the three of them had locked on him since they came in, not because he had any tracking marks on him or something else.

However, these three people are obviously not the masterminds behind the scenes, so even if they are solved on the spot, it will not help.But if these three people continue to entangle with him, then don't blame him for being cruel.

After calming down his mood, Yi Tian once again sacrificed his escapism and flew towards the distance, holding the map given by the Demon King of Flame Prison in his hand.If you rely on this map to collect the 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet', you will save a lot of effort.Thinking about these so-called fair competitions, there is no fairness at all, they are all competition games behind some power groups.

This time when he entered the 'flame prison fire sea', Yi Tian gradually became suspicious when he encountered such a strange thing. With his own strength, it was almost impossible for others to track it down.But from what the three said, they had indeed discovered similarities in themselves.It is not known what this similarity is.

Yi Tian bowed his head and thought for a long time and searched with his divine sense, but he didn't find anything strange.After thinking about it, he could only give up for the time being, and then his divine sense came out again and found that the three people who were following him seemed to have parted ways and separated.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian thought about it, and after the aura around him shone again, he disappeared in place.Containing his breath, Yi Tian quickly flew in the direction of the leader.

It took a short while to catch up with the area where this person was. Unexpectedly, after a farewell just now, the three of them separated to collect the 'Flame Prison Fire Velvet'.It's just that under one-on-one, Yi Tian quietly landed not far behind the man, and then stretched out his right hand to draw a circle in the air.In an instant, a cyan halo appeared and fell straight down on the man.

'Puff Chi' When the cyan halo engulfed the man's head, the man's body softened and he was taken into it.After Yi Tianjian succeeded in one blow, he jumped forward and put away his spells, leading the man and disappearing directly here.

It would not be a big deal if one of the monks fell here during the whole "martial arts contest and recruiting relatives" conference.What's more, Yi Tian did it himself and did it very secretly without worrying about being noticed.

After flying thousands of miles with the man, he found a place where there was no one. After Yi Tian fell, he set up a barrier around him.Then, without further ado, he directly searched for the soul. Of course, he didn't have the slightest sympathy when dealing with such a monk.

However, after ten breaths, Yi Tian's face became extremely exciting when the soul search was completed, and the news they got from this person's mind was also obeying others' orders.As for the person behind them is a late-stage monk, speaking of which, these three people are all pitiful and just regarded as abandoned children.It's just that it's a pity that the identity of the person behind the scenes couldn't be found out after performing the soul search.

But being topped by a late-stage monk is not a joke. It is expected that there is a late-stage monk hidden in the entire demon world besides the one-eyed demon's one-eyed pupil.How is this not surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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