
Chapter 2321 Counting

Chapter 2321 Counting
The search for "Flame Prison Fire Velvet" in the "Flame Prison Fire Sea" was finally successfully completed. Although there were many small episodes during the period, they were all dispensable things for Yi Tian.However, there are three monks in the distraction period besieging him, which is really fresh in Yi Tian's memory, although he captured the leader after he made a move.

But after performing the Soul Search Secret, they did not find the exact problem. In other words, they did not find the mastermind behind them.

However, Yi Tian summoned Du Tong early on to explain the strange things he encountered.Presumably Dutong would also be very concerned about this, and the two of them can naturally wipe out this group of people together.

Three days later, before the time when he came out, Yi Tian flew straight towards the exit.I didn't expect to see monks from the Heavenly Demon Race set up checkpoints here.Fortunately, after revealing his identity, he deliberately muddied the situation and handed over the mess to Dugu Yaoxiang.

After the 'flame prison fire sea' was released, Yi Tian handed over the Haina bottle containing the 'flame prison fire velvet essence', and then found an open space in the hall to sit cross-legged and wait.

Later, a large number of monks came out from the exit. After all the personnel left the secret realm, the number of people counted was more than a dozen less than when they entered.Needless to say, these people were kept inside forever, including the three people who followed him back then.

Yi Tian had a private chat with Dutong while the Yan Prison Dynasty was counting everyone's achievements.Just listening to the other party's opening, Yi Tian realized that something was wrong, and Shaoqing hurriedly asked: "Why did you find anything after the investigation?"

"A clone of a Mahayana cultivator might be following you," Dutong replied.

"Dugu Lonely, it's still the devil's sage," Yi Tian said without changing his expression, but there was a glint of haze in his eyes.

"Not at all, it's the clone of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin," Du Tong replied indifferently: "It should be that the supernatural powers and secret arts you cultivated were detected by him."

"Why is it him?" Yi Tian was puzzled and said, "Did you find anything else?"

"Although the three of them are demon monks, they are all casual cultivators," Dutong said, "in fact, the avatar of the Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin has long been lurking in the demon world, but he doesn't know why he lurked. What is the purpose. And a late-stage monk who is not weaker than me is always a great hidden danger."

"Daoist Dutong is right. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for a monk with such strength to stay in the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said lightly, "But as long as you don't come to hinder our actions, it's fine if you cause trouble for us." That’s beyond his control.”

"After all, it's always troublesome if they match up," Du Tong said with a serious expression, "Now he's in the dark and doesn't know what he's going to do."

"Now we can only take one step at a time," Yi Tian sighed: "Now we can only be careful, but I think this clone of Luo Qin should be able to find me soon. Well, at least I can understand the other party's intentions."

"How does Fellow Daoist Yi plan to deal with this matter?" Dutong asked.

"I don't know either. Now that the plan can't keep up with the changes, we can only follow it," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"The sudden appearance of the avatar of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin is not expected to be a good thing, at least it is a huge variable for us," Dutong said solemnly.

"At this time, I know it in my heart," Yi Tian replied with a nod. Speaking of which, he knew that Luo Qin's deity should be hiding in the "Eye of the Demon World". What's more, Master Wuxiang is not the same as him.

If Uncle Wuxiang put the body of Master Miaodizi somewhere in the "Eye of the Demon Realm", he would not leave easily, at least he would not be at ease with Luo Qin, or at this time Uncle Wuxiang was obsessed with Luo Qin. The question of reading is unbelievable to anyone.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian went on to say: "Since the avatar of the Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin is eyeing me, it is of course something important. I guess he will not give up easily with his character. In a few days, I will say It is certain that his avatar will come to the door, but I didn't know it."

"Then I wonder how Yi Daoyou will respond then?" Du Tong asked, "What we do will definitely involve his true deity, so please treat this matter with caution."

Hearing this, Yitian twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "You should be worrying about the Mahayana period, since I promised to help you with this matter, I won't let it go easily. But this Luo Qin is indeed a very important person, so I also want to have a good communication with him, and speaking of it, I don’t think it would be a bad thing to have him involved.”

"Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Yi say that?" Dutong asked in bewilderment.

"At least it can show that he is not in an advantage or a favorable position after confronting Demon Saint Baotan at this time," Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "That's why he sent his clone to look for other opportunities, such as me The biggest variable can be seen at present.”

Hearing this, Dutong was also lost in thought, and when he turned around after ten breaths, his face showed a clear expression, and then he said: "Well, we can only take one step at a time, but I hope Fellow Daoist Yi can handle it properly. This matter, after all, the appearance of Luo Qin is not a trivial matter, it may cause a huge earthquake in the devil world."

"You can rest assured about this point, Fellow Daoist Dugu. I guess Luo Qin would not dare to reveal his identity easily. After all, besides the Demon Saint Baotan, there is also the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely sitting in the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "With his true self Even the strength of the Demon Saint can't suppress the demon saint, let alone let the avatar in the later stage of the fusion deal with Dugu Lonely."

After a while later, the two of them quietly separated, each went to an open space, closed their eyes and rested.

After waiting for about half a day, the ranking of the 'Fire Prison Sea of ​​Fire' finally came out.After the bell rang, all the contestants stood up and surrounded the hall.

Yan Lei, the Emperor Uncle of the Flame Prison who was sitting at the top, was holding a jade book in his hand at this moment, with a joyful smile on his face, and after looking at the people below, he said: "The result of this 'martial arts contest' has already come out." , A total of one hundred and eight candidates entered the 'sea of ​​flames', and 91 people came out."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone below showed different expressions on their faces. After all, it is not a small number to lose seventeen distracted monks in the "sea of ​​flames".Many of those present were close relatives and friends of these people. Naturally, their faces darkened when they heard Yan Lei's words, and their mouths were slightly sad.

Then I heard Yan Lei continue to say: "The results of the contestants this time have been drawn up, and they will be ranked according to the collected 'flame prison fire velvet essence'."

After speaking, he handed the jade book in his hand to the attendant at the side, and then the attendant opened his mouth and read out the rankings on the forecast from the back to the front.

The faces of the first 61 people who were read naturally showed a look of disappointment. Obviously, they did not come this time to marry the crown prince of the flame prison, but to compete for the place to enter the "devil abyss".

Those who are just outside the top [-] are considered eliminated. I am afraid that these people will have to wait for the next opportunity if they want to enter the abyss of the demon world.

Then I heard the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison interjected: "The next shortlisted candidates can come up to receive tokens, and then enter the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' at that time, you need to use this as a proof."

Hearing the faces of those whose names were not pronounced below were all excited, and the waiter yelled in a goose throat: "No. 30 monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, Mo Li."

After all, Yi Tian saw that Du Tong, who was not moving at all, suddenly got up and walked forward to get the first selected token under the eyes of everyone.Presumably, he was also afraid of being too outstanding, so he appeared with such a barely shortlisted result.To be honest, there should be no difference between No.1 and No.30 about entering the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.

Then the monks around him were called by their names one by one, and they stepped forward one after another to receive the token of selection.

It wasn't until the last four were left that Uncle Yan Prison opened his mouth and said: "Okay, please stay and enter the inner court to discuss the remaining four." After staying on the candidate for a while, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Slowly getting up, Yi Tian found that there were three other people who went together together, except for Dugu Canglang, there were a monk from the abyss demon tribe and a monk from the flame prison demon tribe respectively.

After glancing over, Yi Tian found that the flame prison demon cultivator was in the middle stage of distraction, and was older than himself, close to four thousand years old.Needless to say, this person should be inserted by Yan Lei or Concubine Yan.

As for the abyssal demon monk whose whole body exudes the unique sulfurous stench of the abyssal demons, his strength is as strong as in the late stage of distraction.What Yi Tian couldn't think of was that there would be such a powerful person in the Abyssal Demon Clan. I remember that the old Abyss Demon was always domineering and suppressed the clan. The rising stars of the entire Abyssal Demon Clan were suppressed by him. Damn, I didn't expect such a character to appear in the abyssal demon clan.

I saw that the other three of them also walked out of the queue and then looked at each other, as if they were in a lot of their own situations.The cultivator from the Flame Prison Demon Clan seemed to have been informed long ago, and after his divine sense passed over him, he ignored him, and instead focused all his attention on Dugu Canglang.

As for the abyss demon cultivator squinting at Dugu Canglang and the flame prison demon cultivator, his face was full of disdain.Then he turned his head and stared at himself, but he didn't think he wanted to turn around and followed.

The four of them followed Flame Prison Emperor Yan Lei, Concubine Yan and a group of people through the corridor of the main hall and arrived at a spacious back garden.This place has a radius of about a thousand feet, and someone has already built a ring of about two hundred feet here.

After Yan Lei took his seat, he only heard him say: "The four are the winners of this 'competition to recruit relatives', and they have come up to get the token first. Then there will be a competition according to the rules set this time, and the winner Only then can we welcome the Crown Prince of the Flame Prison."

After hearing this, Dugu Canglang's face showed eagerness to try, but when his eyes turned to the other three people around him, he became extremely serious again.Needless to say, these three people have now become his competitors, and it seems that he is the weakest. If he wants to win, he must at least beat two of them.

Yan Lei held the jade book in his hand and said: "No. 4 Heaven Demon Race Dugu Canglang, No. 3 Flame Prison Demon Race Yanhui, No. 2 Abyss Demon Race Gai Yunhe, No. 1 Loose Cultivation Alliance Yi Er. "

Dugu Canglang was obviously shocked when he heard the rankings in this class, thinking that he would set up checkpoints at the exit and collect 1% of the toll from each person. Unexpectedly, No. [-], who was full of confidence, became the fourth in the end.This is an unacceptable fact in terms of mood. On the contrary, if the other three can surpass him, if there is nothing tricky among them, he will not believe it.

It's just that now in the deep palace of the Flame Prison Dynasty, and the guards of the surrounding Heavenly Demon monks are not there, even if Dugu Canglang is full of dissatisfaction in his heart, he can't express it.

Seeing the scene like this, Yan Lei, the Emperor of Flame Prison, stretched out his hand and took out four Haina bottles and placed them in front of the four of them.Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the bottle cap of the Haina bottle and flew out, and the 'flame prison fire velvet essence' contained in it rushed out.

Yan Lei took advantage of the situation and cast a seal to cast a white forbidden light film on the four Haina bottles respectively, confining the 'flame prison fire velvet spirit' inside within a radius of one foot.

The four people could see that there were personal name marks on the four henna bottles, and the flying 'flame hell fire velvet spirits' could not hide from everyone's eyes.

Dugu Canglang looked like there were about thirty copies in the Haina bottle, obviously much less than the other three.As for Yitian Institute, which ranked first, it has collected nearly 200 copies, which is more than the sum of the next three people.

I believe that Yan Lei, the emperor of Yan Prison, also wants to convince Dugu Canglang, so he will definitely not do anything about it.It's just that he didn't expect that he would collect so many in one go.

Shaoqing Yanlei made another move to drive these 'flame prison fire velvet spirits' back to the Haina bottle, and then put them away before saying: "Such four, do you still have any objections to the ranking?"

As soon as Dugu Canglang said this, he naturally didn't dare to speak out again, after all the facts were in front of him and he couldn't allow him to object.

Then Yan Lei, the Uncle of the Flame Prison, said again: "Okay, since the ranking is determined, then I will talk about the final competition rules. First, No. 4 will start the challenge. If you win, you can continue to find the next one." , until the final victory. If you lose, then the winner will continue to challenge, that is to say, No.4 has to win three games, No.3 has to win two games in addition to accepting one challenge, and so on.”

Hearing Dugu Canglang's face turn pale, such a rule is obviously extremely unfavorable to him, but just as he was about to make a complaint, he heard Yan Lei scold him: "This rule is the rule of my flame prison demon clan thousand The rules of royal competition that have been established for hundreds of years have never been changed. The other six races in the demon world are also aware of it, and I believe that everyone present will not be able to challenge the majesty of the royal family."

One sentence blocked Dugu Canglang's intention to defend, but Yi Tian sighed and secretly said: "I'm afraid this kind of rule is only made for Dugu Canglang this time." '

(End of this chapter)

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